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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 844

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  “Kill the people of the Righteous Alliance!”

  Battle cries rang out from the base of the mountain.

  In these few moments, the Black Yin Sect experts had reached the foot of the mountain.

  “Watch out! Have twenty sword formations stop the Black Yin Sect disciples at the foot of the mountain!”

  A sharp cry rang out, and Wang Chong was shocked to see Song Youran taking command over the Righteous Alliance disciples.

  Boomboom! Furious roars could be heard as the Righteous Alliance disciples hastily turned to battle with the Black Yin Sect disciples at the foot of the mountain.

  With a heaven-shaking boom, floods of white and black collided. As the two forces met, the battle immediately reached a white-hot intensity.

  Plushplushplush! Blades plunged into flesh, and before some of the Righteous Alliance disciples could even react, they dropped to the ground, their bodies run through.

  Upon seeing this, the people on the mountain instantly paled.

  “Hurry and inform the alliance lord and our martial uncles! Only if they come back can we possibly deal with the Black Yin Ancestor.”

  Song Youran’s lips were trembling, but she remained calm. The current situation was extremely unfavorable to the Righteous Alliance.

  The alliance lord was absent, as well as eighty percent of the alliance’s forces. They had gone in search of the Origin Immortal Palace and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  The Black Yin Ancestor had chosen to attack at a moment when the Righteous Alliance was at its weakest, and the Black Yin Ancestor was a major figurehead of the evil path, so powerful that no one present was capable of stopping him.

  When it rained, it poured, and there would soon be something that made Song Youran even more worried. Boom! The massive black Qilin suddenly plummeted from the sky and smashed into the summit in a cloud of dust.

  “Martial Uncle!”

  Song Youran paled, but this was still not the end. With a dreadful roar, the black dragon plunged down and slammed into the Righteous Alliance sword formations. Aaaaah! Screams tore through the air as the sword formations began to collapse.


  With sharp cries, the Righteous Alliance experts got into sword formations and began to attack the Black Yin Ancestor on the summit.

  Song Youran discovered that Wang Chong was behind her and anxiously called out, “Young Master Qingyang, get back!”

  Rumble! As explosions rang out in the air, shockwaves of energy swept out ten-some meters. Song Youran and the others were too weak to stand against these shockwaves, so they immediately fell back, Wang Chong going with them.

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s strength was not to be underestimated, and Wang Chong felt as if his Stellar Energy was as sturdy as steel. One who was capable of refining their energy to this level had to be at a simply absurd level of power. In terms of opponents, the Black Yin Ancestor undoubtedly belonged to the most troublesome and vexatious sort.


  The Black Yin Sect experts roared as they worked together with the Black Yin Ancestor and the two Black Yin Sect Protectors to press their advantage against the Righteous Alliance.

  Screams rang out as one Righteous Alliance disciple after another fell into pools of blood.

  The Black Yin Sect had come well-prepared, and the Righteous Alliance was suffering massive losses.

  As the numerous Righteous Alliance disciples were caught off guard and cut down like weeds, their gurgling blood flowed down the slopes and dyed the entire world red.

  “No matter what, we have to stop them!”

  As one Righteous Alliance disciple fell after another, Song Youran’s pale face slowly became more determined.

  “Song Jue, hurry and take Young Master Qingyang away from here!” Song Youran suddenly said. The blustery winds caused her black hair to dance in the wind.

  “But what about you, Senior Sister?” Song Jue asked.

  Clang! The cry of a sword came in response, and then Song Youran activated her movement technique and rushed toward where the battle was fiercest.

  Halfway up the mountain, the two Black Yin Sect Protectors were continuing to kill their way through the Righteous Alliance, destroying one sword formation after another. They had already succeeded in breaking thirty percent of the Righteous Alliance’s sword formations while also preventing the Righteous Alliance from committing its full attention to the main battle. The threat they posed was far greater than that of the Black Yin Sect experts at the base of the mountain.

  “Senior Sister, that’s too dangerous!”

  Song Jue had never expected Song Youran to attack the two powerful and dangerous Black Yin Sect Protectors.

  The difference in strength was far too vast. Song Youran’s attack was utterly suicidal!

  “There’s no time! Who knows when our martial uncles will return? If we don’t stop them now, all the members of the Righteous Alliance will be killed.”

  Song Youran clenched her teeth and plunged into the battle, joining the other Righteous Alliance experts in attacking the two Black Yin Sect Protectors.

  Swish! Wicked bolts of Sword Qi cut through the air.

  The same Demon Ghost Art was many times stronger in the hands of the two Black Yin Sect Protectors.

  Bang! A Righteous Alliance expert, unable to dodge in time, was struck by one of the sinister claws. His clothes were torn to shreds, his chest caved in, and his body was sent flying like a ragdoll.

  Plush! Song Youran had barely entered the battle when a bolt of energy flitted past her, tearing open a large and bloody wound on her left shoulder. Blood flowed, but Song Youran only clenched her teeth, refusing to back down.

  “Crane Flight!”

  Song Youran raised her sword and immediately used the renowned ‘Crane Flight’ of the martial arts world.

  This art was made specifically for women, and it required a sword to be used. Using it, the cultivator would become much faster and her body would become as light as a crane’s. Moreover, the sword would begin to spin at high speeds, imbuing it with incredible damaging power that could easily tear through the Stellar Energy of a martial artist.

  Song Youran was not strong enough to use this art as she pleased, but she could no longer care about such things.

  In the distance, a Black Yin Sect Protector had transformed into a demon more than twenty feet tall, his entire body cloaked in black energy as he fought and killed the Righteous Alliance experts who were attacking him from all angles.


  Song Youran thrust her sword at the giant Black Yin Sect Protector. Boomboomboom! One wave of destructive and sinister energy after another rumbled toward the surrounding Righteous Alliance experts, including Song Youran.

  The air shrieked as Song Youran felt an intense sense of danger well up in her heart.

  Black General Impermanence!

  A hint of despair appeared in Song Youran’s mind. The Black Yin Sect had two powerful experts, Black General Impermanence and White General Impermanence, together known as the Twin Evils of Impermanence. The two of them had killed countless martial artists of the righteous path, and their cultivation levels were far too high. She was simply no match for them.

  “Step on the Qian position!”

  Song Youran clenched her teeth and stepped forward.

  “To the Li position!”

  A moment later, Song Youran lunged diagonally forward, dodging a lethal blow from Black General Impermanence by a hair.

  “Dancing Willow Catkin!”

  Song Youran thrust her sword forward, almost instinctively using the move Wang Chong had instructed her to use against Wei Changting.

  Swish! A beam of Sword Qi shot forward, followed by a ripping sound. Song Youran’s attack had not struck Black General Impermanence, but it had managed to make a tear in his robes.

  This attack had come so suddenly that even Black General Impermanence was startled.

��Repulsive girl, you’re seeking death!”

  With a stern shout, two sharp and furious eyes within the roiling black cloud suddenly locked onto Song Youran.

  Song Youran panicked, her composed demeanor finally collapsing.

  Chapter 1344 - Surprise!

  Chapter 1344: Surprise!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Foolish girl—are techniques supposed to be used this way?

  In the back, seeing Song Youran completely copying his instructions from before, Wang Chong didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. Not even he had expected that Song Youran would use the technique he had taught her against the Black Yin Sect Protector, who was many times stronger than Wei Changting.

  As Song Youran was about to die to Black General Impermanence, Wang Chong suddenly called out, “Step on the Kun position and go to the Zhen position!”

  Bzzz! While Song Youran’s mind was still thinking, her body was already moving. Song Youran suddenly stepped back, slightly off to the side. Boom! There was a heaven-shaking explosion as destructive black Stellar Energy hurtled through the air and landed only a few inches in front of Song Youran. Kacrack! A rock that was half the size of an adult man was obliterated.

  All this happened so suddenly that, let alone Song Youran, even Black General Impermanence was shocked and dumbfounded.

  “How could a little girl like this be so powerful!”

  Black General Impermanence was both shocked and infuriated, his eyes brimming with disbelief. Without the slightest hesitation, he had his dantian explode with Stellar Energy, sending a surge of evil energy shrieking into his right arm which he thrust at Song Youran.

  Wang Chong spoke again. “Profound Sun Seals the Heavens!”

  Song Youran raised her sword and somersaulted through the air, once more narrowly dodging the attack. Not only that, as Song Youran’s sword swept out, it almost cut off the arm of Black General Impermanence. He immediately paled and shot backward, at the same time punching forward, sending a powerful wave of energy at Song Youran.

  “Crane Form!”

  Wang Chong mentioned the name of a technique that he had not previously mentioned.

  The Stellar Energy in Song Youran’s body erupted, and a crane sharply cried out. The surrounding spiritual energy converged, transforming into a lifelike and enormous red-crowned crane which descended and fused with Song Youran. A moment later, with another sharp crane cry, Song Youran’s sword seemed to come alive, turning into a thick beam of Sword Qi that shot at Black General Impermanence.


  As the sword flew forward, the air resounded with the cries of cranes, and countless small cranes manifested in the air.


  Black General Impermanence had no time to think, only hastily fire off another punch. Roiling black energy collided with dazzling white light. When the light faded and the Stellar Energy calmed down, all the shocked Righteous Alliance disciples could see that the sword had pinned itself downward through Black General Impermanence’s left shoulder. The tip of the sword emerged out of Black General Impermanence’s back, as the sword was so deeply immersed that only the hilt had been left protruding on the other side.

  Although this attack had not killed Black General Impermanence, it had heavily wounded him.

  “This is impossible!” The first to cry out was not the wide-eyed Black General Impermanence, but the doer of this deed, Song Youran.

  The Crane Form was one of the strongest techniques of the Crane Flight Art. The most unique trait of this technique was its ability to gather the spiritual energy from one’s surroundings and fuse it with one’s Stellar Energy to create a strike that was far above one’s own level. But Song Youran was well aware that this attack was only possible when the concentration of spiritual energy in the area had reached a certain level, and this requirement was extremely strict. She had practiced this art for a long time, but she had never once succeeded in using this technique.

  “Foul girl, I’ll kill you!”

  Black General Impermanence’s eyes were wide in shock, but he quickly came back to his senses and lunged at Song Youran. As a famed individual of the world of sects, and one of the two Protectors of the Black Yin Sect, he could never tolerate a loss to a girl who was weaker than him.

  “Stop him!”

  The Righteous Alliance experts were also stunned, but they also came back to their senses and lunged at Black General Impermanence.


  At this moment, Song Youran chose to retreat back to Wang Chong’s side.

  “Young Master Qingyang, how did you know the techniques of our Crane Flight Art?” Song Youran asked in disbelief to Wang Chong, who seemed so relaxed that it felt like he was just taking a stroll through this chaotic battlefield. The Crane Flight Art was a top-class secret, but it seemed like Wang Chong understood the Crane Flight Art more than she did. This was simply unbelievable.

  “Haha, did you forget? I’m Young Master Qingyang!” Wang Chong faintly smiled as he voiced an unimpeachable excuse.


  At this moment, a massive explosion came from the summit, followed by a heaven-shaking roar. Countless experts of the Righteous Alliance were thrown from the summit like ragdolls. At this moment, an extremely old and panicked voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

  “All disciples, hear my order! Retreat!”

  It was the voice of Elder Ouyang!

  After fiercely battling with the Black Yin Ancestor for so long, Ouyang Changheng was finally unable to go on. On the summit, the black Qilin’s luster had faded and it seemed in terrible shape. Song Youran instantly paled, her breathing almost stopping.

  Ouyang Changheng was the strongest expert left behind at the Righteous Alliance base and was one of the alliance’s top-class experts. Most importantly, the Black Yin Ancestor was extremely bloodthirsty and cruel. Once he settled on a goal, he would endlessly pursue it, even chasing it down for a thousand li to succeed. If they retreated, the several hundred Righteous Alliance disciples currently at the base would immediately suffer gruesome losses.

  Elder Ouyang naturally understood this. It was obvious that this battle with the Black Yin Ancestor was going so poorly that he now felt compelled to retreat.

  As Song Youran was still trying to digest this order, it was having a domino effect on the Righteous Alliance disciples and panic was rapidly spreading through the ranks.

  They were already barely managing against the Black Yin Sect experts, and now that they were panicking because of Elder Ouyang’s order, they were suffering defeat after defeat.

  “Kekeke, the old ancestor is mighty and strong! That old man Ouyang is about to break!”

  “Everyone, redouble your efforts! Leave not one member of the Righteous Alliance alive!”


  The Black Yin Sect experts at the foot of the mountain were greatly encouraged by this sight and struck while the iron was hot, charging at the Righteous Alliance disciples. Aaaaah! Sharp screams rang out through the air as more and more Righteous Alliance experts were cut down like weeds. If one looked down from the summit, one would see a land covered in corpses.


  In the chaos of this battle, no one noticed someone making their way through the crowd. When this person was only seven or eight paces from Wang Chong, a bolt of black energy suddenly erupted toward Wang Chong. Everyone was completely caught by surprise, except for Wang Chong.

  “Heh, Wei Changting!”

  Wang Chong stood with his hands behind his back, a look of derision on his face. Although his strength had dropped, he could still easily deal with one Wei Changting. Bzzz! Summoning his Stellar Energy, Wang Chong brought his middle and index finger up and prepared to fire.

  “A clown’s tricks!”

  He truly had little regard for such petty tricks.

  But a moment later, Wang Chong was left dumbfounded.


  A figure
suddenly shot in front of him. Plush! Song Youran was pierced through the shoulder by Wei Changting’s Sword Qi, and dropped to the ground, blood gushing from the wound.

  “Song Youran!”

  In the crowd, Wei Changting had also not expected his attack to be blocked by Song Youran.

  “Young Lady!”


  The surrounding Righteous Alliance experts saw what was going on and madly charged at Wei Changting.

  Even though Wei Changting was astoundingly talented and hailed as one of the rising stars of the evil path, he was still caught off guard and pushed back.

  This idiot girl…

  Wang Chong stared in a daze at Song Youran, a complicated mixture of emotions in his eyes. With his strength, he had been completely capable of stopping Wei Changting’s attack, so he had never once harbored the notion that Song Youran would be willing to block the attack for him.

  Wang Chong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, some strange mixture of surprise and affection.

  He had originally intended to just play around in the Righteous Alliance for a while, but Wang Chong now sensed that he could no longer remain so aloof.

  “Miss Song, there was really no need for you to save me.”

  Wang Chong helped Song Youran up and fed her a wound-healing pill.

  Cough. “Young Master, what are you saying? I was the one who got you caught up in this battle, so it’s my duty to take care of you. Moreover, Young Master already saved my life once. How could I let you be injured?”

  Song Youran softly coughed, her aura somewhat weak.

  “Young Master, you should hurry and leave. If you don’t go soon, you might never be able to leave!”

  Song Youran’s voice was tinged with concern. All the martial arts world knew that Young Master Qingyang was not a powerful martial artist. Given the way the Black Yin Ancestor usually did things, if Young Master Qingyang remained here, his fate was sealed.

  Wang Chong fell silent. Song Youran clearly still regarded him as some Young Master Qingyang.

  Just treat this as me returning a favor!

  Wang Chong took in a deep breath and turned to the chaotic battlefield, where the Righteous Alliance disciples were being constantly slain and pushed back.


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