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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 925

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The Five Ancestor Alliance got along with the Demonic Emperor like fire and water, and the Black Yin Ancestor had tried several times to entrap his disciple.

  But at this time, Wang Chong had decided to help them. This left the three elders rather confused and uncomfortable.

  Yet their bodies instinctively executed Wang Chong’s plan.


  A few moments later, the battle had suddenly turned.

  With the three of them executing Wang Chong’s orders, they had not only managed to block the dreadful blows of the third bamboo hat man, but even managed to force him into a perilous situation.

  The greatest advantage of the third bamboo hat man was his Greater Void Step. Once it was countered, his threat level plunged.

  “Xun position, ten feet and six inches, Mountain Sunder!” Wang Chong once more shouted an order, and with the flash of a saber and the ripping of cloth, blood gushed out of the third bamboo hat man’s shoulder. He instantly paled and flew backward.

  “Bastard! Since you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish!”

  The bamboo hat man turned and glared at Wang Chong, a nasty scowl on his face.

  Wang Chong had the Five Ancestor Alliance elders use the simplest and most fundamental techniques, not any special technique of the Five Ancestor Alliance, so the elders had little difficulty in using them.

  If Wang Chong continued to shout orders, let alone killing the elders, the bamboo hat man would find it hard to even preserve his life.


  With a fierce light in his eyes, the third bamboo hat man stared at Wang Chong for a few seconds, and then he vanished.

  Although nothing could be seen in the shadows, Wang Chong could already sense an immense energy, crazed and vicious, rapidly approaching.

  “You’ve taken the bait!”

  A satisfied smile appeared on Wang Chong’s lips.


  When the bamboo hat man was only six or seven feet away, Wang Chong flung all his Psychic Energy into the man’s mind like a sharp sword.

  This tangible Psychic Energy slamming into his mind was as effective as if it had been an actual dagger.

  The bamboo hat man immediately saw stars.

  He had been preparing to use his greatest skill to instantly kill Wang Chong, but Wang Chong’s constant interference had so infuriated him that he decided to change plans.

  He shook his wrist, and a black and wicked saber wrapped in a tsunami of Stellar Energy exploded out of his hand.

  The saber moved as quickly as a lightning bolt, rapidly approaching Wang Chong. His eyes narrowed as his entire being focused on the saber.

  Three, two, one…

  Wang Chong counted down, and when he reached ‘one’, he roared, “Lone Silence Ancestor, now is the moment!”

  Without another word, Wang Chong used the Void Movement Technique and moved to the left.

  Stellar Energy erupted from the bottom of his feet, traveling through the ground to the passage behind him, where it knocked over the Four Ends Martial Lord’s corpse.


  A moment later, the lightning-fast saber thrown by the third bamboo hat man brushed past Wang Chong and flew into the green mist.

  There was a thunderous explosion, and then golden light burst out of the mist. A massive golden compass, dazzling and magnificent, suddenly appeared and blocked that stunning strike.

  Upon seeing the golden compass, the third bamboo hat man instantly paled, an unprecedented sense of danger engulfing him.


  An imposing figure seething with boundless energy charged out of the cave at an absurd level of speed.

  However, it had flown only a few feet out of the passage when it suddenly stopped as if hitting an invisible barrier. But even though the body had stopped, that person’s attack continued onward.

  A dreadful energy that seemed countless times hotter than the flames of the sun erupted forward and slammed into the third bamboo hat man.

  The attack had caused the energy that had initially been locked onto Wang Chong to shift toward the third bamboo hat man.


  The sudden appearance of the sixth-generation successor of the Origin Immortal Art immediately threw the cave into an uproar.

  Only Wang Chong remained unmoved.

  He had been staring at the passage this entire time. The moment the sixth successor emerged, leaving a gap of around six feet, Wang Chong felt his heart thumping in excitement.

  “Now is the moment!”

  His Stellar Energy rumbling, Wang Chong used his Void Movement Technique to shoot through the gap of six feet and fly into the passage.

  As he rushed in, Wang Chong saw out of the corner of his eye a golden beam of light emerging behind the sixth successor, shooting straight into the ceiling of the cave.

  A skyscraping golden pavilion emerged within the pillar of light, grandiose and majestic.

  With his brief glance, Wang Chong could make out twelve floors to this pavilion, and each pavilion possessed a different kind of energy. Overall, the pavilion gave off a very strange feeling.

  It was like each of those floors existed in a different dimension.

  Even though he had already lived two lives, he had never before seen such a bizarre art.

  “The Trayastrimsa Heaven!” came a cry of alarm from the Lone Silence Ancestor, who had charged into the passage with him. He seemingly recognized what this was.

  Chapter 1485 - Ancient Underground Palace!

  Chapter 1485: Ancient Underground Palace!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Hurry! They’ll be coming this way soon!” Wang Chong whispered. He looked away from the sixth-generation walking corpse and charged ahead.

  The man with the three-eyed deer mask already had complete control over the battlefield. Although Wang Chong had used the sixth-generation successor to hold down the third bamboo hat man, the bamboo hat man would come after them as soon as he got the chance.

  Both of those combatants were hostile to Wang Chong, and once they began to chase him down, his current condition meant that he was doomed. His only hope of survival was charging forward, using this chance to increase the distance between him and the masked man and sixth-generation successor. This would buy him a chance to breathe.

  The best outcome was finding the Origin Immortal Art so that he could quickly leave.

  Wind rushed past him while thick green smoke blanketed his surroundings.

  Gradually, as he pressed forward, Wang Chong began to sense that something was wrong.

  This cave seemed to be different from all the other caves. Rather than crude stone, the ground beneath his feet was made from sturdy bricks.

  And the walls on both sides were no longer ordinary stone, but metal. And amidst the green mist, Wang Chong actually smelled the faint scent… of sandalwood!

  The Lone Silence Ancestor had also vanished at some point, and even though Wang Chong had sent out his Psychic Energy, he couldn’t sense his location.

  Forget it! I have to find the exit quickly! Wang Chong said to himself as he focused.

  As countless thoughts passed through his mind, the metal walls, green smoke, and the scent of sandalwood made Wang Chong realize something.

  A few moments later, Wang Chong verified his theory.


  After traveling several thousand meters along the passage, he finally stopped in front of a long set of bronze steps leading downward.

  An underground palace!

  Wang Chong gazed at the immense space before him.

  This was a massive ancient palace, and within this palace stood enormous mountain-shaped incense burners from which green smoke poured out. The sandalwood scent Wang Chong had smelled was coming from these incense burners.

  In the center of the palace, atop yet another high set of stairs, was a series of enormous dragon pillars.

  These pillars were not carved
from wood, but cast from copper.

  “What sort of place is this?” Wang Chong muttered to himself, a strange feeling coming over him.

  After traveling through these complicated caves, he found it very bizarre to see this ancient underground palace that seemed to come from another era.

  And the palace before him was completely empty. Even so, he did not dare to be careless.

  Wang Chong remembered the Lone Silence Ancestor saying that there were six generations of successors.

  The safer the place seemed, the warier Wang Chong became.


  As he was inspecting the empty palace, he grimaced. A moment later, a sharp pain came from his dantian.

  “Another flare-up! They’re coming faster and faster! If I don’t find the Origin Immortal Art soon to pacify my Stellar Energy, my body will fall into even greater disarray.”

  Wang Chong held a hand over his belly, his entire body trembling and his young face twisted in pain.

  Cold beads of sweat trickled down from his forehead. At this moment, he felt like a palm had reached into his body and was twisting at his meridians, inflicting excruciating pain upon him.

  Wang Chong closed his eyes and began to shift around his Stellar Energy. Slowly, he managed to pacify the unruly streams.

  Finally, the heart-piercing pain began to fade.

  I have to get out of here and find the Origin Immortal Art! Wang Chong said to himself, raising his head.


  A rush of air came from behind him, accompanied by noisy footsteps.

  “Hurry! Don’t let the brat get away!”

  “We have to find him!”

  “What a cunning Child of Destruction!”

  The angry voices mixed with the footsteps told him that the men in black were coming.

  Wang Chong’s face grimaced in recognition.

  The sixth-generation successor had been incredibly powerful, with the Four Ends Martial Lord not even able to endure a single palm of his, but not even he had been able to stop the men in black.

  Wang Chong was in an extremely weak state. If he encountered the men in black now, he was essentially finished.

  With no time to think, Wang Chong took in a deep breath, hardened his resolve, and headed into the palace.

  Whoosh! Wang Chong crossed three hundred feet in a single leap, entering the main plaza.

  The green smoke and sandalwood scent were even thicker here.


  As Wang Chong stepped onto the cold stone bricks of the palace, there was a soft crack. The startled Wang Chong immediately stopped.

  But not only did the cracking not stop, it intensified.


  Paling, Wang Chong looked up toward the source of the noise.

  On the other side of the palace, atop the other set of bronze steps, was a copper pillar ten feet high and so wide that two people would be needed to fully wrap around it. Atop this pillar stood a statue.

  The statue was brown in color, and Wang Chong had initially taken it to be an ordinary statue. But now, he understood that it was not as simple as it seemed.

  Pop! Crack! Thin cracks spread across the surface of the statue, and a second later, it exploded, revealing a ghastly white figure beneath.

  This man similarly wore an ancient robe, one in the style of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. His body was permeated with the aura of death.

  The fifth-generation successor!

  Wang Chong instantly recalled the sixth-generation successor he had earlier encountered.

  These two had identical auras, but this person seemed to be even older.


  The fifth-generation successor on the pillar opened his eyes, which were similarly vacant and lifeless. As the eyes opened, Wang Chong felt an immense danger.

  This danger was like that of an enormous tsunami that threatened to crush the breath out of his body.

  Bzzz! A vast and terrifying energy far greater than that of the sixth-generation successor exploded from the top of the copper pillar, enveloping the entire palace like a storm.

  For a moment, the world itself seemed to be robbed of its luster.


  Wang Chong could instantly smell the pungent scent of death. The earlier the successor, the stronger they were, and this fifth-generation successor was so strong that a single palm would be enough to end Wang Chong’s life.

  The noises behind him were getting closer and closer. The bamboo hat man had clearly brought some subordinates with him.

  These people were now extremely close to his location.

  The fifth successor was rapidly awakening while the men in black were getting closer and closer. The air seemed to freeze from the tension, and Wang Chong could hear his heart madly beating.

  Once the bamboo hat man and his subordinates arrived and the fifth-generation successor locked onto him, he would be dead.

  Wang Chong felt like he could hear the passing of the seconds, each beat of his heart seeming to herald his imminent death.

  Although Wang Chong tried his best to keep calm and think of a solution, the cold sweat pouring out of his forehead betrayed his true state.

  The air was only growing more fraught with tension, and time had slowed to a crawl.

  “Young Master Wang, over here!”

  Suddenly, in the middle of this perilous situation, a familiar voice called out to him.

  “Here, over here!”

  This anxious voice was actually coming from not far behind Wang Chong, from under the ground.


  A massive mountain-shaped incense burner to Wang Chong’s right trembled as it shifted, revealing a round hole.

  It was pitch-black inside the hole, but Wang Chong saw an arm emerge from it and wave at him.

  The Lone Silence Ancestor!

  Wang Chong felt an indescribable shock when he saw the arm.

  He had entered the passage together with the Lone Silence Ancestor and had even been moving faster, but for some reason, the Lone Silence Ancestor had managed to get here before him and had appeared in a very strange spot.

  “Hurry! He can’t have gotten far!”

  The furious roars of the men in black came from behind him.

  With no time to think, Wang Chong jumped into the hole beneath the incense burner.

  As he entered, he pulled with his right hand, causing the heavy incense burner to move back and seal the hole.

  “Don’t move!” The Lone Silence Ancestor spoke in an extremely grave tone.

  Wang Chong said nothing. He came to a stop next to the Lone Silence Ancestor and sealed off all his pores, retracting as much of his aura as possible.

  The two of them had not left the range of the fifth successor, and hiding underneath the burner was not enough for them to escape this walking corpse.

  But Wang Chong understood what the Lone Silence Ancestor was up to.

  In a rush of footsteps and a flash of light, several figures barged into the underground palace. Their leader was the bamboo hat man who Wang Chong had earlier provoked.

  Behind him were half–Lu Wus and Black Flame Asuras, a large crowd of them.

  As they shot out of the passage and landed on the steps, they spotted the awakened fifth-generation successor, whose lifeless eyes quickly locked onto them.

  At this moment, the men in black were like a blazing wildfire, their uncontrolled energy concealing Wang Chong and the Lone Silence Ancestor, and drawing the attention of the fifth-generation successor.

  Chapter 1486 - The Lone Silence Ancestor’s Secret!

  Chapter 1486: The Lone Silence Ancestor’s Secret!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Not good!”

  The bamboo hat man met eyes with the fifth-generation successor and immediately felt his heart sink.


  That ghastly successor crossed several dozen feet with a single leap, appearing like a ghost in front of
the third bamboo hat man.

  With a single palm, a golden wave of light swept toward the men in black.

  Behind the successor, in a dazzling golden light, an ancient pavilion emerged and began to soar into the skies.

  But for the fifth-generation successor, the pavilion had sixteen floors, each of them exuding a shocking energy.

  “Now is the time! Let’s go!”

  As the men in black began a battle with the fifth-generation successor, the Lone Silence Ancestor suddenly moved, silently jumping away.

  Startled, Wang Chong sent his Psychic Energy down and quickly discovered a deep passage, from which he could hear the faint gurgling of water. At that moment, Wang Chong understood.

  He jumped, descending right behind the Lone Silence Ancestor.

  As expected, an underground river!

  The sight of the flowing water beneath caused Wang Chong’s eyes to gleam and a smile to appear on his lips.

  Wang Chong had already heard from the Lone Silence Ancestor that there was an underground river in this place, and the Lone Silence Ancestor was an expert when it came to controlling water. After entering the passage, he had clearly entered the underground river and stealthily made his way here.


  As the underground river got closer and closer, Wang Chong tensed his body and plunged into the waters.

  A chilly sensation instantly began to bore into his bones. This river was much colder than he had imagined. Strangely, when he entered the water, he did not create any splash or ripple.

  The waters of the river softly wrapped around him like seaweed, as if this river and Wang Chong had always been one.

  The Lone Silence Ancestor’s control of water truly is formidable! Wang Chong quietly said to himself.

  He had such a powerful control over water that he could nullify any splash even after falling from such a great height. Probably only the Lone Silence Ancestor was capable of such a feat.

  After all, this was someone who could control the weather and summon a downpour. Controlling an underground river was no problem at all.

  “Let’s go!” A stream of Psychic Energy entered Wang Chong’s mind, carrying with it the Lone Silence Ancestor’s voice. “The battle up there might end at any time, and if we don’t leave now, we’ll earn their attention. Moreover, we’re still in the area guarded by the fifth-generation successor. We can’t remain here for long. Follow me!” As he swam through the cold waters, he waved a hand at Wang Chong.


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