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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1058

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  He heard two gasps behind him, which took him by surprise, but he quickly understood what was happening.

  “Relax! It will be fine!” Wang Chong soothed.

  “I’m just worried that if the First Prince tries the same move of attrition…”

  Bai Siling didn’t continue.

  As a member of the deeply-entrenched and flourishing Bai Clan, Bai Siling knew some secrets about the court. The First Prince was currently ascendant, and it seemed that if it allowed him to seize control of the Imperial Army, he would be willing to use the same attrition strategy as in the first round.

  “Relax! It will be much harder for the Eastern Palace to do something in the second round than in the first,” Wang Chong said, the persuasiveness in his voice calming Bai Siling down.

  “Only six groups are participating in the Marshal advancement competition, and the rules were made during a previous reign and are extremely fair. Not even the First Prince can play any tricks here. One can only rely on one’s own strength to get through this round.”


  Bai Siling was still worried, and as she stood on the same side as Wang Chong, she couldn’t help but worry about him.

  “According to the rules of the contest, three losses means elimination while three victories means advancement. As long as Zhao Fengchen can win three times, then he can ignore any tricks the First Prince tries to play.”

  Wang Chong looked ahead, a profound light in his eyes.

  Wang Chong was extremely powerful now, and through the world of energy and the True World, he could see that only those two Marshals the First Prince had planted in the Imperial Army could truly threaten Zhao Fengchen.

  Wang Chong looked away from the drilling ground. He was far more concerned about the three Grand Marshals.

  Wang Chong turned to Li Lin and said, “Uncle-in-law, there’s something I need you to do for me.”

  There were many onlookers on the drilling ground, so Wang Chong whispered into Li Lin’s ear. A few moments later, Li Lin nodded and left.

  The First Prince had deliberately sealed any news on the three Grand Marshals, and it would be difficult for Zhang Que alone to find anything. He would need to borrow the strength of other people in the palace.


  Some time later, a messenger bird flew into the drilling ground, and Li Lin came back with a letter.

  “News from Yuzhen Palace. It took some time to obtain,” Li Lin said.

  Wang Chong nodded and opened the letter. Unexpectedly, the letter had only six words, and these words immediately made Wang Chong’s pupils constrict and his face pale.


  At this time, thunderous cheers came from the crowd, drawing Wang Chong’s attention away.

  Wang Chong turned and saw Zhao Fengchen in the center of the drilling ground, unhorsed Imperial Army cavalry all around him. Across from him was a pale-faced Imperial Army Marshal who was standing on the ground.

  According to the rules of the contest, anyone who had been unhorsed had lost.

  Zhao Fengchen had won so easily that the clan scions around the drilling ground stared at him with reverent eyes that burned with enthusiasm. Zhao Fengchen’s legendary feats in the Battle of Talas and his domineering strength had clearly made him an idol of these clan scions.

  “Which match is this?” Wang Chong said.

  “This is the second.”

  Bai Siling rolled her eyes at Wang Chong. She truly didn’t know what this fellow was thinking. Despite being a spectator, he seemed focused on something else entirely.

  Wang Chong did not explain, and meanwhile, the next match began.

  “Next match! Duan Zhuyan, Zheng Wuyu!”

  A few moments later, there was a terrific boom as Duan Zhuyan’s five hundred cavalry easily defeated Zheng Wuyu. Even though each of the Marshals was powerful, it was obvious that Duan Zhuyan was one of the strongest.

  Everything was basically as Wang Chong had expected. Amongst the six Marshals, Zhao Fengchen and the commanders of the Feather Forest Army and Imperial Forest Army were much stronger than the rest.

  “One of the Marshals has already been eliminated,” Li Lin suddenly said, his eyes looking to a corner of the drilling ground where Huang Xiaotian, Marshal of the Soaring Dragon Army, was glumly leading his forces away.

  According to the rules of the competition, anyone who lost three matches lost the right to participate, but presumably, Huang Xiaotian had not imagined that he would be eliminated so quickly.

  “If someone has been eliminated, it means that two people won two matches in a row,” Wang Chong said after some thought. One of the people capable of this feat was Zhao Fengchen, and the other was obviously Duan Zhuyan.

  The competition continued. The rules stated that each Marshal needed to fight every other Marshal, and soon, another Marshal left the field in dismay.

  Only four Marshals were left: Zhao Fengchen, the First Prince’s two plants, and one last Marshal.

  A few moments later, a eunuch announced in his shrill voice that it was time for Zhao Fengchen’s third match.

  The winds howled as Zhao Fengchen led his five hundred Xuanwu Army troops onto the field, and the air grew tense. Even Wang Chong focused all his attention onto the drilling ground.

  “Lord Zhao has a high chance of getting Duan Zhuyan or the Eastern Palace’s other man. It’s hard to say just who is the stronger one,” Li Lin commented.

  In the previous round, Zhao Fengchen had not had a chance to interact with those two Marshals. Now was the time for the true test.

  While Zhao Fengchen had been honed in blood and fire, and even had Wang Chong’s instruction, Duan Zhuyan was one of the Eastern Palace’s trump cards and could not be considered weak. And besides, they also had the Army-Shattering War God backing them.

  This was a battle of tigers, and no one could say who was stronger until the fight was over.

  Everything would be fine if Zhao Fengchen won, but if he lost… no, Zhao Fengchen could not lose!

  Everyone waited with bated breath to hear his opponent.

  “…Li Zhongyan!” the eunuch finally announced. “The two of you, prepare for combat!”

  “Li Zhongyan? It’s not Duan Zhuyan, and it’s not the Eastern Palace’s other man!”

  Even Wang Chong was taken aback by this result.

  “Wonderful! Lord is going to win!”

  Bai Siling patted Wang Chong on the shoulder in delight, her eyes squinting in little crescent moons. If it had been either of the other two, the outcome would truly have been hard to predict, but there was little suspense in a match with Li Zhongyan.

  Given Zhao Fengchen’s ability, it was basically the same as announcing that Zhao Fengchen would advance. Wang Chong was clearly not the only one who understood this. Zhao Fengchen’s fans in the crowd began to excitedly cry out.

  “Third Uncle!

  “Third Uncle!”

  One girl’s excited cries stood out from the rest, belonging to a youthful woman of twenty-eight wearing a yellow dress. Her small face was red as she cried out more enthusiastically for Zhao Fengchen than the young men.

  Wang Chong creased his brow and asked in surprise, “Who is that?”

  “You don’t even know her?”

  Bai Siling glanced at Wang Chong.

  “That’s Zhao Fengchen’s niece, Zhao Miqiu. Zhao Miqiu’s father died in battle when she was very young, at a time when the Sage Emperor was at the height of his campaigning. Zhao Fengchen took pity on this child and pampered her. Every time he came home, he would spend more than half his time with Zhao Miqiu.”

  Wang Chong and Li Lin were both taken aback. They had known Zhao Fengchen for some time, but he had rarely mentioned this niece of his.

  “This Zhao Fengchen! How secretive!”

  Li Lin shook his head and chuckled. As for Wang Chong, he pondered the question and quickly understood. Zhao Fengchen was someone who wouldn’t reveal such things unless
absolutely necessary. And Zhao Fengchen had also kept it secret most likely to keep this fatherless child safe.

  On the drilling ground, the two forces quickly got to fighting, and with a massive boom, Zhao Fengchen defeated Li Zhongyan and advanced.


  The drilling ground exploded with cheers of unprecedented volume. At this moment, Zhao Fengchen was the undisputed center of the drilling ground.

  The eunuch quickly came forward and announced the result. “Marshal Zhao is truly a hero of my Great Tang! Congratulations on advancing! Once this round is over, you may participate in the final round.”

  “Many thanks!”

  Zhao Fengchen bowed, a smile finally creeping onto his lips.

  Wang Chong silently watched this all take place, his brow slightly creasing.

  “Chong-er, what’s wrong?”

  Li Lin looked at Wang Chong in confusion. He had been at Wang Chong’s side this entire time and could see his every shift in emotion.

  Zhao Fengchen had easily won, and this should have been something to celebrate. But Wang Chong did not seem happy at all.

  Chapter 1722 - The Grand Marshal Challenge Competition!

  Chapter 1722: The Grand Marshal Challenge Competition!Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: MichyrrWang Chong lowered his head and pensively said, “I don’t know, but I just feel that something is wrong.”Li Lin and Bai Siling were both taken aback and stared.“What is it? Where could the problem be?” Li Lin asked in concern.“It’s hard to say… I just think that everything is going too smoothly,” Wang Chong said.The second round was to select the strongest three from the six Marshals to participate in the last round. Normally, Zhao Fengchen should have fought both of the First Prince’s men, but instead, everything had gone very smoothly for Zhao Fengchen, and he hadn’t fought either.In other words, this situation was one-sidedly unfavorable to the Eastern Palace, completely the opposite of the first round!But from a logical standpoint, everything seemed normal.Just what are you thinking?Wang Chong slowly turned to the First Prince and Hou Junji in the north. These two were looking at the drilling ground as if they hadn’t even noticed Wang Chong.A dark cloud of worry flitted across Wang Chong’s brow.Cheers continued to shake the drilling ground. The level of these bouts had opened the eyes of the clan scions.The rest of the second round went as Wang Chong expected, with Duan Zhuyan and the First Prince’s other man both advancing.The Imperial Army competition had finally reached the last round, and the most important one.“The Grand Marshals!”“The Grand Marshals!”Thunderous cheers could be heard all around as the mood reached a fever pitch of excitement.“The Grand Marshals have arrived!”With a sharp cry, three vast energies radiated from the eastern side of the drilling ground.Wang Chong immediately turned to look and saw the crowds part, three imposing figures emerging under the escort of countless Imperial Army soldiers.Now that the competition was in its last phase, the three Grand Marshals had finally arrived.He had long ago heard about the reputation of the three Grand Marshals, but he had only ever met Li Xuanyi.On the right, a golden banner was raised into the air, the large ‘Li’ upon it extremely striking. This was naturally the banner of Li Xuanyi. The Imperial Army had banners for each of its six divisions, but only the Grand Marshals enjoyed the privilege of a banner with their surname upon it.Beneath this banner, Wang Chong saw Li Xuanyi.While this was not Wang Chong’s first time seeing him, he interacted with Li Xuanyi much less than Zhao Fengchen. But their relationship could be considered cordial, and even now, Li Xuanyi’s favorite weapon was one of Wang Chong’s earliest works, Death’s Abyss.When Wang Chong saw his complexion, he grimaced.“He’s injured!”Unlike their first meeting several years ago, Grand Marshal Li Xuanyi had a sallow complexion, and while he was doing his best to maintain the dignity of a Grand Marshal, Wang Chong could still sense the weakness in his body.It was very rare for an expert of Li Xuanyi’s level to have a sallow complexion.This was a clear sign of just how grave his injuries were.“This is bad! Li Xuanyi’s injuries are worse than we thought!” Li Lin said.Li Xuanyi had always been known for his loyalty and integrity, and he had never interacted with the major officials of the court. Even when he was buying Death’s Abyss from Wang Chong, he had been intentionally distant. Such an official was one of the First Prince’s greatest barriers, but from his weak appearance, it was apparent that he would find it hard to emerge victorious today.“Big Brother!”Wang Chong heard Bai Siling’s worried cry.Wang Chong followed her gaze and saw a white-robed general of twenty-eight or twenty-nine next to Li Xuanyi. The young commander had a cold face and pursed lips, the appearance of someone who would alienate everyone around him.If he hadn’t appeared next to Li Xuanyi on such an important occasion, few would have believed that this was one of the three Grand Marshals of the Imperial Army!But his aura was slightly disordered, evidence that he had also been injured, though not as severely as Li Xuanyi.It was obvious that the ones who had been attacked last night were Li Xuanyi and Bai Hanzhou.If Li Xuanyi and Bai Hanzhou were injured, then the only one who wasn’t injured was… Huang Tianzhao!Wang Chong looked in the other direction.Next to Li Xuanyi and Bai Hanzhou was a smiling figure, his head held high and energy rolling off him in waves, creating a stark contrast between him and the weak appearance of Li Xuanyi and Bai Hanzhou.Wang Chong had not met Huang Tianzhao before, but at first glance, he understood why Huang Tianzhao would be targeted for recruitment by the First Prince. His thin lips and sharp eyes gave him a fastidious and unkind impression.“Paying respects to the Grand Marshals!”Zhao Fengchen, Duan Zhuyan, and all the other Imperial Army officers lowered their heads and called out in respect. In the Imperial Army, the Grand Marshals wielded supreme status and were like blazing suns to the soldiers.Even the disloyal Huang Tianzhao had created his own astonishing legends!While this Imperial Army competition was meant to choose new Grand Marshals, until the final outcome was decided, these three were still Grand Marshals to their men.As countless people watched, the three Grand Marshals slowly rode forward.“Paying respects to the First Prince!”When they were several dozen steps from the First Prince, the three of them dismounted and bowed.“Rise!”The First Prince slowly stepped forward and began to speak.“Imperial Father entrusted me with the governance of the country, and this prince must naturally rule with diligence. Now is a time for doing away with the old and welcoming the new. Earlier, in Setting Sun Villa, one hundred generals gathered to meet without a decree from the court, harboring disloyal intentions. This was already a sign of rot and decay!”Everyone in the drilling ground watched and listened. This was the first time the First Prince had publicly spoken about the Setting Sun Villa incident.“Hmph!”Wang Chong couldn’t help but snort in derision.Wang Chong and the First Prince both knew the real story of the Setting Sun Villa incident, and besides, these words were merely a pretext and not the true objective.The First Prince continued, “It is precisely these longstanding malpractices that require a reformation. Such is the case for the border armies, and so it is even more true for the Imperial Army, tasked with guarding the Son of Heaven, the Imperial City, and the capital.“All of you know the results of the last assessment. Now, this prince will give you one more chance to prove yourselves to the Imperial Army and to the people of the capital. If you can exhibit your abilities and emerge victorious in this Imperial Army competition, I believe that everyone will see you in a new light!”In the last Imperial Army inspection, the First Prince had used Zhao Fengchen and the Xuanwu Army to cause trouble and reproach the rest of the Imperial Army for their lack of battle experience, leading to today’s competition.While it was true that the Imperial Army lacked combat experience, many people knew the truth behind this matter.“We obey!”The Grand Marshals all got down on one knee and bowed.“Go!”The First Prince waved his sleeve, and then the three Grand Marshals got on their horses and left. A few moments later, the drums began to thunder, seemingly beating against everyone’s hearts.The final phase of the competition had arrived. The affiliation
of the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Imperial Army and the fate of the Great Tang would be decided here.The air over the drilling ground was tense, and everyone stared at the center.Even Wang Chong, who had appeared unconcerned before, looked grave.“I will now announce the rules of the competition!”A eunuch of extremely high status walked onto the drilling ground, holding a yellow scroll.“In the Grand Marshal challenge competition, there are six participants: Zhao Fengchen, Duan Zhuyan, Lu Qiongji, Bai Hanzhou, Li Xuanyi, and Huang Tianzhao. The rules are the same as before. Anyone who falls from their horse or concedes will be considered to have lost. In addition, as challengers, the three Marshals can issue challenges to the Grand Marshals.“Unlike the previous round, each challenger only has a single opportunity, and defeat will constitute elimination. At the same time, only by defeating a Grand Marshal can one take their position. Let the contest begin!”The shrill voice rang out in everyone’s ears, and what followed was an eerie silence. The eunuch quickly turned around and left.Behind him, the three Grand Marshals and the three challenging Marshals entered the field with their five hundred men, all of them slowly approaching the center.“It’s finally begun!”On the northern end of the drilling ground, the First Prince’s clothes and hair danced in the wind, and his entire being brimmed with energy.“Ghost King, this next part is up to you. I trust that you will not disappoint this prince!”

  A sharp light flashed in the First Prince’s eyes, and his immense ambition grew as crazily as a weed.

  Chapter 1723 - Zhao Fengchen’s Choice!

  Chapter 1723: Zhao Fengchen’s Choice!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Today, the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Imperial Army would fall into the First Prince’s hands, and together with the more than one hundred thousand soldiers he already controlled on the border, the Great Tang would be his.

  After numerous years of silently waiting, he was finally about to realize his aspirations and welcome that final moment. In the future, no one in the world would be able to stop him.


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