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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1138

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  His voice was deep and firm, imbued with a daring and courage that seized and entranced the soul.

  Chapter 1868 - The Might of the War God! (I)

  Chapter 1868: The Might of the War God! (I)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Behind Wang Zhongsi, two veteran generals, both around forty years old, with dark, tanned faces and black beards, bowed.

  These faces were new ones in this army, but ten-some years ago, everyone would have known of their names.

  On Wang Zhongsi’s campaigns, these two had been constant presences as two of Wang Zhongsi’s extremely powerful battle generals, his dragon and his tiger.

  Later on, when Wang Zhongsi understood discretion to be the better part of valor and withdrew into the palace, these two had followed in resigning from their military duties and becoming generals of Wang Zhongsi’s personal retinue.


  With the assistance of these two old subordinates, the army was rapidly assembled. There was a great clanging as resplendent halos burst out from the feet of the pair to empower the entire army, boosting all the soldiers’ strength, speed, and agility.

  The moment the army finished assembling, Wang Zhongsi gave a slight nod. Boom! A wave of air exploded outward, and in the midst of howling winds, Wang Zhongsi unleashed his boundless Stellar Energy and charged onto the battlefield.


  The neigh of his horse was as resounding as the roar of a dragon. With this single neigh, the horse had already crossed a distance of five to six hundred feet. Upon a closer look, one would realize that this horse’s hooves were floating high above the ground, at about the height of an adult man. Where the hooves stepped, space depressed, leaving a clear hoofprint in the air.

  Wang Zhongsi was capable of riding his horse through the air!

  Wherever Wang Zhongsi went, the air churned and exploded, creating a clear and wide ‘path’ through the air. Let alone Abusi, even the Arab Governors and Deputy Governors, and Khatabah himself, noticed this most domineering of Tang generals, as brilliant and intense as the sun.

  Rumble! Under the gloomy sky, Wang Zhongsi moved with absurd speed. He had been stationed in the rear of the army, rather far from Saleh, and it should have taken some time for him to reach the front line.

  But in just a few seconds, he had covered a distance of five to six thousand feet and was less than one thousand feet from where the trio were engaged in battle.

  Upon the elephant Behemoth, Khatabah followed Wang Zhongsi’s gaze and immediately noticed that he was targeting Saleh. The Hierophant determined what this Tang commander was after and grimaced.

  “Saleh, be careful!

  “Ilir, Sanushi, protect Saleh and stop that Tang!”

  An immense mental wave immediately spread across the battlefield. Several Arab Governors and Deputy Governors who had been quietly making their way through the army immediately cast aside their attempts to remain hidden and accelerated, lunging toward Saleh.

  “Who goes—”

  At the same time, Saleh sensed something and raised his head. He saw a figure wreathed in energy and sweeping toward him like a storm, a destructive demon god manifest. Even this veteran Great General who served Khatabah couldn’t help but widen his eyes in alarm.


  Extreme danger!

  Every cell in his body screamed this information. This was what the intuition Saleh had forged through a life of campaigning told him.

  He couldn’t even remember the last time he had felt like this.

  Perhaps when he was still just an ordinary soldier?

  At his current cultivation level, he was one of the strongest Great Generals in all of Arabia, proudly standing above the world. How could there still be someone who gave him this feeling?!

  Saleh was deeply shocked, but there was also a blazing anger in the depths of his heart. However, there was no time for Saleh to think. With a resounding neigh, that frightening Tang Great General approached like a thunderstorm.

  His speed was much greater than those Governors and Deputy Governors behind Saleh!


  With no words, no arrogant and domineering declarations, Wang Zhongsi charged across space, his entire body exuding the cold and tough aura of a block of steel.

  Wang Zhongsi’s way of doing things was the same as his personality: a genuine, inarticulate, and upright man who was not so eloquent with his tongue… but his attacks were more frightening than any weapon in the world!

  It was a suffocating terror!


  There was a cold flash of light, and then a sword clanged like tens of thousands of swords vibrating in unison. At this moment, a golden sword, its edge tinged with crimson, flew from Wang Zhongsi’s back into his hand.

  A second later, this sword disappeared. As Wang Zhongsi swung his arm, it transformed into a massive, faint red arc of light with a span of more than one hundred feet. It flew as quickly as a bolt of lightning toward Saleh.


  Too fast!

  Saleh had never imagined that someone’s technique could be so fast. When Wang Zhongsi had taken out his sword, he had still been two hundred feet away, but the moment that faint red arc flew out, it almost instantaneously arrived in front of Saleh.

  It even shot past the attacks of Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun.

  Saleh knew that this was impossible. No matter how fast his foe was, his attacks couldn’t possibly be faster than the much closer Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun. The only way he could explain this was that his opponent was too strong and that this was a misperception.

  His body and instincts were using this to warn him that this man was far more threatening than Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun!

  Clang! Clang!

  As countless thoughts flew through Saleh’s mind, he immediately commanded his sharp Arabian scimitars to swoop around, and they gleamed with fatal light as they slashed at Wang Zhongsi’s attack.

  As for Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun, he no longer had time for them.


  The scimitars were wreathed in destructive energy and flashed with silver. Time slowed to a crawl.

  Clang! Clang! Saleh watched as that terrifying arc of red light smoothly passed between his two scimitars as if they had been expected.

  At the most dangerous moment, the scimitars had been a hair away from touching that arc.

  That faint red arc of light didn’t even slow down as it avoided his strikes.

  It was like those two had already fought with each other countless times, like his foe was extremely familiar with all his attacks and made this attack with a full understanding of his flaws and possible reactions.

  “How could this be!?”

  Saleh’s mind was thrown into turmoil.

  His two scimitars had failed to even change the course of his opponent’s attack. He had never predicted this result.

  “Demon God Blood Lion!”

  As that light red arc of energy got closer and closer toward his neck, Saleh bellowed in panic and shock. Dark red Stellar Energy, densely concentrated, erupted from his body.


  A rippling pool of blood manifested behind Saleh. In its center, a massive three-headed demon god roared as it emerged from the depths of spacetime.

  With his two weapons having already missed, Saleh had only this move left to fight for his life.

  But Saleh was still underestimating his opponent.

  He was not facing Zhangchou Jianqiong or An Sishun. He was facing the previous War God of the mightiest empire in the east, whose fame and strength were far above the Protector-Generals’. Saleh’s move might have worked on another man, but in front of the Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian…

  The moment he made the wrong judgment and allowed Wang Zhongsi’s attack to dodge his first scimitar, he had sealed his fate.


  Like a bloody
lightning bolt, when Saleh’s three-headed demon god had halfway emerged, that bloody arc suddenly accelerated, slicing through Saleh’s thick barrier of Stellar Energy and slashing at his neck.

  Plush! In a gush of blood, Saleh’s neck was cleaved apart, and his head flew high into the air.

  “How could this be!? Such strength! Just who is he…”

  Saleh’s eyes were wide open in disbelief. Even in his last moments, he did not dare believe that this man was so strong that he couldn’t even take a single attack before being beheaded.


  Saleh’s headless corpse plummeted from the sky and splattered blood across the ground.

  Clipclop! Wang Zhongsi’s mighty steed descended to the ground.

  Chapter 1869 - The Might of the War God! (II)

  Chapter 1869: The Might of the War God! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Zhongsi calmly surveyed the battlefield, as if the slaying of Saleh was a trifling task. Behind him, Saleh’s headless corpse and fallen head seemed to only magnify his majesty, making him seem like a god who had been born for battle.

  For a moment, the entire battlefield went still!

  Everyone was stunned by this sight!

  The Blood Lion of Arabia, an infamous man who had stood above countless Governors and Deputy Governors, who had butchered entire cities and possessed an undefeated reputation, had died in the east to a Great General that no one even knew the name of.

  This was a massive blow to those Arab cavalry who had looked up to Saleh.

  “Kill them! Get rid of all these enemies who stand in our path!

  “Zhangchou Jianqiong, An Sishun, use this chance to wipe out the God’s Ordained Cavalry! I sense that the battle will only get tougher from here!”

  Wang Zhongsi spoke in a calm and unhurried tone. Behind him, Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun had been stunned into speechlessness, but as they were still Great Generals, they quickly composed themselves.


  The two nodded and began to sharply shout orders as they led the Nine Dragon Army forward.


  At this time, the God’s Ordained Cavalry began to realize what had happened, and their eyes went red as they heedlessly threw themselves at Wang Zhongsi.

  Several hundred God’s Ordained Cavalry fused their energies into one.

  Saleh had an extremely high status within the God’s Ordained Cavalry, and by killing him, Wang Zhongsi had placed himself at the top of their kill list. But in the face of absolute power, immense anger was nothing but a clay chicken, unable to withstand even a single strike.


  Wang Zhongsi didn’t even glance at them, simply waving his sword and sending out a fan of Sword Qi that swept through the waists of these God’s Ordained Cavalry.

  Plush! Plush! These God’s Ordained Cavalry were still several dozen feet away when they dropped to the ground, blood spurting out from their armor. Their armor was still whole, but Wang Zhongsi’s attack had penetrated through it to cut their bodies in half and end their lives.

  Stellar-Piercing energy!

  This was the ability upon which Wang Zhongsi had made his name, a technique that the Sage Emperor had passed down to his adopted son.

  Wang Zhongsi had used this ability to conquer countless foes on his campaigns, striking fear into the hearts of many more.

  Meanwhile, Guan Xuanhai and Fu Fangyi led his army into the fray.

  The God’s Ordained Cavalry had not been able to gain the upper hand in their battle with the Nine Dragon Army, and now that their commander was dead and the enemy had been reinforced, they instantly found it harder to resist.

  “Aaaah!” Screams tore through the air as the Great Tang soldiers crashed through the God’s Ordained Cavalry and instantly routed them.


  “Those who retreat will be executed!”

  “Kill them! No one is allowed to retreat!”

  The Arab Governors and Deputy Governors saw the front collapsing and flew into rage. None of them had expected their slight delay to result in such grievous consequences.


  The Arab Governors erupted with energy, and they immediately charged at Wang Zhongsi. Raaaa! The bellows of demon gods resounded through the air.

  These furious Arab Governors and Deputy Governors used all their strength to deal with this archcriminal, unleashing the supreme arts of the Seventy-Two Demon God Pillars.

  Wang Zhongsi was unperturbed by these assaults, swinging his sword at an Arab Governor. Zhangchou Jianqiong and An Sishun also charged forward.

  The three of them together were nigh unstoppable. Swish! In a cold flash of light, this Arab Governor was soon separated from his head.

  Unless they were experts of the same level, numbers were not guaranteed to achieve the desired result.

  The Arab army crumpled in the face of the assault of the three top-class Tang Great Generals.

  “Junior Guardian!”

  “Junior Guardian!”

  “Junior Guardian!”

  All the Tang soldiers loudly cheered. Even though he had been retired for many years, Wang Zhongsi’s name still wielded extremely high prestige in the army.


  In the rear, King Song and Abusi were both elated.

  “Zhongsi, I knew that you wouldn’t disappoint!”

  King Song’s eyes were bright, his face excited.

  This battle was simply too important, and if Wang Zhongsi hadn’t promptly intervened, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

  A powerful mental wave entered King Song’s mind, coming from Tongluo Great General Abusi. “Your Highness, it is rumored that Lord Junior Guardian is extremely talented, so capable that when he was young, he could see through the flaws of his opponent in three seconds. Any person who trained in front of him would quickly be exposed… Is this true?”

  There were far too many tales of the Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian. In the past, these would have been taken as tall tales that Abusi would have immediately discarded, but things were different now.

  Wang Zhongsi’s slaying of Saleh had left far too deep of an impression. While Wang Zhongsi was strong, Saleh had been no weakling. Even if he was weaker than Wang Zhongsi, he shouldn’t have been slain in a single blow.


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