The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1148

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Thud! Thud! Thud! As bodies dropped to the ground, the Arab army began to crumble.

  “Damn it!”

  In the rear of the army, let alone Lucis, who was still controlling the Moon God Tree, even Khatabah turned grim, his fists clenching as a cold aura began to exude from his body.


  Suddenly, Khatabah stepped forward, a sharp light in his eyes.

  “Kill it!”

  Khatabah’s voice swept across the battlefield, and the effects were almost immediate. The Ifrit suddenly roared and increased in power, its temperature of a hundred-thousand-some degrees rising again.

  “Ah! Back up!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others called out in alarm and backed away. The Ifrit used this chance to break free and swiftly stride over toward the King Ape.

  Its body seethed with flames, and its power was far more terrifying than the King Ape’s!

  This monster from an ancient era could absorb energy from the depths of spacetime. After fighting with Wang Chong and the others for so long, it had been significantly weakened, but at this moment, its body flashed with red light, and new energy began to seep out of the void and into the Ifrit’s body.

  In a flash, not only did the ancient Ifrit restore its original power, it grew even stronger.

  Upon seeing this, even Wang Chong grimaced.

  And then, to his greater consternation…


  The Ifrit roared, upon which the black smoke around it doubled in density. At the same time, fwoosh! A thin tendril of flame burst out of the black claws of the Ifrit’s right hand, extending forward as if it were a living creature. In the blink of an eye, it had extended to a length of some seven thousand feet, a whip of fire and smoke.

  Crack! The Ifrit locked onto the King Ape wreaking havoc in the Arab army and cracked the whip. The golden whip cleaved through the air in a massive arc to wrap around the King Ape.

  All of this happened so suddenly that even Wang Chong was alarmed, his face paling.

  He could tell at a glance that the flame whip was monstrously powerful, but this was the first time in this battle the Ifrit had even used such an ability!

  But while Wang Chong was shocked, it did not affect his reaction time.


  Just when the tip of the flame whip was about to wrap around the King Ape’s body, the King Ape lunged into the air, narrowly escaping its grasp.

  But the Ifrit seemed to show no signs of giving up on its prey. Debris and dust flew into the air as the Ifrit squatted its massive body, building up strength in its legs for a flying leap. Suddenly—

  There was a boom of thunder above the Ifrit’s head, and a shadow was cast down from the sky. The Ifrit looked up in surprise and saw dark clouds gathering above it, countless silver snakes crawling within them.


  Before the Ifrit could react, a bolt of lightning countless times more dazzling than the sun cleaved down like a sharp sword.

  With one strike, it blew apart the Ifrit’s head, causing its body to stagger backward and naturally ending its attempted jump.

  “Lightning Flash!”

  At the final moment, a slender figure appeared at the Ifrit’s head, gripping the Origin Immortal Sword and unleashing a blow that could cleave open the earth.

  Wang Chong had used the Origin Immortal Sword and its Power of Lightning to strike the Ifrit and interrupt its actions.

  The Ifrit’s destructive power was unmatched, capable of wiping out an army as easily as breathing. While Wang Chong and the others had managed to restrain it, it was still extremely dangerous. Moreover, the King Ape was the only power Wang Chong could use to restrain the Arabs.

  Once the King Ape was killed, the vast number of Arab soldiers would be unstoppable!

  What a pity! Whether it’s the Origin Immortal Sword’s energy or Stellar Energy, they’re all mostly ineffective against this monster, only able to wound it, not kill it! If this continues, in the end, no one will be able to stop it!

  Wang Chong had the King Ape continue its frenzied assault on the Arab army, but deep down, Wang Chong was still worried.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, the Origin Immortal Art, the Art of God and Demon Obliteration, the Origin Immortal Sword… Wang Chong had used all of his strongest techniques, and any other opponent, even a Behemoth, would have been dead by this point.

  But this Ifrit seemed to be the natural counter to all martial artists. Stellar Energy was as much as sixty percent less effective on it, and even worse, it seemed to be constantly absorbing energy from the void. With each passing second, it grew stronger.

  This is bad! If it just keeps getting stronger and stronger like this, no one will be able to deal with it!

  Wang Chong’s eyes twitched.

  This was truly a world-destroying beast. Moreover… Wang Chong glanced at Khatabah. He suddenly realized that Khatabah was far too calm. Even now, he had yet to intervene in the battle.

  This was certainly not because of his generous nature. He had to have some ulterior motive… He was waiting for the Ifrit to mature!

  Chapter 1887 - The Power of the Ifrit! (III)

  Chapter 1887: The Power of the Ifrit! (III)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  In the distance, Khatabah sharply sensed Wang Chong’s gaze. He took two steps forward and coldly chuckled.

  The Ifrit had been sealed for far too long and was no longer at its peak strength. With each passing moment, it would get stronger and stronger. The Ifrit needed time to recover, so Khatabah was in no rush.

  The Ifrit was indestructible, and by the end, the Tang would discover that no matter how much strength they applied, they would not be able to exterminate the Ifrit, only welcome the true and even more powerful World-Destroying Ifrit!

  Not only that, Khatabah could use this process to weaken them as much as possible.

  No matter how these Tang tried to stop it, they would ultimately realize that their fates were sealed!

  “It’s about enough. Let me give you a hand!”

  Khatabah looked at the distant Ifrit and stepped forward, and with this step, he left the elephant Behemoth and floated in the air. At the same time, he thrust a finger forward, and the world howled with wind. Everyone stared in shock as a spatial gap appeared above the Ifrit, brimming with blazing golden energy, the higher-level energy of another dimension.

  Rumble! A moment later, a giant pillar of energy struck the massive form of the Ifrit, a waterfall that did not attack the Ifrit, but surged into its body.

  “Not good!”

  In alarm, Wang Chong made to stop it, but he was too late. The Ifrit had already grown stronger through the battle, and with the assistance of Khatabah’s Subtle realm energy, it seemed to fill in the missing piece and experienced a quintessential transformation.


  The injured World-Destroying Ifrit furiously howled. As if some hidden seal had finally crumbled away, a vast energy surged out from its body, and the already massive body of the Ifrit expanded, swelling to a height of one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred and sixty, one hundred and seventy…

  And its strength swelled along with its size, its flames exploding outward. The temperature reached two hundred thousand degrees, and the black smoke from the burning of the surrounding air grew even thicker. And as it grew stronger, it also increased the speed at which it absorbed energy from the void.

  Khatabah had opened the passage to the Subtle realm to give the Ifrit a hand, but now, the Ifrit looked up at the sky and began to extract energy from that unfathomable dimension.

  Raaaa! Another waterfall of golden energy sloshed down onto the Ifrit, boosting its power once more. And when its strength reached a certain point, a mysterious golden symbol infused with the laws of the world appeared on its forehead.

  “Not good!”

  Alarmed, Wang Chong gripped the Origin Imm
ortal Sword and once more used the Power of Lightning. Dark clouds gathered overhead as Wang Chong and the sword transformed into a lightning bolt.

  Although the Ifrit had an almost unkillable body, Wang Chong had noticed that its energy source was located in its head. Destroying its head wouldn’t kill it, but it would at least interrupt its energy-absorbing process.

  But the results this time were completely different.


  Those two evil golden eyes flashed with lightning, instantly scanning the air and locking onto Wang Chong’s figure. Immediately, a gout of flame struck Wang Chong, traveling several times faster than before.

  After absorbing the energy of the Subtle realm, the Ifrit was now far stronger than Wang Chong. Boom! Even though Wang Chong unleashed all his Stellar Energy to defend himself, he still shuddered upon being struck by the flames, and his body was knocked backward.

  “Your Highness!”


  Zhangchou Jianqiong, An Sishun, Su Hanshan, Li Siye, Cheng Qianli, and the other Tang officers all paled.

  “Wang Chong!”

  An anxious Wang Zhongsi rushed in Wang Chong’s direction, but a moment later, a massive fist wrapped in flames knocked him aside.


  The earth crumbled away, and the flames on the Ifrit’s body became streaked with white, signifying that they had reached an extremely high temperature. But the most alarming of all was what was going on under the Ifrit’s feet…

  “Look over there!” someone suddenly shouted.

  Beneath the Ifrit, the hard, rocky surface was slowly beginning to melt under the high temperatures, glowing red and turning viscous. A few seconds later, vast clouds of steam began to rise in the area within five hundred feet of the Ifrit, all the hard rocks turning into hot lava. Moreover, under the control of some mysterious energy, this lava was flowing into the Ifrit’s body and merging with it.

  The Ifrit’s body turned from red to black as it incorporated the lava.

  Let alone the Tang soldiers, even the Arab cavalry were alarmed by this sight. While the Ifrit had been released by Khatabah, this was the first time the Arabs had witnessed this terrifying ability.

  “It’s about time! All of you must die! Today, I will fulfill my last desire and unite the eastern world!”

  Khatabah’s eyes blazed as brightly as stars. Winds stirred around him, ruffling his hair and robes. Bang! Khatabah began to stride through the air, advancing with each step.

  Under his feet, the air seemed as solid as rock.

  Khatabah’s eyes were cold and brimming with killing intent. For this entire war, he had remained in the rear and issued commands, but now, this was no longer necessary. The Ifrit had exploded in power while Wang Chong and the others had expended their strength.

  There was no one left on the battlefield who could stand in his way!

  “It’s about time this war came to an end!”

  Khatabah’s eyes flashed. Boom! A storm swept over the world as Khatabah’s energy swelled, a beam of energy rising from his body and piercing through the heavens.

  Khatabah’s eyes flitted across the battlefield and instantly locked onto Wang Chong and the other Tang commanders.

  “Once I eliminate you, no one will be left to stop the Ifrit!”

  Khatabah’s eyes chilled as he shot forward like a lightning bolt.


  But just when Khatabah was about to step onto the battlefield and deal with Wang Chong and the others, a resounding roar came from overhead. The sky darkened, and Khatabah raised his head to see the massive form of the King Ape, its teeth bared. At some point, it had made a flying leap into the air from the distance, and it was now descending like a meteor, its two arms bulging with muscle as they punched.


  Cries of alarm came from the surrounding area. The Ifrit’s transformation had so absorbed everyone’s attention that not even Adnan had noticed the King Ape ‘stealthily’ making its way to the north to attack Khatabah.

  “Protect the Hierophant!”

  The area fell into chaos as the Arab generals rushed forward. They had all seen the power of the King Ape with their own eyes, so terrifying that it utterly dominated the battlefield. Although it could not be compared to the World-Destroying Ifrit, it still ranked as a tyrant or hegemon.

  But as countless soldiers rushed forward, an unexpected scene took place.


  Terrifying waves of Stellar Energy rolled out from the area Khatabah was standing, sweeping over the world. From his place in the air, Khatabah punched, his body seeming to be a massive mountain that stood in defiance of the King Ape as it firmly blocked the attack.

  The two fists of starkly contrasting sizes clashed in the air. The King Ape’s fist itself was so large that it made Khatabah seem like an ant, but within this puny being was a strength that far transcended the King Ape’s.

  “How could this be!?”

  In the distance, Wang Chong, who had fallen to the ground after being punched back by the Ifrit, saw what had happened in the distance and was deeply shaken.

  Wang Chong had been dividing his mind the entire time to control the King Ape, and no one understood just how immense its strength was better than him.

  It wasn’t surprising that Khatabah could block the King Ape’s attack, but what was surprising was that Khatabah could somehow be completely unmoved despite taking the King Ape’s assault while floating in the air. It was like he had rooted himself into the fabric of space!

  He had known that Khatabah was strong, but not this strong.

  There was no doubt that not only had Khatabah reached the Subtle realm, he had gone far past the level of the King Ape.


  As if in response to Wang Chong’s thoughts, Khatabah’s robe rustled, unleashing a vast sea of annihilating energy. With just one strike, the King Ape that was several hundred times his size was blasted away.

  Kaboom! The King Ape crashed into the ground and howled in pain. The massive force of the impact sundered the ground, creating a massive crater. Meanwhile, Khatabah continued to hover in the air with a relaxed look on his face, completely unmoved.

  Chapter 1888 - The Power of the Ifrit! (IV)

  Chapter 1888: The Power of the Ifrit! (IV)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Endless shock!

  Only those subordinates of Khatabah who had followed him for many years were unperturbed. Those like even Abu Muslim couldn’t help but widen their eyes in utter shock.

  All of Arabia knew that Khatabah was extremely strong, but nobody knew exactly how strong. Not in Abu Muslim’s wildest dreams had he expected Khatabah to be so strong that he could send the King Ape flying with a single punch.

  With one hand, Khatabah had proven himself as the supreme expert of the continent.


  As the battlefield was immersed in shock, the Ifrit did not care. Its heaven-shaking roar immediately drew back everyone’s attention.

  The Ifrit’s body was now completely lava, and its body had reached a height of nearly two hundred meters. Beneath its feet, the ground continued to melt away under the high temperatures, lava flowing freely. And from these rivers of lava rose men made of lava and fire.

  Unlike the previous fire men, these lava men were even stronger, packed with even greater destructive potential.

  The moment they finished forming, they flung themselves at the densest areas of the battlefield, moving with incredible agility. At the same time, the temperature on their bodies reached several thousand degrees.

  In just a few short moments, several thousand lava men had arisen from the lava flows and rushed into the Tang ranks.

  Everyone on the Tang side paled. The immense Ifrit, the extremely powerful Khatabah, and now these thousands of lava men? The Great Tang had already been in dire straits, and with these numerous lava men, the situation became even worse.


  The white-robed Khatabah shot forward, ignoring the King Ape and swiftly making his way toward Wang Chong.

  The battlefield was brimming with tension, and even Su Hanshan grimaced, a rare hint of concern in his eyes.

  As Khatabah took action, an immense pressure came down.

  “Everyone, listen up! Ignore the Ifrit and attack Khatabah! He has an object that allows him to control the Ifrit!”

  Wang Chong’s call resonated throughout the battlefield, and countless eyes turned on Khatabah. And Khatabah, who had been seething with killing intent, suddenly grimaced.


  Khatabah glared at Wang Chong with a murderous intent that he felt down to his bones.

  He already had complete control of the battlefield, but he had never imagined that Wang Chong would notice the Ifrit Core that he was hiding.

  The World-Destroying Ifrit was a double-edged sword. It could kill one’s enemies and also injure those on its own side. The key to all this lay in the Ifrit Core he had obtained within that old well in Hamuhad.

  Despite his best efforts to hide it, Wang Chong had still managed to find out.

  “That beast!”

  Khatabah suddenly had an idea, instantly realizing that Wang Chong must have noticed something during his clash with the King Ape.

  “So that’s what’s going on! Kill him!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong’s eyes turned cold. The first to react, he immediately rushed at Khatabah.

  At the same time, An Sishun and the injured Gao Xianzhi also charged in Khatabah’s direction.


  In an explosion of Stellar Energy, Wang Zhongsi blasted hundreds of Arab cavalry into the sky and also charged. But though he was the last to act, he was faster than all the rest.

  On the Great Tang side, Wang Zhongsi and Wang Chong were the only ones who had reached the Subtle realm.

  “The rest of you, support me while I deal with him!” Wang Zhongsi concisely said in his deep and steady voice.


  At the same time, Li Junxian, Song Yuanyi, and the others also put aside the Ifrit and charged toward Khatabah.

  “Wushang Cavalry, hear my order! Charge!”


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