The Human Emperor c1-2382

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The Human Emperor c1-2382 Page 1149

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Li Siye raised his giant Wootz Steel sword and led the Wushang Cavalry in charging into the front line.

  The battle instantly reversed!

  That Khatabah had a tool that allowed him to control the Ifrit was a surprising discovery. Everyone now realized that if they wanted to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, their hopes rested on the treasure Khatabah had that could control the Ifrit.

  The Ifrit was unkillable. This could be seen from how little Wang Chong and the others had gained from their battle with it.

  Although Khatabah was powerful, even able to overwhelm the King Ape, he was still just a human. A human was beatable, had a weakness.


  The battlefield rumbled with war cries as the Tang army suddenly went on the offensive and charged at Khatabah. This sudden change in attitude caught the Arabs off guard, and their ranks fell into momentary chaos.

  “Kill them!”

  “Protect the Hierophant! Don’t let them get through!”

  In the midst of the chaos, countless Arab cavalry charged forward to block the advance of the Tang army, even Adnan joining in.

  “These madmen!”

  Adnan was both shocked and furious. He could see that Wang Chong’s words had caused the entire Tang army to change strategies into focusing the full strength of the army on surrounding and killing the Hierophant.

  In normal circumstances, when two vast armies clashed against each other to decide the fates of their respective countries, using a force of hundreds of thousands to kill a single man would be considered an absurd joke, but Adnan wasn’t laughing.

  Even the infamous madman of Arabia was forced to admit that if they succeeded in taking the Ifrit Core from the Hierophant, the Tang really might succeed in changing the outcome of the battle.

  Not even Adnan had imagined the Ifrit contained in the bronze cauldron to be this powerful!

  This Ifrit truly possessed the power to vanquish an entire army. Even millions of soldiers were nothing but ants to this unkillable monster formed from extremely high-temperature flames that could absorb energy from the void. The Ifrit could annihilate them in a matter of a few minutes.


  In a flash, countless soldiers clashed, their weapons ringing and their horses neighing, soldiers screaming as Stellar Energy exploded. The battle once more intensified!

  But while the Arabs could stop the army led by Li Siye, they could not stop Wang Zhongsi, Zhangchou Jianqiong, An Sishun, and the other Tang Great Generals.

  The air howled as Wang Zhongsi moved with astonishing speed toward Khatabah. Countless attacks came from the Arabs down below in a massive barrage, but Wang Zhongsi and the others dodged them all.

  In the distance, Khatabah’s face chilled, and his eyes turned harsh. As the legend revered by the millions of denizens of the Arabian Empire, Khatabah feared no opponent. Not even Wang Chong exposing his secret could shake him.

  “Fine! I was planning to kill you first anyway!”

  Khatabah stepped forward and began to make his way toward Wang Zhongsi, the winds howling as the two sides drew closer and closer.

  But to everyone’s surprise, the first to attack Khatabah was not Wang Zhongsi’s group.


  Behind Khatabah, the earth rumbled as a massive figure soared into the air and toward Khatabah.


  Cries of alarm came from the surroundings as the King Ape once more jumped at Khatabah, flailing its fists.

  “Damn beast!”

  Khatabah, sensing the energy behind him, felt vexed and angered.

  He was far stronger than the King Ape, even when it was under the control of Wang Chong, but this beast had an extremely large and tough body.

  Not even the Great Tang’s giant ballistae had been able to deal much damage to it. This was exactly why the King Ape had survived until now.

  After knocking it aside, Khatabah had not continued onward to kill it. This was because the King Ape had an astonishingly dense body.

  Defeating it was easy, but killing it was not something that could be done in short order. Thus, he had chosen to ignore it.

  But to his surprise, Wang Chong had taken control of the King Ape and had it come back, apparently wanting to use this beast to hold him down.

  “Ifrit, kill him!”

  As the King Ape descended from the sky, Khatabah coldly ordered the Ifrit to kill Wang Chong. If Wang Chong could command the King Ape to deal with him, Khatabah could command the Ifrit to deal with Wang Chong. Once Wang Chong was dead, he naturally would no longer be able to control the King Ape.


  In the blink of an eye, the fists of the King Ape assailed Khatabah. In the distance, Wang Zhongsi’s face chilled and his body pulsed with Stellar Energy. A moment later, an imperial dragon more than one thousand feet in length appeared and streaked toward Khatabah. Behind him, An Sishun, Gao Xianzhi, and Zhangchou Jianqiong also entered the battle.

  While Khatabah was surrounded, the Ifrit also began to attack Wang Chong.


  The massive right arm of the Ifrit swung, creating three flame whips that flew at Wang Chong. Meanwhile, the Ifrit’s left hand clenched into a fist and sent a lava-covered punch at Wang Chong.

  Chapter 1889 - Danger! Nowhere to Run!

  Chapter 1889: Danger! Nowhere to Run!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Even before the massive fist and flame whips had impacted, the blazing flames and their extreme heat had already reached Wang Chong.


  Wang Chong blinked away, not even trying to fight with the Ifrit, and charged into the Arab ranks.

  “Kill him!”

  The eyes of the Arab soldiers gleamed when they saw Wang Chong. Sensing the opportunity, they rushed over to him in a giant wave.

  But a moment later, a red sun appeared, upon which thousands of Arab cavalry were seized from the ground by a terrifying pull and dragged uncontrollably toward Wang Chong.

  Before they even got close, their energies broke free of their bodies and flowed into Wang Chong.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!

  This was the first time in this battle Wang Chong had used the supreme evil art to absorb the energy of the enemy soldiers.

  Wang Chong had consumed a significant amount of energy dealing with the Ifrit, and he had to replenish it.

  The vast sea of Arab cavalry was the best source of nutrients.

  Now that the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art had been perfected and reached its apex, Wang Chong was able to convert the motley energy of the Arab cavalry through the Origin Immortal Art into energy that was purely his own.

  More importantly, the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art was a technique that exemplified the principle of ‘fighting a war to support a war’. It strengthened oneself while dealing a heavy blow to the enemy.


  All the Arabs within a range of nearly ten thousand feet, so long as they had not reached the Saint Martial realm, had their energy seized by Wang Chong.

  An Arab horseman screamed, blood bursting out of every pore. Mere moments after he and his horse had been lifted off the ground, they were dead.

  And around him, numerous other horsemen met the same fate.


  Moreover, through the terrifying pull of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, Wang Chong sent those Arab horsemen flying at the massive Ifrit.

  These Arab cavalry were stricken with fear, but they had no control over their bodies. Before they even got close, the intense temperatures caused their bodies to burst upon in flames, and their armor melted away.

  One thousand, two thousand, three thousand… It didn’t take long for Wang Chong to absorb the energy of at least seven thousand Arab cavalry and have their bodies burned to ash by the Ifrit.

  The blazing balls of flame were frightening to behold.

  “Stop him!”
  An Arab Governor furiously roared, clenching his legendary Arabian scimitar and streaking off in a white ray of light. He stirred up a tsunami of Stellar Energy that hurtled toward Wang Chong, attempting to slow him down so that the Ifrit could catch up.

  But in a flash of light, Wang Chong disappeared.

  “Greater Void Step!”

  Before the Arab Governor could react, Wang Chong shot past his wave of saber energy in a blur, blasted through the Governor’s barrier of energy like a meteor, and slammed into his chest.


  The Arab Governor screamed as blood splattered out and his organs were jolted. His Stellar Energy began to flood out of his body and into Wang Chong’s.

  He deflated like a punctured leather bag, and in the blink of an eye, he dropped to the ground as a shriveled husk.

  Although it wasn’t known if he was alive or dead, his chances appeared grim!

  “Damn it!”

  All the Arab generals were infuriated yet frightened. While they gnashed their teeth in anger, they did not dare to act carelessly after Wang Chong’s horrifying display of power.

  Meanwhile, Khatabah was also under heavy pressure from the combined attacks of the King Ape and Wang Zhongsi’s group. Still, he had been keeping an eye on Wang Chong’s movements.


  Khatabah’s face turned ashen when he saw that Wang Chong was using the power of the Ifrit against the Arab cavalry.

  If Wang Chong were allowed to continue, he would eventually break the entire Arab army, and the Ifrit would have aided Wang Chong and the Great Tang rather than hindering them.

  “You really think I can’t deal with you?!”

  Khatabah’s face darkened, and as he punched away An Sishun, he changed tactics.

  “Let’s see how long you can last! Ifrit, kill those Tang first!”

  “Still have time to worry about others?! Let’s see how capable you really are!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong’s face chilled as he punched, sending a wave of energy at Khatabah.

  In another direction, Li Junxian raised the Noble Sage Sword and sent a long ray of righteous energy at Khatabah.

  The full-force strength of these attacks immediately pressured Khatabah and caused him to shut his mouth.

  “Protect the Hierophant!”

  The Arab generals and Governors rushed over.

  But before they could get close, the King Ape paused for a moment and swung out its arms, driving away the reinforcements.

  After doing this, the King Ape rejoined the battle.


  But elsewhere, Khatabah’s order swiftly shifted the course of the battle.

  The Ifrit that was chasing Wang Chong suddenly stopped, turned around, and began to head toward the Tang army.

  “Not good!”

  This sight instantly made Wang Chong pale.

  Wang Chong had charged into the Arab ranks to draw the Ifrit away from the Tang army, but one order from Khatabah had nullified his efforts.


  The rolling waves of heat seemed intent on burning away the entire world. The dazzling fire raging around the towering Ifrit blotted out the sky, and the fires were so vast and intense that it was hard to even see the Ifrit’s actual body. And now that it had received Khatabah’s order, this terrifying monstrosity was striding toward Su Hanshan, Cheng Qianli, Li Siye, and Zhang Shouzhi, covering several hundred feet with each step.

  The burning red light made everyone’s face rosy red, but the only things the Tang soldiers could feel were a terrifying pressure and the stench of death.


  The Ifrit roared, and more and more of the ground was turned into molten streams of lava that surged toward the Tang ranks.

  And amidst the surging lava, lava men were constantly rising up and lunging toward the Tang ranks.

  A moment later, there was a burst of fiery light, and the Ifrit threw an immense punch at thousands of Tang soldiers. This punch could shatter the earth, and if it landed, tens of thousands of Tang soldiers would be instantly wiped out.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong shot in front of the Ifrit and tried to block the attack.

  “Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!

  “Trayastrimsa Heaven!

  “Sword Qi of Slaughter!”

  Wang Chong unleashed all kinds of peerless techniques with astonishing speed.

  The Ifrit was simply too powerful. Wang Chong had no other option if he wanted to save the army behind him.


  A majestic surge of Stellar Energy fiercely collided with the Ifrit’s waves of fire and rivers of lava.

  The world shuddered and the fabric of space groaned. With the human and monster at the center, a massive blazing sun appeared and then erupted.


  Wang Chong’s body trembled, and after a few moments of stalemate, he was blasted backward by the shockwave as if he weighed nothing.

  Even though Wang Chong was at the Subtle realm and had all manner of peerless techniques, he was far from a match for this Ifrit that had once destroyed an entire civilization.


  Everyone on the ground paled.

  Wang Chong’s body continuously flipped over in the air, flying several thousand feet before, finally, a burst of Stellar Energy erupted from his feet and allowed him to get his bearings.

  Flames and smoke were rising from his body, he was covered in wounds, and his breathing was ragged.

  “No good! No matter what, I have to stop it!”

  Wang Chong looked at the Ifrit and clenched his fists.

  Even though he had been pushed back by the Ifrit, Wang Chong was not backing down. In truth, the Great Tang already had nowhere to run.


  Wang Chong stomped forward, his body thrumming with Stellar Energy as he once more lunged at the Ifrit. But the moment he moved his body, he felt a tearing pain from every part of his body, and blood trickled from the corner of his lips.

  Wang Chong’s heart instantly sank.

  Chapter 1890 - The Nightmare Beast Strikes!

  Chapter 1890: The Nightmare Beast Strikes!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Although Wang Chong had managed to shatter the Ifrit’s attack, he had paid for it with heavy injuries.

  To use the mortal body of a human against the world-destroying power of the Ifrit—which was continuing to grow stronger as it absorbed more energy out of the void—was a trying task, even for someone of Wang Chong’s strength.


  Another roar came from ahead. The flames on the Ifrit’s body blazed as it once more punched in Wang Chong’s direction.

  The lava flows were getting closer and closer, and all the water content in the air had already been burned away. Wang Chong could already smell his hair burning, and an immense pressure weighed on his heart.

  Even with the help of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, he was not able to completely recover from his injuries in so little time. Even his Stellar Energy was still in chaos at this time.

  But Wang Chong had no other options.

  If he stood aside, the Tang army behind him would be burned to ash!

  “This is it!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes focused and exploded with formidable resolve.

  Even with his heavy injuries, Wang Chong still chose to fight to the death!

  The lava surged toward him, engulfing the world.

  Wang Chong’s heart tightened, but just when it seemed like a fierce battle was going to take place…


  Without the slightest warning, a powerful and bizarre Psychic Energy shot out of Wang Chong’s bosom and struck the Ifrit with lightning-fast speed.


  The furious and unstoppable Ifrit suddenly trembled and leaned back, unleashing a howl like it had been struck by a heavy blow. Its aura grew disordered, and the punch it sent towa
rd Wang Chong also rapidly dissolved into sputtering sparks.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Wang Chong was instantly dumbstruck.

  Let alone Wang Chong, even Khatabah was startled, fiercely glaring in Wang Chong’s direction.

  “What’s going on? What happened to the Ifrit?”

  Khatabah was shaken, his mind in turmoil.

  He had been battling with Wang Zhongsi, so he had no time to pay attention to what was happening in the distance. By the time he had noticed, the Ifrit was already injured.


  In Khatabah’s moment of distraction, a resplendent beam of righteous Sword Qi slashed at Khatabah.

  Khatabah grimaced and just barely managed to dodge the attack.

  Although Khatabah was stronger than any single person, Wang Zhongsi, Li Junxian, and the King Ape were still capable of threatening him.

  Boom! Khatabah punched away Li Junxian, but he did not pursue. His mind was no longer focused on Li Junxian or Wang Zhongsi.

  The Ifrit was Khatabah’s most important tool in his conquest of the east, and the smallest change concerning it was of utmost importance. His greatest concern was finding out what had happened to the Ifrit that could cause such a major reaction.

  Moreover, if it had been a simple injury, he would not have cared. This was because the Ifrit was almost indestructible, able to swiftly recover no matter what attack it received.

  But just a moment ago, the Ifrit had received an unhealable wound, and through its core, Khatabah could sense that it was in extreme pain… and it was afraid!

  This was a monster that had once destroyed an entire civilization. What in the world could wound it, even make it afraid?

  This was simply unbelievable!

  Khatabah was truly stunned.

  Wang Chong’s mind was also experiencing a massive shock.

  Unlike Khatabah, when that bizarre and powerful Psychic Energy had helped him block the Ifrit’s attack, he had immediately realized its origin.

  Nightmare Beast!!

  Wang Chong immediately lowered his head, glancing at the Nightmare Beast core hidden in his chest in great consternation.

  He clearly remembered that he had sealed the Nightmare Beast. How had it broken the seal?!

  “Master, let me help you deal with it!”


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