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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1211

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  While Namri Songtian managed to remain extremely calm and composed, his mind momentarily shivered. Next to him, Mangri Rinda visibly shuddered in fear.

  There were few that a valiant general like Namri Songtian feared, but Wang Chong was one of them.

  Namri Songtian possessed absolute confidence, or perhaps blind faith, in the Imperial Minister. When it came to strategies, this man would lose to no one, not even Wang Chong. But the situation in Ü-Tsang had been deteriorating for some time. The Ngari Royal Lineage’s lands were still barren, and its hundreds of thousands of soldiers had been crushed. Even now, the matter of the sheep plague still made all Tibetans pale in fear.

  As for the Yarlung Royal Lineage army controlled by Dusong Mangpoje in the northern part of the plateau, it had long ago ceased to exist. On the contrary, the steel fortresses that Wang Chong had erected at the triangular gap still stood, serving as a fish bone in the throat of the Ü-Tsang Empire, a dagger pressing against its back.

  In the past, the Ü-Tsang Empire had been so powerful that the soldiers of its four Royal Lineages could completely suppress the Great Tang’s infantry.

  But in Wang Chong’s hands, this weak infantry had been completely transformed. The terrifying ballistae paired with the steel defense line had turned the supreme soldiers of the continent, cavalry, into just ordinary soldiers that could easily be wiped out.

  The Ü-Tsang Empire’s strength had waned, and all of this was because of this youth.

  For hundreds of years, the Ü-Tsang Empire had relied on the natural environment of the plateau, but Wang Chong had conquered even this using roseroot.

  Ü-Tsang no longer had anything to back their pride against the Great Tang.

  Not even the Imperial Minister, with all his intellect and schemes, dared to offend the Great Tang now.

  If not, when Geshu Han died, the Imperial Minister would not have needed to dispatch a delegation to Big Dipper City to apologize and explain!

  Wang Chong cared little for what Namri Songtian was thinking, and he quickly turned to Mengshe Zhao Great General Duan Gequan.

  In the war of the southwest, this devoted Great General had fled with the previous King of Mengshe Zhao, Geluofeng. Even now, Wang Chong still recalled his departing figure. But Wang Chong quickly focused, his eyes remaining cold.

  “Duan Gequan, Mengshe Zhao has already betrayed the Great Tang once. The Great Tang magnanimously forgave this, giving your people one chance on account of our sharing of the same culture of the Central Plains. However, there are some things that can be done once, but not twice. If Mengshe Zhao continues to not know its place, then the words ‘Mengshe Zhao’ will cease to exist in this world… I assume that Fengjiayi does not believe himself to be tougher than Arabia!” Wang Chong indifferently said.

  Duan Gequan hastily lowered his head and respectfully said, “We would not dare!”

  Mengshe Zhao was far weaker than the other countries, and Duan Gequan had gone to the city gate for other reasons.

  “In truth, Duan Gequan came to this capital to represent His Majesty. His Majesty has already reached a marriageable age, and Mengshe Zhao knows the severity of its crimes. Thus, in order to express its willingness to remain on good terms with the Great Tang for all time, my King wishes to request a Princess from the Tang Emperor to make his Queen, with their children serving as members of the Mengshe Zhao royal household to continue the dynasty and maintain the friendship between Mengshe Zhao and the Great Tang for all time.”

  Duan Gequan lowered his head even further in an expression of meekness.

  Wang Chong raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  The words of Wunu Shibi and Namri Songtian were not sincere, merely a way to buy time, but Duan Gequan was different.

  Marriage proposals were not unheard of in the history of the Great Tang.

  In the reign of Emperor Taizong, a Tsenpo had sought a marriage partner from Emperor Taizong, but the Princess he married was not made Queen, nor did she produce an heir. On the contrary, there were many obstacles within Ü-Tsang that were meant specifically to prevent the Tsenpo from having children with the Princess.

  But in Mengshe Zhao’s marriage proposal, it would treat all children the same as any other royal child.

  This would mean that the imperial blood of the Great Tang would flow through the royal household of Mengshe Zhao, and the two families would be united in blood. This was completely different from what had happened with Ü-Tsang.

  Moreover, the Tang Empire had many Princesses, and if Mengshe Zhao was sincere, the imperial household would probably not be against the idea. This would allow it to control Mengshe Zhao in the future.

  Wang Chong silently considered the proposal.

  Duan Gequan remained deferential. Even though this youth had been the principal culprit behind the death of the previous King of Mengshe Zhao, Duan Gequan felt no hatred, nor did he dare to complain. When the roof was too low, one could only bow their head. In the war of the southwest, Mengshe Zhao had engaged in its greatest resistance against the Great Tang in its history.

  But Mengshe Zhao had lost!

  The final result could only mean that Mengshe Zhao could not be a foe of the Central Plains for generations, at least not while the Great Tang still reigned! Since they were weaker and would never be able to defeat their foe, the second-best option was to simply become one with their foe.

  This marriage proposal was an expression of Mengshe Zhao’s stance.

  Meanwhile, Wang Chong had finished thinking and began to coldly speak.

  “The Princesses of the Great Tang are not objects. The Great Tang does not need its Princesses to seek peace, nor does Mengshe Zhao have this right!”

  Wang Chong’s words were rude, but Duan Gequan did not dare to express any anger.

  “Yes!” Duan Gequan said, meekly lowering his head.

  Wang Chong’s words were rude, but they were true.

  “Moreover, what you speak of is not my domain, but the domain of the Imperial Court. You must say this to the Imperial Court. But there is one other point. The Great Tang will no longer be engaging in the policy of peace marriages. If Fengjiayi wishes for a Princess, he must express his own sincerity and obtain a Princess’s favor. And another point… tell Fengjiayi to come to the capital himself!” Wang Chong indifferently said.


  Duan Gequan did not dare to even utter the word ‘no’.

  As Wang Chong had spoken, Fengjiayi would probably have to start off for the capital on the same night. This was Wang Chong’s current level of prestige. In truth, Duan Gequan mentally sighed in relief. As long as it wasn’t complete rejection, everything else was negotiable.

  “King of Foreign Lands, our Ü-Tsang has no intention of committing an offense…”

  “Your Highness, you’ve misunderstood…”

  Wunu Shibi and Namri Songtian saw that Wang Chong’s expression had softened and seized the moment to explain themselves. But Wang Chong quickly cut them off with a cold laugh.

  “There’s no need to waste your words. If the Western Turks and Ü-Tsang don’t show restraint, you’ll meet the same end as Arabia!”


  The two of them instantly paled.

  In front of Wang Chong, they could only be passive, and despite their prodigious abilities, they could never fully exert themselves.

  As these two were feeling extremely awkward…


  An old eunuch standing in front of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal loudly announced, “The newly appointed Andong Protector-General, An Yaluoshan, and his right and left deputy generals have arrived!”


  The large, U-shaped hall instantly fell silent. Wang Chong’s expression slightly darkened and his brow creased as he turned to look.

  At the bottom of the steps was a chubby figure, his face ruddy and smiling as he slowly walked up, several other people standing around him.

  “Notice!” The Stone of Destiny�
�s cold voice spoke into Wang Chong’s mind. “Special Event! User has encountered ‘Destined Foe’! Special Event begins! User’s following actions will have an influence on this world and could draw attention from the World Consciousness! Be cautious!”

  Wang Chong’s pupils constricted, and his face turned cold and harsh.

  An Yaluoshan!

  Wang Chong had been planning to check whether this An Yaluoshan was the real deal, but the Stone of Destiny’s voice had made this unnecessary.

  Unlike the one at the eastern gate, this An Yaluoshan was the original!

  Only encountering An Yaluoshan’s real body would trigger the Stone of Destiny.

  And if this was An Yaluoshan, those around him were undoubtedly the backbone of his Youzhou force.


  Wang Chong looked around and spotted an azure-robed scholar to the right of An Yaluoshan.

  Gao Shang!

  If his guess was right, this man was An Yaluoshan’s primary strategist. For this visit to the capital, this man was most likely the schemer behind the curtains.

  Chapter 1999 - The Feast Begins! The Countries Offer Their Congratulations!

  Chapter 1999: The Feast Begins! The Countries Offer Their Congratulations!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Gao Shang, standing at An Yaluoshan’s side, suddenly sensed a sharp and piercing gaze on his body. He raised his head and immediately saw Wang Chong surrounded by the foreign emissaries. He shuddered and instinctively lowered his head to avoid Wang Chong’s gaze.Wang Chong was no mediocre character. This was something he had learned long ago from studying Wang Chong’s dossier.This was also why he had used a substitute to avoid Wang Chong when entering the capital.But the feast of all countries was too important. Even with all his tricks and stratagems, Gao Shang had no choice but to come in person.“Hmph!”Wang Chong sneered as he noted that face in his memory and turned to An Yaluoshan. With a thought, he immediately activated the True World ability.Wang Chong soon felt another familiar feeling. He could see that An Yaluoshan was wrapped in a mysterious energy that completely concealed him.Ripples of a ritual tool!I’d like to see what you’ll try! Wang Chong mentally jeered, and quickly looked away.The feast of all countries was merely a one-time celebration. If An Yaluoshan had come merely to take part in the festivities, there was no need to be so secretive. In his clumsy attempt to conceal his guilt, he had essentially admitted to it.But Wang Chong was in no rush. He had come today precisely to deal with any trouble that might occur.“Heh, Sir Eunuch, thank you for the trouble!”An Yaluoshan gave a hand salute and smiled. As he spoke, he subconsciously avoided Wang Chong’s gaze. Under the guidance of the old eunuch, he was swiftly taken to the left side of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal, his seat far on the other side of Wang Chong.“All of you should return to your seats!”Wang Chong withdrew his gaze and waved his hand, upon which the foreign emissaries dispersed.Wunu Shibi and Namri Songtian still wanted to argue, but one glance from Wang Chong was enough to silence them. They were forced to bow and return to their seats.Bong!A few moments later, a bell was struck.This was the third bell of the feast of all countries, and the final one.“Close the gates!”“Close the gates!”“Close the gates!”The eunuchs began to shrilly cry out, their voices traveling from the insides of the palace to the gates.Boom!A few moments later, the two vast palace gates slammed shut. With this, all the guests of the feast of all countries had arrived, and it was now time for the feast to formally begin. Only exit was permitted now.“The Sage Emperor has arrived!”The palace gates shut, and a few seconds later, clear chimes began to ring, and countless palace maids and guards began to file into the two sides of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal.Each palace maid held a flower basket that was full of the petals of flowers freshly picked from the imperial gardens. As the chimes rang out, they tossed the petals into the air, creating a picturesque scene in the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal.Behind the palace maids were two rows of heroic Golden Guards. They held halberds in their hands and wore swords at their waists as they stalwartly marched into the two sides of the ‘U’.“The consorts and concubines have arrived!” a voice loudly called out, and a gust of wind blew a fragrant scent into the two sides of the pavilion.The crowd was instantly dazzled as the consorts and concubines came in, each as beautiful as a fairy, and took their seats on the sides.The Pavilion of Petal and Sepal was divided into two parts. One was a lower ‘U’ where the officials and foreign dignitaries were seated. There was also an upper ‘U’ where the consorts and concubines were seated.Wang Chong was somewhat surprised. This was his first time taking part in a feast at the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal, and it was also the first time he had learned that the consorts and concubines would also be taking part in this celebration.“Look at that!”As he was thinking, Xu Qiqin prodded his arm and looked in a certain direction.Wang Chong followed her gaze and immediately spotted a familiar figure.Consort Taizhen!Wang Chong was startled. On the right side of the hall, Wang Chong had spotted Consort Taizhen with the other consorts.Consort Taizhen remained beautiful, but her complexion was somewhat sallow, and she seemed absentminded, as if she was looking for something.“The one left most dejected by His Divine Majesty’s change in personality is probably Her Majesty,” Xu Qiqin sympathetically said.Wang Chong said nothing. There had been many rumors about Consort Taizhen as of late, but when he saw Consort Taizhen’s dejected appearance, Wang Chong breathed a sigh of relief.This ‘Sage Emperor’ was not the Sage Emperor. He had been rather worried, but it was clear from Consort Taizhen’s expression that what he had feared had not taken place.Wang Chong scanned the crowd, but he saw no sign of Crown Prince Li Heng or Wang Zhongsi, a fact that made him frown.After the Eastern Palace incident, it was rumored that Crown Prince Li Heng was no longer so highly regarded. It seemed that the loyal Prince from the Rebellion of the Three Princes had fallen out of favor with the ‘Sage Emperor’, but Wang Chong had never imagined that the Sage Emperor wouldn’t even let him appear at the feast of all countries.As for Wang Zhongsi, he had long ago been appointed as Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian. He was to serve as Li Heng’s guardian and teacher, but it seemed as if he had been implicated in this incident and had also not been invited.Understanding this made a dark cloud of worry flit across Wang Chong’s brow. But he quickly put these matters aside. As the chimes rang out, a majestic figure garbed in a dragon robe was escorted into the hall by eunuchs and guards, swiftly making his way toward the center of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal.“May the Emperor live ten thousand years!”All the officials and foreign dignitaries in the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal stood up and bowed, Wang Chong and Xu Qiqin amongst them.All of the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal fell silent.On the raised platform, the ‘Sage Emperor’ saw all these people paying respects to him, and his face grew excited.Do you see it? This time, We have surpassed you! the ‘Sage Emperor’ smugly thought, and there seemed to be a reply from deep in his mind. A moment later, the ‘Sage Emperor’ swiftly turned his gaze toward the front.He shot a glance at a white-haired and wrinkled eunuch to his right.The old eunuch understood and immediately came forward, extending a hand and unrolling a decree. He began to loudly speak.“Acceding to the will of the heavens, the Emperor declares!“At present, the world is at peace and prosperous, and all the countries are in harmony. Though Hua and Hu may differ, they are linked by blood and heart. Thus, this feast of all countries is held to express to all the world that Hua and Hu are family, that we are all brothers. Thus is the Emperor’s will!”“May the Emperor live ten thousand years!”Everyone cried out in unison, their shouts shaking the walls.The ‘Sage Emperor’ listened to the thunderous roar, squinting as he looked around at the foreign dignitaries and the prosperous capital. An intense pride and satisfaction welled up in his heart.“Everyone, please be seated!” he majestically declared.“Thank you, Your Majesty!”Everyone bowed and sat back in their seats.Bong!A bell rang out, and the eunuch began to speak once more.“Emissaries of all countries, com
e forward!”“The emissary of Ü-Tsang pays obeisance to the Sage Emperor, the Son of Heaven, and offers a sacred white yak bone as a tribute to bless the Sage Emperor with a long life!”“The emissary of the Ghazni Dynasty pays respects to the Sage Emperor, presenting this ancient Cintamani jewel to bless the Sage Emperor with a long life!”“The emissary of Ozmish Khagan of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate pays obeisance to the Emperor of the Great Tang, presenting this tribute to bless the Sage Emperor with a long life!”“The Western Turkic Khaganate offers this tribute…”“The Khmer Kingdom offers this tribute…”“Mengshe Zhao offers this tribute…”“The Jushi Kingdom offers this tribute…”The foreign dignitaries came up for their audience, presented their gifts, and humbly prostrated on the ground.Wang Chong coldly watched, feeling nothing from these audiences. But on his throne, the ‘Sage Emperor’ loudly laughed, and with each tribute, his smile grew wider and wider. He was completely immersed in happiness.Wang Chong knew that this was a feast held entirely to amuse and please the ‘Sage Emperor’.As Wang Chong frowned, Xu Qiqin spoke in a warm and gentle tone. “Although there have been feasts held at the Pavilion of Petal and Sepal before, and the Chamberlain of Dependencies has claimed that all countries have paid homage before, only this once is it a feast of all countries in both name and reality!”Unlike Wang Chong, Xu Qiqin was relaxed and enjoying the feast of all countries.“What does it matter if all countries pay homage? It is like duckweed floating on the surface, completely meaningless!” Wang Chong indifferently said.Though he was not opposed to this feast, he did not support it either. Even though this sort of feast placed little burden on the resources and finances of the Great Tang, he still did not support it.“Everything has two sides. With pros come cons, and with cons come pros…”Xu Qiqin shook her head and smiled.“Did you not notice? Though the Sage Emperor was the one who wanted this feast, the happiest are the people of the capital.”Wang Chong turned around in shock. Outside the walls, countless torches burned in the darkness, and under these torches were packed crowds who were looking in the direction of the pavilion.


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