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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1253

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The mighty flows of energy that had been bound by the power of the formation went wild and began to erupt from the ground.

  Explosions rang out one after the other, sending chunks of dirt and stone shooting hundreds of feet into the air.

  These were far from the only effects of the formation shattering.

  Behind the dark golden palace, in the direction of the Caspian Sea, space contorted, and as if a curtain had been pulled away, a completely different scene was revealed.


  With this ‘hindrance’ gone, the crashing of the waves suddenly became several dozen times louder, an almost deafening roar resounding through the world.

  In the darkness, it was possible to see from ten-some li away that some invisible force was pulling up those mighty waves into the air, where they fiercely roared and smashed into each other like dark clouds in the sky.

  It looked as if there was a sea floating in the middle of the sky.

  But most striking of all was a strange and shining massive gate, several hundred feet tall, located directly under the waves.

  A teleportation gate!

  Even Wang Chong couldn’t help but be entranced by this sight.

  He now understood that this gate and the waves in the sky had been there this entire time. It was just that the three officials had used the formation to weaken and conceal them precisely so that no one would see this alarming sight.


  Warhorses shrieked as the numerous nomadic horsemen who had been riding toward the source of the turmoil stared in shock at that massive gate and giant waves that seemed to originate from the land of giants.

  “What’s going on? What is this thing?”

  “What terrifying energy! Are the divine emissaries enraged?”

  “Shut your mouth! Damn, this place is too dangerous!”

  The moment the formation shattered, the warhorses began to run around in panic. The tribal warriors were forced to calm the horses, but they remained fearful of that strange sight off the shores of the Caspian Sea.

  “This is the teleportation gate?!”

  Wang Chong also sensed a shift, but not because of the massive waves in the air. It was because of that constantly flashing teleportation gate in the darkness, grandiose and enigmatic.

  Even though he had long ago heard of the teleportation gates and their close connection to the otherworldly invaders, this was the first time since his reincarnation that he had seen one.

  This teleportation gate was much larger than he had imagined. The two standing pillars were covered in mysterious markings and patterns. These were not simple decorations but were infused with the laws of the world.

  But what stunned Wang Chong the most was the energy contained in the teleportation gate.

  Such powerful energy… Wang Chong inwardly muttered to himself.

  He could feel a raging and roaring energy within the teleportation gate, one that struck fear into his heart.


  Incomparably tiny!

  Wang Chong’s Divine Embryo 1 was born from the earth, the product of the accumulation of tens of thousands of years. This had resulted in a large reserve of energy, but this energy reserve was comparable to a plank of wood floating on the ocean of the teleportation gate.

  Wang Chong had far more Psychic Energy than most, so he keenly understood the terror of this immense amount of energy. Just looking at it from a distance and sensing the deathly energy leaking out made his soul shiver.

  Wang Chong originally believed that he could easily destroy the teleportation gate.

  But now that he had a good look, he immediately knew that even if there were no one protecting it, destroying this giant teleportation gate would be no easy task!

  The Power of Spacetime!

  Wang Chong had a sudden realization.

  Others in the darkness could only see this giant gate, but Wang Chong could see overlapping images and intense spacetime ripples around the teleportation gate.

  This teleportation gate was not merely established on the shores of the Caspian Sea. It was established in spacetime, in a mysterious intermediary dimension between the human world and the depths of spacetime.

  The waters of the Caspian Sea were being stirred and tossed into the air by the Power of Spacetime, creating that restless sea in the air!

  As countless thoughts flew through his mind, Wang Chong understood that he would need to change his plans.


  At this moment, Wang Chong sensed a terrifying energy suddenly appearing beneath the teleportation gate like some long-slumbering beast awakening. In just a few moments, its energy had soared to a frightening level.

  Thump! Thump!

  Wang Chong’s heart began to beat faster and faster as intense waves of danger emanated from the Caspian Sea.

  Firmament Supreme!

  Although he had never seen him before, Wang Chong immediately knew who was coming.

  This man shared the same fundamental energy as Genesis Supreme.

  Chapter 2072 - : The Death of the Water Official!

  Chapter 2072: The Death of the Water Official!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The shattering of the formation had clearly alarmed the leader of the men in black who had been so focused on constructing the giant teleportation gate.

  “Seeking death!”

  A loud cry rang out, and behind Wang Chong, the Sky Official angrily roared as he rushed into the hall.

  His left hand snatched out, and the air in the hall shifted. In the blink of an eye, Wang Chong felt the air around him becoming as tough and solid as steel, fixing him within the hall.

  “Ten Thousand Star Meteors!”

  As Wang Chong was suppressed, the Sky Official punched with all his Stellar Energy.

  There was a thunderous boom, and as the fist thrust forward, ten thousand points of light flashed into existence behind the Sky Official, and behind these myriad stars was an image of the universe.


  The power of the stars, the power of the universe, and the majestic Stellar Energy within the Sky Official’s body merged together into a red, yellow, and white stream that surged toward Wang Chong.

  It was a majestic and grandiose attack, and in terms of destructive and offensive might, it far surpassed any attack from the Earth Official.

  Unlike the Earth Official, the Sky Official controlled the universe and the void. While the Earth Official could absorb energy from the surrounding earth, the Sky Official could absorb energy from spacetime itself, and this energy was far more powerful.

  This was why he was ranked first amongst the three officials.

  Formidable, as expected!

  There was a glint of surprise in Wang Chong’s eyes upon seeing this attack.

  He had hesitated in entering the golden palace precisely because he feared the Sky Official.

  A peak Subtle realm expert who could absorb energy from the depths of spacetime was infinitesimally close to the basic Grotto Heaven realm.

  And his powerful abilities were a perfect fit for the narrow confines of the palace and his spatial sealing ability. In normal circumstances, Wang Chong would have been a turtle in a jar with nowhere to run.



  Wang Chong stomped on the ground, sundering the floor. At the same time, he gave the Sky Official an eerie smile. A moment later, the three-colored stream of energy slammed into where Wang Chong had been standing, but at this point, Wang Chong had already disappeared like a ghost.

  Earth Movement!

  If the Sky Official had sealed Wang Chong’s movements while he was in the air, he might have had a chance, but Wang Chong’s two feet had been planted on the floor of the hall this entire time. This was the ideal distance to use Earth Movement, and not even the Sky Official could stop him.

  Moreover, after absorbing all of the Earth Official’s abilities, Wang Chong could use the Earth
Movement art even better than the Earth Official.

  Kaboom! The ground shuddered as the Sky Official’s immense attack made impact, the three-colored Stellar Energy running rampant through the palace and causing it to explode into debris, spreading shockwaves out in all directions.

  The Sky Official, his attack having missed, scowled at the ruins of the palace.

  Earth Movement!

  The Sky Official had recognized the technique Wang Chong had used, and from the look of it, Wang Chong had an even stronger grasp of this Earth Element ability than the Earth Official.


  The Sky Official’s face went ashen, and he finally understood why Wang Chong had tried to lure them out.

  Without the restriction of the formation, Earth Element experts with the Earth Movement ability could travel through the entire region like a fish through water.

  “Not good!”

  A terrible thought appeared in the Sky Official’s mind, and he hastily began to rush outside.


  An explosion rang out in the darkness, followed by a miserable scream, but a few seconds later, the scream stopped.

  It was the Water Official’s voice!

  The Sky Official’s heart trembled, his face turning pale as his heart sank.


  With a furious roar, the Sky Official accelerated.

  The Sky Official spotted the area of the battle.

  Countless corpses were spread across a wide area. There were the bodies of tribal warriors and bodies of men in black, and the signs of intense battle could be seen everywhere.

  A red official’s hat drifted down from the air while the Water Official’s body came down much faster, crashing into the ground.

  Two figures, one gold and one red, slowly landed on the ground.

  “Bastard! Kill!”

  The Sky Official’s eyes went red, and his body instantly began to surge with energy.

  “Universal Blast!”

  The air behind the Sky Official darkened, and then countless stars began to appear. As the stars appeared, the tri-colored streams of energy in red, yellow, and white shot at Divine Embryos 2 and 3.

  “Let’s go!”

  Deep underground, Wang Chong’s Divine Embryo 1 opened its hand, upon which the surrounding several thousand feet of earth began to ripple like water.

  After killing the Water Official, Divine Embryos 2 and 3 did not waste any time fighting the Sky Official, and vanished into the earth.

  At the final moment, Divine Embryo 3 even reached out and took the Water Official’s corpse.

  The Water Official had been the weakest of the three officials while the Sky Official was the strongest. Killing the Sky Official would not be as easy as killing the other two, but this was not the reason Wang Chong avoided battle.

  “Scoundrel, where are you going?!”

  As the divine embryos were about to vanish into the earth, a furious roar exploded in their ears.

  It was barely audible at first, but in a flash, it had arrived with thunderous fury, shaking the foundations of the three divine embryos and even affecting the Earth Movement ability.

  Firmament Supreme!

  Wang Chong’s expression instantly turned solemn.

  Killing the Water Official had finally provoked the Supreme that was guarding the teleportation gate.

  Wang Chong still didn’t know how big the gap was between Genesis Supreme and Firmament Supreme when it came to actual power, but it was clear that Firmament Supreme was superior when it came to Psychic Energy.

  At this level of cultivation, Psychic Energy became tangible and could act as a rather strong real attack.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong grimaced, not daring to stay. He immediately exerted Divine Embryo 1’s abilities to their limit, an earthen light wrapping around Divine Embryo 2, Divine Embryo 3, and the body of the Water Official as they hastily fled.

  In the organization of men in black, the Supremes were at the peak of the martial path. They had existed for longer than written history, and even in the past, only a scant few had ever been able to reach their level.

  In truth, to mortal experts, they wielded unimaginable power and were truly already similar to gods!

  If Firmament Supreme were allowed to catch up, the battle would flip around, and it would be Wang Chong’s three divine embryos suffering heavy losses.

  Wang Chong did not dare to risk the three divine embryos until he had broken into the Grotto Heaven realm.


  One powerful wave of Psychic Energy after another exploded around the three divine embryos. These were not pure mental attacks. They also contained some of the will and pressure of their user, and also something else.

  Wang Chong’s actual body was still in the capital, and while the three divine embryos had hardy wills, they could not compare to his actual body. Firmament Supreme’s attack method struck precisely at Wang Chong’s greatest weakness.


  Finally, after madly fleeing for ten-some li, they seemed to cross some invisible barrier and the mental attacks that had followed them like a shadow finally disappeared.

  “This man is too frightening!”

  Wang Chong’s divine embryos emerged from the ground. Free of that suffocating pressure, Wang Chong let out a sigh of relief.

  The power of the three divine embryos Wang Chong had refined came from his soul. Although it could not compare to the power of his actual body, it was still at the Subtle realm.

  Moreover, the three divine embryos possessed astonishing talent, and once they were refined, they developed an extremely strong connection with the person who refined them that was practically flawless.

  Even in these circumstances, Firmament Supreme’s long-distance attacks had still almost managed to shatter Wang Chong’s soul. From this, one could see just how powerful Firmament Supreme was.

  I’ll have to give the matter of the teleportation gate further thought! Wang Chong said to himself as he frowned.

  With Firmament Supreme guarding the teleportation gate, destroying it would be no simple task.


  “Damn thing! If this god didn’t have to maintain the formation and erect the teleportation gate, I would have obliterated your bodies!”

  At the shores of the Caspian Sea stood a figure with long silver hair. His eyes suddenly opened, revealing an icy-cold killing intent.


  As the Firmament Supreme stewed in his rage, a powerful pulse of energy came from the depths of spacetime. He grimaced, quickly gathered his energy, and began to pour power into the formation.

  The teleportation gate was of utmost importance, and no mistakes were permitted. Even if all three officials were killed, nothing could be allowed to affect Heaven’s ‘Purification’ plan.

  Compared to the chaotic situation at the Caspian Sea, Wang Chong’s group was much calmer.

  “Master, you should have sensed it. Firmament Supreme is incredibly powerful, and it’s not something we can contend with,” the faceless man said, his tone wooden and flat.

  “In this current situation, if we try to approach that region and enter his attack range, we’re no match for him, even if we all work together.”

  The faceless man said no more. He had tried last time and failed, so Wang Chong was the only one who had a chance of destroying the teleportation gate. At most, he could only offer some support.

  Chapter 2073 - Energy Core!

  Chapter 2073: Energy Core!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong lowered his head, a pensive look on his face.

  He could sense the cold air thickening and could see the frost building up on the ground. These were not good omens.

  “We can’t retreat. In at most three days, the teleportation gate will be complete. Before then, we have to destroy it!” Wang Chong immediately said.

  Only the Sky Official
was left of the three officials, and the formation had been shattered. The only obstacle left for Wang Chong was Firmament Supreme.

  More importantly, if he couldn’t even destroy one teleportation gate, how could he destroy the second, third, fourth… As more and more teleportation gates were set up, Wang Chong’s situation would get worse and worse.

  Once the six bases were complete, those nightmarish cavalry would arrive and the world would step into the apocalyptic era.

  “No matter what, even if we have to sacrifice the three divine embryos, we have to destroy the teleportation gate!”

  Wang Chong clenched his fists and made up his mind.

  “But as long as Firmament Supreme is there, we won’t even have a chance to get close to the teleportation gate. Carelessly rushing forward is no different from suicide!” the faceless man said.

  Wang Chong said nothing. He slowly raised his head as his eyes closed in thought.

  The faceless man was right. Firmament Supreme now knew of their existence after this raid, and he would certainly be even more cautious.

  Even if Wang Chong was anxious to destroy the teleportation gate, he needed to carefully think over his plan.

  Wang Chong focused all his attention on gathering memories from the Water Official’s mind.

  By knowing oneself and knowing one’s enemy, one could win every battle.

  When fleeing, Wang Chong had taken the Water Official’s body. This was not just to absorb his energy, but also to seize the memories in his mind.

  With the Earth Official, Wang Chong had instantly shattered his skull, making his memories irretrievable.

  The Water Official’s corpse was much more complete than the Earth Official’s, and as he hadn’t been dead for long, Wang Chong could easily obtain memories from his mind.

  “What to do… How can I destroy this teleportation gate?” Wang Chong muttered, numerous thoughts passing through his mind.

  The Caspian Sea… the teleportation gate… the cold wave… the formation… the perimeter base…

  As the Water Official’s memories entered his mind, Wang Chong began to construct a model of this region bordering the Caspian Sea.



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