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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1316

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

The black-robed leader clenched his teeth, not daring to believe his eyes.

  These Shadow Dragon soldiers of the Great Tang had not only absorbed the Lu Wu energy of the men in black, they also had some resistance to the Fire of Mara.

  Crackcrack! The sound of cracking bones rang out.

  The three Shadow Dragon soldiers clenched their fists and stared with cold and sharp eyes at the black-robed leader.


  The three of them roared as they lunged at the black-robed leader with their heavy swords. In a flash of light, the three dark golden swords began to burn with violet flames.


  The three heavy swords swiftly cut down, and the three soldiers began to battle with the black-robed leader.


  Stellar Energy rumbled and shockwaves swept out as the seemingly unstoppable men in black finally ran into an obstacle.

  At the start, the Shadow Dragon soldiers had been somewhat unfamiliar with their new powers, even suffering significant losses. But the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art and joint attack formation Wang Chong had given them soon began to show results.

  As the saying went, two fists found it hard to fight against four hands, and not even a hero could win when outnumbered. The Shadow Dragon Division soon had the upper hand, and with the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art’s ability to absorb Stellar Energy, the men in black quickly found their advantage dissipating. It took only a few seconds for the tides to turn.


  As this fierce battle ensued, on the other side of the walls…


  Several palm-sized plates of metal with complicated formations carved onto them were dropped to the ground. Unnoticed, several officers of the alliance army sent streams of Stellar Energy into these three small formations.

  There was a metallic clatter as the three formations lit up and began to operate.

  The icy mist around the fortress instantly became ten times more concentrated.

  “Enough! The illusion formation is already working. The other teams also seem to have succeeded. Let’s withdraw!” one of the officers whispered.

  The three of them were only one of the teams that had stealthily moved up to the walls. The surging mist around them made it clear that the others had succeeded.


  Without delay, these people immediately began to draw back.

  As these officers finished their formations, in the rear of the army…

  “Is it all ready?”

  A muscular man in heavy armor bellowed. Amidst the vast sea of soldiers that was the alliance army, this sort of roar was practically inaudible.

  At this moment, anyone who saw the situation in front of this man would feel their hearts chill.

  In front of this stalwart soldier were rows of imposing generals from all the other countries.

  For several dozen generals of the alliance to be gathered here while a fierce battle was taking place was extremely weird.

  “Everyone, remember: there will be only one chance. Failure is not permitted!” the leading general harshly said.

  “Yes!” everyone yelled back, their eyes viciously fixed on the steel fortress.

  A moment later, hwooo! A wild gust blew past, roiling the mist. Behind them, the imposing silhouettes of catapults could be seen in the mist.

  But compared to other catapults, these were clearly much smaller. Moreover, several areas had been modified and reinforced. These catapults were clearly meant for a short range.

  These catapults were built for the purpose of this plan, and they were meant to throw people, not stones.

  The generals swiftly boarded the catapults.

  The defenses of the Tang steel fortress were far too powerful. Ordinary methods could not break them, so this team of generals had been formed.

  No matter how powerful the Tang defenses were, ordinary soldiers were still no match for generals.


  With thunderous booms, the several dozen alliance generals, curled up into balls, flew through the air and began to approach the walls with astonishing speed.


  A Goguryeon general descended through the snowy mist. After landing, he uncurled his body, flourished his four long sabers, and immediately lunged at a Tang soldier.

  More generals came right behind him, and the walls fell into chaos.

  Chapter 2185 - Opening a Gap!

  Chapter 2185: Opening a Gap!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  A few moments later, a panicked messenger rushed over to Wang Chong in the center of the fortress.

  “Reporting! Your Highness, bad news! A force of generals has appeared on the walls! Our soldiers can’t hold!”

  Behind Wang Chong, his subordinates grimaced.

  “Your Highness, this general will take some men to deal with it.” Guo Ziyi stepped forward, his voice determined and his face grave.

  Any low-level general appearing in a battle between ordinary soldiers would always be able to cause chaos, let alone a force of generals. The city defense division was incapable of stopping them, and if nothing were done, the consequences did not bear imagining.

  “Go!” Wang Chong quickly said, waving his hand.


  Guo Ziyi bowed and quickly departed.


  The Great Tang was not lacking in middle-level generals compared to the alliance, and forming a force of generals was not difficult.

  As Wang Chong watched Guo Ziyi’s team leave, he narrowed his eyes in thought.

  The battle at the front continued, and the ballistae continued to fire on and bring down the ice bridges. But the collapse of the ice bridges could not stop the frenzied assault of the alliance soldiers.

  The ice bridges that the Xi Queen had used all her strength to form were far sturdier than anticipated.

  The mist was continuing to thicken and surge toward the walls.

  Wang Chong thoughtfully observed this.

  “Trying to hide it only makes things more conspicuous. Men in black, generals, a blizzard… these things can’t break through my steel fortress. An Lushan, what are you trying to do?”

  Wang Chong looked to the north and smirked.

  Though he didn’t know yet what exactly was being done, he was sure that An Lushan was preparing something.

  “Pass on my order! Have all soldiers ready for my orders!

  “My orders are to be followed to the letter!” Wang Chong declared, a profound light flitting through his eyes so quickly that it almost seemed like an illusion.

  “Yes, Your Highness!”

  A messenger quickly left to deliver the order.


  The use of formations to change the weather was not considered a weather control ability.

  Neither Wang Chong nor An Lushan could influence this cold air stirred up by the formations.


  The groaning of machinery came from behind the alliance army. Here, three bizarre, ancient, and complex machines lurked like giant beasts.

  The machines were covered in complicated patterns, and at the very front of these machines was a massive ‘muzzle’.

  Within the massive muzzle was a steel ball that was five to six meters in diameter.

  An invisible energy held the steel ball in the muzzle and constantly spun it. The giant steel ball radiated extremely dangerous blue rays of light that roamed about, outlining what appeared to be some sort of giant formation.

  Anyone here would have realized that these formations were packed with dangerous energy!

  Beneath the formation, within the steel ball, was a surging energy, as unstable as the magma of a volcano. It was a destructive energy that could make anyone pale.

  It was an unimaginably frightening power.

  Creaak! Creeak! Clack!

  As gears turned, the three terrifying and ancient machines turned their muzzles
on the Tang fortress.

  And then they fired!




  The three giant steel balls blasted out.



  As Guo Ziyi was leading his men to battle with the alliance generals on the walls, a massive steel ball suddenly plummeted out of the northeastern skies and slammed into a section of the walls.


  It was impossible to describe the power of that explosion. The earth quaked as the steel ball made impact, and the explosion drowned out all other noise. A terrifying storm of destructive energy exploded out of the steel ball, and in the face of this storm, that thick steel wall collapsed like it was made of paper.

  Dust plumed into the air while the shockwave from the explosion traveled several thousand feet, carrying shards of debris in every direction. And with this tremendous explosion, a massive gap more than one hundred meters long was formed in the walls.

  Similar explosions took place on the western and central parts of the walls.

  For a moment, the entire world became eerily silent.

  Through the three massive gaps in the walls, the Tang army within the fortress and the alliance army without silently stared at each other.

  At that moment, time seemed to stop.

  They stared at each other, none of them having expected this development.

  The Great Tang’s steel fortress had been unimaginably sturdy, the walls reinforced with a frightening number of defensive inscriptions and formations. Besides that, beneath the fortress, Wang Chong had erected a massive formation that joined all the walls of the fortress together, making them even sturdier.

  To call these walls sturdier than diamond was not at all excessive.

  During the assault, various alliance officers had tried to hack at the walls with their precious swords and sabers, but they had not even been able to leave a mark.

  This had played a large role in the alliance army’s inability to overcome the walls.

  But unexpectedly, after so many people had died trying to assault these walls, three giant holes had been easily blasted through them.

  Tens of thousands of soldiers stared in speechless disbelief, their eyes wide open.

  But beneath the giant banner of Youzhou, An Lushan flourished his saber and smiled.

  “Hahaha, success! Divine Works Elder, you truly did not disappoint me!”

  An Lushan heartily laughed as he saw those three massive gaps.

  What did it matter if Wang Chong had set up a fortress in the Cang Province? It still couldn’t stop him!

  Without these tall walls, the Great Tang had nothing else that could stop him!

  These three giant gaps were three gates leading to victory.

  “Hmph, these three steel balls were originally energy sources for recreating the world. If not for the fact that this kind of energy is extremely unstable, requiring the steel balls to be reinforced with formations, they would have been used long ago. This is the greatest aid Heaven can give you in this battle!

  “The path is open. Child of the World, it’s up to you now!”

  The Divine Works Elder waved his sleeve, his face exuding pride.

  He was not at all surprised by this scene. These were originally supposed to be used in the Purification plan, items that only the Supremes were allowed to use. To use them to help An Lushan open up a hole in the walls was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

  But Heaven regarded this battle with extreme importance and would not permit failure, so he had no choice but to use them.

  “Haha, okay!”

  An Lushan’s armor trembled, his eyes erupting with a sharp light.

  “Pass on my order! All soldiers, move out!”


  A horn blared, and the entire Youzhou army began to move.

  “Hahaha, An Lushan, you truly are the Child of Heaven’s will. My sons, charge!”

  The Khitan King excitedly laughed, his thick beard trembling.

  The Khitans were not skilled at assaulting cities. What they desired were intense melees.

  “Hear my order! Prepare to assault the city!”

  Yeon Gaesomun pulled out several of his pitch-black sabers with a clang, his body erupting with fighting intent.

  He had been far too restrained in the previous battles. This was exactly the moment he had been looking forward to.

  “Heeheehee, pass on my order! Prepare to attack and wipe out the Great Tang!”

  “All soldiers, prepare to move out!”

  The wounded Xi Queen and Ozmish Khagan also gave out their orders to attack.


  Receiving this order, the alliance army rallied, their thick killing intent soaring to the heavens.


  The sound of the war drums began to once more rumble across the battlefield.

  This time, the entire army pressed forward, and their momentum caused the icy mist to surge in their direction.


  At the front of the armies, the rows of shield carts formed a long, silver line that rapidly advanced.

  Even in the midst of this intense battle, the alliance had not forgotten to guard against the Great Tang’s nightmarish ballistae.

  Farther in the rear, the various armies swiftly took up formation. Tens of thousands of cavalry gathered into concentrated formations across from the three large gaps.


  With this loud cry, the earth began to tremble. The alliance cavalry joined the infantry, spearmen, and shield soldiers in an earth-shaking bellow as they all charged at the Tang army.


  As the army began to move, the howling winds once more began to move toward the fortress.

  Within the fortress, Wang Chong half-closed his eyes, standing motionless beneath the Tang banner.

  “So that’s what it was! Energy cores… To think that Heaven would even give something like this to you for the sake of victory.”

  As Wang Chong opened his eyes, a bright light gleamed within them.

  Chapter 2186 - A Brand-New Tongluo Great Halo!

  Chapter 2186: A Brand-New Tongluo Great Halo!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The explosion had come abruptly, and there had been some formation that had disrupted the senses. By the time Wang Chong had realized, the explosion had already happened. He hadn’t even had a chance to stop it.

  But during the explosion, Wang Chong had sensed a familiar energy.

  The sensation of an energy core!

  On his journey to the Caspian Sea, during his encounter with Firmament Supreme, Wang Chong had found that the men in black were using this sort of crystallized energy core to provide energy for a spacetime teleportation gate. This sort of crystal contained an unimaginably vast sea of energy. The only problem was that this kind of energy was extremely unstable.

  But this instability made this sort of energy the best weapon for An Lushan to use against Wang Chong’s walls.

  Even though Wang Chong’s steel fortress had been reinforced with so many inscriptions and formations, it was nothing in front of this high-class energy core.

  Wang Chong knew that An Lushan had to have some way of breaking through his walls, but he had not expected that it would be an energy core.


  Wang Chong could hear the cries of the two million alliance soldiers as they charged at the steel fortress, sounding like a roaring tsunami.

  Next to Wang Chong, countless soldiers panicked. The collapse of three parts of the wall had completely disrupted their preparations. The city defense division was now completely useless, and the situation was now extremely disadvantageous.

  But when they saw how composed and confident Wang Chong was, they quickly calmed down.

  Five thousand feet!

  Three thousand feet!

  The distance rapidly closed, and those in th
e fortress could feel the vibrations created by the charging army. It would be just a few more moments until the alliance army reached the fortress.

  At such a close distance, ballistae were no longer effective.

  As for the defensive measures used previously, they had also been rendered ineffective.

  Wang Chong placed his hands behind his back and coldly said, “It’s finally begun!”

  As he looked forward, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

  The walls had been destroyed, but Wang Chong was so relaxed that it seemed like nothing had happened.


  His fingers trembled, and a small, triangular flag that was a few inches tall flew out from between his fingers and landed on the nearby model.

  “Tell Abusi that he can start getting ready!”


  Wang Chong’s attitude was infectious, and the surrounding soldiers quickly calmed. A messenger departed to convey the message.


  A moment later, just as the alliance army was about to charge into the fortress, the Tang army shifted formations. Before the alliance army could react, tens of thousands of Tang cavalry emerged, appearing at the three gaps so quickly that it seemed like they had come out of thin air.

  They were all in neat formation, as motionless as mountains. It was as if they had been waiting here this entire time, waiting exactly for a development like this.

  Neeeeigh! Warhorses cried out in alarm as countless alliance soldiers were shaken by this sight.

  These Tang soldiers were far too calm, so calm that they seemed like rocks that had weathered the beating of endless waves.

  Compared to the bellowing alliance army, these cavalry were cold and silent statues.

  This stark contrast with the alliance army only made them seem more intimidating.

  With these three forces of Tang cavalry at the three gaps, the Great Tang had three additional defense lines.

  And behind these three cavalry forces were the twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry, lined up in a row. In the center and to the back was Abusi, his motionless body seething with energy.

  “King of Foreign Lands, leave this place to me for now. I won’t let them take half a step into this fortress!”

  As Abusi spoke, energy erupted from his body.


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