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Aquarius (Zodiac Killers Book 3)

Page 11

by WL Knightly

  The police had to see that he didn’t have a good motive for murdering his only source of income just days after she said she was dying and leaving him an inheritance. If they didn’t understand that, he didn’t know what else to do. He had been in a daze since finding Lidia, covered in blood and hacked to pieces.

  The killer had defiled her so viciously that he knew whoever it was had so much hate in them for who he was and what he’d helped do to Emily Johnson.

  Since being reminded and shamed for not remembering her name, he couldn’t get it out of his head, and it added a new layer to his guilt that was still curing like a fresh coat of paint on his conscience. He knew he’d never forget it again, and strangely, it was one of his first thoughts when he realized Lidia had been stabbed to death.

  As he stood in the shower recounting the pain from the past days and scrubbing his flesh hard to try and distract himself, he thought about Hannah. She’d been so understanding and listened to his side of things. Even though he didn’t deserve her, she had lain with him on the couch, stroking his hair as he stroked hers, and they held each other for the night.

  He knew that they were taking things slowly, and even if they never really got together, he would accept it because he knew he’d broken the trust between them. What mattered was she understood his pain, and she was willing to be there for him through it, like he had been there for her.

  He cut off the water, and as he stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist, his door buzzed down below.

  “Shit.” He hurried to his closet for something to wear, and even though it took him a minute, the buzzing persisted.

  “I’m coming!” he called out as he took the stairs two at a time on his way down. He peeked out to see the platinum blond hair of Bay Collins and his angular features, which were distorted by the fish-eye. “Hey, Bay,” he said as he threw the door open.

  A fresh wave of panic crawled up his skin as the man stepped into his home. “I hear you have an appointment.”

  Logan shut the door. “I do. Perhaps I should make you strip down before we take this any further.” Bay had a rule about entering his private space. He always checked for wires before he spoke about business.

  Bay wasn’t amused. “Seems like all my friends have jokes today.”

  “Friends? I didn’t know you had any.” He led Bay upstairs into his apartment.

  “Looks like the woman left you comfortable. This is a great set up you’ve got here.”

  “I know you didn’t come to talk about my home interior, so why don’t you say what’s on your mind? I have to head down to the station soon.” He walked into the kitchen and went to the counter. “Coffee?”

  “No, but thank you.” Bay stopped on the other side of the island, and instead of sitting on one of the bar stools, he leaned against it. “I just thought I might need to come by and see who you’ve chosen to represent you. I heard you’re in a lot of trouble, and most likely will be arrested. You should have representation.”

  He and Hannah had decided they wouldn’t lawyer up just yet. To do so might make them both look guilty. “I haven’t chosen anyone. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” Bay said. “But do you think they’re going to give a shit when it comes down to the wire, and they have to pin it on someone? No, they’re going to look at you as the most likely suspect and not only pinch you for Lidia, but they’ll pin all of Tad’s shit on you, too.”

  “I didn’t even know Tad’s uncle or that tattoo guy. How would I have any involvement?”

  “They won’t care. Maybe you and Tad were in on something together. You can deny that until you’re blue in the face, but they have ways of making juries agree with them.”

  “I’m not stupid, Bay. And if you’re trying to scare me into bringing you along, it’s not going to happen.”

  Bay grinned like a snake. “Oh, no. I am not going anywhere near this, but I could do you a favor and arrange your representation. I have it on good authority that your new sweetheart ran her mouth about Camp Victory. She remembered Tad coming home with that brand of his. You haven’t happened to talk to her about us, have you? Or have you been too busy fucking that sweet ass of hers?”

  Logan’s hands curled into fists at the mention of Hannah. “I haven’t told her anything. Again, I’m not stupid, Bay.”

  “Good. Because running your mouth isn’t going to do you or her any favors. Look at Tad’s sacrifice. Now there’s a man who knew how to keep his mouth shut. He died for that loyalty.”

  “I don’t need you to remind me. I’ve had to console his sister over what he did, and I can’t even tell her why.”

  “Consoling? Is that what you call it when you fuck your dead friend’s sister and use his funeral as a dating service?”

  “It wasn’t like that, but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t bother going. As much as you talk about loyalty, the first one of us dies, and you can’t even come and pay your respects.”

  Bay chuckled with amusement. “Are you trying to make me feel guilty?”

  “I know better than to think you have that capability.”

  “Good, because it’s a wasted emotion. I only came here to remind you that Darek is one of the good guys, and it wouldn’t pay off if you lose your head and out him in front of his peers. We’re trying to keep things away from our past as much as possible, which is bad enough with you and Hannah Halston making trouble together.”

  “We’re not making trouble. I haven’t told her anything.” He hadn’t told her anything that had to do with the girl, anyway.

  “Has she seen your mark? I’m assuming she’s seen you naked.” By the way Bay’s lip curled, Logan had to wonder if he was jealous.

  “Yeah, she’s seen it. She knows I knew Tad back at Camp V and thinks we did it to be cool.” He shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “She’s not going to say anything because she thinks Tad and I are being framed. She thinks Tad was murdered.”

  “Because she’s too weak to see the truth. He jumped; took flight like a scared little bird.” Bay walked to the window which overlooked the donut shop parking lot. “You just make sure to keep your mouth shut. I’m not sure you’d sprout wings, either.” With that, he turned and took to the stairs. “I’ll have someone meet you down at the station.” His voice faded as he disappeared into the stairwell and left Logan with a chill that ran all the way down his spine.

  He looked at the time, and after giving Bay a few minutes to head out, he left the coffee and grabbed his keys. He had to make sure he was on time, and he hoped Bay wouldn’t send anyone. He didn’t want to owe the man any favors.

  He got in his car and decided he needed a boost of encouragement, something positive in his morning other than a ray of sunshine, but just as beautiful. He got out his phone and called Hannah before starting the car and heading out of the parking lot.

  When she answered, music was playing in the background, and it was some hard-core shit. “Give me a minute,” she said, sounding out of breath. Soon, the music shut off, and she took some time to catch her breath.

  “Are you okay? I had no idea you were a metal head.”

  “It was the radio; I’m doing my morning workout. I must say it was pretty encouraging.” She paused, and he heard the sound of her gulping down what he could only assume was water. “I thought you were going to the police station today.”

  He pulled out into the street and headed toward the station. “I’m on my way. I’m not going to lie; I’m pretty nervous. I think I should also tell you that Bay Collins stopped by to see me. He insists on sending someone down to represent me.”

  “You didn’t tell him about us, did you?”

  “No, but he already knew. It’s no use trying to keep anything from him, Hannah. He will always find a way to know everything.” He knew he couldn’t tell her that Darek was a part of it all because that would only cause more problems, but he knew that was where Bay had gotten his information. He supposed he
should be glad that Darek was walking the line between them and the cops, but knowing about his little issues with his blacking out and losing his memory, he wasn’t sure the guy was stable or dependable. No, the only person he could trust was Hannah. She’d convinced him of that.

  “To me, that just makes him more suspicious. He’s a sociopath. You need to cut all ties and stop letting him in. If this person he sends is in his pocket, it might be best to just send them away.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to be the best idea. Maybe if I just give him this one play, he’ll back the fuck off. He said he doesn’t want to get too close to this now, so I don’t think he’ll be too much trouble.”

  “Was he upset you hadn’t called him?” They’d talked about how he might be.

  “He didn’t really say.” Logan took the next ramp and entered the freeway.

  She made a sound of disgust. “Yeah, he doesn’t want to come across as bitter.”

  “Speaking of bitter, he was most pissy when it came to you and me. I kind of detected a bit of jealousy in his voice.” He hoped there hadn’t ever been anything between them. He knew she hated him, but prayed it wasn’t because he’d fucked her and dumped her.

  “He’s made passes. I’ve turned him down.”

  “Can I ask why? Not many have, and I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t.”

  “Well, for one, I can’t stand his hair, and two, he may as well have Major Douche tattooed on his forehead. He’s the kind of guy that thinks he’s special, and it’s written all over him, from the way he looks to the way he speaks.”

  “He’s not your type? That’s surprising; I figured he was everyone’s type. I should have known you’d be different. You’re special, Hannah.”

  “Likewise, Logan. Good luck today.”

  “Are you working later? I’d like to see you.”

  “I don’t go in until late. I can come by when you’re done if you want.”

  “I want.” He wanted her in every way, shape, and form. Every position, half-clothed, and naked. He wanted her forever.

  They ended the call, and he took the next exit that led to the station. When he finally reached the lot, his nerves were a bit better, but now, he missed Hannah and couldn’t wait to get the meeting over with.

  An hour later, he sat in a white-walled room and looked over at the darkened window, wondering who was watching him. He was joined by his new lawyer, who he hadn’t had the heart to send away.

  Bay was an evil genius for a reason, and he’d found the most attractive older woman he could to represent Logan. Logan had tried not to stare, but she wore a blouse which had her tits pressed together tightly and practically spilling out. Asshole.

  Of course, he thought she was attractive, but if Bay thought he could shake him up, he was wrong. He kept Hannah in the forefront of his thoughts as he waited for Darek and that hot little brunette that he’d met at the crime scene.

  He felt a little sick thinking of Lidia’s home, a place where they’d shared so many wonderful times together, as a place where something so horrific had happened. Calling it a crime scene just seemed too unreal. He realized, then, that he was still hoping to wake up from the horrible dream.

  Logan didn’t realize he’d been tapping his foot until the woman reached over and placed her hand on his knee. “Don’t be nervous. They like to keep you waiting to shake you up. I’m sure they won’t be long now.”

  “What did you say your name was again?” Logan didn’t want to be rude, but it had slipped right out of his head.

  The woman smiled. “Katherine Fallwell. Don’t worry. Mr. Collins told me to take very good care of you.”

  “I’m sure he did.” He closed his eyes and thought about Lidia and the way she’d always been so accepting of him. She truly cared for him. Bay’s substitute was a joke, and his motives were completely transparent. “Look, I’m not trying to be rude, but I really don’t need you here, and I didn’t even ask Bay to send you.”

  She looked confused. “You do realize that you’re about to be questioned in a murder investigation, right?”

  “I understand that all too well. I just know I didn’t do it, and I have nothing to hide from the police.”

  “Look, I’m sure you feel you don’t need me, but how about I just sit back and let this play out? Then, if you seem to get in a bind, I’ll take it from there?” She lowered her voice. “I really don’t want to have to go back to Mr. Collins and tell him that you didn’t want me here. I kind of owe him a favor, and well, this is going to make me square.”

  He wondered what Bay had on the woman. “Okay. I guess that’s all right.” He gave the woman a sideward glance and wondered just how many people in the world owed Bay favors.

  As for the meeting, he wasn’t going to tell anyone anything about the girl, and he damned sure wasn’t going to admit to making the brands and bringing them to Camp V.



  “Good morning, Ms. Fallwell, Mr. Miller,” Lizzy said as she walked into the interrogation room ahead of Darek.

  Darek greeted Logan with a handshake, and as they shook hands, their eyes met, as if coming to an understanding. Darek’s nerves uncoiled a bit.

  Lizzy took her usual seat across from Logan and his attorney, placing her bag in the chair beside her. “I’m Special Agent Lizzy McNamara, and this is Detective Darek Blake.” She looked Logan up and down. “You look to be in better spirits, Mr. Miller.”

  “It’s been the hardest few days of my life.”

  “I’m sure of that. How are things with you and Ms. Halston?”

  “We’re leaning on each other for comfort,” Logan said. “She understands that my open relationship with Lidia was very special to me.”

  “Open relationship?” Lizzy’s eyes narrowed.

  “Yes. Lidia and I both enjoyed the company of others. We often shared that company. It was how it’s always been.”

  Darek cleared his throat. “Her son says she paid for your home and your bills. He said you own a studio and make metal sculptures. I find that interesting. What kind of things have you made?”

  “Mostly big art pieces. The medium allows me to create larger pieces than others.”

  “You say mostly, but that doesn’t exclude making smaller objects, right?” Lizzy leaned forward in her chair. “Things that can fit in your hand?”

  “Some, yes.”

  “Some a little bigger, right?” She reached over into her bag. “Things like this.”

  Darek’s eyes widened. He had no idea Lizzy was bringing the Aquarius brand into the room.

  “Have you seen this before?” Lizzy was speaking so calmly that Darek waited for her to fly off the handle like she had with Hannah.

  Logan nodded. “The day you took it from Lidia’s.”

  “You know I’ve seen another one like it. Only that one didn’t have these wavy lines. It had a different symbol that stood for Capricorn. This one is the symbol for Aquarius. Now, Lidia was a Leo. I looked it up. But you, you’re an Aquarius. So, one might think this could point to you being the killer.”

  Logan shrugged. “I don’t know what it means.”

  “I think you do,” Lizzy pressed. “Maybe you made this brand in that studio of yours, and maybe you made the other one, too. You were sick of your relationship with Lidia, whatever it was you had, and maybe you were ready to move on with a younger woman. With the things going on with Hannah and her brother, you saw an opportunity. You and Tad knew each other. You could have known about his killing spree and decided to help Hannah clear his name and get rid of your girlfriend in the process. You had to make room for Hannah, who wasn’t so inclined to share.”

  Logan shook his head. “I didn’t make that brand or any other one.”

  “This one?” She reached into her bag and slammed down the other iron. “They are an exact match. The funny thing about metal is how well it holds fingerprints. And since evidence doesn’t lie and with you being an artist, you can see how this might
point to you.”

  Darek turned his eyes to Logan, who looked angry but remained cool as he continued to deny. Darek knew that the other iron hadn’t come back with anything, but the new one? He had no idea and only hoped that they hadn’t lifted the print of one of the others in the process.

  Lizzy tapped her fingernails on the table. “As I said, one might think you are the killer, Mr. Miller. But I don’t. I’m only hoping you can give me some answers about how Tad Halston was branded with something like this. I think you did make this brand, and the other one, but I don’t think you had any control over how they were used. If you know anyone that did have a use for these, I need a name.”

  Logan took a deep breath and then met her eyes. “All I know is someone murdered my girlfriend and burned her with that thing. And instead of fucking around with irons and accusations, I wish you’d get onto the other evidence and try to figure out who did this.”

  “The card you turned in, where did you say it was found?” Darek asked. He noticed Logan’s body language change. He slumped down a bit and shook his head.

  “It was out front.”

  “Out front?” Darek asked. “You seem unsure about that?” Darek held his breath and hoped his friend didn’t stumble. There would be no picking him up and dusting him off.

  Logan closed his eyes. “No, it was out front. On Lidia’s front door.” He nodded. “Yeah, I was going to bring it to her. I thought it was curious, but people leave all kinds of things pinned to doors and windshields.” He met Darek’s eyes, and that was when Darek understood the killer had left the note tacked on Logan’s windshield. It had to be. He only hoped that Lizzy hadn’t picked up on the exchange, but she was too busy holding up the brands.

  “Take a good look at these,” she said. “Have you ever seen this at Camp Victory? Hannah told us that’s where you met her brother. She said that he went away to camp one summer and came home with the mark we found on his shoulder.”

  “We did a lot of silly things at camp,” Logan said. “But no, I’ve never seen anything like that. I’ve only seen the long-handled brands used on cattle, but I have heard that some tattoo shops and body piercing studios offer branding as an alternative to tattooing.”


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