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Jordane's Hunger

Page 14

by Tia Didmon

  Kiki shook her head. “Demons didn’t change me or Jenner. Laura did.”

  “I admit, I did not see the true extent of her power or her love until today. She ordered Valen to... take a nap and two of my warriors to guard him. They all listened to her without question.”

  “She has a way about her. If she tells you to do something, it's a good idea to listen. She doesn’t order people around unless the situation demands it.”

  Jordane kissed her forehead. “We have another issue.”


  “Zane refused to leave until he knew you were all right. He is downstairs with your team.”

  Kiki hugged him. “I better get this over with.”

  Kiki descended the curved staircase of the Moretti mansion. Zane sat on a velvet love seat at the base. He stood as she approached. “Hi.”

  Zane cleared his throat. “Are you all right? I saw the damage. I didn’t think you would make it.”

  She shrugged. “Dante and Chad healed me. I’m lucky to have... demon family.”

  Zane’s face hardened. “You are the last person I expected to say that.”

  “I know. I let you down but everything has changed for me.”

  He looked around the room. “I would like to say it’s because of Jordane but that’s a lie.”

  Kiki nodded. “How did you know about Santon? Specifically, that he would come after me.”

  “Jenner put an agency wide alert out for him and his family. The alert said he was a threat to you and anyone close to you.”

  “Santon has only been here a few days. When did Jenner put the alert out?”

  Zane pulled up his tablet. “He set the alert eight months ago. There are no specifics but Jenner knew this guy was a threat. He called to dispatch us here. He said this ended one way. We were here to assassinate Santon Lopez.”

  Her face went white. She grabbed the railing of the banister. “Where is Jenner now?”

  Zane shook his head. “I don’t know. He cut communication with Marcus when he heard Santon shot you but he was already in the air.”

  “To where?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Kiki screamed. “Laura!”

  Laura ran into the room. “What is it?” she panted.

  “Where is Jenner?”

  Laura took a deep breath. “I can’t reach him. I already tried.”

  Kiki tapped her temple. “You can always reach Jenner.”

  “Telepathy has its limits. I can only reach Jenner if he is in the country.”

  Kiki’s eyes widened. “He isn’t in the US?”

  “He isn’t in Canada or Mexico either. I don’t possess Valen’s power. There’s a limit to my range.”

  Valen entered the large hall as if summoned. “If your brother does not contact us in a few hours, I will use my power to summon him.”

  “Why not do it now?” Zane asked.

  “Valen has to use the power of the demon people. It’s not something you ask. It’s gracious of him to offer,” Kiki said.

  Valen inclined his head. “Jenner is family.”

  Kiki turned back to Laura. “Does he know?”

  Laura glanced between Zane and Valen. “Know what?”

  She looked down. “Does Jenner know about my past?”

  “Yes. After I told you about us. That I was Senator Davidson’s daughter. Jenner was mad at me. He looked into you. I’m not sure he knows the gorier details but he knows where you came from and how you escaped. He confronted me and I told him I would never speak to him again if he didn’t protect you.”

  Kiki held back the tears. “He never said a word.”

  Laura nodded. “We were still in the academy. You were just starting to open up.”

  “He showed no signs of knowing.”

  “It surprised him I knew about you. I explained what happened, and he asked me if I trusted you.”

  “You said you trusted me.”

  “With my life,” Laura said.

  “How did he know to put the alert on Santon? There are no PIA files connecting me to him.”

  “Jenner destroyed anything in your file that could connect you to the Lopez or Chavez cartels. He has been watching them though. I didn’t know he put out an alert on Santon until an hour ago. He must have found something that made him think you were in danger.”

  Zane looked down at his tablet. “Mario Lopez died eight months ago but I’m not sure what that would have to do with Kiki.”

  Kiki put her hand to her mouth. “He’s been watching out for me this whole time.”

  Laura shrugs. “You know how Jenner is with family.”

  “I’m not...”

  Laura’s face hardened. “Yes, you are.”

  Kiki knew the lengths Jenner would go to save his family. He had offered his life for Laura’s. “Where is he, Laura?”

  She looked away. “I couldn’t stop him. Neither could Marcus or our father. He has contacts everywhere.”

  “Where is he?”

  Laura sighed heavily. “He’s in Columbia.”

  Kiki’s vision blurred. “NO!”

  She grabbed Laura by both arms. “We have to go after him. He doesn’t understand what he’s walking into!” Jordane descended the steps, glancing to the corner of the room when Zane raised his weapon.

  Kiki dropped her hands, turning toward him. “What are you doing? You will get yourself killed.”

  Zane powered up his weapon. “I saw him in his warrior form. He’s the one who killed my brother.”

  Jordane came to a casual stop at the bottom of the staircase. “I have not killed a human.”

  Zane’s finger tightened on the trigger. “I watched you kill him.”

  “I had never seen you before the warehouse,” Jordane said.

  “You lie. I fought you,” Zane hissed.

  His eyebrow went up. “If you had fought me, you would be dead.”

  Zane passed his weapon to Kiki. “Prove it.”

  Jordane moved so fast, Zane was on the ground with Jordane’s knee on his back before Kiki could track his movement. She touched his arm. “Jordane please. He doesn’t understand.”

  Jordane released Zane and allowed him to rise. “He accused me of murder. It’s my right to kill him.”

  Zane straightened his jacket. “If it wasn’t you, it was one of your warriors.”

  “You may challenge any of my warriors but you will find their skills match my own. All can kill you easily.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Zane said.

  Tovan materialized beside his brother. He put his hands behind his back and allowed his warrior to emerge. His muscles bulked as his teeth elongated. His eyes glowed when he spoke. “I challenge you, human,” he said in a gravelly tone.

  Zane attacked with flying fists.

  The shield formed around Tovan as he watched Zane strike empty air. His arms remained behind his back until he gave an exaggerated yawn. He smiled at the enraged PIA agent before spinning and taking Zane to the ground with a single round kick. He stood with his boot on Zane’s neck before dropping his hands. “No warrior would fight a human. You offer no challenge in combat.”

  Jordane flicked his chin. “Let him up. I’m curious as to the origins of his accusation.”

  Zane stood, wiping the blood from his lip. “He looked like you in warrior form.”

  Jordane pointed at his brother. “Like me or like Tovan?”

  Zane looked over Tovan. “Now that I think about it. There are a few differences. The eyes aren’t the same. You both have... bright eyes. It’s fucking eerie but my brother’s attacker had dull milky white eyes. Almost like a snake.”

  Kiki sucked in a breath. “Can a Ladon imitate a warrior?”

  Jordane watched Tovan resume his human form. “Yes, they could imitate the look but would not possess our skills.” He turned to Zane. “This warrior, was he similar in strength to you? Perhaps a bit stronger?”

  Zane’s face looked pained. “He was stronger than me but not a
s skilled. After he killed my brother, I fought him. I wounded him before he fled.”

  Jordane nodded. “A Ladon then.”

  “Why would they kill him? He was just a PIA agent and had no political clout. He wasn’t a criminal,” Zane said.

  Kiki sighed. “The Ladon are intent in their creation of PURE. They need humanity afraid of demons. Only they can pass as any human. If they eradicate all other demon races, then they can destroy PURE or replace its members and take control.”

  Zane ran a hand through his short hair. “You think these attacks were to create instability. Fear of the demon race within our government?”

  “Yes. The warriors possess the scariest of the demon forms. I think that’s why they chose it,” she said.

  “My brother was just a pawn.”

  Kiki face softened. “I’m sorry, Zane.”

  Zane took his weapon back from Kiki before turning to Jordane. “Your mandate is to eradicate this race?”

  Jordane nodded. “We have no choice. They have orchestrated the deaths of hundreds, maybe thousands of demons and humans alike. They threaten all species.”

  “You can train us to be stronger?” Zane asked.

  “If you’re worthy, yes. If not, the merge will kill you.”

  Zane glanced at Kiki. “She has undergone this merge and lived.”

  Jordane ran a finger over Kiki’s face. “She is my mate and underwent trials far harsher than any we could submit her too. She has nothing to prove now. You do.”

  Zane looked at Kiki. “Is he your choice?”

  Kiki nodded. “He is.”

  Zane turned to the large warrior. “She isn’t one to change her mind but if you hurt her, I will kill you.”

  “It is impossible for me to cause her harm. She is my life. I have waited a thousand years for her to take her first breath. An eternity to gaze on the perfection of her eyes. There’s nothing that will keep me from her. Nothing I won’t do to protect her,” Jordane said.

  “Well, when you put it that way...”

  Kiki smiled. “He’s a little intense.”

  Zane rubbed his eye. “He’s kidding about the thousand years thing, right?”

  She shook her head. “He isn’t much of a joker.”

  “What have you gotten yourself into?”

  “He can turn into an animal.”

  Zane raised an eyebrow. “No shit?”

  “Yeah, I think Raptor would like him.”

  Jordane looked confused at the turn in conversation. “Who is Raptor?”

  “Zane’s pet wolf. He saved her from a dog fighting ring. She was in rough shape and blind in one eye.”

  “I did not understand your affection for him but I do now,” Jordane said.

  “What are you talking about?” Zane asked.

  “Your animal worships you. Loves you. Kiki sees and feels the emotions of the animals she connects with. She knew everything she needed to know about you when she met your animal. She doesn’t respect the man with the gun. She respects the one who’s worshiped by his pet.”

  Zane looked uncomfortable. “I didn’t do much. The vet fixed her mouth and face...”

  Kiki folded her arms. “Yes, but you chewed her food for her so she could have red meat. You held her in your lap when she was sore but couldn’t take anymore pain killers. You...”

  “Just stop... you’ll keep this between us, right?”

  She held up her hand. “I solemnly swear not to tell the PIA you’re a good man.”

  Zane rolled his eyes. “Unreal.”

  “Where is Raptor? I thought she had another surgery.”

  “Mom is watching her. I have to go get her,” Zane said.

  Kiki smiled. “Tell her I say hi.”

  “Mom or Raptor?”


  Zane holstered his gun then looked at Jordane. “I’m not sure if I should congratulate you or warn you.”

  Jordane shrugged. “Both.”

  “I thought he didn’t have a sense of humor,” Zane said.

  Kiki laughed. “I’m teaching him.”

  Zane started toward the door. “Lord have mercy.”

  “Hey, were you able to find out about the crystals?” Kiki called out.

  Zane turned toward her. “The PIA had fifty but there were a couple of... incidents. There are forty-seven active crystals. Other than our squad I don’t know where they are.”

  Kiki entered Ed’s house with Jordane trailing behind her. It was strange how the tiny place had become more like home than her apartment at the PIA. She trailed a finger over a figurine of a border collie. One of the many gifts Ed had received from pet owners that had appreciated his kindness. She tramped down the feeling of loss.

  Jordane ran a hand down her back. “We will start construction on a home of our own soon. We can move any of the items you wish from here to our new place.”

  She glanced out the window to the newly cleared area close to the tiny house. “I guess I’ll let you.”

  “I forgot you own this property with Laura.”

  “Laura and I planned to run the shelter together when we retired from the PIA. We thought we would be old spinsters with dozens of stray animals to fill our days.”

  His lips touched hers. It replaced the feeling of sadness with one of need. It amazed her he could have that effect on her with a simple kiss. He smiled. “How about a sexy married woman with dozens of family members that turn into various animals?”

  Kiki raised an eyebrow. “Various animals. That sounds intriguing. What do the warriors turn into?”

  “They won’t turn into their Were forms... but if they did. Wolves, tigers, a panther and...”

  Kiki held up her hand. “Stop. I want to be surprised.”

  “I have every intention of surprising you.” He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, marching to the bedroom.

  She smacked his back. “Hey! No fair.”

  Jordane placed her on the bed and lay on top of her, pinning her in place. “Say you are mine. Right here. Right now. For all eternity. Bond with me.”

  Kiki tramped down the fear. “I’m... afraid.”

  His tone lowered. “You would run into a fire fight without a second thought. Fight men double your size but this scares you. Why?”

  “When I have my weapon, I run through every scenario. I know what will happen. It’s similar with hand to hand combat. This is giving up something I never thought I would.”

  “And that is?”

  “Control,” she whispered.

  “You think I wish to control you?” he asked gently.

  “I think you already do.”

  “While I have dominion over the crystal within you. I cannot direct your actions or your emotions. Tell me what control you think I have over you.”

  Kiki looked down. “I didn’t want this. Not with you. Not even with Laura.”

  Jordane tilted her head up to meet his gaze. “You love Laura.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  He smiled. “You love me.”

  Kiki couldn’t form the words. The barrier she had erected in that crate on the ocean so many years ago was crumbling. She promised herself she would never make these kinds of attachments. Never leave herself open. Vulnerable.

  His hand slid behind her neck. “You need not say it if it’s so difficult for you. I will say it enough for us both. I love you Kiki Sanchez, and I will tell you every day for the rest of our lives how much you mean to me. I will give you anything in my power to provide and ask one thing. Your heart be bound to mine. The certainty there will never be another. That you’re committed to me for eternity.”

  “I’m committed to you. There will never be another.”

  “You will merge with me?”

  “How do we do this?”

  “My power will combine with yours. A part of me will be with you. A part of you with me. When one dies the other will follow.”

  Kiki swallowed. “Are you sure you want that? I’m a good fighter but I
’m not as sturdy as a demon.”

  Jordane smiled. “You will be. As my mate. Only that which can kill me will kill you.”

  “Will I have a warrior form?”

  “You already do. I will teach you in the coming years. I am... eager to test your warrior’s skills.”

  Kiki smirked. “You won’t get all perverted on me... in warrior form I mean.”

  Jordane laughed. “In truth I had not considered such a possibility. We are the first mated warrior couple. While there have been female warriors. None chose a warrior for a mate.”

  She wrapped her hands around his neck. “I choose you. For every second I am alive, I choose them to be with you.”

  Jordane’s eyes flared green. The unearthly beauty lit the dark room like green candles in the night. “Close your eyes, my love.”

  Her eyelids dropped. Her lashes tickled her cheeks as Jordane’s lips met hers.

  He was gentle at first, coaxing her mouth with tiny nips. Pulling her soft lips between his teeth before plunging his tongue between them. His hands moved as expertly as his mouth, removing her clothing in a swift and easy motion. Time stilled as her body heated. It wasn’t just the fiery arousal. She could feel the power of the crystal surge through her blood. Seeking the power of his.

  She felt the moment the powers collided. It wasn’t a gentle mixing of two streams. It was two volcanos erupting and merging to form one molten river of desire and heat. She gasped as he thrust into her. His hard erection, ripping through her soft channel to further the fire between them.

  Each thrust burned through her body like a battering ram of arousal. She clutched his shoulders because she couldn’t do anything else. His body was aflame with passion. Hunger. So, was hers. They consumed one another until nothing was left.

  His love seared her with each touch. A raw emotion that whipped through her soul, embedding itself in her heart, leaving her exposed. No one would know her like he would. Only he saw the dark part of her she had kept hidden.

  She screamed when she came, clamping down on him with all her strength. He moaned before emptying his hot seed within her.

  She slumped to the bed, allowing the night to take her.

  Chapter 12

  Kiki woke as the sun filtered through the thin curtains of Ed’s bedroom. She thought of the small house as hers. Laura had said it was and the surrounding land would be for the warriors. She would have a larger house built soon and Tovan would take over the small one. She knew Ed would love the changes. A whole community of people devoted to animals. Most having the ability to shift into one themselves.


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