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Bull Protectors

Page 9

by T B Mann

  “Keep looking at me like that sweetheart, and I won’t be held responsible for what I’ll do to you.” He cocked a single eyebrow, filling her lower regions with warmth at the sight. No wonder women seemed to drop like flies around him.

  “But the big question is whether or not I’d enjoy it?” She raised her eyebrows in response.

  Belly laughs rolled from him, bringing forth chuckles from her. “Trust me, sweetheart, you’d more than enjoy it.” He leaned back against the headrest and closed his eyes.

  She matched his pose, but kept her eyes open, staring out at the water. Anything to keep herself from finding out firsthand how he’d make her enjoy it.

  “Zale. Look. Dolphins.” She pushed herself to the edge of the lounger. Longing filled her. She loved dolphins, and it had always been a dream of hers to swim with them. And to think that she might get that chance during this trip made her heart race.

  “Dolphins. How sweet.” He looked up and down the deserted beach before standing. He held out his hand, motioning for her to follow. “They look harmless. Ever wanted to swim with them?”

  “Do you think we could?” She followed him to the edge of the water.

  “I’m sure we can. These two look harmless enough.”

  The mirth in his voice confused her, but then a large wave rolled over her, dunking her under the water. She rose, sputtering, with a dolphin on either side. “How cute.” The smile on her face dimmed at the slight frown on Zale’s face. “Don’t you think so?”

  His gaze returned to her along with a full smile. “It’s very cute. They seem awfully playful.”

  One of the dolphins raised its snout and began a squeaking speech while the other flapped its rear fin, splashing her.

  She cleared the water from her face while laughing. “Fine. I’ll play with you.”

  She dove under the water. The dolphins began a game that reminded her of tag, including her and Zale by butting them with their snouts. Whenever she surfaced, they followed, never leaving her alone.

  They swam until her muscles began to protest and the sun began to sink, darkening the water.

  “Sarah, I should walk you back to your room otherwise we’ll miss supper.”

  “But I’m having fun.” She wrapped her arms around the dolphins, allowing them to support her.

  “I know, but I’m sure Kai and Dylan are back at the rooms waiting for us.”

  Her head swivelled. The excitement of swimming with the dolphins completely pushed the fact that Kai and Dylan had disappeared from her mind. Her forehead wrinkled. “Where did they go? I never saw them leave.”

  The dolphins shoved her body between them, bouncing and dunking her as they pushed her toward the shore.

  “Fine. Fine.” She chuckled. “I guess the dolphins agree with you.”

  Both dolphins swam under her arms, hooking her arms over their dorsal fins and pulled her towards the beach. Her squeals of delight at the speed carried on the wind.

  Zale leaned against the wall next to the elevators, staring over the room packed with men and a few women. The room, deep underground, had been only a partial surprise since nothing about this island surprised him anymore. On their very first day, during the reconnaissance that Kai and Dylan did in their dolphin form, they’d discovered the first of many surprises.

  When they’d returned to the room after that swim, he’d been livid that they’d not only broken cover, but allowed Sarah to see and interact with them as dolphins before she knew about shifters. But then they’d explained about the cameras and what looked like windows deep underwater. To keep from raising suspicions, they decided to act like wild dolphins. And as much as he still seethed, he understood their reasoning.

  He glanced out the windows, watching the sea life swim by. None of the plans for the island that he’d seen, hinted at the underground rooms. What else was Mr. Vodnikski hiding? How could they do their job protecting Laguna from harm—even if the likelihood was slim on the island—if they didn’t know everything about the setting?

  Laguna’s laugh pulled his attention back to the centre of the room where she stood surrounded by a group of tuxedo clad men. Her diamonds and slinky dress stood out like a jewel in the night sky. And she twinkled like one as well in the dim lighting.

  Her gaze darted toward him, zeroing in on his position even as he slid himself deeper into the shadow. He needed a break. Since day one, Laguna had occupied the majority of his time, leaving little to spend with Sarah. And that bothered him. But on the island, it was worse. Boat trips. Snorkelling. Even lying on the beach. She kept him glued to her. She even went so far as to demand that he be her nighttime guard and to stay in her room, but thankfully Kai had put his foot down, explaining that each member of the team required a specific amount of downtime in order to maintain their alertness.

  “Why, yes, I am still single. Open to meeting new men.” Although she spoke to the man hanging off her arm, her gaze drilled holes into his head.

  He wanted to shake his head but refrained. She just didn’t stop. It was why he stood against the wall in the shadows. All evening she’d kept him by her side, touching him, making increasingly blatant sexual remarks even though he’d repeatedly rebuffed her come-ons.

  After making an excuse about not hearing a message from Kai over his earpiece, he’d motioned to one of the other guards on duty to change positions with him. Not that he’d escaped unscathed, considering she’d grabbed his crotch, rubbing her hand up and down in an attempt to give him an erection.

  “She’s something, isn’t she?”

  “Pardon?” He turned to find a tuxedo clad silver haired gentleman standing next to him.

  “Laguna, Miss Resita, she’d be a great addition to anyone’s stable of girls. With a body like that…” His voice trailed off as he licked his lips before turning back to Zale. “She must make your job hard in more ways than one.”

  He didn’t bother to respond, knowing the words were more of a statement than a question. Instead, he activated his hidden button cam since he’d never seen this man before. He captured a picture before the man strode away toward the bar.

  Who spoke about adding women to a stable? Was that the reason why the women were being kidnapped? He barely had time for the security team meetings let alone private meetings with Kai and Dylan to discuss the case. Was this something they looked into?

  He needed to let them know, but until Laguna was ready to leave, he was stuck. The muscles in his neck twinged. A sixth sense from his shifter abilities that carried over into his human form. Rotating his neck, he attempted to stretch out the muscles, but the coil of wire hanging from his ear irritated it. He didn’t need the wire, their earpieces were wireless, but it had been decreed that they needed to look the part of bodyguards and bodyguards wore visible earpieces.

  Too bad he couldn’t let Kai and Dylan know this piece of information over their secure comms, but Dylan had discovered a few listening and snooper devices on the resort—most likely from Mr. Vodnikski’s own security. Therefore, their comms weren’t secure enough to discuss the case and to use any of Dylan’s special devices would have tipped them off that there was more to Kai, Dylan, and Zale than just standard security.

  They’d toyed with the idea of creating a separate channel since their earpieces did allow for two, but they worried about the others accidentally stumbling onto their private conversations. And none of them were aware of the second nature of their assignment.

  “—my publicist, Sarah came to the island with me.” Laguna’s hand stroked the forearm of another new rich man. “She keeps me on the straight and narrow.” Laguna leaned in closer to the man’s ear, but her words still carried over the soft din as her gaze zeroed in on his. “But you don’t see her around. Tonight is a private party. I’m not on a leash.”

  Fuck. She was going to get herself kidnapped. Why couldn’t she just follow the rules? Yes, they could relax a little, but as the man proved earlier, maybe everything they knew about the case was wron
g? What if they’d been barking up the wrong tree?

  And Sarah. Of course Laguna had to bring her up. All evening he’d been trying his hardest to avoid thinking about her. He missed her. That first day on the beach and in the water had been like a dream even if he shared it with Kai and Dylan. He missed her laugh, her smile, even the scent of her fruity bath wash. But most of all, he missed her conversations—what few they’d managed to have in the weeks that he’d known her.

  If anyone was to make his life hard in the way the earlier man suggested, it was her not Laguna. Just thinking of her brought a rise. She’d looked incredible in her bikini that day on the beach. Not that he’d seen her in it since. On the snorkelling trip which she attended as well, she’d worn a modest one piece. But next to Laguna’s barely-there bikini, she’d still outshone Laguna in his mind.

  He shifted his hard-on, bringing a smile to Laguna’s lips. Fuck.

  She yawned, covering her mouth in what was obviously a fake gesture. “I’m so sorry. All this island air is making me tired. Do you mind if we get together tomorrow? I’m planning on taking a trip out on the yacht. Maybe do some nude sunbathing.”

  The man’s tongue nearly hung to the floor as her finger traced down the centre of his chest.

  Zale stifled a laugh. His earlier displeasure gone. If she was leaving early, then he could drop her off at the door and go find Kai and Dylan. He’d check on Sarah first. Chances were he’d find one of them there. And if not, well, he’d spend a bit of time with her waiting for one of them to show up.

  “Did I make you jealous?”

  He ignored Laguna’s taunt, pushing the button to call the private elevator instead. But her chuckles suggested that she didn’t believe his indifference.

  Throughout their walk back to her room in the second to last bungalow, he remained on point, keeping one of the other guards between himself and her.

  “Coming in?” She leaned against the door, trailing her finger down her cleavage.

  “Sorry, but I have other duties. Sam and Joe will remain outside throughout the night.” He backed away to ensure she couldn’t make another grab for him. When her door finally shut, he nodded at the two guards before walking to the farthest bungalow which contained Sarah’s room.

  She opened the door within seconds of his knock. He stood rooted to the ground as he took in the vision of her wrapped in a towel with water dripping down her neck, over the swell of her breasts, and into her towel.

  “Zale. What a surprise? I haven’t seen much of you.” She held the door wider, allowing him to enter.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you.” He motioned to her state of dress, bringing a rise of colour to her cheeks. “I didn’t even check the time before knocking.”

  “It’s fine. Why don’t you take a seat while I go throw on some clothes.”

  “No. Really, I should go. Let you turn in.”

  “I’m changing anyways since this isn’t what I’m wearing to bed, so sit. I haven’t seen you in days.”

  He dropped to the edge of her bed unable to not follow her command. Besides, how could he leave when clearly she’d been missing him. Or at least he took her comment to mean that. Something he could needle Kai and Dylan about.

  She returned to the room wearing short shorts and a tank top. His jaw ached from keeping it clamped shut when he realized she was braless. Not that his jaw was the only thing tight.

  “Laguna’s been keeping you pretty busy, hasn’t she? I can talk to her if you want?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I can sleep later in life.” He flopped back, lying on her bed with his legs hanging over the side. “How have you been doing? You weren’t invited to the party tonight?”

  “No. It was a private party for the big wigs. I’m just the hired help.” She pulled out her brush and began stroking her hair as she took a seat in a plush chair in front of a mirror. With the light streaming from behind her and her side-on view, he could watch her without her knowing. And what he saw filled him with lust as her tank top pulled tight across her breasts, darkening where her nipples pushed against the fabric.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Was it good?” She turned to face him, causing him to roll on his side in an effort to hide the tent in his pants.

  “It wasn’t bad. Surprising though. He has underground rooms that are open to the ocean.”

  “Really?” Her eyes sparkled in the lamp light. “I’d love to see that.”

  It didn’t surprise him. He’d thought of her the moment he’d stepped foot into the room. Her absolute enjoyment at swimming with Kai and Dylan even if she didn’t know it was them showed how much she loved the ocean and the marine life. She seemed to almost come alive since they’d arrived.

  They passed the next few minutes in small talk, catching up as he waited and she puttered around the room. The room darkened as they waited for the moon to rise. Once its glow began to seep into the room, she swept across the floor to stand in front of her open patio doors. “I love this time of night. The moon light striking the water and turning it silvery. It makes me want to swim the moon path to see where it leads… if only I wasn’t scared of what might be in the water at night.”

  Her timid chuckle washed over him. And before he knew it, he found himself standing behind her, looking over her head at the scene before him. Her warmth soaked through his suit. “I’m sure you’d be safe. Nothing would attack you.”

  He placed his hands on her bare shoulders. The world stopped revolving. He stood frozen. Electric currents tied them together, fusing their bodies. Mate!

  Mate. It filled his mind. He’d found her. The one the universe meant for him.

  He spun her around, lifting her up into his arms as his lips landed on hers. The kiss was gentle. One that he’d never done before. It was filled with lust and desire, but also reverence. She wasn’t some woman to spend some time with, to satisfy a need. Instead, she was his world. The woman he’d gladly die for. The one he’d put above all else.

  His lips slid over hers. The slightest hint of her mint toothpaste hit his nose. He wanted more. His tongue licked and traced until she opened for him, allowing him to slip inside. The floor swayed beneath him as the taste of her exploded over him.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. She was his, and he needed her like nothing he’d ever felt before.

  She filled his mind, his nose, his hands. He hoisted her higher. His hands filled with her ass cheeks that slid out from under her shorts.

  “Zale.” Her throaty voice shot every last blood cell to his cock, making it throb.

  “Sarah.” His lips found her neck, her ear. He bit the lobe before sucking it into his mouth. “I want you.”

  “Fuck, yes.” Her hands pulled on his hair, forcing him to release her ear. He stared into her eyes, dark with passion. “Take me to bed.”

  “Ye—” Her lips slammed onto his, cutting off his words. Her lightly covered pussy rubbed over his cock. He lost touch with reality. Could this really be happening?

  He struggled to turn them around, forcing her back against the wall, when she shoved his face into her breasts. “Suck them.”

  Whatever she asked, she’d get. And even things she didn’t ask for. He’d show her things she’d only dreamed of, and maybe even things she’d never heard of. But most importantly, he couldn’t wait to sink himself in her and make her his.

  His chin pushed down the tank top neckline. A nipple popped out before his mouth. The sight mouth-watering. He didn’t wait a beat, swallowing it and part of her breast into his eager mouth.

  “Yes.” Her head banged against the wall. “It feels so good.” With her legs wrapped around him, she clenched her thighs, squeezing his waist in a rhythm that betrayed her own need for him.

  His chest puffed. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He sucked on her nipple, slowly pulling his head back until it popped free. “Liked that?”

  “More.” She swiveled her hips. A laugh on her lips at his groan. “Much more.”
She leaned down and captured his lips again. This time it was her tongue that parted his lips. Her tongue that darted in, swirling around, teasing him.

  He moaned. Fuck. She drove him crazy with need.

  His fingers crept up her ass, sliding under what little her shorts still covered until they found her wet heat. She bucked when he traced her, avoiding her clit. She bucked again. And each time his fingers slid closer and closer to where they both wanted them.

  She tore at his hair. Her fingers sunk into his scalp, attempting to force him to do her bidding. But the joke was on her, he didn’t mind a little bite of pain with his pleasure. It helped to delay his gratification which made the end that much better.

  “Want this?” His finger hovered against the edge of her opening. The rest spread her wide, waiting for his next move.

  “Yes. Please.”

  He waited. A cocky smile on his face as he stared into her glazed eyes.

  “Zale. Please. Now.”

  He waited the length of another breath before plunging his finger deep inside. Her wetness coated it, easing its passage. Their twin groans filled the air.

  “Fuck. More.” Her hands fell to his shoulders where she pushed against them, lifting herself off his finger before dropping herself back on. Essentially fucking herself.

  He pressed tighter to her, squishing her between his body and the wall until she couldn’t move. While he found it hot that she couldn’t wait, he wanted to control this encounter. To show her who was alpha.

  With constrained slowness, he pulled his finger out inch by inch, absorbing and memorizing the details of how she responded at each level. When he hit her G-spot, she wiggled against him while her pussy spasmed in the beginnings of an orgasm.

  “What the hell are you doing with my mate?” Kai’s voice boomed over them. The anger and power unmistakable. “What the fuck, Zale?”

  They both stiffened. He pulled his finger from her, sending her over the edge as she orgasmed in his arms.


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