Bull Protectors

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Bull Protectors Page 15

by T B Mann

  She lifted her body until her thighs were perpendicular to the bed, putting her head on par with their chests. “I’m sorry.” Her hand landed on Zale’s chest. “I’m really sorry.” Her other hand landed on his, searing her to him. “I should never have run.”

  Kai pulled her head to his chest. His hand stroked over her hair. “It’s us who are sorry. We never should have hidden what you are to us from you and from each other.”

  What Kai said hit like a punch to the solar plexus. If he’d told her right from the beginning that she was his mate, or at least told Kai and Zale about it, they would have never fought. They would have been open the moment each one of them realized their connection. His hand covered hers, drawing and giving forgiveness through touch.

  “Let’s start over. As if the arguments never happened.” Zale dropped to his knee like a human man proposing. The sight, something he never thought he’d see his best friend doing. But not to be outdone, he followed suit.

  “Sarah Jones. You are my mate. The person designed to be my partner for life. The mother of my future children. The person I put first in all things.”

  He knew Zale was a smooth talker, but this had his mouth hanging open.

  “You challenge me. You make me stronger, forcing me to think through things instead of just reacting. I love arguing with you.”

  He snorted at Kai’s final statement. He’d seen how Kai reacted to her defiance. Not that he, too, hadn’t developed erections from watching her argue.

  Three pairs of eyes stared at him. Two dark pairs glared while the third, a brilliant green nearly the same as his, sparkled. “I love you.”

  There wasn’t anything else to say. In fact, he was surprised he managed to speak at all. Everything about her drew him in. Right from the first time he’d seen her, he’d been attracted. It was like she’d woken him from a long sleep, yet this time, with his eyes open, the world filled with colour. Not the drab black and white existence he’d lived in before.

  “I love you, too.” She leaned forward, brushing her lips across his before pulling back and repeating the same sentiment to both Kai and Zale.

  They still had lots to talk about—he’d never considered what would happen if he shared a mate—but that could wait. They’d functioned already as a group before they knew they were all mated, so nothing had to change.

  Except their mate status.

  Her fingers caressed his naked chest under her hand, waking up his cock and need. Not that either had slept deeply. In fact, he couldn’t remember a time, even as a teenager that he’d been so aroused.

  “So, dolphins huh?” Her voice rang with amusement even as her fingers trailed a path down toward his swim trunks that were doing a poor job of hiding his erection.

  Zale pushed her hand away and stood up, losing his swim trunks in the process. He stalked toward her, looming over her body. “Yeah, dolphins. And you know what?”

  She sat back down on her butt before lying back, stretching her feet out in front as Zale followed her down. “What?”

  “You loved every minute of swimming with them.” Zale kissed her the way Dylan had dreamed of ever since that night at her apartment.

  “Thank fuck Zale knows what he’s doing.” Kai stripped off his swim trunks and climbed onto the bed on the other side of Sarah.

  He’d never thought of himself as a voyeur, but watching his mate writhing on the bed at the hands of his best friends made his cock harder than ever. Dropping his own trunks, his throbbing cock popped out which he immediately began to stroke.

  Her skin flushed. The redness was deeper on Kai’s side from the scruff he wore. Normally it should have bothered him, but instead, he felt jealous over Kai’s ability to mark her even if only temporarily. He rubbed his hand over his clean-shaven beard. Maybe he should let it grow for a few days?

  Their kisses became deeper, more frantic as he watched Zale and Kai work together to rid her of the tank top. As it rose, he found himself squeezing the base of his cock to keep himself from exploding as her well rounded, naked breasts came into view. The dusky rose nipples jutted proudly in the air, begging to be touched, licked, or swallowed. His mouth watered.

  “Dylan,” she called. Her voice was breathless but filled with yearning. A tight band in his chest loosened. Even with Zale and Kai worshipping her, she still called for him. So why was he still standing there watching?

  Two steps. That was all it took. And then he tasted heaven. His lips surrounded her nipple, sucking it deep as her body arched off the bed.

  Sarah arched off the bed as warm lips surrounded her aching nipple, sucking it deep within Dylan’s mouth.

  “More. Harder.” Her words came out muffled as Kai covered her mouth with his, shoving his tongue deep into her as if he was answering her plea.

  Life slowed to a series of moments. Of touches. Of murmurs. Of need. Her hands were held securely to the bed over her head just like in her dream. Mouths blazed trails over her skin, moving from her mouth to her neck, to her ear, and then down.

  Dylan’s mouth popped off her nipple. The wet nub cooled in the breeze, raising goosebumps. Another mouth left her. She thought it was Zale’s, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. She’d loved her one on one time with each of them, but right now, she wanted all three. Three mouths. Six hands. And three cocks.

  “Please. More.” This was what her life was reduced to. So much for her expensive education and her exemplary vocabulary. She spoke in one word sentences. Hoping that together they made sense.

  A new mouth surrounded her breast. The tongue trilled against her nipple. The vibrations worked their way down to her clit. She thrashed on the bed but hands held her hips, keeping her ass secure to the sheets.

  Fingers pinched her nipple with a force that left her gasping. “We know what you need. Trust us.”

  The fingers released it. Sharp zings of pleasure shoot their way through her. How did they know she’d like this? She didn’t even know.

  Two different mouths paid homage to her chest. Licking and nipping which drove her crazy. Her nipples were sensitive enough that an orgasm was possible just from them being played with. But just when she could feel that bubble building, they’d stop, changing how they were touching her.

  And if that wasn’t enough. Another set of lips—Dylan’s by process of elimination—made their own path across the sensitive skin leading to her sleep shorts. His tongue dipped into her belly button. Her hands squeezed those holding her down. The only part of her body that wasn’t trapped.

  Her heart raced. Her breath came in pants. A hint of the coppery taste of blood crossed her tongue as she bit her lip to keep from screaming. But this scream wasn’t one of fear. Only pleasure and frustration filled her.

  “Don’t bite your lip, sweetheart. We want to hear you.” Kai used his teeth to pull her lip from between her own. His fingers played with her nipple, pulling and twisting as a counterpoint to Kai’s licks and soft suction.

  Her muscles relaxed. She gave up the fight, preferring to sink into the passion, the desire, the pleasure their bodies brought to hers.

  “Ohs” and “ahhs” filled the air along with deep sounding murmured words of praise, of desire, of devotion.

  Her pyjama shorts slid down her legs. Warm air blew against her hairless skin as her legs were tugged open, putting her on display. She opened her eyes as the mouths left her body.

  Kai, Dylan, and Zale hovered over her—their eyes dark with lust. But it was the devotion and love that tugged at her heart strings and made her heart grow. Her power sprung forth, filling her, filling the room. Sensual smiles covered the faces staring down at her.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Zale’s fingertip traced a barely there line down the length of her arm, over her shoulder, and up over her breast, coming to rest on the tip of her nipple.

  “You’re so smart.” Kai repeated Zale’s motions, sending a shiver down her spine.

  Her chest heaved, but she couldn’t move. Their fingertips
felt like weights, holding her fast.

  “You’re so powerful.” Dylan’s finger started between her breasts and travelled down. It glided over her bellybutton. She sucked in a breath. Would he continue? On to the place that throbbed and pulsed in eager anticipation. The finger slid lower, the movement disturbing the air that brushed over her clit.

  She bit her lip. Three groans of chastisement had her releasing it faster than she could even think about it. Fast enough that Dylan’s finger barely stopped its downward march.

  And then it was there, brushing over her clit. But before it could trigger anything, it stopped, resting on top like the two fingers on her nipples. Their weight let her know that they were there, but not enough to stimulate anything other than her mind.

  They continued to stare, heating her skin, setting her on fire. She wanted them. Needed them. And she was tired of waiting. “Please. Please.”

  The fingers pressed slightly and then were yanked away. Her heart sank. Why couldn’t she keep quiet? Trust them like they asked.

  But then they struck. Three mouths landed, sucking where their fingers had just been. The suddenness of their movement, the surprise of it, brought an immediate climax. Her body spasmed, arching where it could as a scream tore from her throat.

  Their suction gentled. Fingers and hands stroked her body, calming her until she could breathe without wheezing. “W-o-w.”

  A light chuckle came from Kai as he lifted his head to stare at her. “I told you we would take care of you.”

  She nodded. Pleasure had to be written on her face because she felt it written on every other part of her body. “You did.”

  “And we’re not done yet,” Zale promised.

  She licked her lips, eager for more.

  “Time to make you mine. Ours.” Dylan’s hands gripped her thighs and yanked her to the end of the bed while Kai and Zale each grabbed a hand and then replaced Dylan’s hands with theirs.

  Kai lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “We’ll do this one on one with the others close by if you’re okay with that?”

  “And then one day, the three of us will take you together.” Zale wiggled his eyebrows.

  His words sent her body into overdrive.

  “She likes that idea,” Dylan confirmed as his finger traced her opening. His other hand slid up and down his cock while she watched. “And I do, too.

  While she may have seen Zale’s cock in the water, it wasn’t like she’d focussed on it with all the escaping and discovering that she wasn’t human. So this was really the first one that she was seeing. The tip of her tongue poked through her lips. She wanted to touch, but her hands were held down. She wanted to taste, but her pussy throbbed with need.

  Dylan leaned forward, lining his cock up with her. “Another time. Right now, I need to sink into you.”

  And he did.

  Filling her.

  His mouth pressed to hers in their first kiss of the night as his hips ground against hers. Their bodies moved together as if they’d known each other their whole lives. Each touch. Each gasp. Each kiss. Each thrust. Sent her higher and higher until waves of pleasure were barely being held at bay.

  And then he pressed her clit…

  Waves crashed around her. Muscles clenched and relaxed in a rhythm until Dylan cried out with her.

  He kissed her lips. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Zale replace Dylan between her legs. “Do you need a rest?”

  She smiled at the tone he used. It reminded her of their first kiss only the night before. Instead of his normal flirty manner, his voice dripped with concern and devotion as if she was a precious treasure. “I need you.”

  “As you wish.” He thrust into her in one smooth movement. His cock filled her but differently than Dylan’s. Each stroke set fire to different nerves, building on the pleasure she’d already experienced.

  It didn’t take long, even though she was two orgasms in, before she felt those same stirrings. The need to orgasm, to complete their mating pushed her. Since she couldn’t lift her hips to meet his, she swiveled them instead.

  Zale’s lips slammed on hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Not that it had much holding it back. And with each swivel, he sucked on her tongue, sending a whole new sensation to her clit.

  Swivel. Suck. Thrust. Swivel. Suck. Thrust. She became lost in the pattern. Lost in the pleasure. And before she knew it, her body flowed out with the waves as pleasure rolled over her.

  She clenched around Zale, milking him as he collapsed against her. Kisses rained over her face.

  “I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He brushed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose before he pulled back.

  Her gaze travelled to each of her men. “I’m the lucky one.”

  For the first time in their history, it was Kai who became the peacemaker as he switched spots with Zale. “Actually, we’re all the lucky ones. You get three amazing men. We get the most amazing woman. And none of us is left out in the cold.”

  Kai sunk into her inch by inch. He held his body over hers by resting on his elbows. Sweat plastered her dark hair to her forehead and with his hands, he brushed it away. “I loved your colour before, but I love this as well.”

  While his cock felt nice deep inside her, he wasn’t moving. And she craved that feel of him sliding in and out. It was great that he loved her hair and later she’d think about it, but not now. Not when she could have him. To spur him on, she decided to try her swivel trick.

  “Fuck, Sarah.” He groaned as he dropped to his forearms, framing her head. “If that’s how you want to play it.” He raised a single eyebrow and her pussy clenched. This was so how she wanted to play.

  He pulled out and slammed back in. Each movement never changing, never giving her enough time to fully catch her breath. He was like a machine.

  In. Out. In. Again.

  She clutched onto Dylan and Zale as Kai took her for the ride of her life. He used her body for his own pleasure, never seeming to care for hers. But that was exactly what she needed. It had all been too much, too overwhelming, and her body flagged. But his relentless pursuit of his release carried her along. Gave her strength to continue, to seek out her own release.

  It crashed over her with a scream, bringing darkness on its heels.

  Kisses brushed against her temple from multiple lips.

  “Sleep, Sarah.”

  “Our Sarah.”

  “We’ll keep you safe.”

  The warm salty water sparkled in the bright sunlight as Sarah surfaced to float on her back. All her stress and worries faded away as the water invigorated every cell in her body. Her power hummed and fizzed inside her like a toddler high on sugar before the nastiness and crash. But she never felt the second part. Not now that she lived surrounded by water.

  A dolphin jumped from the water, splashing her. She sputtered and giggled as she attempted to chase him. He swam just out of her reach, shaking his tail like a bullfighter waving the red flag. She put on a burst of speed but stopped suddenly when a second dolphin jumped out of the water in front of her.

  “Zale!” Her voice rang with laughter. She snagged his dorsal fin and hung on as he dove below the water.

  A third dolphin raced beside her from underneath, allowing her to hold onto his dorsal fin. “Chasing Kai, are we?” Dylan spoke into her mind.

  “Yes. He ruined my relaxation time. Not that I’m not glad to see you all. When did you get back?”

  “Just now. And boy did we ever miss you.” Zale pushed his snout against her chest. “But that will have to wait. We brought you a present.”

  She put on the brakes, letting Kai and Dylan race ahead before they stopped and returned to her. “A gift? What?”

  “It’s a surprise.” Dylan swam between her legs, making sure his dorsal fin teased her folds.

  “Now who’s playing not nice.” She laughed as she turned to reach for him, but Zale swam past her breasts, brushing her nipples. �

  Laughter filled the water around them as she continued to chase them back toward the shore. Each time she swam close, they turned the tables on her, brushing up against her in a suggestive manner until she craved their touch.

  Zale and Kai swam back under her arms, pulling her to shore faster.

  “Come on, sweetheart. You’re awfully slow today. Is something wrong?” Zale turned his head to look at her, but even in dolphin form she could see the gleam in his eye.

  Before she could answer, Kai swam up under her from behind, lifting her body. “Ride me.”

  Zale and Dylan laughed, but it was cut short when a new voice spoke to all of them.

  “Please hold off. I’ve already seen you three naked. I don’t need to see it in action.”

  “Admiral Morrissey.” Sarah slid off Kai’s back and gave him a hug.

  “Good thing you’re wearing a swimsuit.” Even in her head, Kai’s voice growled.

  “Hello to you too.” Admiral Morrissey patted each of their backs as they resumed their swim back to the island.

  When they came close to shore, the water rippled as Kai, Dylan, and Zale transformed back into their human form. Admiral Morrissey followed suit.

  Hands covered her eyes.


  “Just until we can stand waist deep.” Dylan held her securely. “You can put your feet down now.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Admiral Morrissey.”

  “Don’t worry Sarah. They’re just worried that once you see me in all my glory you’ll leave their sorry asses.”

  “Not likely, Admiral. Don’t forget, we’ve seen yours as much as you’ve seen ours. And we outclass you.” Zale punched Admiral Morrissey in the shoulder as all four of the men laughed.

  “Men. You’re all the same.” She stomped up the beach and out of the water.

  A man stood on the edge of the beach in shorts. “Sarah.”

  “Dad?” She ran across the sand and jumped into his outstretched arms. “I’m so glad to see you.”


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