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The Loyal Groom

Page 4

by Alexa Riley

  “You have no idea how much this takes off my plate.”

  “That makes it more than worth it.” Lindsey has always been there for Darian, and now she’s often there for me too. If there is anything I can do to make her life easier I’ll do it in a heartbeat. She’s only a handful of years older than me, but I often look to her as a mother figure for advice. We all do, really, because she’s an old soul that gives you the truth.

  The other night waitress, Nikki, knocks on the door before she pops her head into the back office. “Rosy, there’s a man here to see you.”

  “Is it a regular?” Lindsey asks as I stand, already knowing who it is.

  “No, I’m meeting someone.” I glance over and see Lindsey lift an eyebrow.

  “A man?”

  “Yes, a man.” I shake my head, trying not to laugh. “I thought it was best to meet him here.”

  My shift is over, but there’s no rush to get home. I live within walking distance, but Darian has a longer commute and won’t be home for another hour. It’s best that I do this and then tell Darian what I’ve done even though I already feel guilty.

  “She’ll be right out,” Lindsey tells Nikki as she closes the door and I know I’m about to get grilled.

  “It’s a man three times my age who has a fascination with clocks,” I rush to explain so I can speed up the impending interrogation.

  “Wait, what?”

  I laugh because it’s almost impossible to surprise her. If the twins were here, they would be going on about sugar daddies at this point.

  “He buys vintage watches.” I walk over to my purse and grab the bag I keep it in. “I’m selling my grandpa’s watch.”

  “You didn't tell Darian you’re doing this, did you?”

  I shake my head, and she gives me a look.

  “I know it’s going to be a fight, but it’s going to be a fight after I do what needs to be done,” I say firmly. I’m not backing down from this. Darian is always handling things for us, and I want to do the same.

  Lindsey opens the door and motions for me to go ahead.

  The deal is already set, so when I go out to meet him, it’s only a quick inspection before we make our exchange. He gives me his card in case I come across any more watches, and I take it to be nice, because this is the only one I have.

  After I say my goodbyes to the diner, I make the short walk home. Dread begins to build in my stomach right away because I know there’s going to be a fight. I love my husband more than anything in the world, but there are a few demons he wrestles with. One being that he thinks he has to prove that he can take care of me. He already does, and I’ve never been happier in my life than I am right now.

  When I get home I toss my keys onto the small dining room table that Darian and I spent last weekend refinishing. We watched reruns of The Office and ate Chinese food on the floor as we laughed and sanded. It was wonderful.

  I hop in the shower and wash the smell of the diner off of me. When I’m fresh out of the shower, my phone chimes, and it’s a text from Darian telling me he missed the train and he's going to be fifteen minutes later than normal. Another text comes through and he tells me he’s bringing home pizza, and I smile.

  It’s a little while later that I’m sitting on the sofa with the money from the watch on the coffee table in front of me. When I hear the key in the door I walk over, the ball of nerves tightening in my stomach. He smiles when he sees me as he sets the pizza on the table and comes over to pull me into his arms. He takes his time, his hands moving over every curve as he kisses me until we’re both breathless.

  “Missed you,” he murmurs against my lips.

  “I missed you too.” I give him one more kiss and he releases me. “Beer?” I ask.

  “No, I think…” His words trail off when he sees the money on the coffee table, then his whole body goes stiff.

  “I sold my grandpa’s watch,” I blurt out before he can ask.

  “You what?!” It’s extremely rare for Darian to raise his voice, so the impact is not lost on me. “The grandpa that you loved and adored?”

  I swallow and nod my head because I did love him fiercely. If he was still on this earth, he would have disowned my parents for the way they've treated Darian. I think a little of why I fell in love with Darian so fast, and it’s because he reminds me of my grandpa in some ways. I’ve never once doubted my grandpa would’ve welcomed him with open arms if he’d been alive, and Darian knows that.

  “If he were here he would tell me I should’ve done it forever ago.” That’s the truth. My grandpa made himself a very rich man. It was later in life he realized what was really important, and he made sure he taught me those things. Too bad he couldn't undo what had been done with my father.

  “We’re getting it back.” He grabs the money off the table, and I can tell from the look in his eyes he’s on a mission already. It's the same look he gets when a brilliant idea hits him.

  “Darian.” I put my hand on his chest. “Hear me out, and then if you want to get the watch back, I’ll give you the card in my purse to do that.” He relaxes under my touch only a fraction.

  “Okay,” he agrees, letting out a deep breath.

  “Our time together is the most valuable thing to me, and I know it’s yours too.” I didn't grow up in the system like he did, but I do know what it can feel like to be all alone. “You’re having to spend two extra hours a day getting back and forth to work because the car needs fixed. I hate it and it’s a waste. Just like the watch is a waste sitting in a box under our bed doing nothing.”

  “Are you done?” I see the tic in his jaw. He’s still pissed and trying not to lose his temper.

  “We fix the car, and whatever is left, I’ll invest.” I might as well put this fancy degree to work. “I’ve done the math. Within five years I’ll make all the money back if I do safe investments, but if I—”

  “No. I’ll get the car fixed and I’ll get you the money you’re wanting to invest. I’ll get a weekend job.” He’s already picking up some Saturdays even though his job is salary and doesn’t pay for extra time. He and his team are on some new project he’s leading, and it already eats up every moment he’s away from home.

  “You’re missing the point,” I say softly as he moves away from my touch, and I drop my hand.

  “That makes two of us,” he says before he turns around and walks back out the door.

  It’s two hours later when Darian comes back home, but the moment we lock eyes, I go to him. He holds me close, and I breathe in his scent as I feel every muscle in my body relax.

  “You’re right, Rosy. I’m sorry I got upset. I just want to give you everything.”

  “I know,” I mumble against his chest.

  “And I will. One day, we’ll look back on this and laugh.” He leans back, and when I look up at him, he brushes the hair out of my eyes. “As hard as it is for me to see you sacrifice for us, I know that it was what your grandpa would have wanted, and more importantly what you would have wanted.” I nod, and he lets out a sigh. “But next time you tell me first.”

  “I promise,” I answer, and I mean it. I felt sick all day keeping this from him, and I can’t imagine wanting to go through it again. The ends justified the means, but we’re a team, and he deserves to know everything.

  “I love you, my sweet girl.”

  “I love you too.” When I push up on my tiptoes, he’s already there waiting to meet my kiss with his own. “You talked to Lindsey, didn’t you?” I smile against his lips as he nods.

  “Stop gloating and get those pants off,” he teases, pushing me toward the bedroom.

  It turns out that make-up sex might be worth fighting for.

  Chapter 8


  Two years later…

  It’s Sunday, and I’ve got a rare day off. The sun is shining, summer is close, and I’ve got my wife under my arm as we walk in the park.

  We’re not where I thought we would be two years ago, but we’re getti
ng there. We’re still in our little studio near the diner, and Rosy still works there waiting tables and doing the bookkeeping. She seems happy, but there’s more she needs, more that I want to give her.

  I know that I don’t need much to fill my heart, because being next to her is enough. But there’s always this part of me that knows I can do more for her, and that’s the part that won’t let me stay content.

  “Why don’t you let me take you to get your nails done today?” I look down at the chipped nail polish, and it’s a reminder of how hard she works. She deserves to be pampered.

  “Why? It will just come off, and then I’ll have to do it all over again.” She leans up on her toes and kisses my cheek. “Seems like a waste of money.”

  I sigh as I pull her close, and we walk around the curved path through the park. It’s one of our favorite things to do when I’ve got time off of work, mostly because it’s free. It’s also a quiet place to talk that’s away from home and work, and my sisters who like to steal Rosy from me every chance they get.

  “What do you want to do for dinner tonight?” Rosy asks as we fall into step. “I could make some spaghetti, or spaghetti, or maybe spaghetti?”

  “Spaghetti would be good,” I tease, and we laugh just as someone walks by and bumps into my shoulder. “Oh man, I’m sorry I—”

  “Darian,” the guy says as he looks at me and then my wife. “Oh hey, Rosy, I heard you two got married.”

  “Hey, Colt,” Rosy says, and I can tell by the tone on her voice this isn’t a happy reunion. It takes me a second but then I remember Colt was one of the assholes from high school that I’d already long forgotten.

  “So how’s it going with you guys?” He smiles between us, and my arm slides down to Rosy’s waist. “You two live around here?” He glances behind us to the crummy apartment building that’s exactly where we live.

  “We’re good. You?” I purposely skip over the second question to try and get away from Colt as quickly as possible.

  “I’m great. My girlfriend is walking her dog by the lake.” He points his thumb over his shoulder, and I don’t miss how his eyes move down Rosy’s body when he thinks I’m distracted.

  My wife put on cut-off shorts and a cropped T-shirt for our walk, and now I feel like she’s showing too much skin. Skin that belongs to me.

  “So where are you working now, Darian? I heard you graduated but not much since.”

  “He’s at the biometrics lab at the Wharf. He’s going to be famous one day,” Rosy preens as she places a hand on my chest.

  “Oh yeah?” Colt smiles at us indulgently, and I want to pop him in the mouth. “I’ll be sure to keep an eye out. If you’re downtown you should come by my dad's law firm. They’ve added my picture to the outside of it since I’m a partner now.”

  “Good for you.” I manage to say it without sounding bitter.

  “Yeah, I even got a yacht as a bonus. We’re taking it out later if you want to come along.” This time when his eyes move down Rosy’s body, it’s with intent.

  “What the—”

  “No thanks,” Rosy cuts me off as she tugs on my arm. “We’ve got plans.”

  “You're still working at that grease pit at the end of the block?” Colt makes a sound and doesn’t wait for her to respond. “Never thought I’d see the day when a graduate from Kingswood Prep would end up slinging French fries.”

  “Always good to be reminded of why we were so eager to leave.” Rosy’s voice is even, but my body is shaking with rage. I want to pin him to the ground and knock his teeth out.

  “I figured it was because you were knocked up.” When I take a step towards him, Colt throws his hands in front of him. “Hey, whoa, whoa, sorry. I thought I was just messing around with old friends. No harm, Darian.”

  “We weren’t friends then, and we certainly aren’t friends now. But I see you still can’t keep your eyes off what your daddy can’t buy you.” Colt’s jaw tightens as he takes a slight step back. I take a breath and straighten before I force a calm smile. “Next time you see us in the park, do yourself a favor and pretend you don’t see us.”

  I don’t give him time to respond as Rosy and I walk away from Colt and all that he represents—my failure as a husband to provide, the lack of family ties I would need to get further faster, and the ability to give Rosy all that she deserves.

  “Hey.” Rosy tugs on my arm, and I realize she’s having to take steps two at a time to keep up. We’re almost back to the apartment, so I slow down, realizing I’ve gotten us to cover a long distance too quickly for her short legs. “I said hey.”

  She tugs once more, and I come to a stop before I face her. My heart is heavy with guilt and shame. If she hadn’t tied herself to me, her family could have given her the life Colt has. They could have opened doors and made a path for her that was taken away when she chose me. When I feel her soft fingers on my face, I lean in to her touch.

  “I never wanted that life. Even before you.” She can always read my thoughts so perfectly. “And seeing him?” She shakes her head. “It proves what I see every day.”

  “That we’re broke?” I offer, and a smile tugs at her lips.

  “That I made the right decision. That my brilliant husband will one day change the world and then everyone else will finally see why I gave it all up.”

  “I love you.” I pull her against me, and before she can respond, my lips are on hers.

  With her in my arms, I practically run to the apartment. Once we’re inside, I kick the door closed and then push her against it. I can’t get over the memory of Colt’s eyes on my wife, and the only way to make it better is to fuck my ownership into her.

  I unbutton her little shorts and roughly push them off of her. With one arm on her hip and the other on her bare ass, I watch her fumble for the front of my shorts.

  “Get it out,” I say, licking and biting my way down her neck. “I need you.”

  Her fingers wrap around my shaft, and I feel her squeeze it once before she’s sliding it through her wet folds. As soon as the head of my cock nudges her opening, I’m thrusting inside and sheathing myself in her warmth. I grunt when I’m fully seated, and I just stay like that, with my teeth in the tender skin of her shoulder. Like an animal, I let my body claim hers before nature takes over and I’m rutting against her.

  “Darian,” she groans, her knees widening and her arms clinging to me. “Harder.”

  The door bangs against the rusted hinges, but I don’t give a fuck if the neighbors hear. Let them listen to my wife call my name, because that’s the only name she’ll ever call.

  “You’re mine, goddamn it.” I push up her little half shirt and pull down the soft cup of her bra. When her nipple is free, I latch on to it, and I feel her pussy clench in response. She’s so close so fast, and I get bigger inside her.

  “Right there, right there,” she chants, tilting her hips, and I thrust against that spot over and over.

  It’s hot and fast, but when she cums, I follow her over the edge in a blaze of fire. There’s no part of her that doesn’t love me, and that power is like a drug. She fills all the empty places I try to create, and before I know what’s happening, she heals me. Every time we connect I’m made brand new, and it’s all because of our love.

  I wonder if I’ll ever look back on this time and miss it.

  Chapter 9


  Present day…

  I tug on the top of the custom-made dress wondering why the hell it’s so damn tight. This is going to be a long night, and we haven’t even left yet. Just putting this thing on has me ready for cozy clothes and the couch. I used to love getting dressed up for date night, but now the task can be daunting. It’s not just Darian and me out on the town, it’s lots of people and I’m playing a part. How have I fallen into the routine, or rather how have we fallen into this?

  All these years later and my heart still flutters when I think of marrying Darian. It’s only in the past couple of years that everything’s c
hanged. It’s like we hit the lottery, only this wasn't luck. It was all Darian and his brilliant mind and years of working finally paying off. I’ve known since high school my Darian would do something great, and it finally happened for the both of us.

  Most people who meet him know that not only is he incredibly smart, he’s incredibly driven. If Darian gets his mind set on something, there’s no stopping him. It’s one of the things I love most about my husband because it’s how he got me.

  I check my phone again to see if I have any missed calls or texts, but he must have been too busy today. I haven't heard a peep from him since this morning when he woke me with his mouth. After he sent me into a pleasure-filled sleep, I woke up to an empty house.

  His days are always full because everyone wants a piece of him. I don’t blame them, but I’m starting to get jealous of the people who are getting most of his time. Hell, a year ago the Pentagon wanted a meeting with him. That’s what happens when you create software that can not only identify people’s faces but it can also read body language too. Darian created software that can not only assess people in seconds but determine what they are most likely feeling and what they are going to do next.

  Everyone wanted their hands on the technology. From the military, phone companies, and even people who design toys. I don’t even fully understand how it works, yet it keeps growing. So much so that Darian has been working with the government as a consultant more often than not.

  I smile when the phone in my hand rings, and I see it’s Lindsey. “Hey. What’s going on?”

  “It’s still weird to me when I see my brother's name come up while I’m watching TV. I swear I hear more about what’s going on in his life from the news than from him.” I bark a laugh because it’s funny and true.


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