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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

Page 21

by Karice Bolton

  “That’s incredible that everything’s growing so quickly,” I muttered, noticing something of interest across the way. I spotted the stairs at the end of the shop, and my heartbeat quickened at the thought of going up there. Being alone with him before I had to return to work. That was crazy! I couldn’t start thinking like this. I could handle a few more hours.

  “Well, when you love what you do, it makes all the difference,” he replied. “They need to teach that in college, but I don’t think they want to let the secret out.”

  “There would be no minions to help the evil ones take over the world,” I said, laughing, shaking my head.

  He stopped in the middle of the shop and spun around so quickly, I almost bumped into him. He released his hand from mine and slid his fingers along my arm, igniting another flash of sparks between us.

  “True.” He nodded. “So did you have a chance to look over the things I gave you?” He took a step closer, and my chest tightened as I looked up at him through my lashes. His mouth looked so appealing as his lips formed a perfect circle, waiting for my reply.

  I nodded. “Briefly. I plan on looking them over in detail.”

  “You promise?” he asked, his voice lowering.


  His eyes glided along my collarbone, and I couldn’t help but enjoy the way he made me feel. He softly traced my chin with his thumb, leading up my jaw. Gently placing my hair behind my ear, he brought his lips toward my earlobe.

  “You deserve to be happy in every part of your life.” His breath skated across my lobe, sending a charge of electricity through me. “Live for yourself, baby, and I promise you won’t regret it. Ever.”

  He ran his lips along the side of my neck, leaving my body in complete submission. I had never done something like this before, but the excitement that pulsed through me was directing me.

  “Take me to your office,” I breathed. “Now.”

  He pulled away, and his expression changed immediately when he saw what he did to me. A smile broke on his lips as he silently took me in and saw my quiet desperation.

  “I want you now,” I repeated, my eyes locking on his. “That’s me living for myself.”

  “Well then… I don’t want to disappoint you,” he said, his grin widening. His eyes flashed to the wall clock and back to me. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  I wrapped my arm around his waist and before I knew it, he lifted me into his arms, taking me through the shop and toward the stairs. His lips fell to mine as he carried me up the stairs. I felt the heat of his body against mine, and my heart quickened with each step toward the top. Breaking his kiss slowly, he gently placed me on the landing as he quickly opened the door to his office.

  I scanned the room, and I couldn’t help but smile as I spotted a romantic lunch that he had laid out for us. He had planned on me coming up here the whole time. He was just messing with me. A small table in the corner of his office had been cleared off, a single rose in a vase was in the center, and two takeout containers were laid out for each of us.

  I heard him lock the door behind me, and my pulse quickened as I turned to look at him.

  “I’ve never,” I stammered. “I usually… Lunch hour.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, taking a step toward me. His expression completely bemused with my lack of vocabulary or inexperience. I wasn’t really sure which one.

  “It’s okay, isn’t it?” I asked, suddenly unsure of myself.

  Without responding, he wrenched me into a passionate embrace. My breath hitched as he placed his lips on mine giving me the answer I so desperately wanted. I felt the tenderness of his kiss turn to something more deliberate, as if he was searching for something neither of us fully understood. Feeling his fingers gently press into my arms as our kisses deepened, I knew whatever it was we were both looking for, we’d find it soon enough.

  His breathing quickened as he placed me on his desk. I slid the invoices onto the floor and leaned toward him, kissing the crook of his neck softly. Tasting his skin as I slowly slid my lips up his neck about drove me over the edge. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tugged it off, tossing it onto the floor. Pressing my hands into his chest, I took a deep breath and looked up into his eyes. He was studying me carefully as I traced my fingers along his pecs, and down to his abdomen, feeling the firmness under my fingertips. My fingers rested on top of his jean’s button as I attempted to unfasten it with my trembling hands. The desire that was rushing through me created a madness inside of me, and it was mid-day for crying out loud. Finally undoing the button, his eyes greedily flashed to mine as he hovered his lips over my mouth. Cupping my face in his hands, he began kissing me again. Pushing my dress up slowly with his hands, a wave of shivers ran through me as he slid my dress over my head. Jason skated his lips along my cheek, placing kisses along my jaw before taking a step back.

  His breathing accelerated as his eyes coasted over my flesh, his gaze stopping to admire the peaks and valleys of my body. The quietness of the room only echoed our own pounding hearts as we explored one another, allowing the familiarity of the night before to be our guide.

  I complimented myself on deciding to wear the very uncomfortable red lace thong and matching bra as his eyes continued parading down my body. He knew how to make me feel as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world, and that was something I never thought would happen. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me closer to him. His hands slid up my spine and found the clasp of the bra, quickly releasing it. I scooted toward the edge of the desk and he slid my thong down my legs and it dropped to the floor.

  Bringing him into me, I began trailing kisses across his chest as I wrapped my legs around him. Sliding his arms around my waist, he gripped me tightly. I felt the heat of his bare chest against mine as his breathing quickened. I threw my head back, and felt his warm breath dance across my throat as our flesh became one. The explosion of ecstasy ran through my veins as his lips found mine once more, bringing me to a piece of heaven I never wanted to leave.

  I leaned back against the desk as his hands skated across my belly, his lips chasing soon after and my world began to shatter. I ran my hands through his hair as he continued teasing and taunting parts of my body making me feel so alive. I let out a soft moan as he ran his lips up my belly, in between my breasts, placing a tender kiss on my lips. Feeling the strength of his body against mine, he pressed against me in a soft rhythm, triggering a paradise between our bodies. Unable to support myself in any way, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly as our bodies unhinged themselves in one another’s arms. I felt like my world was spinning, my life just beginning. His breathing began to slow and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “That was beyond fabulous,” I whispered, dipping my head back.

  He pressed his forehead against mine, and gently glided his fingers along my arm. “We fit perfectly together,” he whispered, his eyes smoldering.

  I only let out a little murmur and nothing more as he held me tighter.

  My belly clenched with delight. Hearing those words from Jason shifted my entire universe. He was right. We did fit perfectly together. Even the little pieces of our lives complimented one another.

  “This feels so right,” I whispered, pressing my head against his chest.

  “You feel so right,” he murmured, letting go of me slowly.

  I noticed a travel itinerary on his desk as I was sliding my dress back on.

  “What this?” I asked, touching the pale yellow piece of paper.

  “That’s a bike and hot rod convention in TX,” he said, pulling his jeans up. “I’ve got a booth down there. We shipped a few of the bikes down there this week.”

  “That sounds fun.”

  “It would be more fun if you were there.” His eyes darkened a shade and he looked toward the clock. I followed his gaze to the wall and hopped off the desk.

  “Shit. I can’t believe I’ve been here for so long. I better get back.” It was a quarter aft
er one o’clock and I had left a little after eleven. This was so unlike me, but I had to admit I really liked the new me.

  “Time flies,” he teased.

  “I can’t believe I just did that,” I said, feeling a flush at the thought of it.

  He started laughing and held out his arms, which I immediately beelined to as he held me tightly, lightly kissing the top of my head.

  “Behind that door over there is a bathroom,” he whispered. “You might want to…”

  “Is it that bad?” I interrupted, smiling, reaching up to feel the mess.

  “It’s sexier than hell, but I’m pretty sure your entire office would have something to talk about for at least a day or two.”

  “Can’t have that,” I chimed, as he let go of me and I walked toward the bathroom.

  I flipped on the lights and had to start laughing. I looked like I somehow had a beehive from the sixties happening on top my head. I ran my fingers through my hair a few times and freed the snarls. I had a barrette in the car I could put to use for a French twist, but I’m glad he warned me.

  He came up behind me and I smiled at him in the mirror.

  “So Texas?” I said, catching his stare.

  “Yup. Too bad you can’t come. Maybe ditch your day job for a couple days?”

  “That would be so much fun. Stupid paycheck. Bring me back a cowboy hat, and I’ll be happy,” I teased him.

  “Hmm. Cowboy hat and boots…” He got a wicked expression in his eyes, and I turned around playfully popping him on the arm.

  “This whole thing was completely out of my element,” I said, laughing. “Hold up on the western wear or any other cheesy outfits that are circulating around in that brain of yours.”

  He started laughing a deep rumble of a laugh as he linked his hand with mine.

  “Thanks for visiting my shop,” he replied, looking over at the uneaten food.

  “Thanks for inviting me and for lunch,” I teased. “Mind if I take it with me? I had quite a workout.”

  “I wouldn’t want you going hungry.” He let go of my hand and I grabbed one of the cartons.

  He walked me out to my Jeep, and there were only a couple of curious stares, but they went away pretty quickly the moment Jason laid eyes on whoever dared to look my way.

  I placed a quick kiss on his cheek and hopped into the front seat. “I’d give you more, but I think it would lead to something again.”

  He shook his head and backed away, grinning, as he closed the door.

  Flashing him a smile, I drove out of the lot and quickly glanced at the time. I think I worked enough nights and weekends to have earned a little longer lunch than usual. And then it hit me. I was already getting short-timer’s syndrome and I’d barely even started my career there.

  At least traffic was light on the way back. Pulling into the lot, I got my lunch and jumped out of the Jeep. I hopped onto the elevator just as it was closing and rode it up to our floor.

  I strode down the hall with not one person noticing or really caring one way or the other. That was until I ran into Brandy. Both of her brows shot up at the same time a huge grin plastered her face.

  “Get your studying done?” I asked, ignoring her over-the-top expression.

  “You might want to fix your hair,” she giggled.

  Oops! I had forgotten to put in the twist.

  My cheeks reddened right away, and I bolted to my office with Brandy following right behind.

  “So how was the shop?” she asked, giving me a cheeky grin.

  “It’s huge.”

  “I bet it is.”

  I glared at her for a brief second before breaking into laughter. I set my food on my desk and pulled a brush from my drawer.

  “I feel bad coming back so late,” I confessed.

  “With as many lunches as you’ve worked through I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Besides, you’re not the only one taking an extended lunch now and then. I think that’s a requirement to work here,” she said, smiling. “So tell me, what was his shop like? You did make it to the shop, right?”

  “It was incredible, actually. He has a huge showroom and a large shop behind.” I blushed as I thought about his office.


  “It was really nice to see that side of him,” I said at long last. “But he’s going to Texas next week so that kind of sucks. Can you believe I’m actually saying that?”

  “Yes I can,” she replied. “And by the way…” She shot me a dirty look before proceeding. “If you have any plans on Wednesday you need to scrap them.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Because that, my dear friend, is when I have to go on that blind date you and Ashley set me up on.”

  “Sorry about that,” I said, feeling only slightly guilty.

  “No you’re not,” she said, laughing. “But I’m sure you can pay me back somehow.”

  “Don’t even switch this around,” I said, wiggling my finger. “You were the one who packed nothing but pillows and a thong in my bag.”

  “It worked didn’t it?”

  I rolled my eyes. “And I could be saying the same thing about you and Mr. Blind Date on Thursday.”

  With that she was out of my office, and I turned my attention back to the cheese. Yes. The cheese. I loved my life.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It was Wednesday night, and Jason and I were already cuddled in a booth at the Irish pub that Brandy had chosen for her big blind date. She wanted to arrive by herself so that she could leave early, feigning some already planned emergency. I was kind of annoyed with her for that because she wasn’t giving this guy a chance at all. I sort of felt sorry for him. Granted, I was saying that from my safety net of having lucked out with Jason.

  “She’s not gonna flake on us, is she?” Jason said, amusement sprinkled in his eyes. He completely enjoyed my story about what led up to Brandy having to go on this blind date, especially since what she did benefited him.

  “Nah. She’ll be here,” I said, rubbing his knee. “Speak of the devil.”

  I spotted her weaving through the crowd of people in the pub. It was only a few blocks from our condo and in the heart of downtown so it was packed, even for the middle of the week. I saw several heads turn as she walked by the men in the bar and laughed to myself. If only she knew that even when she was trying to look like a wreck, she looked amazing.

  I waved at her and she scowled, making Jason burst into laughter.

  She shoved herself into the booth and looked around. “Guess he’s not here yet?”

  “You’re twenty minutes early,” I exclaimed, unable to hide my laughter.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, furrowing her brow as she glanced at her watch.

  “I set your watch ahead so you wouldn’t try to pull what you just did,” I said, giggling.

  “Are you serious?”

  I nodded. “I knew you’d try and show up late so….”

  “Oooh, I’m so mad at you.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  “How about the first several rounds are on me,” Jason said, getting a kick out of us. “What would you like?” he asked Brandy, as he flagged down our server.

  “I’ll take a Guinness and a shot of Rumplemintz,” she said. “And that’s very kind of you, but it should be Gabby who’s buying.” She shot me a dirty look and I couldn’t help but beam.

  The server came over and took our drink order, plus an order of nachos and soda bread with mint-honey butter. Gotta love bar food.

  I watched as poor Brandy jumped every time the door opened and closed, worried her blind date would get here sooner rather than later.

  I leaned back in the booth, and Jason wrapped his arm around my shoulder just when the server brought our drinks over. She set the two drinks in front of Brandy and the glass of Hard Apple Cider in front of me. Brandy immediately slammed the shot and wiped her mouth.

  “You two look so cute together,” she gushed, apparently forgett
ing that she was pretending to be mad at me.

  The crowd by the bar was getting pretty rowdy, and it was getting more difficult to hear so we all squeezed together in the booth a little more as Brandy began telling Jason college stories. He seemed completely intrigued while I was completely terrified. She was already a shot in and half a Guinness down, so the conversation could go anywhere.

  “Remember that one time we went to that party and that wanker of a boyfriend you had began making out with that Sheila right in front of you?” she asked, pursing her lips together

  Jason turned to me. “Did we suddenly step into the Outback?” he asked.

  “That’s the booze talking,” I whispered. “The girl’s name was actually Sheila, not ‘that Shelia’,” I started laughing as I saw Brandy revving up.

  “Girl, I was so proud of you.”

  Oh boy. Here it came.

  “The way you went over to him and picked him right off of her…” She shook her head. “It was brilliant.” She turned to Jason. “The next thing I knew Gabby throws the dude off the porch, and he was like double her size. I don’t know where that power came from.”

  I felt Jason’s body shudder, trying not to laugh. “I believe it.”

  “It was just the steroids I was on,” I said laughing, poking Jason in the side.

  Brandy’s eyes widened and I threw my hand up. “Only kidding. They weren’t the same kind. They don’t do the same thing.”

  Brandy took another sip of her beer as the door opened again. This time I was pretty sure it was her date. He matched the description Ashley gave me. He was tall, about six feet, and had short blonde hair and blue eyes. He was really attractive, like really attractive.

  Jason lowered his mouth to my ear. “Don’t forget who’s on the date,” he teased.

  “Not even my type,” I said, smacking his knee.

  “What exactly is your type?”

  “Tall, dark, and handsome,” I whispered, in his ear, letting my lips hover just close enough to tickle his ear lobe.

  I watched the guy make his way through the crowd and gave him a slight wave as Brandy sat dumbfounded. I don’t think she was actually expecting to see someone who was so good looking. She glanced at me and then her Guinness.


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