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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

Page 25

by Karice Bolton

  “Eek. They weren’t supposed to fit quite so easily.”

  “Looks like someone went on the relationship diet,” she said, shaking her head. “How about this top?”

  She dangled a blue, sequin top that Carla had bought for me last year.

  “Um, no,” I said, raising my brow. “It’s a Saturday afternoon and I’m headed for a sleepy island town, not a night club.”

  She rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated as she turned back toward the closet.

  “This?” she asked, holding out an oversized white button down.

  “Perfect,” I said, grabbing it away from her. This would conceal anything that the jeans let escape.

  I pulled my hair into a quick ponytail and got my keys and the purse.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  “Ready,” I confirmed.

  We got into the elevator, and I pressed the parking garage button.

  “I can’t wait to see what this guy looks like,” she said.

  I whipped out my phone and clicked it on, revealing a picture of Jason and me as the wallpaper.

  She let out a whistle and laughed. “Let’s hope it’s not too late.”

  “Thanks a lot,” I said, scowling as the elevator let us out into the garage.

  We hopped into the Jeep, and I took a deep breath as I started the engine. This was going to be okay. Driving out of the parking garage, I felt a bit of hope beginning to build. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe there was still a chance.

  I pulled right onto the ferry and parked the car when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my purse, seeing a text from Jason.

  Got your messages. Not at the island home. There’s a showing today. Maybe we can grab lunch sometime next week. Gotta run

  A twinge of desperation resulted in sucking all of the air out of the car.

  “What? What happened?” Lily asked, concerned by the look on my face.

  “He put his home up for sale,” I said, shaking my head slowly. “And he’s not there.”

  The ferry started its journey over to the island, and I watched as we slowly chugged our way to a place I no longer wanted to be.

  “Not a problem,” she exclaimed. “We can just turn right around on the other side and meet him wherever he’s at.”

  “He mentioned lunch next week,” I said, frowning.

  “Lunch?” she snapped “Not on my watch. Do you have any idea where else he might be?”

  “Lily, maybe it’s fate stepping in once again,” I said, glancing out the window. “It’s kind of done a number on the both of us so far. I mean how many times do I need to be punched in the gut before—”

  “Before what? You find someone you’re madly in love with and let him slip away, again?” She shook her head. “No. Where do you think he might be? His work? What was it he did?”

  “He’s a bike builder.” I sighed.

  “Let’s try his shop.”

  “He also has a townhome somewhere in the city.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so?” she asked, stealing the phone from me.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What you should have done weeks ago.”

  I watched her type at full speed and did nothing to stop it. She hit send and handed me the phone. I looked down at the message and started laughing. It kind of sounded exactly like me.

  No! Lunch won’t do. But thanks for the offer. If you’re not at the house, mind sharing where you might be and I’ll come meet you?

  I started laughing. “Boy. I sound bossy.”

  “Sometimes,” she laughed.

  My phone buzzed and I looked down to see Jason’s text.

  I do mind sharing and lunch next week or no lunch at all

  “What?” she asked.

  “He’s being a complete dick,” I said.

  “Under the circumstances I’m not so sure,” she whispered.

  I texted quickly back. This was war. I wasn’t going to be pushed away like I was nothing, like we were nothing.

  No lunch at all, huh? Seems a bit stingy and inflexible… Is your schedule this tight because your dinner dates are already filled with bimbos?

  He buzzed back immediately.

  I don’t think my real estate agent would enjoy being called a bimbo, and it’s nice to see that you’re sending spies around the island. A little too late, don’t ya think?

  “He’s really pissed,” I said, looking at Lily. But feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted, knowing the woman was only a real estate agent.

  “Wouldn’t you be? He fell in love with you and found out something absolutely heart wrenching. No pun intended. And from what I gather you just took a bow and did a quick exit.”

  I nodded. She was right.

  I texted back right as our ferry docked.

  I’m sorry I ran. But I’d rather tell you in person why and ask for your forgiveness… Regardless of what comes of it. And lunch seems a bit far off. And believe me, I didn’t send spies after you because I never would’ve wanted to know. My parents just happened to be there before they visited me at the coffee shop.

  He texted me an address along with the words, “My flight leaves in three hours.”

  I felt his walls slightly starting to crumble or maybe it was wishful thinking, but it was quickly replaced with spasms of panic. Where was he going and did he plan on coming back?

  Chapter Thirty

  Jason opened the front door of the townhome, and Sunny and Tomato came bounding toward me. I guess this was his townhome. However, not seeing a For Sale sign at this place, too, did little to relieve my worries, especially when his eyes locked on mine.

  “Come in,” he motioned for me to step inside.

  “Thanks,” I said, petting both Tomato and Sunny.

  I entered directly into a great room that opened into the kitchen. I heard a few dishes clank and glanced over to the dining room and saw the Betty Paige look-alike. What was she doing here?

  The space didn’t feel like Jason at all. There was a leopard throw over the red leather couch. Yes, red leather. And three huge zebra rugs separated each space. All of the furniture, besides the red leather, was iron and glass.

  Jason caught my look, and I saw a slight tug at his lips.

  “Let’s go to the study,” he said, pointing to the closed double doors. I spotted two suitcases and my heart plummeted.

  We walked over to the room and he opened the door, allowing me inside first. This space was decorated just as ferociously as the other room. And yes, I mean ferociously, like these animals were going to come back from the dead to haunt me. The cheetah wallpaper was cringe worthy, and I had to scratch my nose to hide my smile even though I was in a very serious situation. Not because the situation was funny because it was far from funny, but because I was going to be having one of the most important discussions of my life in a room that was going to leave me with nightmares, more than what we spoke about.

  “It’s a nice place,” I said, glancing at Sunny and Tomato. I didn’t need to be caught in a lie right off the bat.

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “Uh-huh. Great place,” I said, keeping my eyes on the pooches.

  “I never would have figured,” he said, his voice almost edging on playfulness.

  I shook my head and brought my gaze to meet his.

  “You can’t lie for shit,” he said.

  Instead of smiling, I glanced around the room.

  “I’m really sorry about how I left. I guess that kind of shows where my maturity level is,” I confessed.

  “I don’t know that I gave you much choice. I didn’t handle things well, either. I was just in shock. I think it came out as anger,” he replied, taking a seat in front of me on the ottoman. He leaned his elbows on his knees, and it was hard not to notice the definition of his arms. “I didn’t expect you to leave.” He let out a sigh.

  I saw the hurt in his eyes and looked away quickly.

  “I think it’s a family trait. One that I�
��m really trying to correct,” I muttered, feeling the lump in my throat. Now was not the time. This wasn’t going to turn into the console Gabby hour. “Not that it will help with us.”

  “We’ve all got our things,” he said, his voice kind.

  I looked up at him, his eyes locking on mine.

  “I never expected things to end this way,” I said.

  “I never expected things to end.” His eyes not leaving mine.

  My belly twisted into knots with his confession, and I began feeling sick.

  “There are some things in life that can be overlooked, but this isn’t one of them. When I saw the hurt in your eyes, the confusion…it killed me. I knew I’d be seeing that every time you looked at me, and I didn’t want to do that to you. I didn’t want to cause pain.”

  “And you think by leaving, you didn’t cause pain?” he asked, bewildered, an edge creeping into his voice.

  “Not as much pain. If I stuck around a few more months, and then we finally dealt with it, our emotions would be stronger so we’d be hurt more when we moved on,” I told him, watching his eyes darken.

  “When we moved on?” he asked, his eyes blazing. “You’re certain we would’ve moved on?”

  I watched his jaw tense, his muscles tightening as he stared at me.

  I nodded, feeling the heat of his fury reach from where he was sitting.

  “Incredible,” his voice hoarse. “I forgot at your age how all the answers come so easily.”

  A twinge of hurt dug into me and I dropped my gaze. I saw him move the ottoman closer to me, and my pulse quickened.

  “I wanted to tell you how sorry I was. You deserved better,” I said, pushing aside his last comment. “You deserve better. I was wrong to leave without even talking to you about it.”

  “You were wrong to leave,” he growled. “Period.”

  His eyes coasted down my body and then away from me completely.

  “I can play make-believe as long as you need,” he told me, his gaze darkened. “But that’s all it is. Make-believe.”

  “What are you talking about?” I snapped, feeling the anger build. “Make-believe?”

  “Acting like the real reason you left was because of Natalie’s heart, but the truth is you’ve been looking for a reason to leave from the moment we met,” he whispered. “She just made it easier.”

  I gasped. “That’s not true.”

  “Prove it,” he said.

  “That’s why I wanted to see you today. To tell you that I was sorry and to ask for forgiveness,” I whispered, pushing back the tears.

  “I forgave you the moment you slammed the door on me,” he said, his gaze piercing.

  The air was silent between us, and for the first time all morning, I felt a seed of hope.

  “I’m asking for a second chance,” I whispered. “I want to make things right.”

  “There is no such thing as right or perfect when matters of the heart are involved,” he said.

  I started giggling at the irony. Oh, the irony.

  “I guess in a literal sense… in this situation,” the corner of his lip quirked up slightly.

  My pulse quickened as I waited for him to continue.

  “I thought you were long gone,” he murmured, studying my reaction.

  “So did I,” I said. “But it’s getting a lot more difficult for me to lie to myself, especially when you’re involved.”

  “That’s a good sign,” he said, reaching over to grab my hands.

  “I miss you so much. I think about you every minute of every day, and my life was so much better with you in it. Even my worst day with you topped my best day without you.” I looked over at Tomato and her knob of a tail wagged back and forth. “And I miss the girls.”

  “That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? The girls,” he laughed softly.


  “Have you ever put love first?” Jason asked, his eyes probing me.

  I shook my head.

  “I’m worried it’s going to be hard on you. Hard on us, knowing…” I touched my chest, unable to find the words.

  “Our love is worth fighting for,” he said, his voice low. He squeezed my hands. “I love you, Gabby. I never stopped loving you. I just prayed everyday that you’d come to your senses.” He smiled and my heart soared.

  “I love you,” I whispered. “I’ll never stop loving you, ever.”

  He leaned forward and pulled me onto his lap, holding me tightly. I belonged in his arms.

  “I don’t think there’ll ever be a straight line for our love to follow, but that doesn’t make it any less possible,” he whispered.

  “Can you cancel your flight?” I murmured.

  His wicked grin flashed across his lips as he softly brought his lips down to mine; our mouths colliding as our worlds slowly stitched themselves back together.

  His lips broke from mine. “My place is upstairs. I think we should make our way there…” he whispered.

  “Thank God because I was reconsidering everything the moment I stepped into this place.” I laughed before his lips met mine once more, and I knew life was as it should be.


  “Have you ever wondered what your world would be like if you hadn’t met me?” I teased, and Jason’s smile only grew.

  The familiar spark in his eyes warmed my entire body as I sat on his lap, my arm looped around his neck as he held me tight.

  “It wouldn’t be a life worth having.” He kissed my cheek and squeezed me a little tighter.

  “You certainly have a way with words.” I laughed, placing my hand on his chest, feeling the gentle beat of his heart, knowing just how lucky I was to be in here in his arms.

  He brushed his lips gently against mine, and my entire world melted into his. Even with all the misunderstandings, misgivings, and complications that only our lives could bring, we were meant to be together. There was absolutely no doubt about it. He made me feel alive and like I could conquer the world.

  Jason’s hand slid just under the fabric of my top, and my body lit up with desire as our kisses deepened. I let my world spin into a fantasy of what the afternoon had in store.

  “I love you, Gabby Sullivan,” he murmured, his lips still pressed to mine.

  “I love you more, Jason.” I let out a happy sigh, still feeing the tingle on my lips. “There are so many things in this world we think we can control and—”

  The doorbell rang, and I let out a groan as Jason chuckled.

  “Like that?” His hand skated along my belly, and I let out a little whimper of frustration. There were several activities I could imagine doing this afternoon with Jason, but chasing away solicitors wasn’t one of them.

  “Exactly.” I stood up from his lap and tugged my shirt down, still feeling the high that only Jason left me with as I made my way down the hallway with Tomato and Sunny on my heels.

  I craned my neck to see who was at the door before yanking it open.

  “Brandy,” I squealed, pulling her into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re not selling Tupperware or something.”

  “Huh?” She pulled her brows together in confusion and glanced over my shoulder as Jason wandered into the foyer.

  “Long story.” Jason smiled, giving Brandy a hug before she picked up a bag by her feet.

  “It always is with Gabby,” Brandy teased, pulling out a basket filled with goodies to eat, candles to light, and bath products to indulge in. “I felt so bad that I haven’t stopped by since you moved in, and I just wanted to give you this and see how this new life is treating you.”

  “You didn’t have to do this, but I never turn down gifts. These candles smell amazing.” I sniffed, taking the basket from her. “But you certainly have been busy lately. I can’t even get you on the phone half the time, and here I thought I’d be the hard to reach one since the move.”

  Brandy’s cheeks reddened, and I glanced at Jason, who hid a smile.

  “So, what have you been up to?” I asked, ushering
her into our home.

  “Just working a lot and studying. Nothing too exciting.” She refused to meet my gaze, and I instantly knew something was off.

  “Are you sure you haven’t met someone you’re hiding from us or something?” I joked, and her body stiffened.

  Yup. She was definitely keeping a secret and not well.

  “Nope. Same old, same old.” She cleared her throat as she followed us into the family room where Tomato and Sunny had already snuggled into their dog beds. “I don’t have time to date.”

  I chuckled and shook my head. She was definitely seeing someone, which had me completely intrigued.

  “Looks like you’ve settled right in.” She pointed at a few of the photos on the wall, and I beamed.

  “Believe it or not, Jason hung those up before I moved in.”

  She rolled her eyes and grinned. “Of course he did. I don’t know how you snatched up such a good guy.”

  “Me neither,” I whispered, and she chuckled.

  I had to confess that I absolutely loved living with Jason. It had only been a few weeks since my boxes had been unpacked and I felt settled, but I couldn’t imagine not being here. It just felt right. I loved getting to come home to share my day with him and tell him about my accomplishments or frustrations at the bakery, and I loved getting to hear about his days.

  Brandy collapsed into a chair across from the couch while I placed the basket on the coffee table.

  “So, spill the beans. Who are you seeing?” I asked as her face turned crimson.

  “I’m not seeing anyone. I don’t have time for relationships.”

  “Okay. Say what you will, but I’ll find out.”

  Jason wandered into the family room just as Brandy’s phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her purse and glanced at the text, a smile touching her lips.

  “Well, I know Lily can’t make you smile like that.” I giggled.


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