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Spring Fling Trio- Beyond Love Starter Set

Page 46

by Karice Bolton

  “Are you off pain meds?” Gabby asked.

  “For the most part. I think the last time I took one was a few days ago.”

  “Score,” she hollered, pulling out a bottle of wine from of her purse.

  I started laughing as we walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m getting so excited about the holidays with Aaron. Everything feels so right, Gabby. It’s been so easy…Like the bubble is going to burst any second.”

  Gabby grabbed a plate and began choosing various cheese and meats to decorate her crackers.

  “That’s one way of looking at it.” She grinned. “But most people wouldn’t look at a near-fatal accident as easy, but you also fantasize about law school so beats me.” She shrugged.

  “Haha.” I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do.” She grinned wider. “And I have to say the thought of your becoming my sister legally is pretty sweet.”

  “Do you know something?” My eyes wide.

  “Nothing, but my hunch is that it’s gonna happen someday.”

  I grabbed a plate and piled cheddar on a couple crackers and pulled a few grapes free.

  “Do you mind sitting on the patio? Aaron turned on the heaters for me. I just want to enjoy the last few days of sunshine.”

  “Totally. I’m bundled up,” she said, following me outside.

  “So how are you taking the news?” Gabby asked, bringing me a glass of red wine.

  We were sitting on Aaron’s patio with the heaters cranked on full blast. I had a blanket wrapped around me, but I was determined to squeeze in the last few blue skies we had left, regardless of temperature. Being cooped up so long hadn’t done wonders for my spirits.

  I took a sip and looked over at Gabby, perplexed.

  “I know I’ve been a little bit out of it lately, but I’m actually not sure what news you’re referring to.”

  Gabby was drinking her wine and stopped mid-swallow, her eyes widening.

  “Oh, nothing then. I probably got my wires crossed.” She set her glass on the table and looked out toward the pond.

  “Nice try,” I said, repositioning the blanket to cover my ears. “What news is flying around our circle that I don’t know about?”

  “Oh, god…Brandy. I thought Aaron had spoken to you already. He said last night he was going to talk to you this morning.”

  “Spit it out.”

  Gabby shook her head, her ponytail bouncing all over the place. “I can’t. It’s not my place.”

  “Does he need me to move out? I totally understand if that’s what it is. I’ve been thinking that too. I don’t want to wear out my welcome, and I love our condo in the city.” I took another sip. “Although, it will be very lonely with you not there.”

  Gabby’s face turned ashen, and she fidgeted uncomfortably.

  “That’s not it. He has no issues with you recovering here. I think he’d be heartbroken if you left, actually.” She tried to reassure me, but the uncertainty and guilt behind her eyes was making me nervous.

  “Please, just tell me. If you don’t, I’ll call Aaron and say you spilled half the beans and left me to drive myself crazy.”

  “He’s going to kill me.”

  “With what he’s done to you, let’s just call it even. I’ll make sure he doesn’t hold you accountable.”

  “Aaron’s going to Shenzhen.”

  “He’s going to China? On a business trip?” I asked, not understanding what the big deal was.

  It was silent for a few seconds and the tension between us rose. I glanced at the pond where a couple ducks landed and then back to Gabby.

  “To live,” she whispered, her lips twisting into a frown.

  “Wait. What?”

  “His transfer was planned months ago. I think.” Gabby continued talking, but I heard none of it. All that kept repeating in my head was that Aaron was going to live in China. China. My head started pounding, but that pain was quickly replaced with the ache in my chest. How long did he know that he was going to be leaving for China? Why had he been leading me on if he knew he wasn’t going to be around? I knew there were long distance relationships that worked, but this was an entirely different scenario. Besides, was he even planning on continuing things? I shouldn’t even presume that he had planned on us continuing.

  “I don’t understand.” I shook my head as the ache spread from my chest to my entire body. “Why wouldn’t he have mentioned this? I…”

  “I’m so sorry. I just thought he had told you and—”

  The tiny seed of hollowness began sprouting into full-fledged despair as I thought about Aaron leaving Seattle, leaving me. Maybe I was just another conquest after all. I looked around the yard and back at the house. He undoubtedly had just felt bad, guilty, after the bike accident and took on a responsibility that wasn’t his. Here I thought there was something more between us, but I was only his pity case.

  I tried very hard not to sound devastated. I knocked the quiver in my voice out of range and looked at Gabby.

  “You don’t have to apologize,” I swallowed the lump that threatened to give away my emotional state. “I’m glad I know. I can start planning to move back to the condo.”

  “Don’t do that. He wants you to stay here.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t think so. Wanna go inside? The temperature has finally gotten to me.”

  “Sure, hun.” She stood up and turned off the overhead heaters as I half-waddled and walked to the house. The ache in my leg reappeared, and I somehow doubted it had anything to do with the break.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, closing the door.

  Sitting on the couch, I looked around the great room. There was no way I was staying here. Beside the fact that I didn’t want to be someone’s pity case, everything here exuded Aaron. I would be completely insane and masochistic if I wanted to be reminded of someone—something—I wouldn’t be able to have any longer.

  “I think I’m still in shock, but I’ll be okay. I just never guessed this is how we would end it. Or how he would end it.”

  “Shit, Brandy. No, he’s not trying to end it. Please-oh-please don’t think that. Is that really what you think?”

  Gabby grabbed the bottle of wine and poured some more.

  “Moving across the globe without any consideration about your significant other is a bit of a red flag, Gabby. I’m not going to candy-coat this for myself. It is what it is. To be completely honest, I often wondered if this whole relationship went the way it did because he felt guilty.”

  I felt the tears begin to wet my eyes. Closing my lids tightly, I prayed the liquid would draw back in to where it came from.

  “I’m getting Aaron on the phone.” She reached for her phone and began dialing.

  “Please don’t. He’ll be home soon and I’ll talk to him then.”

  “I can’t have you thinking that Aaron is trying to end it with you. That’s the exact opposite of what his intentions are.”

  “I’m starting law school in January. It’s not like I’m going anywhere or can move to China. Trust me. It’s over.”

  The click of the front door signaled Aaron’s arrival, and I quickly wiped my tears away as he came into the great room. His eyes connected with mine as he held a Gingerbread Latte out for me. His eyes stayed locked on mine and filled quickly with dread as he briefly glanced at his sister and then back at me.

  “I got you this,” he said, holding out the drink.

  “I doubt that’s going to cut it,” Gabby said, standing up. “I’m so sorry, Aaron. I thought you’d told her.”

  “Shit,” Aaron groaned, as his sister grabbed her purse and left out the front door.

  “When were you going to tell me?” I asked, pushing away the tears again.

  “Today,” he said, coming to my side.

  He sat next to me on the couch and I inched away.

  “How long have you known?”

  “Too long,” he answered, placing the cup on the coffee table.
r />   “How long is that?” I arched a brow, waiting for a response.

  “I’ve known for about ten months that I’d be going there to oversee the opening of the plant.”

  “You’ve known for ten months?” I couldn’t hide my anger. “And it never once occurred to you to mention it?”

  My emotions were all over the place. I was sad, devastated, angry, guilty. I glanced around the room and felt completely out of place.

  “Every time I was going to talk to you about it, something else got in the way. And then when the accident happened, it just didn’t seem like the right time…”

  “How long will you be there?”

  He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his forehead. “Anywhere from one to three years.”

  I couldn’t say anything. Instead I just looked at him as the world I had constructed slowly began to crumble away.

  “I’m so sorry, babe. I love you so much and—”

  “If you loved me, this would have been a more troublesome decision for you,” I interrupted. “But I can tell you things are staring to fall into place for me. I was just your pity f—”

  “Don’t say that,” Aaron yelled. “That’s complete bullshit.”

  “Is it? When are you leaving?”


  I started shaking my head, laughing. “You wanna know something completely pathetic? I’ve been daydreaming and planning about how to make your life better. How to make a life for us… I’ve even been planning an amazing Thanksgiving dinner for you that you won’t be here for.”

  “Baby. Please, listen to me. I’ve been trying to find a replacement to send.”

  I crossed my arms in front of me. “You’re trying to tell me that you couldn’t find someone else to send in your place? Please. I wasn’t born yesterday. You were always off-limits. I just chose to ignore it. You’ve got needs that I obviously can’t meet,” I muttered. “I wanted you to let me in your heart, but I’m not even sure you have one.”

  Aaron’s jaw clenched as I scooted away from him.

  “I’ll get my things out of here by the end of the week.”

  “Please. Don’t leave. You can stay here. Everything’s set up here for you. Jackie’ll be here and—”

  “Jackie? Oh, that’s great,” I replied sarcastically.

  “Listen. I don’t know what you want me to do or say.”

  “That right there is what’s so sad. You don’t have a clue. I thought we had something, shared something special. But I was wrong, and I’m suddenly feeling sorry for Nina and everyone else who fell under your spell. But please. Don’t worry about finding a replacement because there will be no one to come home to anyway.”

  I stood up quickly and felt lightheaded. My leg was aching, but I wasn’t going to let that slow me down.

  “I’ll sleep downstairs tonight. And I’ll pack while you’re at work.”

  I glanced at Aaron and instead of seeing any regret or sorrow, I saw the same hardened gaze that scared me from day one. The look that told me I was never special. I was just one of many. I had been officially placed in his lineup.

  I had the music pounding and was packing up the last of my boxes. I glanced up and scared the shit out of myself when I saw Aaron staring back at me. I saw a hint of a smile and pushed away the delight that tried to force itself into my psyche.

  “You’re usually done by this time of the day,” he said, his voice distant. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  I glanced at the clock in the kitchen.

  Shit! It was a quarter past six o’clock. I was so in my zone I didn’t even notice. Usually by now I was already at my place beginning to unpack.

  “Sorry,” I said. “Time slipped away from me.”

  I saw a shadow come from the powder room, and my jaw fell to the floor as a tall brunette walked into the room. Her hair was in a chignon, and she wore a pencil skirt with a tight-fitting, white sweater. She glanced at Aaron and followed his gaze to me.

  “Hey. Sorry. I was just leaving,” I said, reaching my hand out to Aaron’s latest victim. “I’m Brandy.”

  “I’m Cheri,” she said, shaking my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  I couldn’t help as a smile spread across my lips at the realization that I was damn lucky to get out of this with Aaron before anything worse happened to me, mentally or physically.

  Aaron’s voice interrupted my self-congratulatory mood, “Cheri is my translator for my trip.”

  I started laughing and locked my gaze on Aaron’s. “I bet she is. I’ll just leave these boxes for tomorrow and head out.”

  The collision of emotions that were piling up inside of me were threatening my sanity, and I knew I needed out…like now. I might be able to keep this smile plastered on my lips for another two to three minutes—tops.

  Cheri, the translator, smiled as I limped out of the room, and all I wanted to do was punch something as the pair of eyes filled with sympathy watched me hobble to the door. This wasn’t who I was. But this was exactly who he was.

  The ache was spreading from muscle to muscle as I tried my damndest to keep my limp to a minimum. I, at least, had some shred of dignity left, even though he managed to crush most of it. The cold air blasted my face when I opened the door, and the moment I closed it, the tears unleashed. I walked as quickly as I could without tripping or feeling like my leg was on fire when I heard the door open behind me.

  Damn him!

  “Hey, Brandy. Wait up.”

  Yeah, right!

  I opened my car door right when he pushed it closed.

  “Excuse me?” I asked, staring at him.

  He put his arms on each side of me locking himself in front of me.

  “It’s not what you think,” he muttered.

  “I don’t even know what I think, Aaron. But to be honest we aren’t together any longer so I’m pulling up my big girl panties and trying to ignore just how easy I was to forget.”

  “Brandy, she’s just a translator, and I haven’t forgotten about you. In fact, I can’t think about anything but you,” his words carved the pain deeper into my heart. I had to break free of him. “I’m lost without you.”

  A gutted laugh left my lips as I looked into his eyes.

  “You promised me you’d never leave my side. I remember it. I remember a lot of things you said that day,” my voice caught in my throat.

  I never wanted to utter the words I heard him say. I never wanted to bring it up. I thought when the time was right he would. That he would ask me to spend the rest of our lives together. Instead, I was greeted with him moving halfway across the world to escape his demons, or maybe just embrace them.

  Maybe, I was as delirious as everyone thought that day. Maybe, he never said anything to me. Maybe, I had imagined it all just as I’d imagined being able to talk, shout, scream, and move that day…

  I wasn’t going to bring it up. I had more pride than that. If he wanted to leave, he could leave. Who would I be to stand in his way, especially when he’s already got the next hottie lined up?

  “This was scheduled over a year ago… before I even met you. I’ve been trying to get out of it any way I can, but I told you I haven’t been able to find a replacement. I’ve tried to get my father to—”

  I interrupted him, “You know what’s the saddest part of this whole thing?” I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping that would stop the tears from falling. “Is just how much your mother screwed up your life. You’ll never trust any woman for the rest of your life because of what she did to your dad. And I just feel sorry for any woman who thinks she has a chance with you…A chance to change you because you’re a lost cause. So runaway to China, Aaron. That’s what you’re best at.”

  I spun around and opened the door again and slid in my seat. He took a step back as I slammed my car door. Aaron was frozen in place, like someone had just dumped ice water on him.

  I put my car in reverse just as Cheri opened the front door, sticking her big brunette head out the door, motion
ing for Aaron to come inside.

  And that’s when I heard him finally speak, looking directly at me.

  “I’ll be right in there, babe. Just seeing off my guest.”

  Exactly what I thought.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “I knew he was a jerk,” Mason said, as he helped to unpack a box.

  “He’s confused. His family hasn’t had the best track record of handling their personal business.”

  “That’s no excuse,” Mason said.

  I sighed. “You’re probably right.”

  “You deserve someone who wants to be all in with you. No matter what. I have to be honest…The way he stood up and took care of you after the accident, I thought it was a done deal. Mom and dad even thought that you guys…” he stopped.

  “That we’d what?” I asked, narrowing my eyes on Mason.

  “It probably doesn’t matter at this point, but Aaron had asked dad if he could have your hand in marriage. He said it was something he promised you while you—”

  “Say what?” I dropped the dress off of the hanger and stared at Mason.

  He nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

  “What did dad say?”

  “Yes, of course. We really all got fooled.”

  “Tell me about it. I still don’t want to believe it.”

  “What’s Gabby say about everything?”

  “She’s been staying away, which makes me sad. I think she feels guilty that she spilled the news, but I wouldn’t have known until I got a postcard from him, apparently. What little she did tell me was that she knew that the thing between her father, mother, and Bernie screwed him up, but she never guessed this was how it would end.”

  “It’s amazing how parents do things that literally screw up the course of their children’s lives…”

  “He definitely has trust issues with women.”

  “Ayden and I wanted you and Lily to come out with us tonight…try to get you to forget about everything.”

  “You mean drink my sorrows away?” I asked. “No thanks. That never leads to good things for me.”

  Mason cut through the box for recycle and shook his head. “Just a plan.”

  “Thanks for being there for me.” I smiled.


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