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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  Her outburst surprised him. Took him aback. It also seemed to reassure him. Calmed him down. “All right. I will.” Standing to his feet, he seemed ready to leave when his eye caught sight of her chalkboard. “Make protection jar for Willie Hill,” he read. Nailing Jewel with a glare, he asked, “Protection from what? Me?”

  Jewel stood and moved away from the angry man. “No. Just protection in general.”

  Everett followed her. “Are you sure? You wouldn’t be lying to a country boy, would you?”

  “No.” She eased a few steps further, her mind racing to what she might use as a weapon.

  “You couldn’t know more about me than your pretending, could you, swamp witch?” His sneer turned to a look of pure malintent.

  “I think you need to leave, Mr. Hill.”

  Everett stalked even closer to Jewel. “You’d better watch yourself, Ms. Baptiste. Living out here in the boonies. All alone.”

  “Are you threatening me, Mr. Hill? Should I call the authorities?”

  Everett laughed. “Go ahead. Call the Sheriff. Call the mayor. See what they say.”

  Jewel didn’t respond. She understood what Everett was saying. His brothers covered his ass. She wouldn’t get anywhere by complaining.

  Except dead. Maybe.

  Ring! Ring!

  The doorbell. Easy. She let out a sigh of relief. “My boyfriend’s here. I think you should leave.”

  “Oh, really? You got a boyfriend, Ms. Baptiste?” He passed a scathing glance down over her body. “You give him a good time?”

  Instead of answering Everett, she attempted to push by him. “Easy!”

  Everett grabbed her as she passed. “Easy? I bet you are, honey.”

  Jerking away from him, she ran for the door, throwing it open. “Easy,” she breathed on a sigh of relief.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Easy gave her a courtly bow. “Are you ready for me?”

  She was so upset; Jewel couldn’t appreciate his sweet compliment. “I have a customer.” She made her voice just a bit louder. “Who was just leaving.”

  Jewel pulled Easy in as Everett came even with them.

  “Hello, I’m Easy Blackhawk.” He held out his hand to the scowling man.

  Everett didn’t accept his offer of a handshake. He stared at Easy with disdain. “I’ve seen you somewhere.”

  “Around.” Easy shrugged, moving to one side to give the other man a clear path outside.

  “Easy, this is Everett Hill. His wife…is a client of mine. She left her phone. Everett came to fetch it.” With that explanation, she held out Willie’s phone. “You were about to leave without it.”

  Snatching the cell out of her hand, Everett gave Jewel a piercing look. A look of warning. “If anything comes up, Ms. Baptiste, I’ll be in touch.”

  “You do that, Mr. Hill,” she responded in an even, friendly tone.

  As he departed, he raked a glance over at Easy, who doffed his hat in farewell. “Drive safely, Mr. Hill. And FYI, I live next right next door.”

  Everett didn’t appear to appreciate the extra information. With a departing scowl, he left them alone. Once he’d driven away, Easy turned to Jewel. “Who in the hell was that?”

  Jewel wanted to tell him the truth. She wanted to unburden herself and tell Easy that Everett Hill was involved in the murder of Julie Davis – and possibly others.

  But she couldn’t. Not yet. She couldn’t risk putting him in danger. Before she approached anyone with what she knew – and how she knew it – Jewel needed to figure out who she could trust.

  “Like I said, he’s just the husband of a client. He’s been cheating on his wife and he’s afraid I’ll let the cat out of the bag.”

  “Uh-huh.” Easy studied her face. She wasn’t telling him the full truth. Oh, well. They had all night. He’d broach the subject again a little later. Right now, they had more important business to attend to. “You sure look mighty pretty, treasure. Can I have a kiss?”


  Could he have a kiss?

  With her breath coming in soft pants, Jewel let the tension flow from her body. Brushing her hair off her shoulder, she let herself bask in the warmth of his gaze. “Yes, Easy, please,” Jewel whispered softly. “I need you to kiss me.” Jewel was so relieved to see him she didn’t know what to do. She needed him to hold her close. She needed to feel his arms around her – his mouth on hers.

  Yes, part of it had a helluva lot to do with how much Everett Hill unnerved her. Having Easy arrive at the exact moment she needed him – for the second time – was utterly amazing. The natural colored straw Stetson he wore might well have been a white hat. Undoubtedly, he acted as her champion, her knight in shining armor.

  “You do? You need me?” He spent a few moments just taking her in. Fuck, she was pretty.

  Instead of answering, she nodded. Her body felt magnetized. Electrified – maybe from nerves, maybe from desire. She didn’t know. Trembling slightly, she waited for him to come close.

  He took his damn sweet time doing so, moving slowly. Deliberately. Until they were face to face and she could feel his warm breath on her skin. “I’ve looked forward to tonight so much.”

  “Me too,” she whispered. “It’s been quite a day.” Aside from her obvious relief at being rescued, Jewel was also glad to see him…because she was glad to see him. She enjoyed his company. She was looking forward to spending time with him. And yes – God, yes – she was beyond attracted to him. And even more important, to her constant surprise…she liked him as a person.

  “For me too. We’ll compare war stories as soon as I do this.” Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her gently at first. Rubbing his lips over hers, teasing the seam of her mouth with his tongue. When she opened to him with a soft gasp, he sank in and the kiss turned desperate. Instant fire spread through Easy as he pulled her against him fully for the first time. She felt so good in his arms.

  Jewel’s heart was threatening to beat out of her chest. His touch sent a hungry longing pulsing through her. Every fiber of her being felt alive – electrified. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him back, her tongue tangling with his.

  As Easy held her, devouring her lips, he was tempted to pick her up and carry her to bed. To hell with a romantic dinner. But when he heard her whimper, felt her generous breasts pressing into his chest, his heart did an odd thing. Clutching. Skipping a beat. For a split second, Easy thought he might be having a heart attack. But no – the pump in his chest kept beating hard and strong – for her. Letting his fingers play in her hair, he slid his mouth from hers to plant soft kisses on the elegant curve of her neck. “Oh, you’re sweet. So sweet.” To his satisfaction, she sighed and burrowed her face against him. “You ready to go have a good time?”

  “Yea.” She sighed. “If we can come here and have a better time later.”

  “Ha!” Easy laughed with delight. “You read my mind, sweetheart. Let’s go.”

  “Let me get my bag.” She glanced around trying to remember where she’d laid it. “Ah, yes.” Rushing over to the cabinet where she’d found the carnelian bracelet, Jewel grabbed it, taking just a moment to rub her fingers over the stones on her wrist. Were they working already? Was that why she could be so bold?

  “Is Eliza still here?”

  Easy’s question broke her reverie. “No. Wild story.”

  “I want to hear it.” Taking her hand, he escorted her to the door. “You can tell me on the way.” The consummate gentleman, Easy held her arm as they went down the stairs, then helped her into his truck, making sure the seat belt was fastened securely. “I love this dress. Red looks so good on you.” He gave her a quick kiss. “You’re hot as hell.”

  His compliment sent chill bumps racing all over Jewel’s body. “So are you.” Her words weren’t empty or automatic. She thought he was gorgeous. So big. So broad. His hair dark. His eyes a warm amber.

  After giving her a dazzling smile, Easy came around to his side and climbed in – and they
were off.

  “Give me your hand.” He held his out in offering and she laid hers within his warm grasp. “Now, tell me about your day. Good one?”

  Jewel let out a long breath, shaking her head, a smile on her lips. “Yea, for the most part. As you noticed, Eliza is gone.”

  “Yea. Wow. I presume all went well.” Rubbing her palm with his thumb, Easy kept one eye on the road, glancing at Jewel as much as was safely possible.

  “It did.” She closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. “Bernadette found the information I needed. Turns out, Eliza’s mother blamed herself for what happened to her child. Her brother found a newspaper article on microfiche at the library from the late 1940’s, telling about Eliza’s death. She’d wandered across the street in front of their house and when Mary Dupree – the mom – came out to call her home, she had no idea the little girl would come running from across the street.” Her voice dropped to a hush. “Mary saw Eliza get run over by a car. She blamed herself to such a degree that she was inconsolable. The guilt was so great, she couldn’t live in the house anymore.”

  Easy swallowed, his lungs burning. This story hit so close to home he could barely breathe. He could relate. He knew the weight of that kind of guilt all too well. “That’s so sad.”

  “It is,” Jewel agreed. “Bernadette also found a pair of baby shoes and an old photograph of Eliza and her mother. I used those to invite Mary Dupree to return.”

  “And did she? Like Cotton did?”

  “Yea. There were similarities. This was much more intense, however. To show you how uncertain I was, I ended up calling my mother for help.” Jewel dipped her head, giving his hand a little squeeze. “I knew this could be difficult, there was so much residual pain. Usually guilt will cause a spirit to linger, this guilt was so great it kept the mother away.”

  “But you did it. You called her back and they reconciled?”

  Noticing the almost wistful tone in his voice, she nodded. “Yes. The summoning worked. Eliza and her mother are gone.”

  “Huh.” Still holding her hand, he watched out the windshield, barely cognizant of the sea of sugar cane on either side of the road. “Well, I’ll never forget her, that’s for sure.”

  His observation was so unexpected and sweet, Jewel almost cried. “I won’t either.” She used her other hand to rub her eyes. “How about you? Did you have a good day?”

  Her question brought a chuckle to Easy’s lips. “Talk about crazy, Philip McCoy was caught in a bear trap and bit by a cottonmouth – all at the same time.”

  “What?” Jewel’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Is he okay?”

  “Yea, I got him to the clinic. The snake didn’t inject much venom. He had to take a round of antibiotics and get some stitches for the wounds made by the trap – but he’s gonna be fine.”

  “The snake is horrid, but they’re all around. Fairly common. What about the trap?”

  Easy raised her palm to his lips for a kiss. “Apparently, according to one of our supervisors, black bears are making a comeback in the area. I guess poachers go along with the wildlife. An ever present evil.”

  “I know the Louisiana black bear has been taken off the endangered species list, but there’s not a hunting season on them. Not that I’m aware of, not yet. I do know someone was just prosecuted for killing one and fined over ten thousand dollars. As far as poachers go, we have some local guys who’d do it in a heartbeat. In fact, you met one of them tonight.”

  This reminder caused Easy to sit up straighter, releasing Jewel’s hand to touch her shoulder. “Your unease around him was obvious. Do I need to track this guy down and take him behind the woodshed?”

  “No. Everett Hill is the type you need to stay as far away from as possible.”

  Seeing Jewel shudder, Easy pressed the issue. “Why? If he’s so bad, why are you dealing with his wife?”

  Jewel chewed on her lower lip, weighing her words. “Because she’s in danger.”

  “Well, tell her that. Tell her to get out, get away from him. Limit your involvement, cut the strings between you two.”

  Giving him a tender glance, she confessed, “I’m already involved.” Seeing his worried reaction – the furrowed brow, the concern in his eyes – Jewel turned to face him. “I’m being careful. I just made his wife a protection jar. Everett is being unfaithful to her.” At the very least. “He’s also involved in other…things. I can’t be sure what, not yet anyway.”

  “If you think you know something, why don’t you go to the authorities?”

  Easy’s question struck Jewel as funny. “Oh, that’s rich.” She giggled. “Even if anyone would believe me, Everett’s family are the authorities. One brother is the sheriff, the other is the local mayor. Together, they manage to keep him out of prison.” Needing to tell some of what she knew, without revealing any details, Jewel licked her lips and continued to speak, “I could sense the presence of evil around him. His wife was being haunted by several people. All women.” One of which was the poor murder victim. “I can’t tell you exactly why. I have no proof.”

  “What’s the deal?” Easy asked. “I mean, since I’ve known you, it’s been a constant flow of supernatural phenomenon. Whatever you saw today. Cotton. Eliza. Is this normal for you?”

  “Are you asking if I’m a magnet for these things?” Jewel looked out her window at the night sky. Since they left her house, the sun had gone down. They were only a few miles from Houma. Soon, they’d be dining together – and afterward…

  “Well, I presume to a degree, you are a magnet. It’s like a visitor from Mexico who doesn’t know English seeking out someone who is fluent in Spanish. You speak their language.” Easy checked in his rearview mirror, monitoring the traffic behind him.

  His explanation made her feel better. “I do think I serve as an antenna, strengthening the signal. Drawing them in. Giving them power. I think you’re sensitive too, possibly because of your culture. When you’re around me, that sensitivity is magnified.” She watched his face carefully, needing to make sure he didn’t appear to be turned off by what she was saying. “Although, I’ll admit, this isn’t usual. I don’t have interactions with spirits every day. I don’t seek them out. Lately, though…” She paused to think.

  “Lately, what?” Easy asked as he noted they were entering Houma city limits. They’d arrive at the restaurant in a few moments.

  Jewel continued to speak softly, caught up in what she was saying. “I remember something Mother told me years ago. She said when something very traumatic happens, the energy generated by the event can awaken and empower the paranormal.”

  “What did she mean?”

  “Well, for example, take Hurricane Katrina. Right before and after, the sheer power of the storm seemed to electrify spirit activity.” She shook her head at the memory. “I’ll never forget how she looked when she told me what she and a friend of hers saw the day we were evacuating the area.”

  Her voice dropped so low that Easy had to strain to hear her speak.

  “As they drove down one of the streets near the levee, they saw the dead leaving town.”

  “What?” Easy didn’t understand what he was hearing.

  “Literally. They saw the dead marching from the cemetery with their suitcases, searching for higher ground.”

  Easy couldn’t help it, he laughed. “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. What was in their suitcases?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m serious,” she explained soberly. “Can you imagine? Seeing all of these people, leaving their burial grounds which were soon to be flooded, leaving the area en masse ahead of a killer hurricane?” Jewel laughed wryly at the memory.

  “Well, what are you saying?” Easy asked. “Is there a hurricane on the way?”

  “No.” She hugged herself, chafing her arms, suddenly chilled. “I’m not saying that – I don’t know…maybe there is a storm coming. There’s just no way of knowing if it has anything to do with the murder of that woman or not.” Jewel pressed her
lips together, unwilling to say more on the matter.

  Easy put on his blinker to turn into the restaurant. “Surely not,” he muttered as he found a parking place. “Well, here we are. Let’s get this evening started.”

  Hearing the lilt in his voice, Jewel put aside her worries and determined to have a good time. “I’m ready.” At his direction, she waited for him to come around and help her out of the vehicle. “Thanks,” she muttered as Easy took her hand and guided her footsteps, making her feel protected and cherished.

  “You’re welcome.” He kept a possessive hand on the small of her back as they entered the mom-and-pop operation. Easy wasn’t impressed with the country feel of the place, but the food smelled good and the waitresses seemed friendly. “Are you sure this is okay with you?” he asked Jewel as they were led to their seats.

  “Tonight’s not about the food, Easy.” She gave him a look full of meaning. “It’s about us. Remember?”

  “Oh, yea.” On that one matter, he had perfect recall.

  At the table, he held her chair, then took his seat across from her. “What do you recommend?”

  “I like the catfish with the crab sauce,” Jewel volunteered. “It’s all good though.”

  Easy gave their order to the waitress who hovered nearby, asking for two teas and two beers. “Now, we’ll have plenty to wet our whistle.”

  Jewel laughed at his teasing manner. “I’m already having a good time. Thanks for letting me talk on the way over.”

  “Oh, I love to hear anything you have to say to me, treasure,” Easy assured her.

  “Yea, but I monopolized the conversation. Tell me. Were you the one who rescued Philip from the snake and the bear trap?”

  “Well, I helped. Seems he had a guardian angel looking out for him.” At Jewel’s puzzled expression, he elaborated. “Just seconds after I came upon the scene, this woman showed up.” He grinned big and waved his hand in the air. “You should have seen her, she was just a little bitty thing and she grabbed this big, old snake by the tail and slung him way off to one side. Next, she starts yelling at me to help with the trap while she rips Philip’s pants leg up and proceeds to suck the poison out of his upper thigh.”


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