David McCullough Library E-book Box Set
Page 237
peace negotiations in,
Philadelphia in,
revival of,
women in,
Worchester period in,
Adams, John and Abigail, correspondence of,
Abigail’s complaints about,
Abigail’s handwriting in,
American Revolution and,
children in,
Continental Congress in,
during courtship,
criticism in,
forms of address in,
France and,
Franklin in,
geography in,
health problems in,
Holland and,
patriotism in,
peace negotiations in,
Philadelphia in,
power in,
presidency and,
slowness and unreliability of mail and,
smallpox in,
tenderness and affection expressed in,
trade goods in,
Washington in,
Adams, John (Deacon John) (JA’s father),
death of,
JA influenced by,
marriage of,
as selectman,
Adams, John (JA’s grandson),
education of,
Adams, John Quincy,
Abigail’s correspondence with,
Abigail’s proposed marriage for,
Atlantic crossings of,
birth of,
Charles’s badly invested savings of,
diary of,
education of,
in election of
in England,
finances of,
France visited by,
French language skills of,
on Hamilton,
hereditary succession fears and,
in Holland,
inoculation of,
JA compared with,
JA’s advice to,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s death and,
JA’s trust in,
Jefferson’s interest in,
as lawyer,
marriage of,
as minister to Prussia,
as minister to Russia,
as minister to the Netherlands,
Nabby’s correspondence with,
party crossing of,
as peace envoy to Ghent,
physical appearance of,
as post rider,
as President,
as “Publicola,”
Quincy visited by,
returns of, to U.S.,
romances of,
Russia first visited by,
as Secretary of State,
as Senator,
in Spain,
Washington’s views on,
Adams, Joseph (JA’s grandfather),
Adams, Joseph (JA’s great-grandfather),
Adams, Joseph (JA’s uncle),
Adams, Louisa Catherine (JA’s granddaughter),
Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson (JA’s daughter-in-law),
Abigail’s correspondence with,
JA’s correspondence with,
pregnancies and childbirth of,
in Quincy,
Adams, Mary,
Adams, Mrs. (Abigail’s fellow passenger),
Adams, Peter,
Adams, Sally Smith,
Adams, Samuel,
in American Revolution,
JA compared with,
JA’s correspondence with,
slavery opposed by,
Adams, Mrs. Samuel,
Adams, Susanna (JA’s daughter),
Adams, Susanna Boylston (JA’s granddaughter),
Adams, Susanna Boylston (JA’s mother),
Abigail’s relationship with,
death of,
health problems of,
illiteracy of,
marriages of,
social standing of,
Adams, Thomas Boylston,
Abigail’s correspondence with,
at Bush Hill,
disappearance of,
education of,
failure of,
health problems of,
inoculation of,
JA’s advice to,
JA’s correspondence with,
as lawyer,
marriage of,
in Quincy,
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819),
Addison, Joseph,
Admiralty Court,
Affleck, Thomas,
Alden, John,
Alden, Priscilla,
Alexander, William,
Alexandria, Va.,
Algiers, Alien Act (1798),
Allen, Ethan,
Alliance (U.S. frigate),
American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
American Daily Advertiser,
American Indians,
American Philosophical Society,
American Revolution,
Dutch role in,
events leading to,
French role in,
German mercenaries in,
independence and, see Declaration of Independence, U.S.; independence
Indians in,
JA’s participation in,
Mercy Warren on,
pamphlets and,
peace negotiations in,
prisoners of war in,
shortages in,
see also Paris, Treaty of; specific battles
Ames, Fisher,
Amherst, Lord Jeffrey,
banks in,
Anglican Christ Church,
Antwerp, art in,
Arguesseau, Henriette d,’
Army, British,
in Boston,
see alsospecific battles and generals
Army, U.S.,
disbanding of,
Hamilton’s role in,
Jefferson’s fears about,
Washington as commander-in-chief of,
Arnold, Benedict,
art, artists
gardening as,
JA’s views on,
Jefferson’s purchase of,
in London,
see also portraits; sculpture
Articles of Confederation,
Articles of War, British,
Articles of War, U.S.,
assumption plan,
Augusta, Princess of England,
Austin, Jonathan,
Bache, Benjamin Franklin,
death of,
JA as viewed by,
Bache, Margaret,
Baltimore, Md.,
Continental Congress in,
Bancroft, Edward,
Bankhead, Charles,
Bank of the United States,
in U.S.,
Barbary States,
Barkley, Gilbert,
Barnes sisters,
Barron, William,
Barry, John,
Bartlett, Josiah,
Bartram, John,
Bass, Joseph,
as JA’s traveling companion,
Bass, Seth,
Bayard, James A.,
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de,
Beccaria, Cesare, Marchese di,
Beckley, John,
Behrent, John,
Bell, Robert,
Bellamy, Pierre,
Bently, William,
Bernard, Francis,
Biddle, Charles,
Bill of Rights, U.S.,
Billopp, Christopher,
Billopp House,
Bingham, Anne,
Bingham, William,
Binon, J. B.,
Bird, Savage & Bird,
p; Birmingham,
Jefferson’s views on,
in Shakespeare,
“Toussaint’s clause” and,
see also slaves, slavery
Board of War, see Continental Board of War and Ordnance
Bois de Boulogne,
Longchamps in,
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John,
Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Bonhomme Richard (U.S. ship),
Borland, Widow,
Boston, Mass.,
American Revolution in,
British abandonment of,
British in,
Continental Army in,
JA in,
JA’s hero’s send-off in,
JA’s homecoming in,
JA’s views on,
John Quincy in,
Philadelphia compared with,
protests in,
refugees from,
smallpox in,
Boston (U.S. frigate),
Boston Chronicle,
Boston Gazette,
Boston Harbor,
British warships in,
fortification of,
French fleet in,
lighthouse in,
Boston Massacre,
Boston Patriot,
Boston Tea Party,
Boston Town Meeting,
Boswell, James,
Bourbon, Mademoiselle de,
Bourke, Dr.,
Bowdoin, James,
Boylston, Susanna, see Adams, Susanna Boylston
Boylston, Zabdiel,
Braintree, Mass.,
Adams homestead in,
in American Revolution,
dysentery epidemic in,
First Church in,
legal cases in,
social life in,
Vassall-Borland place in,
see also Quincy, Mass.
Braintree (England),
Braintree Instructions,
Brandywine Creek, battle of (1777),
Braxton, Carter,
Briar Creek, battle of (1779),
Briesler, John,
in England,
in France,
in Quincy,
Briesler, Mary,
Brillon, Madame (Anne-Louise de Harancourt Brillon de Jouy),
Brillon, Monsieur,
Brissot de Warville, J. P.,
Brooklyn Heights,
Browere, John Henry,
Brown, Andrew,
Brown, Lancelot (Capability),
Brown, Mather,
Bulfinch, Charles,
Bulloch, Archibald,
Bunel, Joseph,
Bunker Hill, battle of (1775), Burgoyne, John,
Burke, Edmund,
Burney, Fanny,
Burr, Aaron,
in election of
Hamilton’s duel with,
Bush Hill,
Callender, James T.,
death of,
JA attacked by,
Jefferson-Hemings liaison reported by,
Jefferson’s payment to,
Reynolds Affair and,
Cambridge, Mass.,
Washington in,
see also Harvard College
Camden, battle of (1780), Canada,
in American Revolution,
Caribbean Sea,
Carmarthen, Lord,
Carr, Peter,
Carroll, Charles,
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia,
Catholic Sisters of Charity,
Cato (Addison),
Caughnawaga Indians,
Cervantes, Miguel de,
Champlain, Lake,
Chantilly, château at,
Charles I, King of England,
Charles II, King of England,
Charleston, S.C.,
battle of (1776),
fall to British of (1780),
Charlotte, Queen of England,
Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess of England,
Charlottesville, Va.,
Chase, Samuel,
Chastellux, Marquis de,
Chaumont, Comte de (Jacques Donatien Le Ray),
Chauncey, Charles,
Chew, Benjamin,
Jefferson’s reputed objections to,
Church, Angelica,
Church of England,
Cicero (U.S. ship),
Cincinnatus (U.S. ship),
civil war, predictions of,
Clarissa (Richardson),
Clark, John,
Clay, Henry,
Clinton, George,
Cobbett, William (Peter Porcupine),
Coles brothers,
Columbian Centinel,
Abigail’s obituary in,
“Publicola” series in,
Comédie Française,
Committee of Five,
Common Sense (Paine),
compromise of
Concord, battle of (1775),
Condorcet, Marquis de (Marie-Jean A. N. Caritat),
Congregational Church,
Congress, U.S.:
Alien and Sedition Acts and,
JA’s messages to,
JA’s speeches to,
Jefferson’s messages to,
in New York,
in Philadelphia,
Reynolds Affair and,
special session of (1797),
“Toussaint’s clause” and,
in Washington D.C.,
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Continental Congress delegates from,
Constellation (U.S. frigate),
Constitution, U.S.,
presidency in,
ratification of,
vice presidency in,
Constitution (U.S. frigate),
Constitutional Convention,
Continental Army,
in Boston,
French in,
in New Jersey,
and Society of Cincinnati,
in South Carolina, supply problems of,
troop problems of,
Washington as head of,
see alsospecific battles
Continental Board of War and Ordnance (War Office; Board of War),
Continental Congress,
and Articles of Confederation,
Barbary States and,
Committee for Foreign Affairs of,
Committee of Five and,
Committee of Treaties of,
Committee on Spies of,
Common Sense and,
communication problems of,
debate over JA in,
dollar devalued by,
five-man peace commission established by,
Franklin’s correspondence with,
Holland and,
independence issue and,
JA as delegate to,
JA ostracized in,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s preamble and,
JA’s request for leave of absence from,
JA’s sense of abuse from,
JA’s trip to,
Jefferson at,
naval issues and,
peace commission’s break with orders of,
petition of,
ports opened to foreign trade by,
secrecy of,
State House yard and,
Continental Congress, first (1774),
background of delegates to,
Massachusetts delegation to,
Contrast, The (Tyler),
Convention of Mortefontaine (1800),
Coolidge, Joseph, Jr.,
Coombe, Rev. Thomas,
Cooper, Rev. Samuel,
Copley, John Singleton,
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord,
correspondence of John and Abigail Adams,
see Adams, John and Abigail, correspondence of
Cosway, Maria,
Cosway, Richard,
Court of Admiralty,
Cranch, Betsy, Abigail’s correspondence with,
Cranch, Lucy, Abigail’s correspondence with,
Cranch, Mary Smith,
Abigail’s correspondence with,
death of,
Cranch, Richard,
Abigail influenced by,
death of,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s friendship with,
marriage of,
Cranch, William,
Crawford, William,
Cromwell, Oliver,
lack of standardization of,
Cushing, Charles, JA’s correspondence with,
Dalton, Tristram,
Dana, Francis,
in election of
in Europe,
Danton, Georges-Jacques,
Davie, William,
Davila, Enrico Caterino,
Davis, Edward,
Deane, Silas,
Declaration of Independence, U.S.,
debate over,
effects on “spirit” of,
fiftieth anniversary of,
French translation of,
Jefferson’s drafting of,
planning of,
revision of,
signing of,
slavery and,
voting on,
Declaration of Rights, Massachusetts,
Declaration of Rights, Virginia,
Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, A (Adams),
Defoe, Daniel,
Continental Congress delegates from,
Delaware Bay,
Delaware River,
Descartes, René,
De Senectute (Cicero),
d’Estaing, Charles-Henri Théodat,
Dexter, Samuel,
diary of John Adams, see Adams, John, diary of
Dickinson, John,
absences from Congress of,
independence opposed by,
pamphlet writing of,
Dickinson, Mrs. John,
Digges, Thomas,
“Discourses on Davila,”
Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, A (Adams),
Don Quixote (Cervantes),
Dorchester Peninsula,
Dorset, Duke of,
Duane, James,
Duane, William,
Dumas, Charles W. F.,
Dunglison, Robley,
Dunlap, John,
Dunmore, Lord,
Duplessis, Joseph-Siffred,
Dutch Republic, see Holland
dysentery epidemic (1775),
East Chester, N.Y.,
East River,
JA’s views on,
see alsospecific schools and individuals
of 1788
of 1792
of 1796
of 1800
of 1803
of 1804
of 1824
electoral college,
Elk Hill,
Ellsworth, Oliver,
Emerson, Ralph Waldo,
England, English,
Abigail’s views on petition of reconciliation with,
American colonies taxed by,
in American Revolution,
Barbary States and,
in Boston,
Boston abandoned by,
constitution of,