David McCullough Library E-book Box Set
Page 409
birth, early life, 142, 410–15
and Canal Commission, 407–9, 421–23, 448–49, 464, 510, 568
death of, 617
and Goethals, 571–72
and Panamanians, 425, 586–87
personality, 424–26
and Roosevelt, 494–95, 500, 512
and Stevens, 465–68, 503
work on malaria, 419–23, 502
work on pneumonia, 577, 608
work on yellow fever, 144, 145, 409–19, 448–49, 451–52, 464–65, 500
Gorgona, 148, 578, 579
Grandeur (French man-of-war), 116
Grand Hotel, Panama City, 114–16, 133, 149, 154, 156, 402
Grant, Ulysses S., 26, 27, 38, 59, 127, 262, 263
Great Britain:
and Egypt, 151
Foreign Office, 219, 228, 259
Lesseps’ bond-selling tour of, 199
and Suez Canal, 59, 151, 188, 257
and U.S., canal agreements, 38, 256, 257, 259
Great Northern Railroad, 461, 469–471
Great Pyramid, 24
Grenada, 501
Grévy, Albert, 216, 227
Grévy, Jules, 191, 215, 230
Grey, A. H., 496–97
Grey, Zane, 562
Greytown, 38, 75
Grivignée, Catherine de, 47
Grunsky, Carl E., 407, 408
Guadeloupe, 472
Guam, 254
Guard, U.S.S., 20, 25, 26, 41–42
Guardia, Eduardo de la, 370
Gudger, Hezekiah A., 342
Guérard, Adolphe, 482
Gwin, William, 259
Haggard, H. Rider, 426, 555
Hains, Peter C, 274, 449fn.
Haiti, 141
Halley’s Comet, 563
Halliburton, Richard, 612–13
Halsted, William Stewart, 407
Hamburg-American Line, 591
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, 246, 260, 266, 267, 295 illus.
and Bunau-Varilla, 284, 286, 287, 289, 292–94, 317
and Cromwell, 273, 276, 291, 292, 294
illness and death, 397–98
pro Panama canal, 276, 312, 315, 317, 324–26, 337fn., 389
and Roosevelt, 247, 248, 268, 292, 348
Senate speech pro canal, 319–21, 324–325
Hardeveld, Jan van, 500
Hardeveld, Rose van, 499, 542, 570, 586–87
Harding, Chester, 571
Harper’s Weekly, 89 illus., 240–41, 263, 297 illus., 451
Harriman, E. H., 263, 272
Harris, William, 260, 307, 308, 323, 324
Harrod, Benjamin M., 407, 408, 449
Harvard University, 247, 326, 327, 457, 570
Haskins,W.C., 425
Haupt, Lewis, 274, 313
Haussmann, Baron Georges, 25, 56
Havana, 254, 410, 412, 414–19, 422, 468
Hawaii, 254
Hawkshaw, Sir John, 71, 78, 84
Hay, Del, 258
Hay, John, 246, 271, 286, 303 illus., 317
and Bunau-Varilla, 278, 285, 353, 359, 388–97, 401
canal treaty with Britain, 255–59, 264, 292; see also Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
canal treaty with Colombia, 327–332, 334, 336–41, 346, 348, 353–355; see also Hay-Herran Treaty
and Cromwell, 336–40, 343–45
and Panamanian insurgents, 343–348, 351, 354–55, 359, 362, 376, 379–84; see also Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
resignation offer, 257
and Roosevelt, 255–59, 379–84
death of, 460
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 388, 392–95, 396–98, 401
Hay-Herran Treaty, 332, 339, 348, 388, 392–93
Hayes, Rutherford B., 67, 120, 121
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 256–59, 264, 265, 292, 394–95, 512, 608
Hearst, William Randolph, 264–65, 268, 292
Hebrard, Adrien, 191, 210, 215, 217, 220
Hecker, Frank J., 407, 408
Heidelbach, Ickelheimer & Company, 358
Heiser, Victor, 425
Henriquez, Juan, 363
Hepburn, William Peters, 265
Hepburn Bill, 265, 266, 269, 270, 315, 318
Herrán, Pedro Alcantara, 33, 331
Herran, Tomas, 331–32, 344–48, 397–398
Herrick, Myron T., 282–84, 286, 293, 397, 609
Herz, Bianca Saroni, 214
Herz, Cornelius, 60, 98–99 illus., 213–216, 218–21, 227, 229–33, 235, 238
Hewitt, Abram, 120
Hibbard, Eugenie, 416, 425
Highland Falls, N.Y., 352, 356
Hill, James J., 263, 323, 459, 461, 462, 468–69, 490, 506
History of Central America (Ban-croft), 318
Hoar, George F., 260, 397
Hodges, Harry Foote, 432–33 illus., 542–43, 568, 571, 594, 605–6, 610
Hoffman, Medora von, 207
Holley, Alexander Lyman, 120
Hood,H.M.S., 611
Hôpital Notre Dame du Canal, 94 illus., 134
Horn, Cape, 33, 34
hospitals, 134, 159–60, 172–73, 240, 267
see also Ancon Hospital
Howard, Leland O., 407, 418
Howard, Sidney, 413
Hubbard, Commander, 364, 366–67, 371–76, 378, 379, 382
Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 490
Huerne, Prosper, 156
Huerne, Slaven & Company, 148, 156, 158
Huertas, Esteban, 301 illus., 350, 368–71, 373, 374, 376, 384
Hugo, Victor, 58, 70
Humboldt, Alexander von, 28–30, 32, 39, 40, 44, 283
Humphrey, Chauncey B., 355
Hunter, William Henry, 482
Huntington, C. P., 273
Hutin, Maurice, 180
Illinois Central Railroad, 408, 441, 455, 470
Illustrated London News, 137
Imperator y S.S., 591, 596
Incas, 112
Independent, The, magazine, 577fn.
Independent Order of Panamanian Kangaroos, 564
Indians, 21–23, 41, 42, 131, 141
Influence of Sea Power upon History, The (Mahan), 250–52
Interborough Rapid Transit Company, 503
International Technical Commission, 103
Interoceanic Canal Commission, 22, 59
Ismail, Khedive, 53, 54
Ismailia, Egypt, 54
Isthmian Canal Commission (Walker Commission), 326, 342, 376, 463, 544, 559–79 passim, 607
Bunau-Varilla and, 280, 291
Canal purchase price, 266, 292–94
construction plans, decisions, 307–311, 486, 487, 491
creation of (1899), 264, 273
Cromwell and, 273–76, 291
dissolution of, 608
equipment, supplies, 438–41
methods of operation, 438–45
Paris conference of (1899), 273–276, 280, 310
public-health section, 407, 415, 416, 421–23, 572; see also Gorgas, William C.
reorganizations, 406–8, 449–50, 492, 511, 542
Isthmian Canal Pioneers Association, 564
“Isthmian Way, The” (Gilbert), 453
Jackson, Andrew, 31
statue of, 245
Jacquet, Engineer, 189, 190
Jamaica, 150, 161, 241, 472, 501
Japan, 39, 473
Jefferson, Thomas, 30
Jenney, William Le Baron, 129
Joan of Arc, 236
Johns Hopkins University, 407, 411
Johnson, M.O., 449, 451
Johnston, William E., 72–74, 77, 78, 83–85
Johnstown Flood (1889), 486, 487
Jouett, James, 177–78
Journal des Debats, 126
Jusserand, Jules, 258, 381, 390, 537
Justice, La (periodical), 215, 230
Kaiser Wilhelm, S.S., 313fn.
Kane, Theodore F., 176–77, 179
Kansas, U.S.S., 27
Karner, William, 443, 447, 475
sp; Keith, Minor C, 398–99
Kelley, Frederick M., 39, 43, 44, 77, 120
Kelly, Eugene, 156
Kelly, Mamie Lee, 561
Kiel Canal, 570fn.
Kimball, William, 180, 183, 187
King, Albert Freeman Africanus, 143, 144
King, Clarence, 24, 120
“King Fever” (Gilbert), 453
King Solomon’s Mines (Haggard), 359, 426
Kipling, Rudyard, 245, 253, 443
Kirk, Joseph S., 604
Kitchener, Lord, 488
Kittredge, Senator, 306, 324
Klebs, Doctor, 143
Knox, Philander C, 337, 383, 393, 487–88
Koch, Doctor, 143
La Boca, Panama, 194, 454, 465, 467, 484, 495, 500, 549
labor unions, 490–91
la Espriella, F. V. de, 396, 397
Laetitia, Princess, 61
Lafayette, S.S., 62, 103–4, 131, 185
Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., 245–47, 256
la Guardia, Eduardo de, 370
Lambert, Alexander, 467, 468
Lambeth Industrial Schools, 25, 46
Lampré, Edouard, 306
Lane, Rufus, 587
Langley, Samuel, 246
La Pita, 551
La Roncière-Le Noury, Clement Baronde, 58, 71, 84
Las Cascadas, 551
Laval, Charles, 174
Lavalley, Alexandre, 72, 82, 84, 129, 157
Laveran, Alphonse, 143, 409
Lazard, Eli, 84
Lazéar, Jesse W., 414, 422
Le Blanc, Leonide, 221
Leclerc, Charles Victor Emmanuel, 141
Lefebure de Fourcy, 137
Lefevre, Joseph, 376
Legion of Honor, 58, 74, 213, 215, 222fn.
Lejeune, John A., 376
Lepinay, Adolphe Godin de (Baron de Brusly), 79, 84, 107, 129, 130, 171, 307, 484–85, 487
Le Prince, Joseph, 419, 449, 579
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 183, 200
Les Halles, Paris, 128
Lesseps, Agathe Delamalle de, 45, 47–48, 51
Lesseps, Barthelemy de, 45, 46
Lesseps, Charles de, 69, 88 illus., 135, 185–90, 202, 229, 234, 238
and John Bigelow, 188
and Bunau-Varilla, 187
company duties, 103, 125, 127, 134, 152, 197, 199, 201, 217–18
court probe, trial, 207–10, 217, 218, 222–31, 234, 235
devotion to his father, 68, 226
Dingler’s letters to, 154–55, 160–61
father’s letters to, 108, 118, 121
lottery, 197, 199, 201, 217–18
trips to Panama, 152–54, 192
Lesseps, Dominique de, 46
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 12, 45–69, 87 illus.
appearance, 57
background, lineage, 46–47
character, personality, 45, 165
court probe, trial, 206–10, 225–28, 234
Egypt, sojourn in, 47–48, 52–53
and Eiffel, 195, 224
failing health, 208, 222, 227
and C. Herz, 218
lottery, 184, 187, 190–91, 195–201, 218
marriage (first), 45, 47, 51
marriage (second), 54–55
monument to, 401
overoptimistic reports, estimates, 101, 183–84, 189, 194, 201, 228
Panama Canal, financing of, 101–102, 124–27, 191, 196–99, 225
Panama Canal, planning of, 58–69, 84
Panama Canal, visits to, 102–18, 154, 185–87
Panama Canal, sea-level plan, 189–190, 192–96, 237
popularity of, 25, 46, 55, 183–84, 191, 206
and the press, 218, 232
pride in son Charles, 51, 226
public criticism of, 183–84, 191, 206
and Roosevelt, comparison with, 249
Saint-Simonianism, 48–50
and Suez Canal, 25, 46, 48–50, 52, 151; see also entry Suez Canal
trips to U.S., 102, 118–23, 192
Lesseps, Ferdinand de (infant son of Charles), 68
Lesseps, Ferdinande de, 103, 114
Lesseps, Louise Helene (nee Autard de Bragard), de, 54–55, 71, 84, 88 illus., 222, 234, 236, 237
description of, 57
on Panama trip, 103–5, 116–18
tour of U.S., 120
Lesseps, Martin de, 46
Lesseps, Comte Mathieu de, 46, 47
Levasseur, Pierre-Emile, 71
Levy-Crémieux, Marc, 125, 128, 191
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 30
Lexington, U.S.S., 611
Liberié, La, 126
Libre Parole, La (newspaper), 207–209, 221, 223
Lidgerwood system, 497
Life magazine, 289fn.
Limon Bay, 104, 157, 158, 482, 484, 494
Lincoln, Abraham, 143, 394
Lincoln, Robert, 284
Lindo, Joshua, 347, 349, 387, 391, 393
Lindo Bank, 389
Lion Hill, Panama, 367
Lirio, Panama, 551
Li-Shu-chang, 72
Littré, Émile, 60
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 248, 251, 259, 261, 293, 397, 587
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 256, 259
friend of Roosevelt, 253, 254
Loeb, William, 510
London, 25, 55, 229, 234
London Daily News, 117, 188
London Financial News, 183
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 249, 258, 266, 278, 510, 543, 570, 588
Longworth, Nicholas, 570
Loomis, Francis B., 339, 340, 349–51, 359, 360, 364, 378, 379
López de Gomara, Francisco, 27
lottery, 194, 196–203, 208, 209, 230
Lesseps’ proposal, 184–85, 194
Deputies approve, 196, 218–19
bribery of Deputies for, 209, 217, 224–25, 229
Loubet, Emile, 210–12, 233
Louisiana, U.S.S., 493
Louisiana Territory, 141
Louisville Courier-Journal, 268, 457
Lull, Edward P., 20, 26, 27, 41, 65
Lumière Électrique, La, 215
MacDonald, D. J., 604
MacMahon, Marshal, 57
Magoon, Charles E., 450, 451, 453, 455, 456, 462, 463, 492
Magurk, Margaret, 425
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 179, 188, 250–55, 257, 259, 261, 296 illus., 379, 616
Mahan, Dennis Hart, 250–51
Maine,U.S.S., 254, 379
Makers of the Panama Canal, The, 565
malaria, 37, 145, 443, 449, 454, 465, 467
description of, 139
experience of, in Cuba, 406, 415, 416
no immunity to, 140, 141
incidence of, 171, 502, 573–74, 581, 582
mosquito the transmitter, 142–43, 409, 420–21
origin of word, 142
racial segregation and, 585
Mallet, Claude Coventry, 138
Malmros, Oscar, 373, 378
Maltby, Frank B., 444, 448, 482, 485, 489
recollection of Goethals, 478
Roosevelt visit, 495–96
on Stevens, 459, 469, 505
Managua, 265
Managua, Lake, 317
Mandinga River, 43
Manhattan Project, 601
manifest destiny, 31
Manzanillo Island, 105
Marblehead, U.S.S., 379
Maréchal, Henri, 163, 182
Marias Pass, 461
Maritime Canal Company, 240, 261, 263, 314
Marroquin, Jose Manuel, 335–36, 349, 362
Martin, C. C, 315
Martin, Etienne, 191
Martin, Ferdinand, 185, 208
Martinez Silva, Carlos, 268, 329–31
Markham, Mary, 425
Marmot, S.S., 607
Marsh, Othniel C, 24
Martinique, 316–17, 319, 472, 501, 577
Masaya, Mount, 32, 283
Masefield, John, 238, 562
sp; Massachusetts Historical Society, 556
Matachin, 76, 80, 110, 133, 158, 159, 178, 471, 489
Matin, Le, 281, 293, 349–51, 401
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 36
Maximilian, Emperor, 67
Mayflower, U.S.S., 379
Mayo brothers, 417
Mazas jail, 222, 226, 234
McClellan, George B., Jr., 381
McClintic-Marshall, 598
McCormick, Cyrus, 285
McCuUough, John G., 136
McDowell, Calvin, 42
McKinley, William, 256–58, 273, 287, 320
assassination, 246–47, 258, 292
canal-site study, 264, 274, 276
Mears, Frederick, 542
Meléndez, Porfirio, 362, 367–68, 371–373, 375, 376
Melodic, S.S., 612
Memphis, Tenn., 141
Mendoza, Carlos, 363, 369
Menier Chocolate Works, 128
Menocal, Aniceto Garcia, 65, 110
for Nicaragua canal, 75, 77, 79–82, 109, 262, 306, 325
at Paris canal congress, 68, 71, 73–75, 77, 79–82, 84, 85, 325
Merinden, H. L., 42
Merry, William, 318
Metropolitan Club, 306
Metz, France, 55
Mexico, 67, 71
Meyer, Arthur, 232
Mindi, 193
Minneapolis Times, 263
Miraflores, Panama, 440, 549, 569
locks at, 540, 592–93, 595, 596, 603, 604, 607, 613
swamp at, 502
Miraflores Lake, 595
Mitchel, Alfred, 579
Mitchell, John H., 322, 324
Moltke, Helmuth von, 55
Momotombo, 317–18, 323, 325
Money, Hernando de Soto, 397
Monkey Hill, 107, 148, 173, 177, 313, 372, 374, 453
Monroe Doctrine, 119, 122
Montague, Charles, 565
Montgomery Ward, 592
Moody, William H., 379
Moore, John Bassett, 340, 348
Morales, Eusebio, 363
Morès, Marquis de, 207, 223
Morgan, J. P., 263, 272, 355, 356, 389, 400
Morgan, J. P., & Company, 389, 399–400
Morgan, John Tyler, 251, 257, 263, 297 illus., 386, 397, 481, 486
and Bunau-Varilla, 278, 284, 287–289
and Compagnie Nouvelle, 288–89
and W. N. Cromwell, 273, 324
and Hay-Herran Treaty, 331
and Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 256, 259
heads Senate canal committee, 260–261
hearings and debate on Hepburn Bill, 265–70, 306–28 passim
for Nicaraguan canal, 261–65, 318–319, 322, 324, 325, 328
and Roosevelt, 254, 259, 267–69
for takeover of Cuba, 254
U.S. purchase of Panama Canal, 331–32
Walker Commission report, 264, 266, 267, 270, 306–12
Morison, George A., 445fn.
Morison, George S., 296 illus., 325–327, 445fn., 592
and Bunau-Varilla, 278, 280, 284, 285, 293
at hearings on Hepburn, Spooner Bills, 314–15, 422
Walker Commission report, 265, 267, 274, 275, 326, 442