David McCullough Library E-book Box Set
Page 563
Diaz, Armando
Dickens, Charles
Dieterich, William H.
Dill, John
Dillard, Harrison
Dillinger, John
Dirksen, Everett
Displaced Persons Act (1948)
Dixon, Frank M.
Doherty, Jim
dollar-a-year men
Doniphan, Alexander
Donnelly, Eugene
Donnelly, Nell
Donovan, Robert
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
Doohan, John
Dougherty, Charles, Sr
Douglas, Helen Gahagan
Douglas, Paul
Douglas, William O
Downs, Joseph
DPC (Defense Plants Corporation)
draft, military
railway strike and
Drescher, George
Drury, Allen
Dryden, Mildred
Dubinsky, David
Duchamp, Marcel
Dulles, John Foster
Dun, Angus
Duncan, Dick
Dunham, Walter L
Dunn, James
DuPont Company
dust storms
Earle, George
Early, Steve
Easley, Harry
Eaton, Charles
Eban, Abba
Eden, Anthony
Edgar Thomson Works
Edgerton, Glen E
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Arthur
Eisenhower, Dwight David
death of
Forrestal and
HST and
inauguration of
Korean War and
McCarthy and
Marshall and
as NATO commander
as presidential candidate
reelection of
retirement of
on Stalin
vice-presidential candidacy declined by
Eisenhower, John
Eisenhower, Mamie
election of 1948:
Barkley as vice-presidential candidate in
Clifford’s role in
Democratic Convention and
Dewey’s campaign in
Dewey’s candidacy in
Dewey’s defeat in
Eisenhower considered in
HST’s campaign funds for
HST’s campaign in
HST’s election in
Republican Convention in
Ross’s role in
Thurmond and Dixiecrats in
Wallace’s candidacy in
of 1910
of 1912
of 1924
of 1932
of 1934
of 1936
of 1940
of 1944
of 1946
of 1948, see election of 1948
of 1950
of 1952
of 1956
of 1960
see also specific candidates
electrical workers’ strike (1946)
Elsey, George M
on HST
HST’s reelection campaign and
at Potsdam
report on U.S.-Soviet relations by Clifford and
Employment Act (1946)
England, Clarence
Eniwetok Island
Epstein, Elihu
Equal Rights amendment
Ethridge, Mark
Etzenhouser, Madeline
European Recovery Program (ERP), see Marshall Plan
Evans, Tom
Evening Standard (London)
“Everyman in the White House” (Crawford)
Ewing, Thomas
excess profits tax
Fair Deal
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Fairless, Benjamin F
Farley, James A
farmers, federal support for
Farm Tenancy Act (1937)
Farrell, Thomas F
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Dewey campaign aided by
HST’s distrust of
see also Hoover, J. Edgar
Federal Employees Loyalty and Security Program
Ferdinand Magellan,
see also Whistle-stop Campaign
Ferguson, Homer
Fermi, Enrico
Field, Lyman
Fields, Alonzo
Fields, W. C
Fillmore, Millard
Finklestein, Paula
Finklestein, Sam
Finklestein, Siegfried
Finletter, Thomas K
Finnegan, James P
Fired On (Remington)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzpatrick, Daniel
five percenters
Flanner, Janet
Flavin, John
Flintom, A. D
Floyd, “Pretty Boy,”
Flynn, Edward Joseph
Foch, Ferdinand
Folliard, Edward T
Forde, Margaret Ann
Ford Motor Company
Foreign Affairs,
foreign policy, see specific countries, individuals, and issues
MacArthur’s views on
U.S. defense of
see also China; Chinese Nationalists
Formosa Strait
Forrestal, James
atomic bomb and
Berlin crisis and
criticism of
Dewey and
resignation of
as Secretary of Defense
suicide of
Fort Leonard Wood
Lend-Lease and
Franco, Francisco
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin Roosevelt Library
Franks, Oliver
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Frémont, John Charles
Freud, Sigmund
Friendly, Alfred
Froman, Jane
Fuchs, Klaus
Fulbright, J. William
Fulton, Hugh
Fussell, Paul
Gabrielson, Guy George
Gagnon, René
Gallup, George
Gandhi, Mohandas K. “Mahatma,”
Garfield James A
Garner, John Nance “Cactus Jack,”
Garr, Vietta
Garrett, Will
Gates, George Porterfield
Gates, Madge, see Wallace, Madge Gates
Gates, Marvin
Gates, Mrs. George Porterfield
Gavin, Tom
Gearhart, Bertrand W
General Electric
General Motors
General Order No
Gentry, Alonzo H
Gentry, Sue
George, Todd
George VI, King of England
German Federated Republic (West Germany)
Germany, Nazi
atomic bomb and
defeat of
Soviet pact with
surrender of
U.S. business agreements with companies in
war criminals of
Germany, occupied
division of navy of
GI Bill
Gibson, Charles Dana
Gibson, John W
Girl from Utah, The
Glass, Carter
glass workers’ strike (1946)
Gleam, The
Glenn Martin Company
Gnefkow, Bernard
Goebbels, Joseph
Goering, Hermann
Goldman, Frank
Goldwyn, Sam
Goodman, Benny
Gore, Albert
Gould, Jack
Graham, Billy
, Frank
Graham, James H
Graham, Wallace H
Grant, Ulysses S
Great Britain
atomic bomb and
decline of
Greece and Turkey aided by
Korean War and
Lend-Lease and
Palestine and
Soviet Union and
U.S. relations with
Wallace’s New York speech on
Great Depression, see Depression, Great
Greater Kansas City Plan Association
Great Men and Famous Women
British aid to
Soviet Union and
U.S. aid to
Greenglass, David
Gregg, Josiah
Gregg, William
Grew, Joseph C
Gromyko, Andrei
Grover, Wayne
Groves, Leslie R.
Guffey, Joe
Gunther, John
Hadrian, Emperor of Rome
Hagan, John
Hagerty, James C
Hague, Frank
Haig, Douglas
Haight, Charles T
Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord
Halle, Louis J
Halleck, Charles
Halsey, Edwin
Hampton, Lionel
Handy, Thomas T
Hannegan, Robert E
background of
HST’s Senate reelection campaign and
vice-presidential nomination (1944) and
Harber, W. Elmer
Hardin, Ardelia
Harding, Warren G
Harpie Club (Independence Harmonicon Society)
Harriman, E. H
Harriman, W. Averell
as ambassador to Great Britain
background of
character and appearance of
as HST campaign contributor
Johnson and
Korea and
MacArthur and
Moscow post quit by
at Potsdam Conference
as presidential candidate
as Secretary of Commerce
Harris, Robert E. G
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Earl G
Harrison, George L
Harrison, Pat
Harrison, William Henry
Harry S. Truman (M. Truman)
Harry S. Truman Library
Harry Truman shirts
Harsch, Joseph
Hartley, Fred Allan, Jr
Harty, Tom
Harvard University
Harvey, Julian
Hassett, Bill
Hatch, Alden
Hatch, Carl
Hauser, Virginia Hill
Havemann, Ernest
statehood of
Truman family’s vacation in
Hawkes, Albert Wahl
Hayden, Carl
Hayes, Elihu
Hayes, Ira
Hayford, James
H-bomb, see hydrogen bomb
health care and insurance
Healy, George P. A
Heillman, Lee
Helis, William
Heller, Francis H
Helm, Edith
Helm, William
Henderson, Loy W
Hennings, Thomas Carey, Jr
Henry M. Frost Advertising Agency
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Hepburn, Katharine
Hersey, John
Herzog, Isaac Halevi
Hickerson, John
Higgins, Marguerite
Higgins landing craft
Hill, Lister
Hillman, Sidney
Hillman, William
Himmler, Heinrich
Hinde, Edgar
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
Hiroshima, bombing of
Hirth, William
Hiss, Alger
Hiss, Donald
Hitler, Adolf
Stalin’s pact with
see also Germany, Nazi
Hoban, James
Ho Chi Minh
Hoey, Clyde R
Hoey Committee
Hollywood Bowl
Hollywood Ten
Holmes, Nancy Tyler (great-grandmother)
Holt, Rush
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
civil rights movement and
on Communist danger
Dewey aided by
Vaughan’s relationship with
Hopkins, Harry
Hopkins, William J
Home, Lena
Houchens, B. M
Houchens, Fielding
House, Edward
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC):
Dewey campaign and
Hiss case and
Hollywood Ten and
Loyalty Program as response to
House Ways and Means Committee
Householder, Vic
Howard, Roy
How to Predict Elections (Bean)
Huber, Brownie
Hughes, Charles Evans
Hughes, Thomas
Hull, Cordell
Hume, Paul
Humphrey, Hubert H
Humphrey, Muriel
Hunt, James V
Hurley, Patrick J
hydrogen bomb (H-bomb; superbomb)
debate on
testing of
Ickes, Harold L
resignation of
I. G. Farben
Igoe-Dickmann organization
Independence, Mo.
blacks in
Depression in
Mormons in
Independence and the Opening of the West (Benton)
Independence Examiner
Independence Harmonicon Society (Harpie Club)
influenza epidemic (1918-19)
Inland Steel
Interim Committee on S-1
Internal Revenue Bureau
International Acquaintance League
International News Service
Interstate Commerce Commission
Inverchapel, Lord
Investor Pays, The (Lowenthal)
Ireland, David B., Jr.
“iron curtain,”
see also Palestine
Iwo Jima
I Write from Washington (Childs)
Jackson, Andrew
statue of
Jackson, Robert H
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall,”
Jackson County, Mo.
Goat vs. Rabbit Democrats in
HST as eastern judge of
HST as presiding judge of
Mormons in
slavery in
Jacobson, Bluma Rosenbaum
Jacobson, Edward
death of
as HST’s business partner
Palestine issue and
Jacques, Baron
James, Frank
James, Jesse
James, Marquis
atomic bombing of
atrocities committed by
China bombed by
fire bombing of
Korea and
Pearl Harbor attacked by, see Pearl Harbor attack
Potsdam Conference and
proposed invasion of
Soviet Union and
surrender of
Jazz Age
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners
Jefferson Memorial
Jenner, William E
Jennison, “Doc,”
Jessup, Philip
Jester, Beauford
Jewish Agency
/> as voters
see also Israel; Palestine; Zionists
John McShain, Inc
Johnson, Alexis
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Edwin
Johnson, Louis A
controversy of
HST’s problems with
resignation of
as Secretary of Defense
on Z Committee
Johnson, Lyndon B
Johnston, Alvanley
Johnston, Olin
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
Jones, Jesse
Jones, Joseph M
Jones, Thomas E
Judd, Walter
Justice Department, U.S.
Kaiser, Henry J
Kaltenborn, H.V.
Kansas City, Mo
building boom in
“home rule” in
HST’s first presidential visit to
Union Station Massacre in
“wide-open” era in
Kansas City Athletic Club
Kansas City Automobile Club
Kansas City Club
Kansas City Journal-Post,
Kansas City Star
Kansas City Times
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Kaplan, Charles
Katyn Forest Massacre
Keck, Charles L.
Keenan, Sergeant
Kefauver, Estes
Kefauver Committee
Kelley, Harry
Kelly, Edward J.
Kelly, Gene
Kem, James P.
Kemper, William T.
Kempton, Greta
Kennan, George F.
atomic bomb and
“Long Telegram” of
on Marshall
Marshall Plan role of
Palestine issue and
Policy Planning Staff of
Kennan Report
Kennedy, Jacqueline
Kennedy, John F.
assassination of
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr.
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kent, Frank
Kentuckian, The (Benton)
Kern, Jerome
Kerr, Robert
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kilgore, Harley
Killilae, Mrs. Walter
Kim Il-sung
King, Cecil Rhodes
King, Ernest J.
King David Hotel, bombing of
Kinnaman, Edna
Kinsey, Alfred
Kirkpatrick, Helen
Kistiakowsky, Dr.
Klemm, Karl D.
Knebel, Fletcher
Knowland, William
Knox, Frank
Knudsen, William S
Knutson, Harold
Konoye, Prince Fumimaro
Korean War
atomic bomb and
Battle of Taejon in
casualties in
cease-fire proposal in
Chinese intervention in
Congress and
Eisenhower and
end of
fighting conditions in
Inchon landing in
MacArthur in
North Korean prisoners in
as “police action,”
press conference on
Ridgway in
Soviet Union and
steel crisis and
38th parallel in
as U.N. action
U.S. responsibility in
U.S. troops committed to
Krimminger, Charles E.
Krock, Arthur
Kronheim, Milton S., Sr.
Krueger, Karl
Krug, Julius
Ku Klux Klan