Book Read Free

Broken Love

Page 13

by Kelly Elliott

  “Parker?” I asked.

  “Caretaker,” Ryder said with a slight smile.

  I couldn’t help but notice how Vanessa was looking at Ryder as Nate did everything in his power to get her attention.

  “Let’s head into the kitchen, shall we?” Vanessa said as both men followed after her.

  “I’m sorry … whose house is this?” I asked as all three of them stopped and looked at me. Vanessa’s smile faded as Nate let out a chuckle and Ryder cleared his throat.

  Vanessa stood a bit taller as she said, “Excuse me, I’m so sorry. That was so rude of me to barge in like that and take over. I volunteer doing historical home tours and when I saw how excited you were seeing the house, I figured I’d give a better tour than the boys, but forgive me.” She slightly shook her head as she looked at me.

  “I’m sorry … how exactly do you know Ryder and Nate?”

  Oh, you bitch. The gloves just came off.

  Ryder stepped up next to me. It was in that moment he realized he had never said who I was, but only gave my name. “Oh sorry, Vanessa, Ava is my girlfriend.”

  “For now,” I mumbled as I made my way past all three of them and stepped into one of the most amazing kitchens I’d ever seen.

  The cabinets were the same color as the rest of the wood in the house. The light-colored granite offset the darker cabinets perfectly.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered as Ryder walked up next to me.

  “Ava, is something wrong? Why are you mad at me?”

  Looking into his eyes, I could see he was confused, but if he didn't realize how he had acted when Ms. Fancy Pants showed up, then that was his fault.

  Vanessa walked in and sighed. “Couldn’t you see yourself baking in this kitchen, Ava?”

  With a fake smile, I turned her way. “Yep.”

  “Now upstairs are six bedrooms and two bathrooms. Every light fixture in the house is turn-of-the-century original to the house.”

  Nate walked up next to me and leaned in close as he asked, “Would you like me to shut her off now?”

  “Please,” I whispered.

  Nate clapped his hands together, getting Vanessa’s attention. “So, Vanessa, I’m sure Ava is pretty exhausted from the trip here and is probably ready to rest.”

  Pulling her head back and wearing the fakest concerned look I’d ever seen, she asked, “The forty-minute drive got you tired? Well … country life must not agree with you.”

  I opened my mouth to say something when Ryder seemed to finally snap out of his Vanessa-daze.

  “Um … Vanessa, it was really great seeing you, but if you don’t mind we’d probably like to get settled in. We have a lot of things to take care of.”

  She looked hurt as her eyes bounced from me to Ryder. “Right, of course. Dinner tonight?”

  “Not for me,” I quickly said. Looking over to Ryder, I flashed him a smirk. “But please, don’t let me keep you from catching up with an old friend.”

  I could see Ryder was not pleased with me and I could have cared less.

  Vanessa jumped just enough to make her breasts bounce as I turned away and rolled my eyes. “Oh good! Can I count on you boys for dinner?”

  “As much fun as that would be, I’m going to have to pass as well. This trip was for Ava.”

  Disappointment was laced in Vanessa’s voice as she said, “I see. Well, it was great seeing you again and I hope to see you before you leave.” Turning to me, she held her hand out. “Ava, it was nice meeting you.”

  With a forced smile, I nodded my head. “It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  “I’ll walk you out, Vanessa,” Nate said as he motioned for her to head out of the kitchen first. She turned to kiss Ryder on the cheek, but he was smart enough to avoid it.

  With a deep breath in and out, Vanessa nodded. “Good seeing you.”

  Ryder turned and stared at me intently. “I’m sorry if you got the impression that I—”

  Leaning over on my crutches, I held up my hand. “Please don’t. I acted like a child and let jealousy take over. I think I’m tired.”

  Ryder’s crooked smile had my stomach dropping as he walked up and placed his hand on the side of my face. “I swear there is nothing there.”

  My eyes threatened to build with tears for some unknown reason. “I’m tired. Can you please help me upstairs to a bedroom?”

  Pulling his head back, Ryder asked, “You don’t want to explore the house?”

  “Not right now.”

  “O-okay. Let me help you up the steps and we’ll stay in the room I always stay in. There’s a queen-size bed in there.”

  “Sounds good.”

  We didn’t utter a single word as I slowly made my way up the stairs.

  “YOU LOOK LIKE you just lost your dog, dude.”

  With a frustrated sigh, I dropped onto the sofa and glared at Nate.

  “Ava’s pissed at me.”

  With a gruff laugh, Nate replied, “I don’t blame her. Dude, you introduced her like she was an acquaintance and not your girlfriend. Then you let Vanessa take over and give us a damn tour of our own house.”

  “Fuck you, Nate. You didn’t stop her either.”

  Nate shrugged. “I was looking at her ass … you on the other hand were not paying any attention to your crippled girlfriend.”

  Scrubbing my hands down my face, I let out a moan. “Fucking hell. I was just surprised to see Vanessa. I have no feelings for her what so ever.”

  “You used to. Matter of fact, didn’t the two of you have sex in your—”

  Reaching for a pillow, I threw it and hit Nate on the side of the head. “Shut the fuck up, you asshole!”

  Nate shot the pillow back at me. “Hey, it’s not my fault you ignored Ava.”

  “I didn't ignore her!”

  Nate raised his eyebrows and gave me a stern look. “Really? I’m pretty sure you did. I was the one who had to turn Vanessa off and get her on her way. Not you.”

  I dropped back against the back of the sofa and sighed. “Why am I such a fuck up? I’d do anything for Ava and I let one stupid moment mess it up.”

  “You’re not smooth with the ladies, bro.”

  Lifting my head, I glared at my brother. “And you are?”

  Nate flashed me a smile and said, “Of course I am. See, if that had been me I’d have played it much cooler. Now we both know you were probably slightly freaked out because two women that you’ve had sex with were both standing next to each other. One clearly wants back in your pants, and to her that is the ticket to this beautiful home she desperately loves.”

  Rolling my eyes, I moaned again and dropped my head back.

  “The other clearly loves you and doesn’t give a rat’s ass how much money you have and is perfectly content living in a cramped-up, old, damp stone house. When faced with the challenge of which one do you give your utmost attention too … you chose poorly.”

  “I didn’t give Vanessa all of my attention. Was I expecting to see her … no, I wasn’t. It was a shock I’ll admit it, and I obviously handled it all wrong because now Ava is upstairs and not the least bit interested in why we came here.”

  Nate pushed out a breath and stood. “Sorry, dude. That really sucks for you. I hope you’ve got some kind of plan on making this up to her.”


  Narrowing his eyes, Nate tsked. “Yeah, Ryder. A plan to swoon her as Jennifer would say. You’ve got some serious ass kissing to do my friend.”

  Burying my face in my hands, I mumbled, “I’m such an idiot.”

  “And with that I bid you adieu.”

  My hands dropped as I watched my brother head to the front door. “Where are you going?”

  He looked over his shoulder and smirked, “To live the single life.”

  After he left, I pulled my phone out and texted Jennifer.

  Me: I messed up and need to swoon Ava

  Jennifer: What did you do? Something bad?

  Me: I don’t think so. Apparently s
he thinks I gave Vanessa Emerson the wrong kind of attention.

  Jennifer: Huh. Did you?

  Oh for Christ’s sake. Is she going to start on me as well?

  Me: I was shocked to see her and yes, I might have been stumbling on what I was doing.

  Jennifer: Do you have feelings for Vanessa still?

  “It was a one-night stand!”

  Hitting Jennifer’s number, I walked into the kitchen.

  “That’s not a good sign you called me when I asked that.”

  “No I don’t, Jennifer. I love Ava.”

  There was silence for a few moments before she asked, “Do you see your future with Ava?”

  “Of course I do. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.”

  “Perfect answer! Where is she?”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Upstairs lying down.”

  “Oh … she must be upset with you. I know how much she was looking forward to going to the house.”

  “You’re not making me feel any better, Jennifer.”

  With a giggle, she said, “Make her a fabulous lunch. Take it up to her on one of the serving trays. Go to the greenhouse too; I know they keep fresh flowers in there. Pick a few and put them in a small vase.”

  “Where are the vases?” I asked as I looked in the refrigerator.

  No food. Great.

  “In the butler’s pantry on the lower left side.”

  “There’s no food, Jennifer.”

  “Shit! I didn’t think about that. Let me go over this in my head for a moment.”

  My sister Jennifer lived in Helena and worked for a law firm downtown.

  “I’ve got it. I’ll order it from one of my favorite places to eat. All you have to do is take it out of the boxes and put it on the plates. Can you do that without messing up or will we need to worry about Vanessa wanting to help?”


  “Ava just sent me a text … asking about Vanessa.”

  My heart stopped. “W-what did she ask?

  “She asked if Vanessa is always so willing to help you with things. She said Vanessa gave y’all a tour? Holy hell, Ryder! It’s your house; why would you let Vanessa come in and take over?”

  “I know the error of my ways, Jennifer. Just tell her Vanessa is of no concern and for her not to worry.”

  “Oh I already did … I told her Vanessa is a little tramp who would do anything to get into your pants or Nate’s because she is a money-hungry whore.”

  My mouth fell to the ground as I stopped dead in my tracks on my way out to the greenhouse.

  “Wow … I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk like that.”

  “Hold on!” Jennifer said as she began ordering food on another line.

  Opening the door to the greenhouse, I smiled as I looked at all the flowers. Reaching for some flower clippers, I cut three purple flowers that I had no clue of what they were. All I knew was they reminded me of Ava.

  I set the clippers back down and made my way back to the house, securing the greenhouse door behind me.

  “Okay, your food will be there in thirty minutes.”

  With a grin on my face, I began my search for a vase. “I owe you, Jennifer.”

  “Yes. Yes you do. And Ryder?”

  The whole bottom left cabinet was filled with all different sized vases. Reaching in, I grabbed a smaller one and placed the flowers inside of it.


  “I really like Ava. Please don’t do anything to hurt her.”

  My entire world felt as if it had stopped. “Do you really think she was hurt by that? I mean, I didn’t say or do anything. I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal for Vanessa to be in the house.”

  “Let’s put it this way. If you showed up at Ava’s place and a guy she grew up with showed up and Ava gushed all over him and then allowed that guy to go into Ava’s apartment and show you all around … how would that make you feel?”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I don’t understand women.”

  “Ryder! Be honest. Would you like it?”

  Filling the vase up with water, I thought about it. “No, I don’t guess I would like it.”

  “Okay. There ya go. That’s how Ava felt because I know men and I’m sure both you and Nate gave Vanessa that googly eye thing guys do when a pretty girl shows up.”

  “Googly eye thing?” I asked.

  “Yes. Flirting.”

  “I didn’t flirt with her!”

  With a frustrated sigh, Jennifer whispered, “Just make it up to her with this lunch. I’ve got to go! Love you.”

  The line went dead as I pulled my cell out to look at it. “I wasn’t flirting!”

  Sinking down onto the island stool, I blew out a frustrated breath. “Lord, help me to better understand women. Please!”

  I walked around the house while I waited for the food. Stepping into the sitting room, I walked over to the small library in the corner. New and old books were mixed together in no real layout. I wasn’t sure what I was searching for. Maybe a tell-all book on how not to fuck up with the woman you loved.

  The old desk in the corner was original to the house. I sat down and pulled out a drawer. The only thing in the drawer was a box. Pulling it out, I slowly took the rubber band off and opened the note attached to it.

  Frowning, I looked at the signature and wondered who G was.

  When I opened the box, it was filled with letters. Surely my mother had seen these already.

  I opened one letter and began reading it.

  I folded up the letter and put it in the box. “I feel ya, dude. Nice to see women haven’t changed in over a hundred years.”

  The doorbell rang and I jumped up, setting the box on the desk as I made my way to the front door.

  When I opened it, I was stunned to see two women standing before me with brown bags in each of their arms.

  “We’re here with your delivery from Fusion Grill.”

  Opening the door to let them in, I smiled and said, “Awesome! Follow me to the kitchen.”

  Each one of them put a bag on the counter and began unpacking it.

  “We have two BLTA’s with french fries and two bowls of tortilla soup.”

  My stomach picked that moment to growl. “Sounds good. What do I owe you?”

  “It’s already been paid for, sir.”

  Reaching for my wallet, I took out a two twenty’s and handed each girl one.

  “Thank you so very much, sir.”

  “No problem. Thank you, ladies. Let me show you out.”

  By the time I got the plates made up, I was sure Ava had to have cooled down.

  At least I prayed with every stair I took that was the case.

  AFTER RYDER HAD helped me up the stairs and into the most beautiful room I’d ever seen, I settled in and listened to the crackling of the fire he had made. I was so mad at myself for acting like a child. I had no reason to be jealous and really Ryder didn’t do anything wrong but be shocked by an old friend. Regardless of if something had happened between them or not, it was the past and I needed to leave it there.

  Kate’s journal sat on my lap as I opened it up and read the next entry.

  June 2

  Jackson stopped by today and we went for a long walk. It was nice to spend time with him alone. When we’re in school each of us is pulled in so many different directions.

  I don’t think Ryder likes Jackson all that much. Or he’s just playing the big brother role. At any rate, if he knew what was going on, he would really not like Jackson.

  He took the news of me being pregnant pretty well. We’re both scared and not sure how to tell our parents. I’m only six weeks along from what the doctor said. I still have time to figure things out. At least I know Jackson is right there with me. He told me he loved me more than I could ever imagine.

  I love him too. And I’ll love our baby.

  I dropped my hands to my lap and stared straight ahead.

  “Oh, holy shit. The secret
had nothing to do with Lizzy and everything to do with Kate.”

  The knock on the door caused me to jump as I quickly shut the journal and slid it under the pillow.

  “Hey,” Ryder said softly as he walked in carrying a tray full of food. I’d never seen anyone walk so slow and with so much concentration.

  “Hey, did you make that?” I asked as I licked my lips.

  Ryder didn’t utter a word until he set it down on the table at the end of the bed. With a sigh of relief, he glanced up at me and grinned from ear to ear. “It’s probably cold because it took me so long to climb the stairs. And hell no, I didn’t make it. Jennifer ordered it when I called her for help in figuring out what to do to make up for being such an asshole earlier.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You were moving pretty slow, I don’t care if it’s cold, and you weren’t the one being an asshole. I was too and I’m sorry.”

  “Let’s just say we both played a small role and move on?”

  With a nod of my head, I said, “Sounds good to me. I’m starving! What did she send us?”

  Ryder took his food off and placed it on the table then carefully picked up the tray and brought it over to me. “I’ll eat mine over here.”

  “Yummy. This looks so good. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I saw it.”

  Ryder chuckled. “Same here.”

  Picking up the sandwich, I took a bite and moaned in sweet relief. “I never thought a BLT would taste so good.”

  With a head bob, Ryder agreed.

  My mind was racing as I tried to process what I had just read in Kate’s journal. Clearly Ryder had no idea about the pregnancy with how he reacted to her saying she had sex with Jackson.

  “So, Dani’s baby will be the first baby, huh?”

  His eyes lifted as he looked at me. “First baby?”

  “Yeah, you know … first grandbaby for your mom and dad.”

  He narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. “Unless Nate’s fathered a few kids we don’t know about.”

  Letting out a chuckle, I shook my head and ate some soup. “That’s mean, Ryder.”

  “The scary part is I’m not kidding.”


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