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Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3)

Page 67

by Suzanne Halliday

  “I don’t fucking care if his name is Jesus. That’s not how this works, twerp. He got my little sister pregnant. According to the guy code, this gives me long-term slandering rights. I don’t care if he marries you and is the best husband on the planet. He’s a baby daddy. Period.”

  Yeah, well, Arnie did kind of deserve the snarky title, and after all, it was funny even if she did pretend the expression annoyed her.

  “He’s not off the hook. Not by a long shot. And he’s not staying here.” She sniffed to make her point.

  “Thank god, you’re not after his money, right?” He cackled gleefully. “Hey, do you know why blondes can’t add ten plus five on the calculator?”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. Reed had a blond reference for most everything.

  “No. Tell me why.”

  He chuckled. “Because they can’t find the ten button.”

  And there you have it, folks! The best summation of why she wasn’t about the money. Money involved numbers, and numbers were dull and boring. Just like jogging.

  She quipped, “Hardy har har.”

  “Wait, wait, I have another,” he boomed merrily. “So a blonde finds herself in serious money trouble. Desperate, she prays for help. God, please help me. I've lost my job, and if I don't get some money, I'm going to lose my house. Please let me win the lottery. Lottery night comes, and somebody else wins. She prays again, and on the next lottery night, still no luck. One more time she prays, God, why have you forsaken me? I've lost my job, my house, and my car. My children are starving. I never ask for help, and I've always been a good person. PLEASE let me win the lottery just this one time so I can get my life back in order. Suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open. The blonde is overwhelmed by a thundering voice. Sweetheart, work with me on this.... Buy a ticket. Bwahhahaha!”

  Okay, the joke was funny, and she giggled as he laughed.

  “I have to go, but I’ll stay in touch,” she assured him. “Thanks for always being there, Reed.”

  “That’s what brothers are for.”

  Arnie checked and double-checked to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything.

  Cradling his daughter in her sling, he asked for her opinion. “What do you think, Ari? Can this help score Daddy some points?”

  A stack of boxes, some wrapped, sat on the dining table. A balloon arrangement was tied to one of the chairs. A beautiful arrangement of pink and white roses sat directly beneath the crystal chandelier.

  He saw on a message board in an online group for new dads how push presents were all the rage. The distasteful expression made him cringe, but it didn’t stop him from seeing the sense behind the practice. Though he’d never dream of using the tacky phrase, he embraced the indulgence with fervor.

  “What’s all this?” He heard Summer’s tinkling giggle as she stepped from the bedroom. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she took in the display he set up right outside the bedroom door.

  Ari saw her mother and got excited. She open and shut one little hand and smiled. “Gah!”

  Summer hurried to give the baby a smooch. When she straightened and their eyes connected, Arnie’s face broke into a happy grin. She was his, and they both knew it.

  “What have you done?” she drawled.

  “I come bearing tributes,” he boomed like a stentorian orating for an audience of one.

  She giggle-snorted. “Tributes?”

  He dialed the cocky in his grin to an eleven, and said, “Just trying to stand out. Sounds cooler than gifts, right?”

  It took her doing a double take and moving closer to see what was on the balloons. One said, Naughty or Nice. Another said, Boner Available. Were they tacky as hell? Absolutely and it was exactly why he knew she’d laugh.

  “Is that a vagina balloon?” She pointed at another. “And a penis?”

  He proudly took ownership of the questionable gesture. “Oddly, considering Los Angeles is a mothership home base for the porn industry, there wasn’t a lot to choose from. I think it might be an underserved niche business.”

  “Pornographic balloons are a niche business?”

  “That’s what she said,” he snortled.

  She eyed the stack of boxes. “If those are all sex toys, you better leave now.”

  His grin moved to a solid twelve. “Toy selection is best done as a couple.”

  Watching her struggle to keep from laughing or even smiling was the most fun he’d had in forever.

  She got him back, though, and good. With all the sexy aplomb of a teasing flirt, she subjected him to an ocular inspection before meeting his gaze. “Are we a couple?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered with arrogant confidence.

  Her eyes narrowed, and he detected a slight flare to her nostrils. He knew what she was thinking.

  “What’s in it for me? Besides a vault of money,” she jeered.

  Yep, yep, yep, they were destined for each other. She cared for his piles of riches about as much as he did—or didn’t.

  “Many things are designated magnum. Champagne,” he drawled. “Magnum opus for a great work of art. Dodge has a magnum model.”

  “Condoms,” she purred.

  “I see you get where this is going.”

  She crossed her arms, cocked a hip, and gave him the best arched brow he’d ever seen. “So is that it? Money and a big dick.”

  Hearing the words big dick fall off her sexy lips produced a bark of laughter from him accompanied by a giggle from Ari.

  “Not in front of the kid,” he managed to choke out between laughs.

  He imagined a Titanic-sized iceberg floating by and disappearing from view as the last of her icy reserve gave up the fight. She wanted this as much as he did.

  Eyeing the boxes, she asked, “Any See’s Candies?”

  Jostling the baby, he told her, “I’m going to ace this test.”

  Rummaging around on the table, he found the distinctive white box of See’s Old Time Candies and handed it off with a courtly bow. “Chocolate for milady.”

  “Thank you, Sir Magnum,” she replied with a curtsey, pressing the box to her chest.

  “Soft centers,” he told her. “The way you like.”

  Excited by the prospect of what was to come, he encouraged her to pop a chocolate in her mouth and pick another tribute.

  She went for a pretty substantial box and went into a bout of over-the-top explosive joy when she found a Michael Kors handbag. Dottie assured him Summer would love it. Her delight filled him with pleasure.

  It was like Christmas morning. Each new reveal unleashed gasps, giggles, and sighs.

  “Is this what I think it is?” she asked, holding up a horse figurine.

  “It’s a half-size replica of the horse from the Brady living room. I had Milo crank it out using a 3D printer.”

  “Wow,” she gushed. “Arnie. This is so cool.”

  When she arrived at the smaller boxes and hesitated, he couldn’t love her more. Summer wasn’t in it for bling, but he was hoping to change her mind.

  A delicate, understated sapphire tennis bracelet hit a home run. When he fastened it to her wrist, he heard how rapidly she was breathing.

  Golden sparkles infused her aura. They were just like the twinkling flashes surrounding the baby.

  A pair of teardrop opal earrings made her sniffle and tear up.

  When she’d opened everything and had a chance to catch her breath, he reached into the baby sling and pulled out a velvet pouch.

  “I got this last year in London on my way back to you. When I couldn’t find you, it stayed in my pocket. Until now.”

  She took the pouch and stared into his eyes. “You brought this back for me?”


  He knew she’d understand once she saw it and wasn’t disappointed when she choked back a sob as the sunflower bracelet dropped out of the bag into her hand.

  The simplest gift was often the most treasured and meaningful. She understood how important the timin
g was. Showing her proof was a game changer. Now she knew. Yes, duty took him far, but when he was free, the first thing on his mind and in his heart was her.

  At no point did he ask how she was. He didn’t take her emotional temperature. Dottie’s advice was solid gold. His job was to have her back, no matter what.

  She had to pry the baby out of his arms at bedtime. He liked holding her and took every opportunity to be physically close. After all, there was lost time to make up.

  Once it was late enough and nothing was left to watch on TV, he made his first move toward leaving. He sensed her reluctance and was conflicted by what he should do.

  What should she do? Summer wasn’t sure. It was only a matter of time before she asked him to stay—they both knew it—but she lacked experience in these matters and didn’t know how to proceed.

  I love him.

  She waited for a chorus of dissent or a quiet rumbling of doubt. None came.

  Her next actions had serious consequences. She wanted to get it right. There was a lot at stake, including her daughter’s future.

  “Summer, your brain is going to melt if you don’t ease up.”

  He had no idea. And it wasn’t her brain melting. The five-alarm blaze raging out of control in her panties was hella distracting.

  With a sigh of longing, she admitted her desire. “I want you to stay.”

  Arnie studied her for a long time. She felt him probing, gave access, and didn’t try to hide from her feelings.

  “Because you’re afraid to be alone?” he asked for clarification.

  This was it. This was the moment. Everything hung on how she responded.

  “Because I’m not happy unless you’re with me. Because I don’t know where I end and you begin. Because my heart can’t take being away from you anymore.”

  His eyes gleamed.

  She put her arms around his neck and plastered her body to his. “Because I love you, and the only way I can live is with you.”

  His lips slowly descended. Her breath caught with exquisite anticipation. When their lips touched, he caressed her mouth more than kissed. His lips were warm and sweet. She ached for more.

  Their kissing flooded her with divine ecstasy. Belonging to this glorious man was her true destiny. Surrendering to his kiss, she clung as he smothered her lips with demanding mastery.

  His hands explored her back, waist, and hips. She stroked the tendons in the back of his neck. Instinctively, her body arched into his.

  Forcing their lips apart, he held her by the arms and gazed lustfully at her. “If I stay, you know what it means. Yes?”

  “It means you’re mine.”

  The way his eyes blazed told her he approved of her wording. She was surrendering, but in a lot of ways, so was he.

  With the gas fireplace providing a romantic ambience, they sat on the sofa and made out for hours. She felt cherished and adored. He didn’t rush. With each kiss and caress, she fell further under his spell.

  He removed her top and made love to her breasts with supreme care and gentleness. His mouth licked and nibbled the mounded fullness still encased in a stretch lace bralette. She flushed with embarrassment when her boobs leaked, but he laughed and took advantage of the situation by cleaning up the leaking milk with his tongue.

  Before long, she was naked and posing seductively on the couch while Arnie stood over her, undressing and devouring her exposed flesh with his eyes.

  He took his wallet out and pulled two condoms from the fold. Seeing the foil packets started an inferno inside her.

  The pleasure he took from seeing her naked was quite a turn-on. When he dropped his pants, the bulge contained by his briefs looked enormous.

  A year ago, he’d been reluctant to let her experiment orally. Whenever she tried to initiate, he shut her down after a few tentative minutes. It was time to claim what was hers.

  She slid off the sofa and got on her knees. Arnie inhaled sharply and held his breath.

  “Summer.” His groan was deliciously thick and manly.

  Ignoring his attempt to retain control, she blew past his hesitation and peeled away his briefs. His cock was beautiful as it unfurled and greeted her by standing at attention.

  Romantic erotica and the occasional late-night peek at a porn site gave her just enough knowledge to feel somewhat confident. Exploring him with her hands got her blood pumping. As he was a rather big boy, a two-handed grip was necessary.

  He showed her how to tease and please. She was a captivated student—curious and eager to learn. Her delight was obvious when the stroking and squeezing plumped the fat head of his cock.

  Taking him into her mouth was hot and exciting. She loved his grunts and sexy hissing.

  Her tongue swirled. She kissed, licked, and nibbled. He was far too big for a novice—she’d have to practice a lot before sucking him off was in the cards—but he quivered so beautifully that she still felt a sense of triumph.

  “I think that’s enough for now,” he growled as he pried her mouth and hands off his staff.

  She sat back on her feet and pouted. He grinned.

  “Would it make you feel better if I licked your sweet pussy?”

  With a naughty smirk, she slid her hands between her legs and covered her mound like a modest maiden. “You’re not being fair.”

  “I know,” he drawled. “But I bet you’re dripping.”

  She stuck her tongue out.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. The wetter the better.”

  He put out his hand and pulled her up. “Now be a good girl and go get a towel.” He patted her ass and pushed her toward the bathroom.

  A towel? Really?

  She shrugged and scurried off. In the bathroom, she paused. How big a towel? She grabbed several and went back into the living room. Arnie was standing by the fireplace, casually stroking his cock.

  “I didn’t know what you wanted, so I brought a bunch.”

  He grinned like a devil and picked up a washcloth. Holding it up, he looked at it and then at her crotch. “Too small.”

  Next was a hand towel with the same results—discarded for not rising to the challenge.

  She watched with carnal interest as he took a large fluffy bath towel and placed it on the sofa.

  Holding his hand out, he said, “Milady, on your back, please.”

  She alternated between giggling and moaning as he moved her around and got her into position.

  “Give me your hand,” he growled.

  Taking her trembling fingers, he moved them between her spread thighs and gasped when he showed her how wet she was. After that, it was a journey of pleasure so devastating, she cried his name and shook as her pussy flooded and released on his tongue.

  She was glad he’d put down a towel. If he hadn’t, they’d be buying the hotel a new sofa.

  He stood and looked down at her sprawled on the sofa like a wanton. His eyes never looked away as he reached for a condom, tore it open, and held it over his cock.

  “Let me help,” she purred and sat up.

  Unrolling the thin sheath over his impressive manhood almost made her come again. When her mission was accomplished, his finesse was gone. He shoved her onto her back, pushed her thighs wide, and lined up his fat cock for entry.

  Summer arched and moaned as he pushed inside her. He filled her completely, so completely it took her breath away. When he was fully seated and her legs around his waist, she bucked onto his hard length and lost her shit.

  Arnie led the show. He held her down and thrust deeply. Then he’d switch it up and tease her entrance until she demanded more.

  There, on a towel-covered sofa in a fancy five-star hotel, Darnell Templeton Wanamaker made passionate, all-consuming love to her. He grunted her name, declared his eternal love, promised the universe, and delivered a series of breathtaking orgasms. When he came, she was crying and overwhelmed by their emotional reunion.

  This time, the condom survived.

  He carried her into the bedroom, checked to
make sure the baby was down for the night, and then kicked off round two. For this tour de fucking force, she straddled him in a chair and bounced on his thick cock until her pussy leaked like a faucet.

  Lifting her off, he stood and teased her unmercifully until she willingly bent over the bed and barely survived a roughly enthusiastic dog pounding. She marveled at his control and surrendered to the inevitable. When she finished, Arnie grunted and jerked against her ass as he came.

  She fell asleep in his arms. The last thing she remembered was hearing him murmur his undying love.


  The drive to Montecito was a reminder of their times together. Only this time, instead of a smuggy Tesla or a quirky Jeep, they traveled in a white Cadillac Escalade with Arnie declaring how the car practically drove itself.

  When the baby threw a fit, they found a McDonald’s, parked, and she climbed in the back seat to nurse. Arnie paced around the car and got on the phone—something he did a lot.

  As they got closer to their destination, she asked what to expect. If she was about to be blown away, she wanted to be ready.

  “You already know the area,” Arnie said with a chuckle. “The climate, the outstanding views, blah, blah. Grandad’s place is exactly what you’d expect. Timeless elegance, stunning architecture, and sweeping ocean views. His favorite place to hold court is his study. Ceiling-to-floor wood, heavy furniture, and lots of leather.”

  “Why do I have the impression you find all of this amusing?”

  “Because it is,” he hooted. “Make no mistake about it, hon. Darnell Senior is in a league of his own. Age does not define him. He’s got more tech savvy than most and still uses the gym. He spends most of his time at the farm and has a scooter to get around. Where the house is concerned, he bought the first property he looked at. It’s funny because you’d think flashing his wealth was a consideration when what sold the place was the pool and a home theater room.”

  When they pulled through the front gate and into a circular driveway courtyard, she had to pinch herself.

  Timeless elegance? Stunning architecture?

  Check and check.

  They entered through a pair of ornate Spanish influenced doors. Arnie had the baby in his arms. She nervously fiddled with the strap of her new handbag.


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