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Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3)

Page 73

by Suzanne Halliday

  She replied by slapping a look on her face and sighing.

  “Okay, okay.” He chuckled. “Shit. What can I say? Your brother and I were talking business.”

  “Arnie,” she grumbled in an exasperated tone, “come on. Cut me a break.”

  “What? No good?” His innocent tone wasn’t helped by the naughty twinkle in his eyes.

  “Reed doesn’t live down the street. In fact, he’s closer to Malibu than he is to Santa Barbara and Montecito. Wouldn’t it have been a hell of a lot simpler to have him go directly to the beach rather than come all the way up here only to become another person we have to transport to the wedding?”

  “Uhh,” Arnie muttered. He blinked, looked around, and then met her smirky gaze. “Yes, we are that stupid.”

  With confirmation out of the way, she circled back to what their lame deception was about. “And?”

  “He, uh, well, what I mean to say is, we, as in me and your brother, we thought drawing a box around Marie Warren was a good move.”

  She appreciated the lack of maternal status mention. Arnie understood how she felt.

  It was no surprise to learn they’d taken steps to shut out her useless excuse of a mother. The truth was, she was hoping her protector alpha fiancé and brother would handle the Marie situation without drawing her into it.

  There was no need to beat the horse to death, so she softened, stepped in, and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  His surprised reaction was kind of funny.

  What wasn’t funny was the achingly slow and tender lovemaking he subjected her to once the lights were out. The way he held her, the things he whispered, his awareness of her needs, and how she responded set the stage for a magnificent coupling. When the passionate storm passed, she clung to his big body and felt contentment seep into her soul.

  On the morning of their wedding, Arnie awoke alone in a guest room of the humongous Malibu estate Senior used his connections to rent for the matrimonial occasion.

  The first thing he did when his eyes opened was jump up and run to a window. It was a gorgeous Southern California day. Vibrant blue skies, no clouds, and bright sunshine greeted him.

  “Thank fucking god,” he hooted.

  Opening the window, he stuck his face close to the screen and inhaled. It wasn’t overly chilly, and he didn’t sense much of a breeze. Exercising control over every little wedding detail was how he managed his bridegroom jitters. He wanted Summer to have the perfect day, but the one thing he couldn’t dictate was the weather. The expansive yard and garden where the ceremony and reception were taking place was picture-perfect, but overly exuberant coastal breezes or a rogue Santa Ana windstorm would take down the massive reception tent and force the ceremony inside.

  A loud banging on his door signaled kick-off time was at hand. Laughing, he rushed to the door and opened it to find King, Jon, and Dottie in the hallway.

  Dottie had a hand over her eyes. “Is he decent?” she barked.

  “Maybe you better put some pants on.” King sniggered. “Avery will be a dick about it if he finds out his girlfriend was ogling your twig and berries.”

  Jon cackled with glee. “Jesus, Arnie. Did you get manscaped?”

  He glanced down. No, he wasn’t naked but the skimpy briefs he wore to bed were little more than a banana hammock.

  “All I can say is if you didn’t tidy the garden before your wedding, then I feel bad for Lorelai for having married an asshat.”

  They fist-bumped before Arnie ducked behind the door to pull on a pair of jeans.

  He waved them in and asked what the hell was going on.

  “We brought you breakfast,” King said with a laugh. “Summer’s idea.”

  Dottie pointed at the tray King held. In her hand, she had a carafe of what looked like chocolate milk.

  They set everything down on a round table by the window and pushed him into a chair. With a flourish, Jon lifted the lid on a serving plate.

  “Not my taste at all but your lady insisted this was your preferred breakfast of champions.”

  Arnie laughed when he saw the Pop-Tarts artfully arranged for maximum appeal. Each piece had a different topping.

  “Peanut butter, cinnamon cream cheese, brown sugar, and plain.”

  A pile of fresh-cut fruit sat beside a fast food breakfast sandwich.

  Dottie poured chocolate milk into a water glass. “You’d be wise to lay off the coffee unless you want to be amped and jumpy later for the ceremony.”

  While he stuffed his face, King caught him up. Miraculously, the only glitch so far concerned the bartending help. One of the mixologists was sick, so they’d have to make do with the two remaining bartenders. If that was the only issue he wasn’t going to complain.

  “Is everyone in place? Have I forgotten anybody?”

  “You’ve rented every available hotel room on PCH. Things were hopping last night at the Malibu Beach Inn.” Dottie smiled approvingly. “It was party central for Summer’s crew! A few of her friends from Santa Barbara and half the Sherman Oaks neighborhood took you up on the offer of accommodations.”

  “Where’s her bridal party? Where did you stash them?” He looked at King for an answer.

  “A hotel for that bunch seemed like an invitation to fuckery, so they’re in a house not far from the NIGHTWIND digs.”

  Jon nodded and offered a thumbs-up. “Arnie, I’m impressed with the catering plan. The food trucks started arriving an hour ago. They’re setting up and getting started.”

  A big grin spread across his face. Everything was coming together exactly as he saw it in his head.

  “Who’s with Summer?”

  King’s grin matched Arnie’s. “I believe she’s being inducted into the NIGHTWIND Ladies’ Auxiliary as we speak.”

  Dottie chuckled. “I heard a rumor, Izzy,” she coughed into her hand, “is designing them a tattoo.”

  King’s phone made a sound. He looked at it, and said, “Okay, kids. That’s the signal. The wedding day protocol is now in effect. The west side of the house is off-limits to the groom.” Glancing quickly at his watch, he added, “Walt the photographer is embedded with the women so he brought an assistant to handle the flip side. He’ll be here in about an hour, so we’ll head out and let you shit, shave, and shower in peace. Your grandfather, Ned, and Stan will meet you in the foyer.”

  “You guys are gonna be there too, right?”

  “Hell, yeah,” King answered. “And my lovely wife will make sure I’m camera ready.”

  After they cleared out Arnie gave himself a couple of self-congratulatory pats on the back.

  Not only was Summer found and by his side where she belonged, he got a kid, a house, and a second chance with his brother in the bargain.

  He wanted to remember this feeling. Summer made him feel boundless—as though all the wonder and joy in life was out there waiting for them. Almost losing everything turned out to be a blessing. It was only when you stand at the edge and peer into a vast nothingness that you realized how precious life was.

  Today was going to rock, and when all was said and done, the next time he made love to Summer, she’d be his wife.

  Yep, yep. He smiled as he made his way into the bathroom. In a few hours, they’d be Mr. And Mrs. Wanamaker. How fucking awesome was that?

  “You look stunning,” Dawn murmured.

  Summer studied her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  When she met with a bridal consultant to choose a dress, she found out two things right away. First that money and prestige wiped out all last-minute concerns. Second that she was a serious romantic.

  The first dress modeled for her sent Summer into a tailspin. It was lovely, but she didn’t feel a wedding was the time to go for such a sexy and provocative look. Turning up for her wedding overlooking the ocean dressed like a strumpet wasn’t at all how she envisioned her special day.

  Dottie intervened. After Summer’s begging request, she played maternal stand-in and tagged along whenev
er wedding details needed to be handled.

  After describing Summer as the perfect white dress bride, the consultant read between the lines, and the dynamic shifted. In short order, half a dozen demure, elegant, and tasteful dresses came and went.

  In the end, the choice was easy. She picked a beautiful gown with a lace overdress reminiscent of the wedding dress worn by Kate Middleton. It was gorgeous and sexy because of the message it conveyed. Yeah, she was toting a four-month-old for her wedding, but that didn’t stop her or Arnie from letting everyone know she came to the relationship a virgin.

  They called it a smug moment.

  Felicity Toy and Aliyah Hawkins, the badass ladies of NIGHTWIND, stood behind her nodding with approval. Izzy and Ali turned out to be the best hair and makeup team she could have asked for. With her hair artfully styled by Ali into a chic wedding updo, Izzy added delicate crystal hairpins to complete the dreamy look.

  She thought a veil was overkill until the stylist spoke up with a few suggestions. The fancy jeweled and very blingy comb with a long flow veil attached was anchored to the back of her head. It gave the dress a dramatic, traditional flair.

  Sweet Nicole Maddison, Arnie’s first girlfriend, marched into the reflection from the right side. She surveyed Summer and gave an approving smile.

  “You look like a princess.”

  The soft sound of a 35 mm shutter was a reminder of how important today was.

  Lorelai Weston sat to Summer’s left. The poor pregnant newlywed was doing a great job of valiantly battling her dreadful morning sickness. She asked about the bridal bouquet at the same moment there was knocking on the French doors to the parlor where they were gathered.

  Dottie sprang into action and went to see who was on the other side. Summer heard laughter followed by more laughter.

  A large, elegantly dressed drag queen sashayed in, carrying Summer’s bouquet.

  She clapped her hands excitedly and gasped with delight. “It’s beautiful.”

  The rest of her bridal party crowded around. Arnie’s drag queen friends turned out to be effing hilarious. Dressed in purples, blues, and reds—to coordinate with her bouquet of summer flowers—they looked like the finalists for one of RuPaul’s drag show contests.

  “I love you guys,” she hooted while Walt, the photographer, had a field day.

  There was another knock on the door. This one more discreet. Once again, Dottie did the honors, and a slightly chubby lady with long, straight hair and an old hippie’s fashion sense strolled in with Arianne on her shoulder.

  It was Tanya Welcher, Ned Wanamaker’s live-in girlfriend . She was in love with Ari and had volunteered to do baby duty during the festivities.

  “We’re all set,” she announced. “Daddy fed her, and she has a fresh nappy. Doesn’t Mommy look beautiful?” she asked the baby.

  Another knock. This one not at all discreet. It was Reed hollering, “Hurry it up, twerp. The troops are restless and anxious to party.”

  “It’s my wedding,” she hollered back to everyone’s laughing delight. “Not a party.”

  Reed laughed and followed up by hollering louder. “Let’s go!”

  This was it. She asked Tanya for the baby and covered Ari’s face with lipstick kisses and then it was time.

  Dawn and Lorelai kissed her and went to take their seats. Dottie lingered long enough to make sure she was all right and then exited with Tanya and the baby. One of the colorfully dressed bridesmaids took Nic’s hand and led her away to go meet up with her brother, and Jack.

  Her matron-of-honor was a guy named Clay. He was married to Sandy. Sandy did all their costumes.

  “You ready?” He looked her up and down and waited for Summer to answer.


  A bride and her wedding party of drag queens making their way in heels through the Malibu estate was just comical enough to warrant Summer’s nonstop giggles.

  Reed waited for her at the doorway leading to the patio where just beyond the walkway was the aisle leading through her wedding guests to a gloriously decorated wedding arch.

  “I wish Dad could see you,” he murmured. “You clean up nice.”

  She hugged his arm. “Shit, I’m actually nervous.”

  He laughed off her worry. “Think of it like a gym competition. Eyes on the prize. Shut everything else out.”

  When they left the house and slowly walked across a wide lawn and down a flower-strewn aisle, she filled with emotion. The harps were majestic and the song perfect. Colorful summer bouquets and sunflowers were everywhere. The air was filled with their scent mingling with the incredible aromas coming from a parade of food trucks lined up outside the reception tent.

  The minute she saw Arnie, her emotions broke and a tear roll down her cheek. Reed patted her hand where it rested in the crook of his arm. “Go claim your family, Summer.”

  She wanted to run straight into Arnie’s arms and never let go, but somehow, she kept gliding forward until they reached the elaborate floral arch framing her and Arnie against the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean.

  Reed solemnly shook Arnie’s hand before handing her off. After that, she barely remembered much. She recited her lines and slid a band on her new husband’s finger. Ari squealed with happiness when the minister pronounced them husband and wife. She came back to earth with an ecstatic thud when her husband rather boldly kissed her to seal the deal.

  Ari shrieked and laughed when the minister said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Wanamaker.”

  A loud cheer went up followed by the song she and Arnie decided was their wedding anthem.

  They danced and cavorted through Fitz and the Tantrums. Her dragalicious bridal party hooted and clapped with exuberant approval. At the end of the song, Arnie picked her up and swung them in circles while their guests applauded.

  “Happy, Mrs. Wanamaker?”

  “Ecstatic, husband.”

  Official pictures were staged. Congratulations shared. Tears shed. She met Dr. Hadley Ortoma and Dottie’s hunky Marine boyfriend, Avery. Arnie promised Cy he’d help with fundraising for the veteran’s center, and to her astonishment, Reed shared his decision not to re-enlist.

  If there were a way to make the day more perfect, she had no idea what that would be.

  His wife teased Arnie for the hundredth time about having kept the identity of their celebrity DJs a secret till the last moment.

  He grinned and let her in on the rest of the musical secret.

  “Your bridesmaids have a special performance coming up. I think you’ll enjoy what they’re bringing to the party.”

  Stan stood, tapped a fork on his drink glass, and cleared his throat to make another toast.

  “Sometimes, you have to work at a happily ever after.” He winked at Summer and gave Arnie a snarky look. Lofting his glass high, he proclaimed, “To fugly shoes and pretty waitresses. Arnie and Summer.”

  She laughed and smiled into her husband’s adoring gaze. They twined their arms—something they practiced in advance—and sipped the champagne.

  “I’ve got another surprise for you,” he told her.

  His drag buddies filed onto the dance floor and lined up. They looked like a dress-up fashion show wearing headsets.

  Summer giggled and sat straighter, her attention riveted.

  The DJs cued up the music. Arnie watched with an enormous grin as Summer’s drag queen bridal party put on an epic tour de force rendition of “Teenage Dream.”

  His wife shrieked her approval and sang along from her seat. It was, in his estimation, as close as he was ever going to get to a perfectly placed cherry on top of a cloud of sweet whipped cream.

  It was done. He found Summer and put a ring on her finger so there’d be no mistaking they were a family.

  He was happy, truly happy and looking forward to their new life.

  A sharp elbow in her side made Dottie jump. Avery was gesturing with widened eyes and tilted head. She casually looked w
here he indicated and felt her stomach bottom out.

  Quietly, she muttered, “Fuck.”

  It only took a glance to realize Milo and Jade gave off every impression of a large disturbance on the way.

  Avery leaned close. “Those two have shitty timing.”

  “Tell me about it,” she snarled. “Save my seat.”

  Marching away from her table, she made a direct line toward the dueling nerds and prayed she could stop what looked to be an impending explosion. She had to scramble when Jade stomped out of the tent with Milo close on her heels.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” Jade screamed into Milo’s face as Dottie stepped into the middle of a verbal melee.

  “I know you think I’m a bimbo, but you don’t have to rub it in to everyone who’ll listen.”

  Milo sputtered, “I didn’t say anything of the sort.”

  Jade growled. “Oh, so introducing me to your friends as a teenage mother is a compliment?”

  Dottie groaned. How stupid was Milo? Judging by Jade’s angry reaction, he was stupid and then some.

  There’s more to come! Look for

  NIGHTWIND book 4~ Milo and Jade’s story

  Coming in 2021

  Want some more Arnie & Summer?

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  Team Halliday

  Getting sh*t done since 2015

  alphabetically by location

  Australia – Fiona

  California – Diane

  Georgia – Amy

  Texas – Cheryl

  Jenny Sims

  Thank you for being you

  Halliday Harlots

  You’re simply the best

  Thank you for making our corner of the internet such a great place

  About the Author

  USA Today Bestselling Author Suzanne Halliday writes what she knows and what she loves – sexy contemporary romance featuring strong men and spirited women. Her love of creating short stories for friends and family developed into a passion for writing romantic fiction with a sensual edge. She finds the world of digital, self-publishing to be the perfect platform for sharing her stories and also for what she enjoys most of all – reading. When she’s not on a deadline you’ll find her loading up on books to devour.


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