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Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado)

Page 11

by Elle Boon

  The image alone had his dick jerking.

  “Keifer,” she moaned.

  The friction and heat must’ve been enough to send Nova over. He watched as her beautiful face flushed, her eyes dilated, and the unmistakable clench and squeeze around his cock was followed by the incredible warmth of her orgasm flowing around him. Her release triggered his own, and he couldn’t help but roll them over so he could pump in and out of her faster, harder.

  Nova arched her back in the most sensual way he’d ever seen a woman do, calling his name even as he continued to pump in and out, giving her all he had to give until he pressed against her mound, holding inside her, their groins meshing while he throbbed with the last of his seed emptying into her.

  Nova’s eyes were wide, her tiny body beneath his so beautiful and flushed with pleasure he never wanted to leave her warmth.

  Not wanting to squish her, he rolled to the side, but she moaned and held him tighter. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Never, sweetheart. I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  A tear slid down her cheek, making him feel as if he’d done something wrong. “What’s the matter?”

  She shook her head, clamping her mouth shut.

  He tipped her chin up, slid to the side, but kept his arm locked around her so she was forced to roll with him. “No secrets between us, remember.”

  “I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  Keifer laughed, then sobered. “Sweetheart, if I wasn’t serious about you, do you think I’d have made love to you without protection, all the while hoping I got you pregnant?”

  Nova blinked down at him. “I guess not. So, what happens next?”

  “Now we make love again. Only this time, I take my time,” he murmured.

  And they did, slowly and thoroughly. He fell asleep with Nova lying half on top of him. He woke a little later, his dick snuggled between her thighs. Keifer lowered his head, lavishing attention on her erect little nipples, kneading the perfect breasts he imagined one day feeding their babies. Nova woke up moaning her approval, her fingers digging into his scalp.

  Keifer took that as her approval for him to enter her. In long, languid strokes, he took his time building both their pleasure, making sure there was no doubt in her mind that she was his, and he was hers. “Fuck, I love you, Nova,” he moaned, sliding her leg up higher on his hip.

  Gliding in and out, he looked between their bodies and watched him take her. “Look at my cock covered in your cream. Tell me that’s not the best image to wake up to,” he groaned before desire and lust made it impossible to form coherent words.

  It didn’t take long before they were both shouting out their release. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d made love three times in the span of a couple of hours. Nova made him feel like a young boy again.

  He opened his mouth to suggest they shower together, when the alarm system dinged, alerting him that the private elevator had been accessed. “Delilah’s home.”

  “Oh shit. We need to get dressed. How long does it take the elevator to get up here?” Nova tried to move away from him.

  He held her firmly while she muttered curse words. Keifer was laughing as she swatted at his chest. “Keifer, I’m serious. What will she think?”

  “Calm down, my love. I’ll get dressed and go out there while you get dressed. Trust me, I’m pretty sure my daughter and your parents are aware we weren’t out having coffee.” He didn’t mention that the top floor of the penthouse was almost ten thousand square feet and would take them a good while to track them down. He was pretty sure Nova hadn’t been too aware of her surroundings when he’d carted her off to his bedroom. Shit, he probably needed to explain how to get back to the main living area.

  “The hallways outside have a wooden strip down the middle, on each side there’s a slight difference in color. If you look closely, you’ll see arrows. Follow the arrow leading you to the north, that will lead you back to the front of the penthouse where the entryway is. It’s the main gathering area where I’ll be with Delilah and your parents. If for some reason you get mixed up, call me.”

  Nova didn’t appear as though she was confident in the directions, making him hesitate. He pulled her up, brushing his lips across hers. “Where’s your phone?”

  She pointed toward the chair where she’d dropped it during their haste, or rather his haste to get her into bed. He fetched the little clutch and handed it to her, waiting until she pulled the device out. He took it and added his number into her contacts list, showing her before handing it back. “There. Or would you rather me wait here with you? I can call Dee and tell her we’ll be out shortly?” The security monitor next to his bed lit up when the elevator opened.

  “No, go on. I’ll be fine. Trust me, I’ve navigated foreign countries, so I’m sure I can handle your home.”

  He bent until they were eye-level. “We’ll discuss that later.”

  NOVA LICKED HER LIPS after Keifer left her. What would they discuss? Lord she might need her head examined. She’d made love to the man not once, but three times, unprotected. Her stomach chose that moment to revolt. Hurrying from his bed, she made it to the opulent bathroom that was big enough to fit an entire football team at once and heaved. Once she was done, she pulled herself up, clammy from her bowing to the porcelain goddess. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

  Panic had her pausing with one hand braced on the counter. She did a mental calculation from the first time she and Keifer had slept together and the last time she’d had a period. She brought her free hand to her stomach, wondering way. They’d used protection that night. However, in her haste to leave, she hadn’t paid any attention to whether the condom had failed. Even thinking back, she couldn’t recall whether there had been any...leakage. “What would he think or do if I’m already pregnant?”

  Nova decided she wasn’t going to allow herself to dwell on what-ifs until she was able to get a test and know for sure. She took a look around and found the controls for the shower, entering the temperature she preferred before entering. While the water pounded her sore and stiff, well used body in the best of ways, her hand went to her flat stomach. She made sure the water didn’t hit her hair, concentrating on getting her body clean as images of a little Keifer filled her mind.

  Quickly and efficiently, she washed and got out, looking around for a robe. His hung from the back of the door, so she pulled it on and went back out to his room. She marveled at the size of the space. She was used to wealthy homes and all that came with it. Heck her parents owned several all over the world, with the largest one being over fifteen thousand square foot. For three people, that was huge, and some say overboard. Keifer’s home spanned the top four floors of the skyscraper and was almost double her parents’ largest place. Hedge funds were financial mysteries to her, but her father was also part of the finance world, so she knew a little about them. Enough she was aware that Keifer was rich and well, he most definitely didn’t need her family’s money. That in and of itself was reassuring.

  She slid her bra and top on, but the panties she left off. She’d rather go commando than wear them again. Sliding her fingers through her hair, she quickly rolled and tucked it into a messy bun. After a quick look in the mirror, she deemed herself as good as she was going to get. Did she look as though she’d been made love to very thoroughly? Absolutely. But at least she smelled and looked clean. Her hand strayed to her stomach, the little exposed bit of abdomen. “What if we already have a baby growing?” Giddy excitement filled her at the prospect.

  She slid her feet into the shoes she’d worn then headed toward the door. She wouldn’t let herself get ahead of reality. One day at a time was how she’d take it.

  The gorgeous inlaid wood was just as he’d said, easily discernable once you knew what to look for. He was clearly a genius, or he’d been worried his child would get lost. Either way, she was glad to know there was a way to navigate the large space. Heading in the direction he�
�d told her to go, she prayed her stomach didn’t roll and revolt. That would be one heck of a way to say hello to her parents and Delilah.

  She found all of them sitting around on large comfortable looking couches, drinking what she assumed had to be decaffeinated coffee. The real question she wanted to ask was who made it?

  “Ah, there you are, darling.” Her mother called.

  All eyes turned toward her. Keifer stood in one smooth motion, heat in his gorgeous blue eyes all for her. “You found your way here.”

  Nova smiled at the image of herself being lost in some hallway. “It wasn’t too hard with your directions.”

  He came to her and slid his arm around her shoulders, bringing her to his side. “Ah, so you’re saying I only have to give you directions, and you’ll follow them?”

  Her father barked out a laugh. “Good luck with that, son. I’ve been trying to do that for twenty-seven years with that one, and over thirty with this one. The only thing I’ve ever failed at is—well, not failed, but learned, the best thing to do is let the women rule the home. Trust me, life is much better that way. The saying happy wife, happy life is truly apt.”

  “I hope to find that out, sir,” Keifer agreed.

  Her father waved his hand in the air from his spot on the sofa next to her mother. “None of that sir stuff. Call me Liam, and I’ll call you son or Keifer. If I call you by boy, you’ll know you’re in trouble,” her father warned.

  Keifer smiled, leading her to the sofa where Delilah sat. She eased down, waiting until they were both settled. “How was the play?” she asked the younger girl.

  “It was wonderful. Your parents are so awesome. Did you know your mother was once a ballerina and almost went to Julliard?”

  Nova had heard the story many times but didn’t mind hearing it again. It was how her parents had met, with her mom coming to New York to tour the big city only to run into the enigmatic billionaire who was now her husband. Love at first sight, she and he both claimed, had them both throwing caution to the wind.

  “Did they really elope to Vegas and marry?” Delilah asked.

  Nova looked over at her parents who were sitting closely with grins on their faces. “Yes, and before you ask, I wouldn’t suggest you following in their footsteps. I promise you; your father would probably have a fit, unlike my Nana who forgave them pretty easily.”

  “Oh, I’d have more than a fit. I have friends in low places. Really low places who know how to get rid of the body without a trace,” Keifer said with a wink.

  A little while later, she was left sitting with only her and Keifer. “I should probably go home.”

  Keifer stood up, sliding an arm under legs and one behind her back. “Hmm, you are getting sleepy. Sssh, I’ll take care of you. Tomorrow we’ll talk about where we go from here. I want to go to sleep with you next to me and wake up with you next to me.”

  She melted into him, his words giving her hope and joy.

  The next morning, she woke a little disoriented with the feel of a hard male presence behind her. In the dark room, she lay there soaking in the scent and comfort of Keifer.

  “I can hear you thinking,” he rumbled behind her.

  Nova laughed, sleepily. “Sorry, I’ll think quieter.”

  He shifted until he was leaning over her. “I like waking with you next to me. Tell me how you’re feeling?”

  She moved so that she was on her back, the slight movement sent her stomach dipping. “Oh no,” she whispered.

  Keifer narrowed his eyes, a slight alarmed expression hitting me. “No?”

  Nova didn’t have time to explain, her nausea making it impossible to do anything but jump up and over him. She was glad she’d insisted on one of his shirts to sleep in, or she’d have been buck-assed naked while throwing up everything in her stomach, which wasn’t much. God, she really hated throwing up, but she hated dry heaving even more.

  “Nova, are you alright?” Keifer asked, worry lacing his voice.

  She raised her hand, waving him away. Much to her dismay, he didn’t leave.

  “I’ll be out in a minute or ten,” she moaned.

  The sound of water running filtered through her foggy mind as she flushed the toilet several times.


  A cold washcloth appeared front of her face she accepted it without looking at the man handing it to her. “Thank you,” she mumbled, wishing he’d leave her be.

  “Are you done?”

  “Keifer, please.” She just needed a few minutes to get herself together. Heck, if he was smart, he’d run to the far end of his condo, and she could sneak out to her own without him noticing.

  She slowly began to ease backward as her stomach no longer rolled. Strong arms lifted her, carried her away from the porcelain goddess, and stopped by the massive double sink. “Here, want to brush your teeth?”

  “Yes,” she said. Even if it was someone else’s toothbrush.

  He sat her on the counter, then handed her what was clearly a brand-new pink brush with a small dab of mint toothpaste. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.

  Keifer stopped with his own toothbrush in his mouth. “We’ll talk in bed.”

  Her energy was sapped, or she’d have argued, maybe. Going back to the big bed and letting him take care of her felt like the best idea she’d heard all day. Of course, the day had just begun, and she’d already thrown up in front of Keifer so really, it couldn’t get much worse.

  Chapter Eleven

  Keifer lay Nova back on his bed, his heart beating a mile a minute. When Delilah’s mother had been pregnant, she’d thrown up the first couple months of her pregnancy, until she’d finally agreed to see a doctor and listened to him. She had hated to believe he was anything other than an ogre. Everyone had thought they’d had the perfect love affair, but the truth was, she had only wanted him in the beginning because he was good in bed, and then she’d gotten pregnant. He’d insisted she keep the baby, or he’d cut her out of his life, and she’d be cut off from his money. She’d known he meant what he said because he never said things that he didn’t mean.

  “Stay right there. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t move a muscle.” He kissed her lips before snatching his phone from the nightstand. He walked out into the hallway, dialing his chef, and ordering a meal he figured would be easy on her stomach. His next call was to his physician, who just happened to be several floors down. Within minutes he was striding back into his bedroom, satisfied to not only feel as though he had things in hand, but also to find Nova in his bed where he had left her.

  “Breakfast will be here shortly. Can I get you anything before then?” He had a small kitchenette that he kept stocked with some of the things he loved. Already the fresh smell of coffee was coming from the other room. Shit, if she was with child, then caffeine was a no go for her.

  “I’d love some juice if you have it.”

  Keifer would have fruit flown in if she wanted it. What the fuck good was being rich if you couldn’t make sure your woman, who was more than likely pregnant with your child, got what she wanted? He hoped like hell it was his. “Be right back with your juice.”

  It took him a few minutes to get his coffee and her juice. Rachel had hated the scent of coffee when she was pregnant. Hell, she’d hated him when she was pregnant. She’d hated everything when she was pregnant, but she allowed him to pamper her with all the things she’d wanted, even if she didn’t truly want them or need them. Any excuse she could get to spend money and then sell the things to hide the money away for later. If only she’d known he’d have given it to her freely if she’d just walked away after having Delilah and lived her life. He was a little overbearing, he freely admitted it now. Rachel...she had been a sad person who couldn’t handle the way her hormones changed along with her body during her pregnancy. Of course, he hadn’t known everything back then. He didn’t understand addicts the way he did now.

  Determined to banish all thoughts of the past and focus on the here and now, he made his w
ay back to Nova and what he hoped would be their future. He was older, wiser, and what he felt for Nova was nothing like what he’d experienced then.

  “Here you go, Nova. Sit up, baby.” He placed several pillows behind her, pleased to see the color had returned to her naturally tanned complexion.

  Nova took the glass of orange juice with a less than steady hand. By the time she’d drank half its contents, she appeared stronger. He sipped his black coffee, keeping a careful eye on her without actually letting her in on his thoughts. The last thing he wanted to do was run her off. For the first time in a long time, he was at a loss for words. It was totally out of character for him, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  “You’re staring at me, and while I love having your attention, it’s making me feel like an insect under a microscope right now.” She took another sip of juice then let him take the glass from her.

  “I’m sorry. I hate seeing someone I care for get sick.” Which was the absolute truth.

  “In that, we have something in common, because I hate being sick. If you give me a little bit, I’ll get out of your hair.” She lay back with a sigh.

  “Sure, I’ll let you do that. Right after Hell freezes over.” Someone knocking on the outer door to his suite interrupted their conversation, which really was good because it was going to deteriorate quickly if she thought he’d let her leave. No, he wasn’t going to hold her captive, but he’d be damned if she left because she thought he was repulsed by what happened earlier.

  “Thank you, Sloan. When Charles arrives, please show him back.”

  “Yes, sir. Your daughter has requested I let her know when the two of you are up as well. What shall I tell her?”

  “Tell her I’ll call her once we are up and around.” He wanted to see what Charles had to say. If Nova doesn’t freak out and storm her way home first.

  He returned with the tray of things that he hoped would settle her stomach. Toast and fruit with bacon and a selection of jam.


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