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V-Virus Infected 1

Page 22

by Dahlhaus, Jacky

  My heart stopped, as if on command. I thought he’d seen through me, and that it was all going to end now.

  “Throw your gun on the floor in front of you.”


  I was relieved when he didn’t mention the lighter. He most likely didn’t see me take it and hence didn’t know my plan. So, I did as he said, sliding the gun in front of me. It bounced off the skirting board at the deli counter and stopped in the middle of the back aisle.

  “Now step forward with your hands up.”

  “Okay. Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed.”

  Just before I turned the corner, I grabbed the can of hairspray I had spotted earlier. I flicked the lid off with my thumb, brought the lighter in front of the can, and flicked on the lighter. As I turned the corner, I pressed the button of the spray can. A huge flame shot out, hitting Sasha full in the face. She screamed out in pain and anger, her fake hair alight within seconds. She fell backward, hitting her head hard on the tiled floor and was knocked out immediately.

  While turning the corner, I had seen Charlie appear from the third isle throwing a bottle of camping gas in our general direction.

  Duncan stood not far from me with Julie half in front of him. As if in slow motion, I saw him swing his arm holding the gun, which had been pointed at Julie’s head, toward me. I let go of the spray can and lighter, caught the gas bottle mid-flight, and used it as a club to knock the gun out of Duncan’s hand. Duncan had fired in the meantime, and the bullet nicked my ear. Ignoring the pain, I shoved the gas bottle with all my might into his face, only just missing Julie, who was already ducking away. Duncan fell back against shelves holding cans. The shelves collapsed from the force, and the cans fell around and on top of him. Unfortunately, he didn’t feel anything as he was already unconscious.

  But someone’s going to have an extra big headache in the morning.

  The moment she was freed, Julie flung herself into my arms. As I embraced her, I saw Sasha’s hair still smoldering. Scanning the floor, I found a can of soup that had burst open when it hit the floor. Letting go of Julie, I quickly picked up the can and poured the pumpkin soup over Sasha’s head. With a hiss the smoldering stopped, but it didn’t do anything for the stench of burning flesh.

  Having cleared my conscience a little, I now took Julie by the arm to get her away from Duncan and Sasha before they could come to. I wanted her out of here and quick. We were halfway down the aisle when I heard movement behind me. I turned around to see if Sasha or Duncan had miraculously come to already. My body stiffened when I saw Charlie still at the end of the aisle, holding the gun, and aim it in Duncan’s direction.

  “Charlie, no!” I screamed.

  The gun went off twice.

  I was shocked, stunned. How could he have done this? I let go of Julie and slowly made my way back to Charlie, who stood there with the gun at his side. I went to stand next to him. He had shot both Duncan and Sasha, both in the knees. I was perplexed and stood there, blinking, not knowing what to say.

  “I had to make sure they weren’t going anywhere soon. I can do what you can do,” Charlie said and smiled at me.

  I didn’t hit Caleb in the knee, my love. I’m not that good a shot.

  “You saw that?”

  “Sure did, my love. You made me proud.” He put his hand on my butt and we kissed.

  I looked at Duncan and Sasha again. They sure weren’t going anywhere soon.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I said with a wicked grin.

  “It sure does,” Charlie chuckled.

  When the three of us walked out of the supermarket, the battle between the infected and the army was over, the army having the winning hand. The square still looked like a disaster zone. Fires were burning, lights were flashing, and sirens were wailing. Bodies lay on the ground left, right, and center. Helicopters and ambulances were busy taking away the dead and the wounded.

  As I saw them put Caleb’s body on a trolley, all energy drained out of me. I felt the pain of all these lives lost, of Caleb’s life lost.

  When we passed one of the bodies, I saw a tranquilizer dart sticking out of the neck. I realized Moore had organized shooting the infected with tranquilizers, not bullets. They were now being loaded into trucks. I assumed to be securely confined until they had created a vaccine. The corner of my mouth curled up. I had underestimated Moore.

  Julie, Charlie, and I walked up to the Major as he gave instructions to his soldiers.

  “Can we hitch a ride?” I asked.

  He turned around to us and smiled behind his mustache.

  “You sure can. Hop in.”

  Chapter 63

  Back in Bullsbrook, Julie wanted to know everything that happened to me since we had parted. She was especially eager to hear about this rumor of me being a daywalker. I told her everything, of course, just in case they didn’t come up with a vaccine.

  When Major Moore found out I had told Julie, he wasn’t happy. He quickly had a statement drafted for me, Charlie, Rhona, and Harry to sign. In it, we agreed we wouldn’t tell anybody else how to become a daywalker. I had no objection signing it as I didn’t want to have any more daywalkers on my hands.

  All of the infected, including Rhona, Julie and myself, were kept in close confinement for a few weeks. We didn’t mind. It was now the army’s problem to feed us. Charlie and Harry were allowed to see us as often as they liked, which was often. Harry had persuaded his father after a few days to give Rhona and myself private rooms. Charlie and I were very grateful as we made ample use of that privacy.

  Moore was able to inform me that Maxine and her husband were okay. The marines had been able to take a lot of uninfected citizens into safety onto Navy ships. However, as I had dreaded, my parents were not among the survivors. They had stayed too long in Portland when the V-virus broke out there. Maxine arranged their funeral, and Julie and I were allowed to attend it under heavy military escort. While I was allowed out, I saw the world already rebuilding itself. Streets had been tidied up, repairs of houses and stores were underway, and life seemed to go on as normal. I was surprised and amazed by the resilience of the human race.

  It’s almost like a weed.

  There was a major investigation into the origin of the virus, and after the necessary forceful interrogations, it appeared that it was the US military that had created it. They had taken a man-made virus, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop a muscle wasting disease, and genetically modified it into a virus that made healthy bodies better, stronger.

  Unfortunately, the genetic manipulation of the virus caused it to have the unwanted side-effects of craving blood and UV-sensitivity. There had been an incident in the laboratory and infected SEAL soldiers had escaped. Trained to survive, they eluded the search-and-recovery teams sent after them. The rest of the story was history. Ever since the incident, the army had been working around the clock to undo what they had done but was having no success until they met me.

  From my blood, they found out that the solution didn’t lie in the standard IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies, but in the more mysterious and often ignored IgD. Two weeks later they found an effective vaccine, and it was mass produced by a company in Iceland, the only country unaffected by the virus outbreak. Due to the fact that the virus was still active in the body weeks after infection, the treatment still worked.

  The worldwide vaccination became the greatest medical feat ever. It took a fortnight, yet the antidote was given to every single person; infected and uninfected, willing and unwilling, young and old.

  As to be expected, countries had to work together, to get enough manpower to accomplish it, but it was done. Hence it was also the greatest international civil-military co-operation ever. A special hunt force was created to hunt down those who tried to remain infected. Many were caught, but the threat lingered as there was no way of telling how many were still out there, living underground.

  Obviously, heads of military leaders who had been in charge of the virus
experiment rolled, so to speak. It wasn’t over with just that, though. People wanted to see those responsible for gruesome murders committed hang. At the International Court of Justice in The Hague in The Netherlands, mitigating circumstances concerning the majority of ex-infected were accepted. They said that a physical need together with the idea that the physiological change was for the better of the human race, often enforced by peer pressure, made many behave the way they had.

  However, some of the infected had shown extreme violence and/or cruelty during their turn. They were put on trial and found guilty of crimes against humanity. Long-term sentences were unavoidable, and some would never walk outside again. Many testified of Duncan and Sasha’s dictatorship while running their pack, and they, too, were convicted. Only because of Caleb’s more humane leadership did Sasha receive a shorter sentence than Duncan.

  A lot of ex-infected who were acquitted chose to live in closed communities. Most of them were ashamed of their actions and didn’t want to confront family and friends with their presence. Some lived there to avoid continued harassment from humans who couldn’t forgive or forget or both.

  Julie set up a closed community farm with her girls not far from Bullsbrook. I don’t know if she lived there for her own good or to help the girls. Maybe it was a bit of both for her as well.

  Harry and Rhona moved into an apartment in Portland, and Harry continued his medical studies. He refused to have his canines surgically reduced. The vaccine reversed all elements of the V-virus infection, but not the fangs. The government offered the replacement of fangs as a free service, and it was taken up by as good as everybody. Most people didn’t want to be reminded of what they had begun calling ‘Black October.’

  As soon as I received my vaccination, my strength began to dwindle back to normal. I had my fangs surgically put back into their original position, and by the time I was released, I was able to put more variety into my diet. Life slowly began to be normal again.

  A local memorial monument was erected in Portland for those fallen during Black October. My parents’ names were on it, so were Sue’s and Caleb’s. When I missed them, I would steal a moment to be on my own with my thoughts and brought flowers to the memorial. I always made sure there was an added rose for Caleb.

  Charlie and I decided to continue to teach in Bullsbrook. Charlie’s aunt also wasn’t among the survivors, and with the inheritance money, we bought a nice, big place together as we soon discovered I was pregnant and due to give birth nine months after our ordeal.

  At twenty weeks into the pregnancy, we had a scan. We were over the moon to find out we were expecting a baby girl. She was very special to us, and we named her Sue. I bought the most colorful baby outfits I could find for her.

  The End

  Word from the Author

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you liked the first book of the V-virus Infected trilogy. Please let me know your thoughts in a review on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, or any online retailer. It will help others to find the book and enjoy it.

  Why not continue the story of Kate and Charlie as they raise their daughter Sue? It’s an action-packed, emotional thrill ride that is bound to keep you turning the pages!

  You can also sign up to my newsletter (via my website) to find out when my next book will be released.

  Happy reading,

  Jacky D.

  V-Virus Infected 2

  Kate and her little family have led a quiet life since Black October. An unfortunate and violent event sees her accompanying her daughter into prison. Kate discovers there is more going on than just survival here.

  One day, Kate makes the mistake of inviting a colleague into her home. He betrays her trust and commits an act of violence. When Kate's comes to the rescue, she exposes herself for what she really is; an infected.

  Her daughter is forced to participate in an experiment in an infected facility in exchange for her freedom. The true nature and extent of the experiment only become clear after much heartache.

  Will Kate and her family come out unscathed of their predicament? Who can they trust? Will they still be a family?

  Find out in this heart-wrenching tale of medical science gone wrong.

  V-Virus Infected 3

  The past is back to haunt Kate. Will her family survive this evil?

  Kate thinks her relationship is on the rocks. She’s wants nothing more than her missing partner back. When the police don’t believe there’s foul play at hand, she’s on her own to find him.

  A horrifying parcel arriving on Kate’s doorstep brings the situation to a whole new level. The police are now willing to help but can’t due to lack of evidence.

  There is one person able to help Kate, but everybody warns her not to accept his helping hand. Yet, he is the only one with the right connections to get her partner back. How far is Kate willing to go to save him?

  This is the third and last installment in the V-Virus Infected trilogy. Follow the hints and clues as Kate tries to save the one she loves.

  V-Virus Infected Prequel

  How was the V-virus created? How come the infected took over the world?

  The army is experimenting with a live virus to create stronger soldiers. The animal test results are promising although there is some aggression seen among the lab rats. They move on to infect humans in clinical trials without researching the side effects of the virus thoroughly. Things quickly get out of hand.

  Kate is a new graduate, leaving home to start her new job as a high school science teacher in the idyllic town of Bullsbrook, Maine. There, she befriends Sue and Charlie, also new teachers at the school. Together, they make it safely through their first month of teaching until the V-virus causes a vampire pandemic and rocks their perfect world.

  Get to know the main characters of this sci-fi vampire trilogy in this thrilling novelette.


  You can connect with Jacky D. via:







  Sign up for Jacky D.’s monthly newsletter via her website and receive updates on her writing

  About the Author

  Jacky Dahlhaus has worked many jobs and tried many hobbies before she realized writing gave her such pleasure. She loves to write science fiction & fantasy stories while delving into the human psyche with all its faults and mysteries.

  When not busy writing (which is rare nowadays), Jacky works on renovating her Scottish Victorian home, watches movies with her family, and tries to stop her two Jack Russells from barking for no good reason.

  V-Virus Infected is the prequel to the V-virus Infected trilogy.

  Table of Contents


  V-virus Infected 1

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30
  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Word from the Author

  V-Virus Infected 2

  V-Virus Infected 3

  V-Virus Infected Prequel


  About the Author




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