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Bad Moon: Bad Duology Book Two

Page 4

by Colt, Shyla

  “No, it wouldn’t be. Did he ever …” Brook trailed off and glanced away.

  “Hurt me?” Joss guessed.

  Brook nodded.

  “No.” Our torturer wears the same face. Abuse was more than raising one’s hand. “The title’s saved me even as it condemned to this existence.” Joss’s shoulder slumped.

  “You hate being Moon Maiden that much?”

  “It’s become everything that matters. I know it seems like a grand honor, but it turns into your whole identity. What you think, feel, believe, or even want are irrelevant. You’re a symbol, and your life is no longer your own. Suddenly, you’re expected to shed your individuality to become a perfect being everyone can hang their hope on.” Her lips curled up at the corners. “It effects everything I say, do, or wear. I’m trapped in a cage of someone else’s making. There are mornings when it’s all I can do to get out of bed and face the world.” The words flow from her mouth like lava, burning her insides, and setting fire to the air around them.

  Brook’s brown eyes grew glossy. “I’m so sorry, Joss. I never realized.”

  “I know. I hid it from you. I didn’t want you to see that side of my life when you gave me a sense of normalcy and belonging. Brook, you always saw past my title.”

  “I love you, J. You know that.”

  Joss reached across the table and squeezed her friend’s hand. “I do know, and I love you more than I can put into words for that.”

  “Come on. Everything will seem better after breakfast. There has been enough brooding and dark recollections for now.” Brook stood and walked to the pantry. “It wouldn’t be a Brook and Joss sleepover without a breakfast skillet.”

  Joss snatched up the opportunity to shake the past off. “You’re right.” She stood and moved to the sink to wash her hands. “What’s your poison this morning?”

  “I think we should get back to basics and treat it like a massive breakfast burrito. Potatoes, bacon, and cheese topped with a bit of ketchup and syrup.”

  Joss’s stomach growled. “That sounds so good.”

  “I’ll wash and peel the potatoes if you fry up the bacon.?” Brook arched an eyebrow.

  “Consider it done. I’m going to fire up the blue tooth speaker.” Grabbing her MP3 player, Joss fired up her pop list. Bruno Mars came over the speakers, and they danced around the kitchen as they prepared breakfast. Nothing chased away bleak possibilities like a day with your best friend.

  Belly full, she propped her bunny rabbit slippered feet on the table and pulled the pink chenille blanket up around her shoulders. The wood in the fireplace crackled, and Maroon Five crooned in the background about girls.

  “You know you’re running out of time, right?” Brook asked from her position on the opposite end of the couch.

  “You sound a lot like Isiah right now,” Joss grumbled.

  “I hate to agree with a psycho, but in this, he’s actually right. Why don’t you take a mate?”

  “For one thing, it shouldn’t be a decision someone is forced into. That’s asking for a disaster.” And I need to maintain control for as long as possible. I’ve experienced what happens firsthand when someone else dictates your every move.

  “Coulda, shoulda, woulda. You know the world we live in,” Brook said.

  “Yeah. Patriarchal and hypocritical?” Joss scoffed. “Don’t pretend like you believe all of the shit the Alpha preaches here.”

  “No. But he does keep us safe,” Brook admitted softly.

  “Safety isn’t a reason to shackle myself to a man I’m not interested in.”

  “That.” Brook waved her index finger at her. “Why is that? There are plenty of eligible wolves in the pack.”

  Joss bowed her head.

  “Admit it. This is about him, the man you see in your dreams. It’s never stopped, has it?”

  Joss shook her head. He was her shining light amidst the darkness. Her sanity saver when things were the bleakest. “No. It may sound silly and frivolous to you, but I know my mate isn’t here in White Creek.”

  “J, you’re twenty-five. It’s time to admit Mr. Dream Man A. isn’t real, or B. isn’t coming for you.”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, Joss held her tongue. How could she explain to someone else what she didn’t understand herself? “Dreams aside, it’s impossible to create a relationship with a person who sees you as a holy relic.”

  “You have the mark of change, J. Nothing you do will change that,” Brook said softly.

  Joss dropped her feet to the floor and sat up straight. “I have a fluke. I’m not even from White Creek originally.”

  “Which makes you ending up here even more incredible. You have the old magic in you. We can all feel that.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re subscribing to this, too, Brook. The lore has been twisted by one man to fit his own agenda.”

  “True as that is, that doesn’t make everything false. The lore existed long before he created White Creek, and as out there as the Alpha might be, he’s right about one thing … there’s strength in numbers. The Alpha has protected our people. He created a safe haven during a time where we were viciously hunted down and destroyed.” Brook cleared her throat and toyed with the hem of her tank top. “Do you know how my family came to be here?”

  “No,” Joss shook her head. It was forbidden to talk about life before White Creek.

  “I coughed so hard, I woke myself up. The smell of smoke clung to my skin and made my lungs ache. The heat and clouded air made my eyes burn. I was terrified. Frozen in place. I clutched my bed sheets. My mom burst through the door and pulled me to the ground where the air was clean and cooler. I sucked it into my lungs. My stomach rebelled, and I puked my guts out right there in the hallway. My mother wiped my mouth off with her sleeve and forced me to move. I had a brother back then.”

  Joss gaped. Their family always seemed so close-knit, and happy.

  Brook kept her gaze focused on her hands as she spoke in a shaky monotone. “He was a year younger than me. My father appeared with him in tow. Groggy, and sluggish, he looked ill. Like he’d already ingested more smoke than his small body could handle. We all made it out of the back door and straight into Armageddon. Fire-tipped arrows flew through the air, finding their targets in houses, and people.” Her body shook. “I’ll never forget the sounds of their screams or the sights of the flames swallowing the quiet village of shifters that had been our own home. An army of hunters slaughtered without discrimination. The elderly, young, and middle-aged were all executed. My father placed Camden into our mother’s arms and told us to run for the woods. I ran as fast as I could. I hear Cam and my mother scream. I’ll never forget that sound. Like a wounded animal.” Brook wrapped her arms around her waist. “I saw the a-arrow. It was on fire; it was dipped in poison. His poor little body couldn’t handle it. He turned blue and convulsed.”

  “Brook, please.” Joss moved to place a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to relive this.”

  “He didn’t make it, and if it hadn’t been for the Alpha showing up with reinforcements, the rest of my family would be dead.” She cleared her throat. “He brought us to White Creek, gave us a second chance at life, and a safe place. So, no I don’t buy into everything he’s selling, but I owe him. I stay for a number of reasons.” Brook cleared her throat.

  Stunned by her friend's tale, she was humbled by the truth. She’d known tragedy, but nothing like this. Her father died unexpectedly, of natural causes. Even her mother’s cancer paled in comparison. “I’m sorry, Brook.”

  “Don’t be. I didn’t tell you to play whose life was harder. I wanted you to understand where I was coming from. You have an aura of power and peace about you. Its why people look to you. Not simply because Alpha holds you up as some sort of fix all.”

  “I never wanted this.”

  “And yet it’s been laid at your feet.”

  She sneered. “You sound like you’re taking their side, Brook.”

  “No, I’
m saying I understand why they’d place their faith in you. I’m your best friend. My job is to hold up a mirror and show you the truth, not lie. We both know you’re different.”

  “Don’t you think I’d know if I was special?”

  “You’re so busy being angry you miss what’s in front of you. To hell with Isiah and his madness. The pack needs you, which is why you need to have a plan in place.”

  “Like what?” Joss tossed her hands up into the air. “Want to hear why I stay? It’s nowhere near as altruistic. If I say to hell with this cult, my mother dies. Pack magic neutralizes her cancer. You think I’m so giving. Well, you’re wrong. I’m as selfish as they come,” Joss snarled. A growl rumbled in her chest. Brook whimpered and dropped her gaze as she recognized the alpha wolf in front of her. “Oh, Jesus. I’m sorry, Brook. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Joss covered her face and wrestled the power she’d sent out back inside.

  “Tell me again how you’re normal, and there’s nothing special about you,” Brook croaked. Bent over, she breathed heavily. “This is only getting worse. You have the power of the alpha in you. We both know how rare that is for a woman. They can be mated to an alpha, but having a commanding force that strong all their own doesn’t occur much. It’s getting harder to control, isn’t it?”

  Joss nodded her head. “Yes, damn you.” It took an absurd amount of energy to control the effects from the emotions constantly rolling through her.

  “You’re going to slip up at the wrong time, and it’ll all fall down around you like a house of cards. Balancing on the tight rope is dangerous and temporary. You’ve been given a gift—”

  “No,” Joss barked. Spittle flew from her mouth. “This is no gift. It’s a curse.”

  Brook shook her head. “Whatever you want to call it. However, it’s your responsibility to wield it properly.” She pointed. “You’ve been chosen.”

  “For what?” Joss rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m not good at this crap, Brook. I’m floundering and drowning.”

  Brook sighed. “You really aren’t though. I understand you can’t see the way the people look at you because you’re on the inside of everything. Regardless of how you may actually feel, you frequently exude calm. Girl, your whole air is regal. Moon Princess is more than a title because you stepped into that role seamlessly. It’s hard to remember a time when you weren’t a part of White Creek. You balance us.”

  “And you believe all of these things because I have a waxing moon birthmark?” Joss said skeptically. She pressed a hand to her side where the birthmark branded her. She’d peel the symbol from her flesh if it’d help. When she was younger, she’d tried to destroy it numerous times. Somehow, the bastard always healed perfectly.

  “No. I have faith in the prophecy and your ability to fulfill it because of the incredible woman I’ve watched you mature into, and the things I see you do on a daily basis. A minute ago, you called my wolf without breaking a sweat and exerted your dominance. I’m no weak-willed pup. The mark is simply an outward symbol of rightness. You are the change bringer, Joss. The one who will usher us into a new era. One I believe we’re ready for.”

  “If you’re on board with the lore, do you feel I should mate with Isiah, too?”

  “Oh hell no. I refute that assumption. There’s always been a wrongness about Isiah. We don’t call him stark raving mad for nothing. Every shining beacon of light has a shadow chasing it, trying to extinguish or dull its brilliance. He’s the nemesis, not the partner. The Anti-Christ.”

  The words shake loose something inside of her. Joss gasped as visions of blood-soaked ground, fire, and chaos played on a loop in the back of her mind. Her gut clenched. An intense feeling of guilt and anguish wrapped around her, constricting like a boa. Her chest ached and bile crept its way up the back of her throat.

  How can I leave him behind completely when we traveled through the same hell together? Am I so different? Look how I turned on my best friend in anger.


  She jerked and grasped Brook’s hand. “I’m not sure what I saw, but I can’t allow it to become our future.” Please let it be a warning.

  “Whatever you need to do, I’m with you.” Brook squeezed her hand

  Chapter Three

  A maroon globe hung overhead, like a fiery circle burned into the center of the sky. It cast an eerie red hue over the woods and the forested ground below. She moved toward the waterfall and surrounding lake that appeared to be full of diluted blood. Mesmerized by the rare phenomenon, she traveled away from the trees toward the water. A warm breeze blew thick hair around her face. She soaked in the balmy summer temperature and came to sit on the boulder.

  The craggy surface of the round orb stood out, a lighter shade of red than the rest. It feels good being out here immersed in nature and quiet. A twig snapped in the distance. She jumped up and spun around. Her heart pounded.

  A tall vampire with inky black hair that brushed his shoulders and smoldering, deep-set black eyes appeared.

  “Kazimir.” The fear dissolved instantly. Relief flooded her chest. It’d been so long since they last met, and she’d started to worry.

  High cheekbones, impossibly dark eyes lashes, an angular chin, and a slender, upturned nose gave him the look of old royalty. Dusky rose cupid’s bow lips curved upward into a wide grin.


  She closed her eye and soaked his presence in. Her name turned into a sonnet when delivered from his elegant tongue. She rushed toward him. The scent of pine and fresh water was invaded by his rich, seductive smell. It reminded her of black silk sheets, moonlight, and wealth. Pausing inches away, she took him in.

  “You came.” It had been over a month since she saw him.

  “I apologize, lovely. I was detained by circumstances beyond my control.” His eyes drank her in as if he hadn’t seen her before. “You’re stunning.” Cupping her face in his hands, he traced her cheekbones and lips with his fingertips.

  “Kaz?” she whispered. Her cheeks flamed with heat. “I thought maybe you’d been in my head all along. But it’s you.”

  “Yes.” His eyes scanned her face, drinking her in like it’s the first time he’s ever seen her. “I remember everything now.”

  She frowned. There’s something different about him. He felt more substantial than he ever had before. “You’re different.”

  “I am awake.”

  “I don’t understand.” She shook her head.

  “For the first time since we met, I am fully aware of you. Before I believed my kind did not dream. It was a lie. At least for you and I.”

  She took a step away from the gentle caress that muddled her brain.

  “You are not happy?” The pain in his voice lanced her heart.

  “I … I’m uncertain what you mean.”

  “I dreamt of you and interacted on a subconscious level before. From this day forward, I will remain fully present.” He sank onto one knee.

  Her heart jumped up in her throat. “What are you doing?” Her mouth went dry. He can’t propose, can he? What answer would I give him?

  “I am making you a vow, solynshka.”

  Despite the strangeness of the language, she understood it meant little sun. How can I know this?

  “Surely you figured out that we are mates.”

  His voice in her mind made her jump. “How did you do that?”

  “Things will fall in to place now. The way they should always have been once you came of age.”

  “No.” She took a large step away. “You are a vampire.”


  She placed a hand on her chest. “I’m a wolf.”

  “And yet we’ve found one another despite the distance and energy required to do so.”

  She shook her head. “That’s it. It’s time for me to admit to myself, you aren’t real. I have to get over this delusion.” Because the tragedy of you existing and me being unable to have you is far too much to bear.

  “I am
not a figment of your imagination, and I will not be leaving. You are mine, Joss.”

  “No. I belong to myself.” Being part of a mated pair ruined her mother, and turned her life into hell on earth. Her mother hadn’t been able to function without her father. The dysfunction coupled with her illness landed them here at White Creek. The anger she hid spiked. Parents were supposed to protect their children. She refused to travel down the same path.

  “For a long time, you were alone. Now we’re starting a new journey together.” He floated forward, all grace and quick movements. She swallowed hard. He placed a slender finger under her chin, tilting her head up to meet his penetrating gaze. He was sin incarnate. “I’ve waited centuries for you. Nothing could force me to turn away from you.”

  She pressed her palms against his chest, desperate to place distance between them. “There’s no other alternative, Kaz.”

  “Yes. There is. I am coming for you. We’ve much to discuss and decide together.”

  “No.” Her voice cracked.

  “You know what I am?” His power flared around him, nearly mesmerizing her.

  “What?” she asked, dazzled by his intensity. “Of course.”

  “Then you must understand I am territorial. I’m coming to claim what is mine.” His teeth lengthened. Chills ran down her spine. Her stomach clenched. “Allow me to demonstrate.” His head moved toward her neck. She clutched the thick silk of his dark mane, and moved her head to the side, baring her neck in anticipation of the sweet torture to come.

  A rapid pounding cop-knock jerked her from sleep.

  His words, “I’m coming for you,” echoed in her head. Her brain and her body were at war. She wanted what he offered with everything in her being, regardless of the fear and complication that came with it. Groaning, she struggled to lift her heavy lids and rolled on to her side. The pounding continued.

  Pushing herself into a sitting position, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stretched her arms above her head. The clock on her nightstand read fifteen minutes after midnight. She’d been asleep for a little over two hours. Rotating her neck, she forced her weary body from the queen-sized bed. Joss glanced back longingly at her down-feathered comforter with eyes full of regret, grabbed her oversized black robe covered in white polka dots with a kitten hood, and exited her room in a zombie shuffle.


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