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Forge Faith

Page 11

by Hayden James

  “Get’em!” Elisa shouted. The Sheriff’s footsteps getting closer to Addy. She sprinted faster, pulling away from him. In the distance, Addy could make out Gary and Vince loading up the tools in the back of the van which was parked on the other side of the garden. That was how they would get away.

  “Maddy! Gary and Vince are in the van, we are almost there!” Addy shouted. Addy looked behind her to make sure Maddy was behind her. But she wasn’t.

  The Sheriff had grabbed Madison, holding her by the waist as she fought to break his grasp. Addy turned and ran toward Maddy and the Sheriff to attempt to free her sister. As Addy ran toward Maddy, Maddy screamed, “Run Addy! Get away! Warn the others!”

  Sad to leave her twin, her heart racing and panic filled her body with indecision. She wanted to fight, to take on the Sheriff and get her sister back, but she realized that there would be no way that she could overpower his stature. This was the hardest thing that Addy had to ever do. Addy stopped in her tracks and ran toward Dwight’s house. Addy didn’t have time to explain to Gary and Vince that they needed to leave Maddy in the clutches of the Sheriff and to head to Dwight’s warning the others. There was not time.

  Instead, Addy ran past the garden, and the two miles back to Dwight’s homestead without her sister.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rachel Conner

  “What in the world?” Rachel muttered to herself as she sat on the porch, enjoying the late afternoon, alarmed by the vision of her lone twin girl run up the driveway, without the van, without Gary and Vince, and without Maddy.

  Visibly out of breath, Addy couldn’t speak. “Catch your breath,” coached Rachel. “What happened? Where are the others?”

  Addison slowed her breath and could speak. “I overheard the Mayor and Sheriff talking in their office,” Addy got out in between breaths. After Addy muttered those words, Rachel knew it that Addy had eavesdropped on the Mayor and Sheriff’s afternoon meeting.

  “What did you hear?” Rachel begged, knowing the way that Addy was acting and that nothing would good come out of these afternoon interludes prepared herself for what would Addy say.

  “They will kill us! They have Maddy!”

  Rachel fell to her knees after what she heard registered in her mind. “Oh my word!” Rachel whispered. Not able to move or breathe, she muttered, “Tell your dad.” With that, Addy ran to get her dad.

  Moments later, William ran to the van. Rachel found the strength to follow him. “Break. Break. Break. This is an emergency transmission from Whiskey Alpha Charlie Six Tango… over,” said William into the handset of the HAM radio. The time that passed felt like hours as they waited for a response. “Someone should be monitoring the emergency frequency,” shouted William, visibly frustrated. “Break. Break. Break. This is an emergency transmission from Whiskey Alpha Charlie Six Tango… over,” repeated William.

  “Whiskey Alpha Charlie Six Tango… this is Whiskey X-ray five Delta Romeo Alpha… what is your emergency?” Asked Dana from the radio.

  “Oh! Thank Heavens!” William shouted.

  “Thank goodness,” muttered Rachel, lifting her eyes to the sky.

  “They have Maddy,” admitted William.

  “Oh no!” Dana responded. “What are we going to do?”

  “Well, it seems like there is a plan to wipe out each of our farms one by one, leaving ours for last. Addy said, they will save their strongest forces to kill Dwight.”

  “Oh dear! How can we help?” Dana asked.

  “From what we know, Murphy and his goons will hit each of our farms one by one. The information we have suggests that they have enough men to overtake each of our farms. We must get the offensive before they can coordinate their attack. I have Liam going to round up as many neighbors as he can, and we will bring all of our weapons to Dwight’s,” explained William. “Stay on this frequency and inform the others. We should be having our emergency check in shortly. I’ll coordinate the neighbors as they arrive. You and Tom will be the last to be picked up since there is only two of you guys.”

  “Roger, 10-4,” responded Dana from the radio.

  Liam ran to the semi and started up the Mack truck, backing out of the driveway. William must have spoken to him before he got on the radio.

  Minutes later, Liam returned with the first delivery of the surrounding neighbors. He backed out the driveway to pick up the second set. Neighbors assembled in Dwight’s front yard with AR-15s strapped across their chests. Most neighbors had four to five guns on them, strapping their rifles on their bodies and carrying their handguns in waistband holsters. Bud had a BCM RECCE 14” strapped across his chest, his pockets bulging with ammunition. Not to be out done, Sharon had a Remington 700 strapped to her back.

  William announced, “We must take the offensive here,” he started as the first group of people listened for their marching orders. “They have my daughter. The best thing to do is to forge ahead to the middle of town and confront the Sheriff and the Mayor and demand the return of my daughter, Maddy.”

  Bud interrupted, “How many of us are there?”

  “After Liam returns with the second group, there should be around twenty of us,” answered William. “We need to get to there soon. They have my daughter, so they are expecting some sort of offense. Let’s make sure they’re not expecting this.” As Rachel heard William, she realized that they would be storming the Sheriff and the Mayor’s offices before they could coordinate their attack to take out each farm one by one.

  Coming down the driveway, Liam returned with the second group. Dwight opened the door to the garage where he had three dirt bikes that neighbors could use. Then people piled into the semi that Liam drove. Three people got on dirt bikes. While Liam gathered the neighbors, Dwight had saddled up his strongest horses, five of them were ready to go. Dana and Tom each mounted a horse along with Bud and Sharon. Rachel rode on dirt bike with William and Addy. Prue and her parents stayed behind with the extra two neighbors along with Dr. Tate. In case something happened, they would keep watch over the homestead. Dana had brought her HAM to Dwight’s, plugging it in to a supply powered by solar power in the garage. Prue would monitor the radio frequency that would come from the VW van incase there was an issue. Gary and Vince had not returned.

  The army pack descended onto Main Street of Tucker Hollow led by the semi that Liam drove, followed by the dirt bikes, and finally those riding horseback. They parked their vehicles and modes of transportation by the Mayor’s office, regrouping once they had arrived. Rachel parked her dirt bike by the community garden. Dwight tied up his horse to the fence of the garden along with the others who rode horseback. “Let’s make this quick,” muttered Dwight. “They have my grand baby, and I will show no mercy.” Dwight then turned to Rachel, “Rach, you’ll come with me. The rest of us wait here. If things get ugly, you will know when to jump in.”

  Rachel followed Dwight to the Mayor’s office. Rachel had never seen Dwight in this condition before. She had heard that he was capable of being merciless, but she had never witnessed it herself. Strapped to Dwight’s back was his AK-47, as he entered the Town Hall where the Mayor’s office was, he took it off of his back and held it in position. “Oh, Elisa. I have a surprise for you,” said Dwight as he busted through her door, kicking it open.

  The door flung up, the Mayr appearing to bee startled as she was unaware of the attack that ensued. As Dwight closed in on the Mayor, her arms shooting up in a form of surrender, Rachel kept an eye on the neighbors who stayed by the vehicles. They kept watch as several townspeople who were passing by on Main Street gathered around the disturbance that Dwight had caused.

  “Now, Mayor! I understand that you have something that belongs to me. And I’m going to need it back!” Dwight shouted, pointing the AK-47 directly at her forehead. “Release Madison Conner immediately and Gary and Vince if you have them,” barked Dwight in a tone that intimated that he would not be taking prisoners.

  “I-I-I don’t have her,” the Mayor stuttered, b
arely audible as she appeared to be petrified.

  Rachel noticed that several of the townspeople who gathered around the commotion were armed. She tried to keep her attention on them rather than on Dwight since he seemed to be taking care of business on his own. Rachel is not sure which ones will go out of their way to show their undying support to the Mayor or to Murphy.

  As Dwight held the Mayor hostage, Murphy came up to the office door without Madison. “Dwight, put down your gun. You are under arrest for disturbing the peace, and threatening an official. I might charge you with false imprisonment as well.”

  Dwight laughed at Murphy as he continued to point the gun at the Mayor with her hands drawn in the air. “You and your vigilantes are all under arrest.”

  Rachel stood at the doorway, keeping watch on the neighbors, the townsfolk, and on Dwight. She saw several of the neighbors leave the vehicles and go around to the back of the Town Hall led by William. She hated to be parted from him, and to have him out of her sight, but she could still see Liam. He kept his post by the vehicles.

  Murphy pulled his gun out from his waistband holster. He said, “Sorry Dwight, we already decided that we did not have the space in our jail to arrest you.” Murphy shot right at the back of Dwight. Dwight jumped at the gunfire that occurred right behind him. However, Murphy missed Dwight and the bullet hit an innocent by stander who watched the spectacle from the opened window. “Oh no!” Murphy shouted. Then he made his typical commentary, “Well, one less we have to feed. Things like this happen.” The cavalierness of the Sheriff had wore on the members of the town, that Murphy seemed to be making enemies right and left.

  “What in the Hell!” a townsperson yelled as she cradled the man on the ground, bleeding from his head.

  “Get him!” another town member shouted, a battle cry for the by standers to storm the Town Hall. The townsfolk made a cry of outrage as they were upset that the Sheriff had shot and killed an innocent person. Since Murphy was unapologetic for killing an innocent by stander, Rachel expected that the townsfolk would storm Town Hall and be on their side.

  In the commotion, Murphy shot at Dwight again, however, Dwight had closed in on Elisa since the first missed shot and held her in front of him as a human shield.

  “Stop shooting!” Mayor Elisa screamed hysterically at Murphy who did not realize that Dwight was now holding her in front of him. The bullet lodged in her leg, not exiting, but staying in. “Ouch!” Elisa shouted. “Now look what you’ve done!”

  Murphy retreated back to his office. He seemed to be pouting or hiding, but he returned moments later, holding his nose. “Ouch!” Murphy shouted as he held his bloody nose. “That witch punched me!” Behind him he dragged Maddy on the ground. “Now, let the Mayor go, Dwight,” Murphy shouted as he dragged his grand daughter down the hall on her back, returning to the Mayor’s office in the front of the Town Hall. Murphy got Maddy to her feet and used her as a human shield, preventing Dwight from getting a clear shot of him. Rachel still posted at the entrance of the Town Hall, watching this all unfold, upset at seeing her daughter being dragged by the overweight sloth that called himself Sheriff and now her body shielding his.

  Meanwhile, Dwight tried to get a clear shot at the Sheriff, but was unable to do so while he held the Mayor with his left arm, now holding one of his Glocks that he took from his waistband holster. The townspeople pillaged the Town Hall and the office, angered that one of them were shot by the governing authority. The Sheriff’s deputized goons did their best to restrain the crowd that ran through the Town Hall.

  Rachel watched Dwight’s eyes as he zeroed in on the skull of the Sheriff. He had a clear shot. As he was about to pull the trigger, Addison made her way through the crowd, coming inside the Town Hall, her gun drawn. She must have wanted to have her sister freed.

  “No!” Dwight shouted. As Dwight shouted, Murphy took advantage of the error and turned to shoot at Addy. As the Sheriff shot at Addy, she pulled the trigger, shooting him square in the head, forcing him to drop Maddy. Maddy reeled back as Addy fell to the ground.

  The Sheriff got a shot off on Addison, hitting her on the left side of her chest, knocking her back. She fell to the ground from the force of the shot.

  As Addy fell to the ground, Rachel rushed to her along with Linda who came from where she was stationed by Liam. Meanwhile, the troop that William led around back busted through the back doors, subduing the remaining goons of the Sheriff.

  William and Dwight forced Mayor Elisa along with the other deputized goons into a single jail cell, crowding them in. “We will deal with the future of you all at a different time,” stated Dwight as he locked the cell. “Elisa, Dr. Tate will dig out that bullet after she’s done with my grand baby.” Dwight then rushed down the hall to where Addison laid unconscious.

  Rachel caught a glimpse of someone familiar, “Gary, Vince, we are here,” she yelled. Gary and Vince slipped through the crowd as William joined them, making their way to where Addison laid on the ground.

  “Oh my word!” Vince shouted as he saw Addy lying on the ground unconscious. He rushed toward her, holding her hand as he kneeled beside her.

  Tears streamed down his face, and slowly, Addy opened her eyes. “Vince?” Addy muttered, a grin coming across her face.

  “Addy!” Vince shouted, embracing her body as he cried. His face wet with tears as he buried his face in her neck. He sat up, allowing her to lay on the ground and for Dr. Tate to treat her. “Is she going to be alright?” Vince asked.

  Dr. Tate responded, “She will be. I need to get the bullet out of her first. It didn’t hit anything major. She’s just lost a lot of blood.”

  Vince let go of her hand, and it was apparent that this embrace was more than just friendly. At the moment, Rachel did not care. All she wanted was for her daughter to make it through.

  Gary said to Rachel as she held the hand of her daughter and Dr. Tate constricted the blood that was escaping her body. “I had no idea what was going on,” he started. “I was getting the van to head back to Dwight’s when we couldn’t find Madison or Addison.”

  Vince stood up and added, “Before we knew it, the Sheriff and his goons took us in. We were in the back tied to a chair. He held Maddy in the jail cell. We were trying to untie ourselves and get to her, but we never got the chance before Murphy dragged her out and used her as shield. What happened to him?”

  Rachel answered, “Addy shot him. He’s dead.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  William Conner

  “She’s waking up now,” announced Dr. Tate to the waiting room. “Will, why don’t you go see her.” Without hesitation, William jumped up from his seat and ran to the room where Linda had been operating on Addison.

  “Hon, you’re all right,” comforted William as he watched his little girl’s eyes start to flutter open. He stroked her hand, looking into her eyes, he was certain she would be just fine. For the first time since he had heard that Madison was taken by the Sheriff, he could take a deep breath.

  Dr. Linda Tate had dug the bullet out of her chest. They could have access to the town clinic since the town leaders who restricted access to the town’s clinic were now subdued.

  Addison was also low on blood, and Gary, who was a match, donated a few pints of blood to her. Thank goodness for Dr. Tate. The surgery took an hour, and Addy had been unconscious for four hours.

  In the waiting room, people waited, wanting word. After spending a couple of minutes with her, William slipped out to let everyone know that she was all right, and to allow Rachel to have a few moments with her.

  Rachel and Maddy headed to the room where Addy was waking up. A few moments later, Maddy and Rachel came from out the room. Maddy appeared to be relieved, yet had tears flooding down her face uncontrollably. The whole ordeal must have taken a toll on her twin sister. Rachel announced, “Vince, she’s asking for you.”

  Vince rose from his seat and headed to toward the room where Addy was resting. “No, he can’t go in,” said Will
iam, standing up from his seat to stop Vince from heading into the room.

  Rachel held William from moving any further, “Will, she’ll be fine. If she can stand up to Murphy for her twin sister’s sake, she can handle a relationship.”

  “She is too weak now to see him,” protested William.

  “Will, it’s fine,” calmed Rachel. She turned to Vince and said, “Go in.” Vince continued toward Addy’s room.

  “Will, she’s an adult. You have to let her go.”

  William felt it best to keep himself busy. Since there were a crowd of people outside the clinic waiting to hear how Addy is doing. William made his way outside, the crowd quieting down as he shut the door of the clinic.

  “She will be just fine. Thank you everyone for your concern,” announced William to the crowd.

  “What will happen next,” a woman asked from the crowd.

  William was not sure how to respond. He paused for a moment, and then answered, “I want to see this town functioning once again. I will do whatever it takes to see to it that we can survive as a town.” William took a few more moments. He added, “We have found ourselves in a new world. I want to see everyone have enough without us forced to surrender all that we have. I want to see us donate to help one another, but it will be voluntary.”

  An applause erupted from the crowd. Rachel came out and joined her husband, William putting an arm around her shoulders, drawing her close. As he drew Rachel close to him, he held her wondering what the future would bring.

  A Few Months Later


  “How are you doing, Sheriff?” Rachel asked as she kissed her husband on the cheek. “I enjoy calling you Sheriff,” she added.


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