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Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle

Page 8

by Tania Joyce

  Chapter 8

  On the long drive back to the city, Jessica’s fingers tapped nervously on the steering wheel while she processed her thoughts. How the hell was she supposed to tell Conner? How did one approach such a conversation?

  Hey Conner, your dad’s turned up out of the blue.

  Conner, your biological father wants to meet you.

  Hey—you wouldn’t believe it, but guess who I ran into today?

  All of them sounded crazy. The very essence of it all still shocked her to the bone.

  Jessica couldn’t delay the inevitable any longer. Her fingers shook as she found Conner’s number on her phone and hit dial on the Bluetooth connection.

  “S’up,” Conner said as he answered the phone.

  “Hey.” Jessica felt a cold sweat break out on her brow. “How’s my boy doing?”

  “Studying hard. Two more exams to go until the midyear break,” Conner mumbled.

  Jessica could hear a crunching noise through the line, like he was munching on potato chips. Music was playing in the background and several loud voices were shrieking with excitement. It didn’t sound like much studying was getting done. She smiled to herself, secretly glad her son was having fun with friends. She had missed out on all the young adult years of going out, drinking and attending football games. Rather than going to friends’ parties, she’d fed her baby his bottles and changed his diapers.

  “I need to talk to you about something important that’s come up,” she said. “It’s urgent. Can I swing on by your apartment?” She struggled to keep her voice steady.

  “Um, now?” Conner hesitated. “Can I meet you somewhere instead? How about at Pepe’s Pizza on the corner for dinner? It’s just that … the apartment’s a mess.”

  “Studying, right?” Jessica knew perfectly well that his mates were over drinking and watching football. “No worries, I’ll meet you there in an hour.”

  * * *

  Pepe’s Pizza was warm and inviting on a cold Sunday evening. Half of the restaurant was full of families having early dinners with their young children. Italian opera music hummed from the sound system a little too loudly for Jessica’s liking. She realized she was famished as the aromas of garlic, parmesan and pepperoni wafted from the wood-fire ovens. She took a seat near the window at a table covered in a red-and-white checked tablecloth. She’d started to check her emails and messages on her phone when she looked up and saw Conner bounding through the door.

  Jessica couldn’t help but admire how handsome her son was. She even noticed a group of teenage girls at a table gawk and giggle at seeing him. His bronzed skin set off his amazing blue eyes—just like his father’s. He dressed well, compared with many of his friends, looking quite the catch in designer jeans and woolen sweater. After spending time with Troy this weekend, she was astounded by how much Conner resembled his father.

  “Hey, Mom.” He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek before flopping into the chair across from her. “S’up?”

  Jessica swallowed hard. Her mouth felt dry. “Let’s order first, hey?”

  They ordered pizza and a couple of beers. Conner rambled on with news about university, sport and outings with Becky and his friends. Jessica listened as best as she could but her mind was on other matters.

  “So, what’s so urgent that you had to see me?” he asked.

  She flipped her phone round and round in her hand as she pondered how best to approach the daunting subject. But there was no point in dancing around it any more. “I have some news about your father.”

  “Why? What’s happened? Is everything all right?” Conner looked at her with concern.

  “Not Graeme. Your biological father, Troy. I know where he is.” She held her breath.

  Silence dropped like a weighted lead balloon between them. For ages he sat there staring vacantly at a spot on the table, his only movement was the furrowing of his eyebrows and the odd twitch of a muscle in his jaw. Jessica’s heart thundered in her chest as she let him absorb her words. All she wanted to do was reach out and hold him and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

  Conner grabbed a table napkin and twisted it into tight knots. “I don’t want to know anything about him. He left.”

  “Conner, please?”

  He slumped back on his chair and blew a puff of air at the blond hair that had fallen across his eyes. She could see so many emotions playing across his face. Rage, anger, hurt, shock—all of the same things she had experienced.

  “You’re not going to believe this, but he’s only recently got back from America and started working at Gumtrees. I’ve just come from there after we talked.” She braced herself for the next reveal. “Conner, he didn’t know about you. He never knew you existed—even after all the efforts I made.”

  Shock flashed across his eyes, filling her heart with sorrow.

  “I don’t care. I already have a father,” Conner snapped, and his eyebrows furrowed more deeply. She could see the pain in her son’s eyes.

  “I know it’s a lot to take on board. I’m still trying to comprehend it as well.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t care where he’s been or what he’s been doing. It doesn’t change anything. I don’t need him. Graeme’s my dad. I don’t want to have anything to do with Troy.”

  Deep down Jessica knew curiosity about his biological father would get to him eventually. He just needed time to absorb it all. “I know. Please take some time to think about it because Troy really wants to meet you.”

  Conner’s back straightened as he sucked in a sharp breath. “What? I don’t want to meet him.”

  “Please. Just have one meeting with him. Then you can decide whether or not you want to continue to get to know him,” she went on. “He doesn’t have any other kids, and I don’t think I’ll be able to keep him away from you for very long now that he knows.”

  Jessica heard Conner mumble some profanities as she took a sip of her beer.

  “I’m not making any promises.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  The waiter appeared with their meal and placed the pizza and garlic bread on the table. Jessica sighed, but was thankful for the interruption. Conner grabbed a huge slice of scalding hot pizza, stringing melted mozzarella cheese across the table as he dropped it on his plate. “Enough about Daddy dearest. What’s been happening at work? How’s the hotel stuff going?”

  Jessica relaxed a little, feeling the tension dissipate from her shoulders. “It’s keeping me on my toes.”

  Conner licked his fingers and took a swig of his beer. “What’s Nate Somers like? Like … I mean … he’s mega rich?”

  Jessica gulped. “I suppose he is. To me, he’s just another client and business as usual. I mean he’s nice enough.” She felt color rise in her cheeks as images of his nice, firm, naked body flashed through her mind. “He’s got a lovely accent, he’s tall, handsome—”

  Conner coughed. “Alright. I’ve heard enough. Sorry I asked.” Then he shoved another slice of pizza in his mouth. “You’re all red, Mom. Do you have a thing for Nate Somers?”

  Jessica moved uncomfortably on her chair, caught off guard by her son’s observations. “No. Not at all, why?”

  “I don’t care.” He shrugged again. “It’s just that I know you haven’t been with anyone really since Dad, er, Graeme. Maybe you should start dating?”

  Her heart melted. He was such a sweet young man to care or even notice. Oh! But there was definitely no need for him to know what was really going on with her and Nate. At all! Conner was entering dangerous territory and she’d had enough of emotionally charged conversations for one day.

  “One day maybe, when I have time. You know me—it’s all business, no pleasure.”

  “Yeah, right, Mom. Whatever.”

  * * *

  Sunday evening in Melbourne was cold and drizzling with rain when Nate and Brooke arrived late after their delayed flight. They checked in at the Crown Hotel, and Nate immediately retired to his room. He had w
orked sixteen-hour days for the past week. Nothing unusual. He couldn’t wait to have a hot shower to soothe his tired muscles and he looked forward to his first early night’s sleep in ages.

  After soaking under the steaming showerhead, he hopped out and toweled himself dry. As he walked out of the bathroom, the king-sized bed loomed in front of him, and thoughts of Jessica filled his mind. He was disappointed that he’d been unable to catch up with her before he had to fly to Melbourne. Work got in the way as always, as he had to oversee the installation of the communications system and staff training exercises. As he ran his fingers through his wet hair, he glanced at the bedside digital clock. 10:10. It wasn’t too late to call her now.

  He reached for his cell phone off the nightstand, hit her number and paced the floor while he waited for her to answer.

  “Hello.” The sound of her soft voice made his groin twitch against the fluffy white towel.

  “It’s Nate.”

  “Yes, I have Caller ID. Are you in Melbourne? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, everything’s fine. Brooke keeps me in line.”

  “You and Brooke, hey?” she asked. He detected a serious note to her question.

  “Oh, don’t even go there. Definitely not.” Brooke was certainly not his type. “How was your weekend? Did you have your meeting?”

  He heard Jessica sigh heavily. The sound of her breath sent shivers down the side of his neck.

  “Draining, to say the least. It was a very different outcome than what I expected. But everything will be fine.”

  “Good to hear.” He paused. She sounded tired and suddenly he felt bad for calling so late. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to catch up before I left.”

  “No harm done.”

  “Well, I aim to make it up to you.” He was suddenly feeling bold and playful. “Are you in bed?”

  “Yes. I try to get to bed before midnight at least once a week.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “What?” She gasped. “Is that the tackiest line ever in an attempt to seduce me over the phone?”

  Nate smiled. That was exactly what he had in mind.

  “I’ve just had a shower. I’m still wet. I’m wearing nothing but a towel. Just hearing your voice and picturing you naked has given me a hard-on. You have my undivided attention. So let’s have a little bit of fun. So, once again what are you wearing?” Nate had never done anything like this before … over the phone. But with Jessica, he was in unchartered territory anyway.

  “Pale blue flannelette PJs,” she replied.

  Nate closed his eyes. Jessica could be wearing a hessian sack and she’d still look amazing. The thought of unbuttoning her top made his dick grow even harder.

  “Unbutton your shirt.” He lowered his voice in an attempt to be flirtatious. “I want you to imagine I’m undoing one button at a time …”

  “Nate? What are you doing?” Jessica giggled.

  “Shh. I want you. Now.”

  “But we’re five hundred miles apart!”

  “Close your eyes. Visualize.” Nate walked over and knelt on his bed and let the towel fall away. “I’m kneeling on my bed. My cock is in my hand and I’m rubbing it up and down.”

  Nate heard Jessica’s heavy breath come down the line. It sent tingles all over his body. The vision he had of her touching herself was so hot. Her full breasts arching toward him, her smooth stomach, her legs spread wide open for him. Holy crap! He was turned on. The phone sex was definitely working for him. “Jess, you’re driving me crazy. I want to bury myself inside you again. I want to fuck you till we both can’t walk.”

  “Nate? Seriously stop.” Jessica laughed loudly. “You’re crazy. I’m not having phone sex with you.”

  “Come on, baby.” His breath was heavy. “Tell me … where do you want me to kiss you? Where can I touch you? What does it feel like?”

  “Nate. Enough.”

  All he could hear was her laughter while he knelt there alone with his dick in his hand. It took a moment for him to regain his composure. He was really starting to get into it.

  “Spoilsport,” he grumbled. Okay, phone sex might not be her thing. It had been worth a shot.

  “Nate, it’s late,” said Jessica. “I’m tired. And you have an early start in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I know. You’ve certainly set up a full week for me. I’m back late on Friday night, but no doubt I’ll talk to you before then.”

  “I look forward to it. Goodnight, Nate.”

  “Night, Jess.” He clicked off the phone and threw it down on the bed. He looked down at his hard cock and sighed as images of Jessica still swarmed in his mind. Phone sex might not have worked on Jessica, but it did on him. I need another shower. A cold one this time. Nate stood up off the bed and headed to the bathroom once more.

  Chapter 9

  Another Friday night. Another function to attend. At least this time Jessica was grateful to be a guest and not the host. She was standing at a bar table in the foyer of the ballroom waiting for the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority event to commence and for Max to join her. It was early, so Jessica took a sip of her wine and savored the quiet moment before too many other people arrived.

  She still couldn’t believe how crazy life had turned in the past few weeks — first, meeting Nate and second, reuniting with Troy. A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she thought of Nate and how he made her feel. He lit her fire in a way she never thought was possible. So much more than she’d ever experienced with Troy—from what she could recall. And miles ahead of Graeme—well that was a no-brainer.

  In her head, she was still trying to work out the logistics of how her arrangement with Nate would work. Secrecy and lies had caused her so much angst in the past; more could only lead to no good. Maybe she should end this affair with Nate before it even started.

  Would she regret not relishing in more of his kisses, his voice seducing her and his lovemaking blowing her mind? She shook her head feeling so confused and conflicted. Because if word got out that they were together, the consequences could be ugly. Her business and respectability were at stake. Too much was at risk. She couldn’t ruin her reputation, jeopardize the success of the launch or cause grief to Nate.

  Jessica was startled when someone slid an arm around her shoulders. But the touch made her smile. She looked up and saw Max, looking tired at the end of a busy day.

  “Sorry I’m late. Court went overtime. And then walking five blocks in new shoes wasn’t smart. My feet are fucking killing me.”

  “Here,” Jessica grabbed a glass of red wine off a waiter’s tray and plonked it down on the table in front of her. “Get this into you.”

  “Look, the doors have just opened. Can we go inside and sit down at the table? I really need to get off my feet.”

  With glass in hand, Jessica led Max through the array of tables in the function room and found their seats.

  “Oh that’s better.” Max looked relieved as she sat down. “Shouldn’t you be schmoozing all these potential clients?”

  Yes she should be, but she just wasn’t in the mood. All she wanted to do was sit back and enjoy hearing about Max’s hectic week and have a drink or two to get her mind off work … and other things. “Later.”

  “Good. So before this presentation gets underway and we are all bored listening to the Harbour’s development plans, tell me, what’s going on with your love life?”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. That was just the topic she had wanted to avoid. But Max wouldn’t let up until she spilled the beans. Damn lawyers—they were too good at interrogations!

  “How’s the whole Troy debacle going?” Max asked as a waiter refreshed their glasses.

  Jessica placed her napkin across her lap. Every time she thought of Troy, she could see his piercing blue eyes in her mind. But then telling Conner and seeing the painful reaction spread across his face made her heart ache. Where to from here? She had no idea. “One day at a time is all I can say. Time will t

  “So … What about Nate?”

  “Shh. There are way too many people in this room who know him.” Jessica’s eyes darted nervously around the room as it filled with guests taking their seats.

  “Okay. Let’s call him Mr ComeFuckMe then.”

  Jessica laughed. Talking about Nate sent a sizzling reaction through her body.

  “No more encounters?”

  “No. None. And before you ask, there are none planned either. He’s been away all week. The more I think about it, the more I shouldn’t do what you suggested. Before it even starts … or should I say progresses further … it has to stop.”

  Max shook her head. “Are you crazy? Casual sex with someone that hot, no strings attached and then he’s gone.”

  Maybe she should? It would be nice. The sex was fantastic. He’s hot. She sighed. Yet again she was toing and froing with the idea. Why could she not make a clear decision, stick to it and move on? This was driving her insane. Jessica shook her head because she just shouldn’t do it. He was her client. “Believe me, Max, his proposition is very enticing but there’s just too much risk and too many complications.”

  As her eyes surveyed the room, she nearly got whiplash when she felt a pull, a disturbance in the air that grabbed her attention. She turned toward the entrance. Her breath caught in her lungs.

  There he was.


  He was talking to people around him and as they cleared from his path, Jessica swore under her breath. Meredith Bowen from EyeOn was by his side.

  She nudged Max. “Speak of the devil.” She nodded toward the door. “There’s Nate.”

  “Where? I so want to meet him.”

  Jessica restrained Max from jumping out of the chair. “No. Look who he’s with; it’s Meredith.”

  “What the hell is she doing here?”

  Jessica didn’t want to jump to the wrong conclusions. Meredith’s company did a lot of work for the Harbour Authority. Some of her clients were here, as were Jessica’s.

  “Oh my God! Is she his date?” Max gasped “Do you think Nate’s screwing her too?”


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