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Boardroom Seductions: The Strictly Business Bundle

Page 35

by Tania Joyce

  “I’ve loved hearing from you about all the big things happening at Gumtrees.” Jessica started. “More weddings. New business. It all sounds so exciting. What else has been going on that I don’t know about? It’s still hard to believe you’re now a joint owner of my Gumtrees!”

  He chuckled. Her Gumtrees! Her R&R getaway from Sydney had played its part in reuniting them. When he told her about buying into Gumtrees, she had taken a while to get used to the news. This place was very dear to her. She’d long considered it her home away from home. It took him a long time to convince her he felt the same: this was his home and where he belonged.

  “All our expansion plans are finalized. Conner has done some amazing designs for the new function room and accommodation cabins and we’ve sourced a local builder. It will be sad to see the old barn and yards go, but it’s time to spruce the place up. I’ve also planned to put another few acres under vine next year. We’ve a busy year ahead.”

  Jessica’s face distorted and displayed a broad array of emotions. Happy. Sad. Excited. Confused. He didn’t know what to make of it. “I can’t believe you had a hidden businessman inside you all along.”

  “Ha! No,” Troy shook his head. “Nick is the businessman, Maria orders us around and I’m the worker.”

  “Well, whatever you three are doing it seems to be working.”

  “I know this place means a lot to you, Jess. And it means everything to me. It led me to finding Conner and has finally given me purpose again.” He cleared his throat. “By the way, have you talked to Conner lately?”

  “Yeah, why? What’s up? He should be here soon.”

  “About his work situation? I offered him the opportunity to come and work here. I know you offered him a job as well, but I wanted to put another option on the table for him to consider. Coming into harvest it’s really busy around here and the option to stay on is there if he wants.”

  Jessica’s hand shot up to cover her mouth and her eyes swelled with tears. It took her a moment before she could speak. “No, he didn’t tell me. But that’s wonderful news. I’ll support him in whatever he decides to do. I just wish he’d hurry up and do something with his life. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  The air was knocked out of his lungs when Jessica flung her arms around his chest and hugged him tightly. He hesitated, then wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin on her shoulder as they embraced.

  “What’s that smell?” Jessica inhaled deeply near his neck.

  He withdrew back from her embrace. “What smell?”

  “That? On your collar.” She pointed at his neck. “It smells like perfume.”

  Troy flushed and rubbed the side of his neck with the palm of his hand, like trying to rub off a pen mark accidently drawn on your skin. “Nothing.”

  Jessica’s eyes narrowed. Only she could glare like that and make his insides flip with guilt.

  “I know the smell of your cologne and it doesn’t smell anything like that. Is there something else you want to tell me?” A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth.

  He looked around everywhere, trying to avoid her stare. But there would be no point in denying it; she could read him like an open book. “With all the rain yesterday, I didn’t get any work done outside, so I just wore the same shirt today. Sorry, does it smell bad?”

  “No, no, no. It’s not sweat. It smells of ladies’ perfume. Is your feminine side coming out?”

  He fidgeted with his collar. “That’s definitely not the case.”

  She playfully slapped him on the arm. “Tell me everything. Who is she? Someone I know from around here?”

  He shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. “There’s not much to tell. She’s someone here on a short-term project. One thing led to another. Well, actually it’s been twice now. But that’s it.”

  He’d been trying not to think of Kelleigh. Yesterday had turned out to be one afternoon in the cellar he’d never forget. However, having to explain to Nick why thirty minutes of security footage was deleted from their logs was nothing short of embarrassing. Nick had tears running down his face from laughing so much. Luckily Kelleigh had not been there at the time.

  “Good for you.” She said as they continued to head down through the trellises where the vines were weighed down with heavy bunches of grapes near ready for picking. “I told you you’d meet someone new. I was thinking someone a little more long-term. But hey, gotta start somewhere, right?”

  “She’s nice. But temporary.”

  “Now that sounds familiar. That’s what Nate was supposed to be as well. Look what happened to us. Married. A baby. International jet-setting lifestyle firmly established. So don’t go writing off the possibility with someone if you like her.”

  He was trying not to like her. Trying to ignore the way he felt when she was in the room. Trying to get her out of his mind.

  Troy shook his head. “It’s nothing serious. She’s from Melbourne anyway. Besides, I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “Why not? You’re a great catch.” She looked at him with concern.

  He hesitated as he looked out over the horizon. It didn’t matter that he liked Kelleigh, he couldn’t open his heart up to the prospect of love. “You of all people know what I’ve been through. Unlucky in love, that’s me. Now Gumtrees and Conner fill my purpose in life.”

  “Ha … that’s what I thought after I divorced Graeme. Drowned myself in work to numb the pain. Figured my chances of finding love again were slim to none, but the universe can conspire in mysterious ways. After what I’ve been through, I wouldn’t rule out anything. You’re a handsome man, Troy Smith. Don’t lock yourself away from the prospect of finding someone to make you happy.”

  “Words from the wise, hey?” He’d like to have Jessica’s optimism, but he was too much of a realist.

  “How’s Larry?” She looked out across the foothills toward his property.

  “Not too good. He hasn’t been well since winter. Would you believe his place is up for a conditional sale to a company that wants to turn it into a golf course and resort hotel? I’m not sure if Maxine has told you, but I’ve been talking to her about trying to find a legal way to stop it from going ahead. She hasn’t been able to come up with anything for me yet.”

  “Yeah, she mentioned it. Max is ruthless; she’ll find something.”

  Troy was hopeful but his chances were getting slimmer by the day. He had ten days before the rezoning meeting and had nothing that would put a halt on the project.

  “It’s getting late, I’d better head back.” Jessica said as they reached the end of one of the vineyard rows. Turning around, they meandered back up the slope toward the cabins. “Conner’s staying with you, right?” Jessica enquired. “I’ll come and see him later on at your cottage if that’s all right? He’s supposed to be helping me out tomorrow and I need to run through his tasks. Your presentation is at one o’clock in the afternoon, straight after lunch. Then are you still able to come to the dinner?”

  Jessica was like a well-oiled machine, she never stopped. Her attention to detail and meticulous planning in running corporate events had led her to be very successful.

  “Of course, I’ll be there. Even going to wear a suit for you.”

  Chapter 18

  Kelleigh walked into the crowded function room on Saturday night at the Hunter Valley Crowne Plaza Hotel; the sea of unfamiliar faces bewildered her. The golden carpet stretched out before her. Black-covered chairs with golden sashes and tables dressed with elaborate centerpiece decorations awaited all the dinner guests in the vast ballroom. In the pre-function area hundreds of people mingled around bar tables, while wait staff navigated successfully through the sea of bodies with trays full of beverages. Among all this glitz and glamor, Kelleigh didn’t recognize anyone. Her boss was supposed to be here but was nowhere to be found.

  She smoothed her hands down over the black lace of her new cocktail dress and then brushed her hands through her new short shoulder-l
ength haircut. She was still not used to the light feel of it after having her long black hair cut off and dyed blonde at the hairdressers in Maitland today. Such a bold change, but one that she needed. The new her was slowly coming to life.

  Straightening her stance, she made her way over to a vacant bar table and grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters as she walked passed. Taking a seat, she took a sip of her bubbles and surveyed the room, wondering why the hell she was here.

  In all her rushing around today, Kelleigh forgot to call her sister. She grabbed her phone from her new clutch to send a quick message. As she started to type, she caught sight of Toru talking to Jerry in the shadows off to the side of the room. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, prickling her skin when she saw Toru reach into his suit jacket pocket and hand Jerry a thick, yellow envelope.

  Kelleigh’s brain clicked into action. She swiped her phone over to the camera app and took a picture of the two men, just as Jerry accepted the envelope. What the hell was going on? Was this what Toru meant when he said he would do anything to ensure that the development was approved? Kelleigh sat dumbfounded, wondering if her suspicions were correct. Was there something of concern on Larry’s place? Her heart raced and her hands trembled as she quickly put her phone away when Toru started to approach her.

  “Was that Jerry? What were you two talking about?” She tried to sound aloof, while her palms sweated profusely against the satin fabric of her clutch.

  “I wanted to ensure our reports will be ready on time for our meeting with council.”

  “What did you hand him?” she asked, before taking a quick sip on her champagne.

  Toru drew out his handkerchief and wiped his brow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Kelleigh glared at him; frustration formed a knot between her shoulder blades. She wasn’t able to ignore her suspicions. “I saw you hand him an envelope. What was in it? Was it money?”

  “That’s none of your concern. I’m doing what is necessary to ensure our reports are good.” He stuffed his hanky back in his pocket and did up his jacket button. “You are concocting things out of nothing. Maybe too much champagne, yes?”

  Kelleigh shook her head. “I’ve had one sip. I know what I saw.”

  “You saw nothing, Miss Johnstone. Now, please excuse me, I have other guests to meet. See you at dinner. Yes?”

  Toru turned on his heels and disappeared into the crowd. Kelleigh waited until he was out of view before she reached into her clutch and turned off the voice record button on her cell phone. Staring at the screen, she couldn’t believe she held damning evidence that Toru was corrupt. But what should she do with it?

  After grabbing another glass of champagne, she slid off her chair and made her way outside for some fresh air on the terrace. She needed to think straight and decide what to do about Toru. She wondered if head office in Japan was behind these actions. Was Toru just doing his job? Was it money in the envelope or something else? Maybe it really was nothing and she should let it slide. She placed her hand on her tummy and rubbed it. No, there was an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach that meant something was wrong. She’d have to wait until the reports came back to see if her instinct was right.

  Heading back inside, she stopped in the doorway; her attention was drawn to the main doorway. Her breath hitched when she saw Troy walk in to the room. He was with other people, but she didn’t care about them. He looked up and caught her gaze. Those sapphire eyes made her forget there was a world existing around her. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips before he excused himself and approached her. Her knees weakened as she glanced over his suited attire. Broad shoulders and toned arms filled out the black outfit in all the right places. She couldn’t decide which outfit made him look more handsome; this one, or his worn-out Akubra hat and faded blue jeans. She’d settle for either, but the latter was more suited to him. She raised her eyebrow when he stopped in front of her; impressed at how fine he scrubbed up for the occasion. Damn her stupid heart as it thudded in her chest.

  “You look amazing,” he swooned, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. “Yet again, our paths have crossed.” His eyed drifted over her, shimmering with desire. “Did you think by changing your hairstyle I wouldn’t recognize you? I don’t think there’s anything you could do that wouldn’t capture my attention.” The deep tone of his voice rippled through her body, seeping through her veins like a cup of hot, delicious cocoa. “You were beautiful before, now I think I’m going to have to put you in the class of breathtaking.”

  She blushed at his appraisal. “The country air must be getting to me. It’s making me go all natural, even back to my original hair color.” She smiled sheepishly as she ruffled her hand through her hairdo.

  “It suits you. Makes you look even sexier.”

  Mm, so did he. All cleanly shaven. Smelling of a spicy cologne. Handsome as hell in a dinner suit.

  “Thank you.” She glanced down to the floor, embarrassed by his compliment and consciously trying not to ogle at him for too long.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you here this evening.” From the grin on his face he didn’t looked disappointed.

  “I wasn’t expecting you either; you said you were only doing a talk today.” He shook his head, unable to hide his smile, making butterflies flutter in her tummy. “My boss is here and insisted I come and network. But these people are all suppliers, wholesalers and restaurant and hotel chains, I have nothing in common with them.”

  “You’re here with your boss?” He balked, stiffening his stance.

  She choked on a mouthful of her drink. “Yes, but not as his partner, if that’s what you’re implying. Strictly business. The more I can avoid him the better. He’s far from my favorite person at the moment.”

  His shoulders relaxed, a glint of charm returned to his eyes as he straightened his tie. “Uh-ha, I think you’re just looking for more excuses to see me. But if you really don’t want to be with your boss, would you like to join me at our table for dinner? We have a spare seat because my son has decided to go off drinking with friends at Harrigan’s rather than stay here.”

  She blinked. “What did you say? I didn’t know you have a son. How old is he if he’s out drinking?” Troy didn’t look old enough to have a grown son.

  “Conner. He’s twenty-two.”

  “Wow,” she gasped. She should’ve expected him to have kids at his age. He’d been married after all. “It must’ve been hard for you raising him after losing your wife.” She couldn’t think of anything worse. In spite of their differences, she was really close to her family. Then she thought of Rodrigo. Thank God she never had kids with him. What a horrendous father figure he would’ve been. He had no morals. No values. No respect.

  “I didn’t.” Troy’s voice lowered. “His mother, Jessica raised him. Unfortunately he grew up without me. I only found out about him when I came back from the States a few years ago.”

  She closed her eyes for a second to stop her mind from boggling. “I thought you said Nicola was your wife. So who, where and how does Jessica fit in to the picture?”

  Troy held up his finger to attract the attention of a waiter walking past with a tray of drinks and grabbed a beer. Taking a sip, he licked his lips before he spoke.

  “I think I mentioned to you that Jessica’s the event manager behind tonight. She was my girlfriend back in high school. I didn’t know she was pregnant with Conner when I left to live overseas.” Regret flashed in his eyes, it was obviously a hard topic for him to talk about. “You will meet her if you join me at our table. Her husband Nate Somers is here as well.”

  “Nate Somers. Really?” She rolled the stem of her glass between her fingertips as she contemplated his offer. “Are you sure? Who else is with you?”

  If yet again some force beyond her control had led her to see Troy again, why try and fight it. More importantly, she didn’t want to. Not tonight. Maybe the champagne was starting to take effect, but she’d so
oner spend time with him, Nick and Maria who hated JLR, and others she’d never met than be near her boss.

  “A few of the staff from Gumtrees. This is a big night for us. We’re up for two awards.”

  “I don’t want to intrude on your group.”

  “You won’t be. Please join me.”

  Her boss insisted she network, so surely this would fall into that category. Seeing Troy again, all dressed up in a dinner suit, looking at her with such intensity, was causing her body temperature to rise and had her doubting her self-control. Would she be able to keep her hands to herself?

  Oh, what the hell. “I’d love to.”

  Resting his hand against the small of her back, Troy guided her over to his table. With every step she took, she was drawn closer and closer into his side. Close enough to slip her hand around his waist, but he took hold of it instead. Clearing his throat, he stumbled over his words when he introduced her to everyone at the table. Nate and Jessica beamed with charisma, while Nick, Maria and the Gumtrees staff eyed her suspiciously as Troy helped her to take the seat next to him.

  “Is it hot in here, or is it me in this damn jacket?” Troy flapped the side of his lapels to cool off.

  As dinner commenced, everyone made her feel welcome; falling into conversation and laughing about work, travel, the pending harvest and upcoming events. This group of strangers felt more like friends to her than anyone she’d known for years back in Melbourne.

  Every now and then, in her peripheral vision, she caught sight of Troy gazing at her when she spoke. It was hard to resist the temptation to slip her hand underneath the table and place it on his leg. She wanted to touch him. Every time she thought about it, she saw a cheeky look in his eye, or that smile that touched the corner of his lips. She wondered if he was thinking the exact same thing.

  Alternate meals were served to the table with prompt efficiency and Kelleigh giggled as she watched Troy enjoy the fusion of flavors as he ate his meal. The little noises and groans he made with every mouthful made it look like the most amazing dish ever. She longed to kiss his lips, taste his mouth and share in the indulgence.


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