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Page 8

by Elin Wyn

  I was jealous.

  My gaze was drawn to Sk’lar. He watched me with a careful gaze.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  “I wanted to see if Dr. Parr had any results from those scans Fen had requested.” General Rouhr explained. “But if she’s busy, I wouldn’t mind speaking with you more about the Dashiell Fox developments.”

  “He and his followers are strange,” Sk’lar added.

  “In what way?”

  “We’re noticing a lack of activities you’d call normal,” General Rouhr said.

  “Tell me everything,” Vidia insisted.

  She and Rouhr bent their heads together over the datapad in his hand.

  “You and the general both had to come in here for that?” I questioned Sk’lar.

  “Not quite.” Sk’lar pulled up a chair and sat down next to me. “Something strange happened just now.”


  “I asked Fen to open a rift and she wouldn’t do it. She disabled the AI that allowed automatic rift creation based on our commands. She said it was too dangerous.”

  “Too dangerous? What happened?”

  “I don’t know. She disconnected.”

  “Does General Rouhr know?” I asked.

  “He was there,” Sk’lar shook his head. “We don’t know how this is connected, or if it is, but it’s one more oddness to add to the pile.”

  “I don’t like oddness,” I mused. “Surely the general can make her tell him what’s going on?”

  “I’m not fond of the situation either,” Sk’lar agreed. “However, the Urai tech is invaluable to us, and they like their independence. Fen’s never let us down before, so General Rouhr’s willing to give her the benefit of time.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “At the moment, there’s nothing much I can do.” Sk’lar rubbed the back of his neck. I noticed how the lights from his circuitry pulsed and flickered when he moved. “I’ll admit, I’m getting restless.”

  “This is the part where you invite me to the bar,” I grinned.

  “I’m becoming predictable.”

  “Only a little. I’m still going to say yes, though.”

  We stood up to leave. Vidia called out to me.

  “You haven’t been examined yet!”

  “I’ll get my examination done tomorrow.”

  “I no longer owe you ten credits,” Evie said to Vidia.

  Sk’lar and I strode out of the building. I was shocked to see that night had fallen. Where had the day gone?

  “Are you aware of how much time you spend in the office?” Sk’lar asked.

  “I do my forty hours like everyone else,” I shrugged.

  “Try closer to eighty,” he corrected.

  “How would you know?”

  “I pulled up your timesheet.”

  “Oh yeah? How many hours a week do you put in?”

  “About the same,” Sk’lar laughed. “That’s why I need to come here so often.”

  We walked into the familiar dim lighting of the bar. Clynt stood making drinks like he always did. The same broadcasts were playing on the mounted panel. A group of three men was already playing pool.

  “Looks like I won’t be able to kick your ass tonight,” I pouted.

  “I let you win.”


  “You’re too drunk to remember.”

  We sat at our usual stools and ordered our usual drinks.

  “This might just be my favorite part of the day,” I grinned.

  “Is that because of me or because of the alcohol?”

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were calling me an alcoholic.”

  “You spend the majority of your nights in a bar with me,” Sk’lar pointed out.

  “That’s only been happening since I met you,” I said.

  “That must mean I’m something special,” he smirked.

  “Yeah.” My voice came out softer than I wanted it to. I sipped my drink, but still wasn’t able to hide my smile.

  “There’s something here. You know that, don’t you?”


  “Here.” Sk’lar gestured to the half foot of space between us. “We both feel it.”

  “Maybe there is. So what?” I was baiting him. There most certainly was something there, something more than I’d been willing to admit.

  “I think it’s time we do something about it.”

  “Like what?”

  “Follow me.”

  Sk’lar wordlessly got up from the bar. I followed him.

  “I’ll just put those on your tabs, then?” Clynt called after us.

  “Put both drinks on mine,” Sk’lar called over his shoulder.

  We didn’t speak as we walked back to my apartment or when we took the elevator up to my floor. It wasn’t until we stood in the center of my living space, so close that my chest grazed against his when I took a breath, that he finally spoke again.

  “Do you remember the last time we did this?”

  “I reckon I remember more than you do. We kissed. It was glorious. And then you passed out and began to snore.”

  “You’re right. We’re not going to count the first time we did this anymore. This is our first time now.”

  His hands settled on my waist and pulled me in closer, so that my chest was flush against his.

  I wanted to say something funny or witty. Something to make this moment lighthearted and meaningless like all of our other moments had been. But this moment meant something. I felt it.

  When he brought his lips to mine, I took in every sensation. I was so focused on his mouth that I didn’t notice he was moving me backward until my legs hit the bed.

  I let myself fall back, pulling him down with me. With eager hands, I pulled his shirt over his head. He moved his hand under me and lifted my back off the mattress before removing my shirt. He didn’t set me down right away. Instead, he held me against him. I wound my arms around his neck, locking my body against his. With light fingers, I traced patterns across his skin and played along the lines of his complex circuitry.

  When he crushed his lips down on mine, there was a fire that hadn’t been there before. I parted my lips and allowed the kiss to deepen. He moved so that his hips were wedged between my legs. I felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against my inner thigh.

  Well endowed, just like I’d suspected that time in the shower.

  “I’m very glad I didn’t shut you out,” I whispered in his ear before gently biting down on his earlobe.

  “Me, too.”

  He took away the hand on my back, letting me fall back onto the mattress. His hands moved down my stomach to my hips. With one swift motion, he pulled down my pants and underclothes. He paused to take off my boots before removing every article of my clothing.

  When he moved back up my body, he stopped at my thighs. I let my head loll back onto the bed while he kissed his way up my inner thigh.

  I wasn’t expecting to feel his mouth at the apex of my thighs. He paused as if asking for permission.

  I nodded, breath catching in my throat.

  Every gentle, probing stroke of his tongue tore a sigh from my lips. When his clever mouth moved up my stomach, I almost grabbed his head and pushed him back down.

  Anticipation quivered through my body as I waited to see what would come next.

  He stopped at my breasts. As he kissed them, I watched the glow from his circuits illuminate my skin.

  I sat up just enough so that I could reach his belt. I undid the clasp and pushed his pants down. His swollen member pressed against my slick folds, sending electricity shooting through my body at just this touch.

  “Ooh,” I gasped as, with tantalizing slowness, Sk’lar entered me.

  Our eyes locked on each other’s while my body adjusted to his girth.

  “How’s that, Phryne?” he asked, lips brushing over mine.

  Too filled with unexpected emotion to speak, I rocked my hips up
into him and silently begged for more. With a hungry edge to his gaze, his hips bucked against me, each impact sending an explosion of pleasure through my body.

  Without warning, he took both of my calves and lifted them one after the other so that my legs were slung over his shoulders. He sank deeper inside me. I cried out, not caring if anyone heard me.

  I wrapped my arms around him and pushed my face into his neck as my body gave way to shakes and trembles. I tightened around him, excruciatingly aware of every inch of him inside me. My breaths came in short, hard bursts and my pleasure reached its peak and crashed back down over me.

  The world spun on its axis as we climaxed together. I was aware of nothing, not the bed beneath me nor the ceiling above me.

  Nothing except Sk’lar.


  The implant never had a chance to awaken me at dawn, because the delectable smell of food preparation wafting into my nostrils beat it to the punch. Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Part of me wondered if I was getting far too comfortable with waking up at Phryne’s apartment.

  My lips stretched in a smile when I recalled the events of the previous night. Making love deep into the night with an enthusiastic partner might be the best way to spend an evening I’d yet encountered.

  And with Phryne, sweet, tough, irresistible Phryne, I’d never get enough.

  It only took me a moment to don my skintight undergarment, then I walked barefooted and bare chested into Phryne’s kitchen. She stood before the stove, humming to herself, clad in a miniscule undergarment with mere strings holding it around her waist. The thin strip of fabric covered nothing, instead disappearing between her small but well-shaped rear cheeks. I remembered that last night, at some point, I’d tried to count the freckles adorning her bottom—with my tongue.

  Other than the almost-panties, Phryne was clad only in a thin sleeveless shirt. For a while, I enjoyed just standing there and watching her move about the kitchen while so scantily clad. My body responded to the idea of taking her back to bed. But in this case, my empty belly overruled my sex organ—at least for now.

  Phryne turned around, bearing a steaming skillet full of some crispy, greasy meat, and noticed me at last. A slight smile played about her lips and a rosy blush adorned her cheeks.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” My voice was still thick with recent slumber, but Phryne didn’t seem to mind. In a few short steps, I was nestled against her, embracing her from behind. Phryne moved her skillet back to the stove, chuckling all the while.

  “Hold up, you ape, you’re going to make me dump our breakfast all over the floor.”

  “Then I’ll have to eat something else.”

  For emphasis, I put my mouth on her shoulder and started working toward her neck. She wriggled that magnificent bottom across my crotch, springing me into greater arousal. Then the little tease broke out of my grip and returned to her culinary task at hand.

  I let out a frustrated grunt, even though a smile remained fixed on my ebony face.

  “Patience, big guy. There’s plenty of time for that later.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” She seated me at the dining table and placed a plate of steaming protein and vegetables in front of me. After getting herself a similarly laden platter, Phryne sat opposite me and dug a fork into the mound.

  My first bite sent explosions of fiery flavor across my tongue. K’ver food tended to be practical, like us. Food was prepared with an eye to nutrition first, palatability a distant second. Humans, however, considered the preparation of cuisine to be an art form all in itself. Tasting Phryne’s cooking, I couldn’t help but agree.

  “What do you think?”

  Glancing across the table, I found Phryne staring at me expectantly. I felt that she was more worried about my answer than any of the craziness which had enveloped our world.

  “It’s delicious.” I took another bite for emphasis. “It sort of burns my mouth, but I don’t mind at all.”

  “That’s the jalapeno peppers. I understand it was damn hard to get them to grow on this planet, but worth every drop of sweat.”

  “Indeed.” My napkin was repurposed to wipe my glistening brow. “In more ways than one.”

  We returned to our food and, for a time, the only sounds were the clink of dinnerware against ceramic plates. At length, I looked up to find her watching me intently again.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. It’s just—sometimes you seem really…otherworldly. Even when you’re doing something familiar to me, like eating.”

  “Hmm.” I took another bite and spoke around the mouthful. “I suppose that’s because, from your perspective, I am otherworldly. Even though we are both of the K’veri endotype, there are—”

  “Wait, did you say K’veri endotype?”

  “Yes.” I set my fork down. “I mean, you have two locomotive limbs, two manipulatory limbs, one head and—why are you laughing?”

  Phryne dabbed at her mouth and shook her head, tears welling in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just kind of odd. But it makes sense. We would classify your species as ‘humanoid’, which means basically the same thing. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective.”

  “Indeed.” I smiled, not quite getting why this was funny but enjoying her mirth nonetheless. “I suppose it’s quite fortunate that our species are so…compatible.”

  “Yes, it is.” There was a gleam in her eyes that made my heart race. “We should—explore—this compatibility further, don’t you think?”

  I stood up, intent on crossing the kitchen and taking her lithe form in my arms, when I became aware of an insistent chime. Racing back into the bedroom, I found my external comm unit flashing with a priority alert.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I turned to find Phryne standing in the doorway, leaning on one arm. The position had lifted her upper garment, revealing the underside of the pink mounds of her breasts. Regret coursed through me, but orders were orders.

  “I have to report to the airfield immediately. Team Three is needed.”

  She smiled, only the slight tightening at the corner of her eyes betraying her worry as I raced about the room, gathering up my garments.

  “Well, I suppose we’ll have to take a rain check.”

  “A rain check? What is that?”

  “It’s—it just means we have to wait.”

  “I see.” I didn’t, but I didn’t have time to make further inquiries on this ‘rain check’.

  Phryne and I shared a long, lingering kiss at the door, and then I rushed to the airfield. My legs were just starting to burn when I reached the tarmac.

  I kept up the steady pace, passing by sleek craft until I spotted General Rouhr, dressed out in full battle gear. For a split second, I thought I was about to be relieved of command, then I dismissed the notion.

  “Sk'lar.” Rouhr gestured to the waiting Ripper-class armored transport. “Your team awaits its leader.”

  “What's the situation, General?”

  “I received a cryptic distress call from the Aurora. Fen still refuses to allow anyone to rift, so this is the speediest way to get boots on the ground.”

  “Right. No idea what we're dealing with? More of the anti-alien activists?”


  We raced up the ramp, metal clanking with each footfall. Team Three was already strapped in, geared up and ready to lift off. Jalok whispered something in Cazak’s ear, and the two of them enjoyed a good chuckle.

  “Be serious in the presence of the general!” I bellowed. “He’s coming on this mission with us!”

  “At ease, Sk’lar,” the general replied. “Team Three may be what the humans term “cowboys”, but camaraderie before battle is to be cherished, even in the presence of a general. Besides, I think this time the mirth is caused by you.”

  So. The gossip had reached everyone's ears, it seemed, and every single person on this craft knew where I’d spent t
he previous evening.

  At least Tyehn was all business, but I knew that was more because he couldn't wait to fight rather than out of any sense of preserving my dignity.

  “Any clue what we're going to face, Commander?”

  “None. But we're going in hot this time.”

  “Music to my ears.”

  We all lurched in unison as the craft tore itself away from the ground. There were no windows in an armored transport like this, other than in the cockpit, as they would create structural weaknesses. I looked about the cabin and found that, despite their mirth at my expense, Team Three was ready for action. They were also deeply troubled by the mystery of our mission, perhaps even frightened.

  Fear gnawed at my belly, as well. To keep everyone's nerves steady, I pulled rank and demanded everyone give me a verbal inventory of their equipment. There was some grumbling, but I think they were grateful for the distraction.

  “Commander Sk'lar.”

  I glanced up the aisle to the cockpit.

  “What is it, Corporal?”

  “I—you'd better come and take a look yourself, sir.”

  After unbuckling my crash webbing, I carefully made my way up the aisle to lean on his seat, peering intently out the cockpit windshield.

  At first, all I noticed were the squat, knobby trees flashing past below. The wind generated by our passage seemed to be making the limbs dance about wildly. Then I realized that the kodanos were locked in combat with the serpentine vines we'd come to recognize as the Puppet Master's signature.

  “What are we looking at, Corporal?”

  “I'd say the trees are fighting the PM's vines, sir.”

  “Yes, but why? Doesn't he control most of the vegetation?”

  “I don't know, sir. I fly the ship.”

  Grunting, I quickly stepped back to the cabin and briefed my team and Rouhr on the situation.

  “I'm not sure how or why, but the Puppet Master seems to be engaged in conflict with sorvuc and kodanos trees. Those will be our targets. Keep your bursts short and accurate; we still don't know how much destroying the PM's vines will affect the overall organism, and a lot of scientist-types think that if the PM dies, the planet dies. Understand?”


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