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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  cosmopolitan, 34, 162, 224, 225

  Euro- Arab Dialogue, 170, 177


  Europa Terra Nostra, 271

  for Alain de Benoist, 86

  Europe- Action, 74, 79

  for Greg Johnson, 213

  Europe, Globalization, and the Coming

  for Jack Donovan, 245, 248– 49

  Universal Caliphate, by Bat Ye’or,

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 126, 132

  170, 176

  for Paul Gottfried, 110, 111


  Emanations, by Ernst Jünger, 28

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 235

  Encounters, by Paul Gottfried, 104, 105

  and the Arab world, 96, 177

  equality; and Jack Donovan, 242

  centralized, 79

  Essays on Magical Idealism, by Julius

  decline of, 32, 33, 34, 79, 83, 97, 128

  Evola, 56, 58

  defense of, 95, 96

  ether, 56

  federal, 77, 79

  ethnic cleansing, 212, 226

  feudalism in, 109


  German- dominated, possible,

  for Alain de Benoist, 77– 79, 83

  4, 14, 41

  for Daniel Friberg, 262, 263, 265

  immigration into

  European, 84, 96

  for Alain de Benoist, 78, 83, 84, 86

  for Greg Johnson, 210– 12, 213

  for Guillaume Faye, 94– 95, 96

  for Guillaume Faye, 92– 93, 96, 98

  for Richard B. Spencer, 226

  for Jack Donovan, 246

  inspires Burkean conservatives, 113

  for Jared Taylor, 139– 41,

  Muslim control of, 170– 71,

  142– 44, 148– 50

  173– 74, 177– 78

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 126, 129

  opposed to monotheism, 84

  for Richard B. Spencer, 225– 26, 229,

  pagan, 78, 79, 96, 208

  232– 34, 237

  postwar, for Ernst Jünger, 29– 30

  See also Volk

  and Russia, 160, 162, 167

  ethnonationalism, in Sweden, 263

  and the United States

  ethnopluralism, 238

  for Guillaume Faye, 95, 96, 97

  ethnoplurality, 210

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 128

  ethnostate, 225, 233, 234

  for Richard B. Spencer, 236




  See also ethnicity: European;

  as part of Conservative

  identity: European;

  Revolution, 24

  nationalism: European

  published by Arktos, 269

  European Committee for the

  on race, 63– 64

  Coordination of Friendship

  for Richard B. Spencer, 227, 230,

  Associations with the Muslim

  231, 233

  World, 177


  European Economic Community, 177.

  of civilizations, 7

  See also European Union

  of cultures, 9, 11

  European heritage of United States.

  of the eye, 5

  See United States: European

  human, 4, 8

  heritage of

  of identities, 78

  European IQs, 142– 43

  See also Darwinianism; decline

  European Liberation Front, 165

  evolutionary biology, 142

  European Union, 16, 170, 177, 178.

  evolutionary genetics, 142

  See also European Economic

  evolutionary psychology, 142, 249


  Existentialism, 46– 47, 49, 79

  Eurosiberia, 97

  evangelicals, 102, 103, 114, 130, 133

  Fallaci, Oriana, 176, 177

  Evola, Julius, 54– 67


  and Alain de Benoist, 76

  and Alain de Benoist, 77

  for Alexander Dugin, 86, 156, 159,

  and Jack Donovan, 246– 47

  161– 62, 166– 67

  and Jared Taylor, 144– 45

  and anti- Semitism, 63– 64, 65

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 128

  and Catholicism, 55, 60, 62


  compared to Mencius Moldbug, 188

  Alain de Benoist

  and culture, 60– 61, 66

  accused of, 75, 77

  for Daniel Friberg, 266, 270– 71

  views on, 85

  and democracy, 55, 61, 62

  Alexander Dugin on, 159, 160– 61

  and Fascism, 61, 62, 64, 65

  as context for Carl Schmitt, 48– 49

  for Gábor Vona, 273

  Ernst Jünger accused of, 24, 26

  and gender, 55, 60, 65

  Greg Johnson on, 209, 211

  for Greg Johnson, 205, 210, 216

  Jack Donovan on, 247– 48, 254

  for Guillaume Faye, 91, 94

  and Julius Evola, 61, 62, 64, 65

  influence on Nordiska

  Lyndon Johnson accused

  förbundet, 266

  of, 105– 05

  for Jack Donovan, 252– 53

  Mencius Moldbug on, 196

  and the Jews, 55, 63– 64

  Oswald Spengler on, 6

  and Judaism, 55, 64– 64

  Richard B. Spencer on, 31,

  meets Carl Schmitt, 44

  225, 233– 34

  and modernity, 59– 61, 63– 64

  See also anarcho- fascism

  and neopaganism, 58, 61, 62

  Faurisson, Robert, 98




  Faye, Guillaume, 91– 99

  Fitzhugh, George, 149

  and Alain de Benoist, 76, 93– 94, 99

  Fjordman, 170, 175

  and the Alt Right, 97, 98

  Fleming, Thomas, 109, 125

  and anti- Americanism, 86, 92,

  Folkets nyheter, 264, 267

  95, 96, 99

  Folktribunen, 263

  and authoritarianism, 95, 97

  Foreign Legion, French, 23– 24

  and civilization, 95– 98

  foreign policy

  and Conservative Revolution, 91, 92

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 235– 36

  and the counterculture, 91– 92

  American, 103– 04, 105, 123

  and Daniel Friberg, 260

  European, 235

  on demography, 96– 97

  German, 46

  on ethnicity, 92– 93, 96, 98

  Forney, Matt, 251, 270

  and Europe, 94– 95, 96

  Fortuyn, Pim, 175

  and Greg Johnson, 206, 211

  Foucault, 155

  on homosexuality, 93, 95

  Foundations of Geopolitics, The, by

  and identity, 92– 93, 94– 95, 96– 97

  Alexander Dugin, 156– 57, 162– 63

  and immigration, 76, 92– 93, 96

  Fourth Political Theory, by Alexander

  and Islam, 76, 91, 92, 96– 98, 99

  Dugin, 161

  and Israel, 95, 96, 98

  Framtid, 263

  and Jack Donovan, 247

  Francis, Samuel T., 129– 30, 131, 150, 227,

  and Jared Taylor, 150– 51

  228, 231

  and Jews, 94, 98

  Frank, Hans, 40

  leaves GRECE, 93

  Frankfurt School, 15, 93, 95, 105, 111,

  and liberalism, 92, 96

  128, 267

  and modernity, 91, 94– 95

  free speech, 230, 237

  and National Socialism, 92, 93

  Freedom Party, Austrian, 150, 235

  and neopaganism, 93– 96

  Freeman, Derek, 247

  on race, 95, 96r />
  Freemasonry, 58, 64, 74, 156, 162

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226, 231,

  Fremskrittspartiet, 171

  232, 235

  French Foreign Legion, 23– 24

  on Zionism, 95, 98

  French Revolution, 25, 31, 42, 44, 60,

  Federalist Papers, 147

  76, 210


  Freson, Pierre, 97

  for Jack Donovan, 244, 245, 247, 248, Freund, Julien, 92

  249, 250, 251, 254

  Friberg, Daniel, 259– 73

  for Mencius Moldbug, 195, 200, 217

  and the Alt Right, 261, 270– 73

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 128, 130

  and, 230– 31

  for Richard B. Spencer, 231

  and American Renaissance, 259

  See also gender

  and blogging, 260– 61, 267, 269– 70

  Ferguson, Niall, 170, 177

  and civilization, 271

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 57

  and Counter- Currents, 259

  film, 216

  and culture, 267, 269




  and democracy, 265

  genocide, 174, 229, 238. See also

  and Donald Trump, 271– 73


  on ethnicity, 262, 263, 265

  Gentile, Giovanni, 54

  and Guénonian Traditionalism, 266,

  geopolitics of Alexander Dugin, 160

  269, 273

  Germanic myth, 252

  and identitarianism, 266– 68, 272

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 80, 83

  and immigration, 262– 63

  global elites. See elites: global

  and liberalism, 259, 264– 66, 270– 71


  and metapolitics, 259– 73

  for Alain de Benoist, 75, 76, 78, 86

  and modernity, 271, 272

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 236

  and National Socialism, 261, 269

  for Bat Ye’or, 170

  and populism, 268– 69

  for Chantal Mouffe, 50

  on race, 263

  for Ernst Jünger, 34

  and white identity, 272

  for Greg Johnson, 210, 212

  and white nationalism, 259, 264, 273

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 126, 130

  Frick, Wilhelm, 40

  for Richard B. Spencer, 233

  Futurism, 56– 57, 248


  futurism of Mencius Moldbug, 188– 89,

  for Alain de Benoist, 80

  190, 197

  for Carl Schmitt, 44– 45

  death of, 80

  Gabriel, Brigitte, 175

  for Jared Taylor, 137– 38, 149

  Gaffney, Frank, 175

  for Julius Evola, 56– 57, 58, 59, 60, 65

  Gamergate, 250

  godhood, 212

  gangs, 244– 45

  Goebbels, Josef, 29

  Gates of Vienna, 175

  Goethe Prize, 33

  Gauchet, Marcel, 85

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 7

  Gaullism, 74, 82, 83– 84

  Goldberg, Jonah, 131

  gay culture, 243, 244. See also

  Golden Dawn, 165


  Goldwater, Barry, 103, 106, 122

  gay rights, 104, 130, 162

  Golovin, Yevgenii, 155, 156

  Gehlen, Arnold, 32, 92

  Gordian Knot, The, by Ernst Jünger, 31

  Gemayael, Bashir, 171

  Göring, Hermann, 40


  Gottfried, Paul, 102– 16

  and Alain de Benoist, 77

  and the Alt Right, 113, 116

  and Carl Schmitt, 45

  and authoritarianism, 111– 12

  and Jack Donovan, 242– 46, 254

  and civilization, 102, 109

  and Julius Evola, 55, 60, 65

  and class, 110– 11

  and Mencius Moldbug, 197

  and communism, 103– 04

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 128, 130

  and culture, 106, 107, 115

  See also battle; feminism; heroism;

  and Daniel Friberg, 269, 273

  homosexuality; masculinity;

  and democracy, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115

  virility; warrior

  on global elites, 110, 111




  Gottfried, Paul ( cont. )

  Grjebine, André, 85

  and identity, 103, 110

  Group of Ur, 58– 59, 62

  and Israel, 104, 105

  Groupement de recherche et d’études

  and Jack Donovan, 231

  pour la civilisation européenne.

  and the Jews, 104– 05


  and liberalism, 110, 111– 12, 114, 232

  Guénon, René

  and libertarianism, 108, 109

  and Alain de Benoist, 76, 86

  on Marxism, 107, 111– 12

  and Alexander Dugin, 156, 159,

  and modernity, 110– 11, 116

  165, 166– 67

  and multiculturalism, 110, 111, 232

  and Daniel Friberg, 266

  and National Socialism, 109

  and Greg Johnson, 210

  and the neoconservatives,

  and Guillaume Faye, 94

  102– 08, 114– 15

  and Julius Evola, 59

  and origin of “Alt Right,” 226

  Gulf War, 127, 132. See also Iraq War

  and paleoconservatism, 102,

  Günther, Hans, 83

  109– 13, 115– 16

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 125

  H. L. Mencken Club, 108, 112– 14,

  and the Republican Party, 102, 105–

  116, 230

  06, 109– 10, 114, 116

  Habermas, Jürgen, 36, 50, 92, 99

  and Richard B. Spencer, 229, 230

  Hagelin, John, 124

  and the state, 111, 112

  Hamas, 127

  Gramsci, Antonio

  Harper, William, 149

  and Alain de Benoist, 74, 86

  Hart, Michael, 144

  Alexander Dugin compared to, 155

  Hartz, Louis, 109

  cited by Mencius Moldbug, 193

  Haudry, Jean, 94

  cited by Patrick J. Buchanan, 128

  Haushofer, Karl, 165– 66

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226, 232

  Hedegaard, Lars, 175

  as source of metapolitics, 260, 261


  Grant, George, 235

  and Carl Schmitt, 42, 47

  Grant, Madison, 149, 213

  and Guillaume Faye, 92

  Great Betrayal, The, by Patrick

  and Oswald Spengler, 8

  J. Buchanan, 127

  and Paul Gottfried, 108

  Great Purge, The, by Paul Gottfried and

  Heimbach, Matthew, 165, 251

  Richard Spencer, 114, 236

  Heinlein, Robert, 190


  Heliopolis, by Ernst Jünger, 30

  and Alain de Benoist, 75– 76, 78– 80,

  Heraclitus, 5

  82– 83, 84, 86

  Herbert, Frank, 211

  and Guillaume Faye, 91,

  Herder, 11

  92– 94, 97– 99

  Heritage Foundation, the, 115

  and Robert Steuckers, 165


  Griffin, Brad, 251

  for Alain de Benoist, 81

  Griotteray, Alain, 83

  for Ernst Jünger, 32




  for Jack Donovan, 252

  Holocaust denial, 98, 132, 205

  for Julius Evola, 60

  Holocaustomania, 215

  for Nietzsche, 12 />
  homelands. See ethnostates

  for Richard B. Spencer, 225

  homophobia, 216, 248, 250, 251, 267.

  See also warriors

  See also homosexuality

  Herrnstein, Richard, 131


  Hesse, Herrmann, 3, 14

  Alain de Benoist on, 93

  Heyer, Heather, 207

  Alexander Dugin on, 162

  Hezbollah, 127

  Greg Johnson on, 216– 17


  Guillaume Faye on, 93, 95

  for Jack Donovan, 244, 245– 46

  Jack Donovan on, 243– 44, 246– 48,

  for Jared Taylor, 139, 141

  250, 251, 254

  for Mencius Moldbug, 187, 189, 195, 197

  James O’Meara on, 216– 17

  of paganism, 79

  Mencius Moldbug on, 197

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 125

  neoconservatives on, 104

  of races, 75, 83

  Patrick J. Buchanan on, 130, 133

  for Richard B. Spencer, 233, 238

  honor, 81, 244, 245, 248, 253

  in Traditionalism, 59– 60, 61

  Hoppe, Hans- Hermann, 191, 230

  See also class; elites

  Horizons of the Spirit, by Julius

  Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 104

  Evola, 64

  Himmler, Heinrich, 29, 63

  Howard- Hobson, Juleigh, 216

  Hinduism, 58, 60, 208

  Huckabee, Mike, 132

  Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 170

  human nature, 138, 146, 147, 195,

  Hispanic interest organizations, 139

  249, 251

  Hispanic migration, 127, 129, 148

  Human Rights’ Service, 171

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hupin Georges, 75

  compared to Abraham Lincoln, 106

  Hyperborea, 60, 159, 161

  meets Julius Evola, 64

  hypermodernity, 95

  meets Oswald Spengler, 6

  offers Ernst Jünger seat in

  Ibn Warraq, 175

  Reichstag, 26

  Ideas Have Consequences, by Richard

  and Savitri Devi, 208

  Weaver, 102

  See also National Socialism

  Identitarian Ideas seminar, 270,

  Hobbes, Thomas, 42, 44– 45, 47, 49

  271, 272

  Hobbits, 66


  Hoffman, Albert, 31

  and Alain de Benoist, 73

  Hoffman, Hasso, 49

  and Alexander Dugin, 159


  and Daniel Friberg, 266– 68, 272

  and Ernst Jünger, 29

  and Jared Taylor, 138– 41, 143, 150

  and Greg Johnson, 229

  and Mencius Moldbug, 199

  and Irmin Vinson, 214, 215

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 127

  and Leo Strauss, 109

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226





  International Eurasianist Movement, 157

  and Alain de Benoist, 73, 77– 79

  International Free Press Society, 175

  and Carl Schmitt, 36, 46– 48

  internet, 188– 89, 190, 194

  ethnic ( see ethnicity)

  and Daniel Friberg, 260– 61, 270, 271

  European, 73, 79, 93, 213, 224, 229

  and Jack Donovan, 253

  ( see also nationalism: European;


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