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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

Page 53

by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  society, bourgeois, 3, 62

  Paul Gottfried, 108, 109

  Sombart, Werner, 63

  Seeckt, Hans von, 5

  Sorel, Georges, 81




  South Africa, 225

  and the Jews, 225, 235– 38

  South America, 48, 66, 143

  and liberalism, 224– 26, 229, 231,

  South, of United States

  233, 235– 37

  and Greg Johnson, 211, 212

  and metapolitics, 224– 25, 238

  and Jared Taylor, 146, 148– 50

  and multiculturalism, 224– 26,

  and Mencius Moldbug, 196

  228– 34, 236, 237– 38

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 122, 125– 26,

  and National Socialism, 225, 226,

  129, 132

  233, 234, 235, 252

  and Paul Gottfried, 103, 106, 116

  and paleoconservatism, 227, 231

  See also neo- Confederates

  and Paul Gottfried, 113, 114, 116

  Southern Agrarians, 102

  on race, 224– 29, 231– 38

  southern hemisphere, 97

  on the Republican Party, 228, 233

  Spearhead, 250

  and socialism, 226, 229, 231, 232,

  Spencer, Herbert, 92

  234, 236

  Spencer, Richard B., 224– 38

  and the state, 231, 234, 236, 237

  on African Americans, 229, 232,

  and totalitarianism, 233, 238

  235, 238

  and violence, 225– 27, 231, 234, 238

  and anti- Christianity, 229, 231, 233

  and white identity, 224– 26, 228– 29,

  and anti- Semitism, 225, 226,

  235, 238

  231, 233– 34

  and white nationalism, 224, 225,

  and Antonio Gramsci, 226, 232

  228, 231, 232

  and capitalism, 224, 226, 229,

  and white supremacism, 225, 227

  233– 34, 235

  Spencer, Robert, 170, 175, 176

  and civilization, 231, 232, 233, 236

  Spengler, Oswald, 3– 17

  and Conservative Revolution, 226, 231

  and Alain de Benoist, 81

  and culture, 224, 232, 236

  and capitalism, 6, 14

  and Daniel Frieberg, 272

  and Christianity, 10, 11, 12

  and Donald Trump, 217, 225, 230,

  and civilization, 3– 4, 6– 8, 10– 11, 16

  237, 238

  and culture, 8– 12, 14– 15

  on ethnicity, 225– 26, 229,

  and democracy, 6, 13, 14, 16

  232– 34, 237

  ignored by Carl Schmitt, 44

  on Fascism, 225, 231, 233– 34

  and Islam, 9, 11, 12

  and Greg Johnson, 217

  and National Socialism, 4, 6, 14, 16

  and Guénonian Traditionalism, 231,

  as part of Conservative Revolution, 24

  251, 252– 53

  and pessimism, 12– 13, 14– 15

  and hierarchies, 233, 238

  on race, 4, 6, 14

  and identity, 225– 27, 228– 29,

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231

  232– 36, 237– 38

  and socialism, 4, 5, 13, 14

  and immigration, 224– 26, 229, 232,

  on technology, 3, 6, 10

  235– 36, 237– 38

  translated by Julius Evola but not

  and Israel, 229, 234, 236, 238

  important to him, 62, 64

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 250, 252

  and the Weimar Republic, 14, 16




  Spillane, Mickey, 216

  and Paul Gottfried, 102, 108, 109, 115

  Srinivasan, Balaji, 200

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231– 32

  Stahlgewittern. See Storm of Steel

  See also Straussians

  Stahlhelm, 24

  Straussians, 108, 115

  Star Wars, 66

  Stülpnagel, Carl Heinrich von, 27

  State of Exception of Carl Schmitt, 37,

  Stülpnagel, Otto von, 27

  40, 41, 43, 44, 45

  Suez War, 172

  State of Normality of Carl Schmitt, 37,

  Sullivan, Andrew, 247

  40, 43, 45, 49

  Sunić, Tomislav, 217

  state, the

  Surkov, Vladislav, 164

  and Alain de Benoist, 77, 82– 83

  surrealism, 25

  and Alexander Dugin, 160

  Suzuki, D. T., 64

  and Carl Schmitt, 36, 38– 44,

  Svensk ungdom, 264

  46– 49, 51

  Sweden Democrats, 261, 263

  and Ernst Jünger, 25, 31, 33, 34

  Swedish Resistance Movement, 263

  and H. L. Mencken, 114

  SYRIZA, 165

  for Jack Donovan, 245, 248– 49

  System to Kill the Peoples, The, by

  and Jared Taylor, 150

  Guillaume Faye, 97

  and Julius Evola, 61

  managerial, 110, 111

  Taft, Robert, 125

  for Mencius Moldbug, 192, 193, 195,

  Taguieff, Pierre- André, 78, 83, 84

  197, 198

  Taki’s Magazine, 227

  Patrick J. Buchanan, 121– 22, 125, 132

  Tantrism, 58

  and Paul Gottfried, 111, 112

  Tao Te Ching, 58

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231, 234,

  Taoism, 58

  236, 237

  Tarchi, Marco, 66, 75

  Stauffenberg Plot, 27

  Taubes, Jakob, 49

  Stauffenberg, Schenk zu, 30

  Taylor, Jared, 137– 51

  Stepanov, Vladimir, 155– 56

  on African Americans, 139, 140,

  Steuckers, Robert, 75, 97, 165

  144– 47, 149– 50

  Steyn, Mark, 170, 175

  and American Renaissance, 144, 146,

  Stoddard, Lothrop, 149, 213

  148, 149, 150

  Stoicism, 12, 65

  and anti- Semitism, 143– 44

  Storhaug, Hege, 171

  and civilization, 138, 142

  Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger, 23

  contributes to, 228

  Strange Death of Marxism, The, by Paul

  and culture, 140, 141

  Gottfried, 110, 111

  on demography, 140, 141, 145,

  Strasser, Otto, 165

  149, 150– 51

  strategy of tension, 65

  on ethnicity, 139– 41, 142– 44, 148– 50

  Strauss, Leo

  and hierarchies, 139, 141

  criticizes Carl Schmitt, 49

  and identitarianism, 138– 41, 143, 150

  and Greg Johnson, 204

  and identity, 139– 41, 143, 144, 146, 150




  Taylor, Jared ( cont. )

  Torigian, Michael, 99

  and immigration, 140– 41, 149

  Total Mobilization, The, by Ernst

  and Jack Donovan, 250

  Jünger, 26, 30

  and the Jews, 143– 44


  on Jews, 229

  and Alexander Dugin, 160, 161

  and liberalism, 137– 38, 144– 45

  and Bat Ye’or, 178

  and libertarianism, 144, 145

  and Carl Schmitt, 41

  on race, 137– 51

  and Ernst Jünger, 27, 31

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225– 26,

  and Jack Donovan, 248

  227, 231, 234, 237

  and Julius Evola, 61

  welcomes term “Alt Right,” 226

  and Richard B. Spencer, 233, 238

  and wh
ite identity, 138– 41, 143,

  Toynbee, Arnold, 8, 14

  150– 51, 228

  traditionalism, Catholic, 82, 94, 98

  tech culture, 189– 90

  Traditionalism, Guénonian


  and Alexander Dugin, 155, 156, 159,

  Alain de Benoist on, 81

  163, 165, 166, 167

  Carl Schmitt on, 38

  and Daniel Friberg, 266, 269, 273

  Ernst Jünger on, 31, 34

  and Greg Johnson, 204, 205, 208,

  Julius Evola on, 59

  210, 216

  Mencius Moldbug on, 200

  and Richard B. Spencer, 231,

  Oswald Spengler on, 3, 6, 10

  251, 252– 53

  Telos, 75, 99, 105, 107, 109

  See also Evola, Julius; Guénon, René

  terrorism, 64– 65, 170– 71, 173– 74, 178,

  traditionalism, Kirkian and Agrarian

  234– 35, 237, 253

  and Jared Taylor, 149

  Thatcher, Margaret, 80

  and Paul Gottfried, 102– 103, 104, 105,

  Theodoracopulos, Taki, 227

  106– 09, 111, 114

  Theory of the Absolute Individual, by

  Traditionalist Worker Party, 251

  Julius Evola, 57


  Theory of the Partisan, by Carl

  and Carl Schmitt, 44

  Schmitt, 46

  and Julius Evola, 54– 61, 63, 65, 67

  Theosophy, 54

  transcendental meditation, 124

  Thiel, Peter, 200

  transcendental pragmatics, 43

  Third Reich. See National Socialism

  tribalism; of Jack Donovan, 242, 244–

  Thiriart, Jean, 79, 165

  48, 253, 254

  thought control, 187

  Trifkovic, Srdja, 174

  Thule, 159, 161

  Trotha, Thilo von, 26

  Tiger, Lionel, 247

  Truman, Harry, 147, 148

  tiger, riding the, 65, 270– 72

  Trump, Donald

  Tillenon, Yann- Ber, 98

  compared to Patrick

  Tjiel, Peter, 187

  J. Buchanan, 133– 34

  Tolkien, J.R. R., 66

  and Daniel Friberg, 271– 73

  Tönnies, Ferdinand, 92

  differs from Mencius Moldbug, 199




  endorsed by Jared Taylor, 141

  and Carl Schmitt, 47, 50, 140– 41

  hailed by Richard B. Spencer, 217,

  and Guillaume Faye, 93

  225, 230, 237, 238

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 246– 48

  and the Muslim Ban, 171

  and Mencius Moldbug, 193, 194

  not supported by Jack

  Unqualified Reservations, blog by

  Donovan, 251– 52

  Mencius Moldbug, 188, 192– 94,

  phenomenon, 237

  198– 99, 200

  and the Reform Party, 124

  Untergang des Abendlandes. See Decline

  sounds neoreactionary notes, 199

  of the West

  supported by Alexander Dugin, 162

  Uprooting of European Identity, The, by

  supported by Greg Johnson, 212– 13

  Richard B: Spencer, 228

  themes in White House of, 187, 200

  Ur, Group of, 58– 59, 62

  Truth, Justice, & a Nice White Country, by

  Greg Johnson, 207

  Valizadeh, Daryush, 250

  Tulaev, Pavel, 98

  Vanguard Radio, 228

  Tyr, 205, 207

  Venner, Dominique, 73, 79, 231

  Tzara, Tristan, 57

  Vial, Pierre, 76, 93, 94, 98

  Vico, Giambattista, 8

  UKIP, British, 150

  Vietnam War, 103, 104– 05

  Ukraine, 157– 58, 161– 62, 164

  Vigrid Party, 261

  Ungern- Sternberg, Baron von, 161

  Vinson, Irmin, 214

  Unite the Right, 207, 230, 252


  United Nations Commission on

  and Alain de Benoist, 81

  Human Rights, 172

  and Alexander Dugin, 158, 162, 179

  United Nations, 126

  and Carl Schmitt, 45

  United States

  domestic, 249

  and Europe

  and Ernst Jünger, 24, 28, 33

  for Alain de Benoist, 83, 84, 86

  and Greg Johnson, 211, 212

  for Guillaume Faye, 95, 96, 97

  and Italian Fascism, 61

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 128

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 243, 245,

  for Richard B. Spencer, 236

  248, 254

  European heritage of

  and Julius Evola, 58

  for Greg Johnson, 210

  and Mencius Moldbug, 192, 194,

  for Jared Taylor, 150

  196, 197

  for Patrick J. Buchanan, 126, 131– 32

  in postwar Italy, 65

  for Richard B. Spencer, 224– 25,

  and Richard B: Spencer, 225– 27, 231,

  226, 229, 231, 235

  234, 238

  See also anti- Americanism

  and the Wolves of Vinland, 253

  universal morality

  virility, 10, 55, 246

  rejected by Jack Donovan, 242, 247

  Vishnu, 208


  vitalism, 7, 9

  and Alain de Benoist, 82, 247

  Vlaams Belang, 150




  Voegelin, Eric, 103

  We and the Others, by Alain de

  Volk, 25. See also ethnicity

  Benoist, 77

  völkish ideology

  Weaver, Richard, 102, 103

  Alain de Benoist accused of, 76

  web, world- wide. See internet

  and Alexander Dugin, 155– 56, 159,

  Weber, Max, 36, 38, 42, 44, 155

  161, 165, 167

  Weimar Republic

  and Guillaume Faye, 94

  crises of, 39

  of Herman Wirth, 63

  disappoints Oswald Spengler, 16

  of some members of GRECE, 78

  discredited by Oswald Spengler, 14

  Volksgeist, 8, 11

  engagement of veterans in, 24

  Volodin, Viacheslav, 164

  lack of sympathy of Carl Schmitt

  Voloshin, Alexander, 164

  towards, 36, 39, 42– 43, 46

  von Mises, Ludwig, 190– 92, 197

  Weininger, Otto, 55, 63– 64

  von Papen, Chancellor Franz, 39, 40, 41

  white America, in the Alt- Right

  von Schleicher, Canceller Kurt, 39, 41

  Manifesto, 235

  Von Thronstahl, 66

  white ethnostate

  of Greg Johnson, 204, 210– 11, 213, 225

  Wadlow, René, 172

  of Richard B. Spencer, 225, 228, 229,

  Waggener, Paul and Mattias, 252

  233– 35, 237– 38

  Wallace, George, 122– 23

  white genes, 132, 211


  white genocide, 229

  Alexander Dugin on, 161– 62

  white homelands. See white ethnostate

  between North and South, 60

  White House

  cultural, 226, 267

  of Donald Trump, 187, 200

  Guillaume Faye on, 96

  of Gerald Ford, 123

  Jack Donovan on, 248

  of Richard Nixon, 122

  in Middle East, 229

  of Ronald Reagan, 123

  regime during, 38, 45, 47– 48

  white identity

  See also under name of war;

  and American Renaissa
nce, 129

  See also heroism; jihad

  and Daniel Friberg, 272

  war crimes, 41, 132

  and Donald Trump, 237

  Warren, David, 130

  and Jared Taylor, 138– 41, 143,


  150– 51, 228

  Alain de Benoist on, 81

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 127, 129, 131

  Alexander Dugin on, 161

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224– 26,

  Greg Johnson on, 21, 209

  228– 29, 235, 238

  Jack Donovan on, 245, 248

  White Identity, by Jared Taylor, 139, 144

  Julius Evola on, 58, 59, 63

  white nationalism

  See also battle; heroism; virility

  and Alexander Dugin, 162

  Washington Summit Publishers, 228

  and antifeminism, 251

  Way of Men, The, by Jack Donovan, 243,

  at Charlottesville, 230

  247, 250, 253

  and Daniel Friberg, 259, 264, 273




  and Donald Trump, 212

  World War, First

  and Greg Johnson, 204– 05, 207– 08,

  Carl Schmitt and, 37– 38

  211– 16, 217, 218

  Ernst Jünger and, 22, 23– 24

  and Jack Donovan, 242, 243, 252

  impact of, 25, 32, 81, 248

  and Jonas De Geer, 270

  Julius Evola and, 56

  and Mencius Moldbug, 196, 199

  Mencius Moldbug on, 196

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 131– 32

  World War, Second

  and Paul Gottfried, 113

  Carl Schmitt and, 41

  and Radix Journal, 228

  Ernst Jünger in and on, 27– 28,

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224, 225,

  29– 30, 32, 34

  228, 231, 232

  in France, 83, 92

  of the Wolves of Vinland, 253

  impact on reception of Oswald

  white power, 262– 63, 265– 67, 269, 273

  Spengler, 4, 13

  white race, 232, 233

  impact on Russia, 159

  white racial consciousness, 237

  Mencius Moldbug on, 196

  White Russians, 161

  Patrick J. Buchanan on, 132

  white supremacism

  and Alain de Benoist, 79, 82, 85

  Yankevich, Leo, 216

  and Alexander Dugin, 162, 165

  Yarvin, Curtis. See Moldbug, Mencius

  at Charlottesville, 230

  Yeltsin, Boris, 156

  and David Duke, 124

  Yeoman, Andrew, 251

  of Dylann Roof, 237

  Yiannopoulos, Milo, 199, 200, 251

  and Greg Johnson, 211

  Yockey, Francis Parker, 165, 227, 231

  and Guillaume Faye, 98

  You Asked for It, by Greg Johnson, 207

  and Jared Taylor, 149

  YouTube, 224, 228, 270, 272

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 227

  Yuzhinsky Circle, 155– 56, 164, 166

  and Southern writers, 149

  Why We Fight, by Guillaume Faye, 98

  Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 157

  Wiginton, Preston, 165


  Wilde, Oscar, 55

  as example for the Alt Right, 238

  Wilders, Geert, 175

  Greg Johnson on, 204

  Willinger, Markus, 226


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