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Blood Tree: Silver Edition

Page 16

by Scarlett Dawn

  He nodded his head, scanning each of my features carefully. “I knew then that I wanted you.”

  “But you waited so long!” I shrieked, hitting his chest again for good measure.

  He snickered. “I’m very old, Susan. You know this. It wasn’t that long.”

  I pouted and griped, “It was for me.”

  “You’ll appreciate it later. I let you live a little before taking you as my own.”

  “You’re awfully confident.”

  Blinding white teeth showed as he smiled. “Where you’re concerned? Yes, I am.”

  And darn it, I couldn’t contradict him. I was his. I always had been.

  Police swarmed the Haven Resort. They were all Dark Elves.

  We had a lead. A good one. One that came directly from the FBI—a few Dark Elves there, too. And a few Light Elves, but Julius would never admit to it. The Light spied on the Dark while they did their dirty work. It wasn’t really a secret, but the rulers were too politically correct to ever voice the truth.

  Almost twenty-four hours had passed since Juliet’s kidnapping. Time was not on our side right now when it had been for an eternity.

  Samuel pulled his hair back into a small ponytail, his hard gaze on Julius as we walked out the front door. “You will let me handle them.” Dark eyes glared back at each other. “I’m not asking, Julius. I don’t give a fuck if they are Light. They took what is mine.”

  My ruler’s nostrils flared, but he didn’t argue. He actually agreed. “If the situation were reversed, I would demand the same.” He nodded his head in agreement. “You can have them.”

  I stared in shock. I had never heard of Julius giving over a Light Elf. I was sure it had happened before, but not in my time on this earth. I glanced at Randor, raising my brows.

  He placed his left palm on my lower back in clear ownership, pulling me close against his side. The Light Elves watched the action silently. Randor was apparently done hiding his affection for me—no argument here. He shook his head slightly, reminding me to keep my mouth shut. Today was not a day to argue with my ruler—especially, in front of all the Dark Elves aiming to see their own ruler plow down the people who had taken his mate.

  Randor opened the back door of a white SUV for me. I slipped inside and scooched over, making room for him when I saw he was going to sit with me. He pressed his side against mine and placed his arm around my shoulders. He ordered quietly, “You need to stay by me when we get there.”

  “Where is there?” I mumbled, seeing Kenna squeeze in beside him.

  Her lips pinched when Samuel got behind the wheel, clearly not approving of him driving us. I couldn’t argue with that either. Samuel was in some mood—rightfully so.

  As Julius took the front passenger seat, Randor placed his mouth against my ear, whispering, “A swamp nearby. About two hours away.”

  My brows puckered. “Are there trees there?”

  He nodded once, raising his brows.

  “Then why—”

  “Because they are fucking mine to take down,” Samuel growled from the front seat. “Our intel shows they haven’t started torturing her yet, so no Light Elves are interfering right now.”

  “Okay,” I mumbled, snapping my mouth shut. I wouldn’t ask anything else. While they might not have tortured her yet, he still wasn’t pleased with the information.

  Yeah. He wanted to torture them himself.

  I could see the rest of their immortality having dynamite shoved down their throats. Every day, boom. Like clockwork. He would have brunch and then take a little visit to his chamber of horrors, light a fuse and stuff the firepower down their throats, and walk away to have dessert at lunch. Just another day of the Dark.

  Honestly, Juliet’s parents were darn morons.

  Never mess with an original Elf’s mate.

  Randor shoved me behind him, hissing, “I said to stay next to me.” He shook his head. “If you haven’t noticed, only the most powerful Elves are here right now. You’ll need me to protect you from Samuel’s power when he unleashes it.”

  I glowered but kept pace right next to him. “How is Juliet going to protect herself then? She’s the weakest Light Elf.”

  Randor shook his head. “He won’t do anything until he has her in his arms. She’ll be fine then.”


  His gaze flicked to mine, a cute smile lifting his lips. “She’s his mate, Susan.”

  “Fine,” I muttered. I still flicked a cross expression at Samuel.

  “Watch your step,” he whispered. He held out his hands to me, and even though I could easily jump over the log—I could jump over the tree if I wanted to—I let him lift me over it, enjoying how his warms hands lingered on my waist for an extra moment. I blinked when he leaned down and brushed his lips against my cheek, more affection shown in public. He grabbed my hand and held it loosely as we marched silently to the kidnappers’ location.

  I glanced down at my tennis shoes, wishing someone had told me earlier our destination was a swamp. My pretty new shoes were going to be ruined. I would have worn my new boots with the sturdy traction on them had I known.

  Randor chuckled quietly and shook his head.

  The man knew exactly what I was thinking.

  We sloshed through damp underbrush. I even glimpsed an alligator.

  I had always wanted to pet an alligator. It would be fun to wrestle one.

  All those sharp teeth trying to penetrate my skin but getting nowhere.

  Occasionally, animals on this planet needed a reminder of who was the real predator here. And it sure as heck wasn’t a snapping reptile just as it wasn’t a yapping human.

  We were the predators.

  Light or Dark—it didn’t matter.

  There was a food chain, and we were at the top of it.

  Just as we were now at the top of a small ravine staring down at our prey.

  Juliet’s parents sat around a small campfire, warming their hands. Empty paper plates rested on the grass nearby, smeared with the remnants of their dinner. The small tent they had set up blended in perfectly with the surroundings, the only thing they had done right in this heist of theirs.

  And Juliet lay unconscious next to them, her hands bound behind her back. Dirt covered her from head to toe, so much so, she actually blended in better than their tent. It was hard to see, but her chest lifted and lowered in a smooth cadence. She didn’t appear to have any type of blood coating her mouth, so Samuel’s intel had been correct. No torture yet.

  I breathed a sigh of relief and gripped Randor’s hand more firmly.

  She was okay.

  As one, everyone moved, circling our prey.

  Her parents were older, so as soon as they looked up from their solemn stare into the fire, they knew we were there. And they were trapped. ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ had nowhere to run or hide.

  They stared at each other for long moments.

  Then I witnessed an event I never thought I would.

  Both drew into themselves, pulling on their power.

  I didn’t comprehend at first what they thought to accomplish. They couldn’t beat us. But I understood fully that Samuel was furious when he shot out of the underbrush, screaming, “No!”

  It was too late. Samuel came to a dead stop next to them.

  Right before my very eyes, they turned to stone. And then ash.

  The grey-black flakes filled the air, rising and swirling around Samuel where he stood. The firelight flicked on his killing face, a disgusted grimace etching his lips. He growled and punched the air, and shouted at the sky, the muscles in his neck cording.

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered in stunned shock. My frozen form was instantly embraced by Randor. He rocked me back and forth, whispering quietly against my ear, trying to calm my frantic heartbeat. I trembled inside his hold, mumbling, “They killed themselves. I don’t...”

  So very quietly, he breathed, “That was better than an eternity of torture at his hands.”

  Her p
arents had done the one action that could kill an immortal.

  They had drawn energy directly from the earth.

  It was too powerful. Too much.

  It was akin to stealing from the Blood Tree.

  What the Blood Tree giveth, the Blood Tree can taketh.

  Juliet’s eyes opened, her usually sparkling green eyes dulled. Her gaze slammed all around the den inside Haven Resort. We were in the Dark section. Troubled and confused, her voice was shrill, “Samuel? What’s going on? How did I—”

  “Shh,” he whispered softly, petting her hair back from her face. “I’ve got you. I’ll explain everything.” Whereas the dirt had been cleaned off her skin from the doctor, Samuel still wore the ash of her parents.

  A quick hand went to her stomach, her eyes only for her mate. “The baby?”

  Samuel smiled. A real one. “The baby’s fine.”

  My head tilted and landed against Randor’s shoulder. I hadn’t heard that news yet.

  He rubbed my back gently, his own chest heaving in relief.

  His blue eyes peered down into mine, quiet and understanding. “I know you want to speak with her…”

  I stood up on tiptoe and kissed his jaw, loving how he stilled at the touch. “Not right now.” I flicked a finger at the quietly communicating couple. “They need their time alone.”

  We weren’t the only ones to step outside.

  Julius and Kenna followed after Kenna spoke to her mom for a minute.

  My ruler massaged the back of his neck, groaning quietly. “I need a bath after that mess.”

  “I’ll join you,” Kenna murmured, her eyes still haunted by what she had seen.

  Randor lifted a finger, asking respectfully. “Do you have a spare bedroom here? I’m exhausted.” His arm wrapped around my waist. “And I believe Susan is, too.”

  Julius lifted a white brow, glancing between us. “One bedroom or two?”

  “One,” I stated instantly. It was time to own up to what I wanted. That being the man next me. The Light Elf I had craved my entire life. “Please.”

  Julius glanced to Randor. He was quiet a second, and then murmured, “That’s fine. I doubt the Light realm will go to hell in just one night.”

  “Much appreciated,” Randor mumbled with sarcasm. “I have been doing an excellent job in your stead, despite this repulsive incident. A night off isn’t too much to ask.”

  Julius chuckled quietly. “I was just giving you shit. I know you’re doing well. No one is revolting—Light or Dark—at the changes that have been made.” He waved a hand, motioning for us to follow him. “Let’s get out of the Dark side. I have a room in the Light side near ours that’ll be fine.” He paused, glancing over his shoulder at me, his words dry. “I’m sure it will be better than sleeping outside against your usual tree.”

  I stared. “If you knew I was there, you could have shut the dang curtains occasionally.”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “Doing so would have stopped you from your duty.” Another shrug. “And I have nothing to hide.”

  I snorted softly but nodded my head dutifully when he showed us our bedroom. I whispered quietly to my ruler, “You may have nothing to hide, but you do have a mate who appears to be put out by that info.”

  He waggled his white brows. “I’ll make it up to her.”

  “I’m sure you will.” I shut the door right in his face. “Thank God I don’t have to see it again.”

  Randor chuckled softly behind me, running his warm palms around my stomach to hold me close. He kissed my neck, murmuring, “Are you against seeing me naked, too?”

  The air seized in my lungs, but I managed to wheeze, “Hell no.” I turned inside his hold and gazed up at him. He wanted me. I wanted him. “I’m ready for this.”

  Blue eyes dilated, darkening to almost black eyes, stared down at me, his body a hairbreadth from mine. My breath caught instantly at how utter and completely his attention held mine. It was a wake-up call to just how much more he was.

  He lifted a hand, slowly resting it against my throat, his gaze following the reaction. My pulse sped up, not in fear—he wasn’t squeezing, he had only placed it there—but in burning desire, feeling his dominant nature firsthand. It wasn’t pushed on me. It was more like a slow, slippery glide drizzled over me as he stepped forward, closing the distance between us and pressing his body flush against mine. His head lowered in front of mine as he slid his hand around to the back of my neck, tilting my head back, whispering, “Susan, are you positive? I can’t promise that I can be gentle.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes.” Yes, I was very positive.

  With the words said, my permission given, my back was pressed up against the wall, and I had a hungry Randor on me, his body hard against mine. His hands grabbed the back of my neck, tilting my head again, and his mouth slammed against mine with bruising force.

  There wasn’t any suave seduction. This was a taking. It was urgent. Carnal.


  Randor’s mouth crushed mine, and I opened for him immediately, his tongue hot and warm as it slid inside my mouth, meeting mine and tangling. I realized belatedly that he had showered, his hair damp against my cheeks. His slightly shaking hands tilted my head so we could nourish our need better.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as I ran my fingers through his hair. We leaned our heads back for a quick breath and I stared up into his eyes, keeping contact with him. My hands immediately traveled to the hem of his shirt, yanking it over his head. No, this wasn’t going to be slow and nice. This was going to be a fast, hard fuck. I was very good with that.

  He copied my actions, yanking my t-shirt over my head, his large hands immediately cupping my breasts. He groaned quietly, his eyes almost closing as he licked across my bottom lip, making me shiver, my nipples puckering through the lace. His thumbs circled them slowly, and it burned, making me arch into his hold even as I fumbled with his holster, finally getting the damn thing off and dropping it with a loud thunk on the ground.

  “Shoes,” his gravelly voice ordered, his mouth transferring to my neck. “Take your shoes off.”

  I lifted my foot, holding his bare, hot shoulder for support, taking my dirty tennis shoes off as fast as I could as he sucked and bit my neck, his hands slipping around my back and undoing my bra, stripping it from me before I realized what he had done. I kicked my shoes away just as his rough palms lifted my bare breasts, kneading my sensitive flesh rougher than I was expecting. I jerked in his hold and he immediately gentled his touch, murmuring, “Sorry. Sorry.”

  “It’s all right. I don’t mind it hard,” I stated breathlessly. “It just surprised me.”

  He lifted his head back from my throat, his muscles rock-hard on his perfect body. He licked his bottom lip, asking, “Do you like them sucked hard?”

  Moaning, and pressing against his touch, I muttered, “Heck yes.”

  “Good,” he whispered, his mouth latching right onto my rose puckered nipple and sucking as his hand squeezed.

  I shouted, arching against him, grabbing his hair, and grinding against the thigh he had placed between my legs. He shuddered as my crotch rubbed against him, and I sure as heck hoped it was a good shudder because I didn’t want this to stop. And it wasn’t going to if I had anything to do with it.

  It was difficult, but I made myself move instead of just enjoying Randor’s wet tongue twirling around my nipple, to undo his belt and pants, pushing them down to his hips.

  And he was hard. Gloriously, beautifully hard.

  I gripped his cock, more than pleased feeling the size of him, knowing he was going to stretch me fully, and stroked up his velvety length to his crown. I circled my finger over the small bit of cum, spreading it over the head, hearing him groan deep before he started ripping my pants and panties off.

  I was naked except for my socks in about four seconds flat.

  Randor stood back up after divesting me of my clothing, grabbing my thigh and holding it over his hip. He took my m
outh again, his kiss brutal, but it was what I wanted right now. His free hand went between my thighs. I was happy I had just been waxed. His hot breath fanned against my neck as his fingers slid through my folds. I jerked against him, opening my eyes to see him staring at me, our noses almost touching.

  I returned his stare, my breath choking as he slid two fingers into me, immediately pumping them hard. Arching against him, I muttered, “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  “I love it when you cuss.” His thumb started stroking over my clit even as he ordered harshly, “My back pocket. Condom.”

  I gasped, riding his fingers that weren’t relenting. Crying out, my head arching back, I didn’t know how he expected me to get anything. He kept finger fucking me, his mouth latching onto mine the louder I got, his breaths just as labored as mine. Until he lowered my leg, pulling his hand back…right when I was ready to come.

  “Dang it, Randor!” I hissed, blinking up at him.

  His blue eyes stared down at me, his teeth clenched. He reached around for his back pocket, and he rumbled deeper than I had ever heard him before, “I want to be inside you when you come. Just hold on.”

  I closed my eyes, panting against the wall, and heard the crinkling of the wrapper. He cursed a few moments later, and I opened my eyes seeing that his hands were shaking, as he fumbled with it. I snatched it from him and ripped the package open, and rolled the condom on.

  “If I hurt you, tell me,” he ordered gruffly.

  Abruptly, he took hold of my thighs, lifting me…right before he slammed his cock into my core. All the way in. I choked, my arms instantly going around his neck. I managed to gasp when he started to retreat, “Wait. Wait, just a second.”

  He was quivering, but he stilled. “Too much?”

  My core muscles were stretched to their fucking limit, and I understood the quick invasion had been a loss of control, but goddamn! “Just give me second.”

  He nodded quickly, his grip brutal on my thighs.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist to take some of the pressure off his arms.

  He shifted his face to my neck and kissed it gently. His first gentle action. His lips lingering on my skin, the tip of his tongue darting out, tasting me. I pulled his head back by his wet hair and stared him in the eye and kissed him once softly on the lips, nodding.


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