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Under the Sun: The Letters of Bruce Chatwin

Page 51

by Bruce Chatwin

  first visit to Afghanistan

  frequent trips to America for Sotheby’s

  plans second visit to Afghanistan

  sends postcard from Pakistan

  visits Sudan

  returns home via Greece

  in America for wedding and honeymoon

  visits Russia

  in Paris working on Helena Rubinstein catalogue

  writes from Vienna

  describes his journey through Germany

  describes his experiences in Prague

  in Hungary

  in Turkey

  tour of Soviet Union

  is invited to travel to Afghanistan with Peter Levi

  prepares for Afghan journey

  visit to Afghanistan with Levi

  visit to Mauretania

  spends summer in Greece

  in Turkey with Elizabeth

  travels to Teheran to bring Elizabeth home

  spends summer in France

  in Niger

  visits Dahomey and Cameroun

  stays in Oregon

  goes to San Francisco

  stays with the Rezzoris near Florence

  in Spain

  stays in Norway with Elizabeth

  in South America

  stays on Fishers Island

  in Bonnieux

  another visit to Spain

  considers buying a house in Spain

  in Benin

  escapes from coup to Côte d’Ivoire

  in Brazil

  drives through Switzerland and Austria to Siena

  stays in Siena

  travels with Mrs Gandhi in India

  stays in Ronda

  stays in New York

  spends further period in Siena

  travels to New York to work with editor

  visits Yaddo

  stays at Yaddo

  visit to St Maarten and Martinique

  visits Mexico

  stays with the Rezzoris near Florence again

  stays in Kenya

  in Australia

  visits Indonesia

  goes to Nepal with Elizabeth

  in Greece

  in South Africa

  in Botswana

  another visit to Australia

  in France

  another visit to Spain

  spends two weeks in Crete

  stays in Greece again

  visit to Mount Athos

  visits China and Hong Kong

  visit to Kathmandu

  in India

  in Zurich

  stays at Chateau de Seillans

  visits Ghana

  in Paris for International Ritz-Hemingway Award

  various destinations in July and August 1987

  in Austria

  meets Gillon Aitken in New York

  another stay at Chateau de Seillans

  holiday off Guadaloupe

  spends final weeks at Chateau de Seillans



  on an Algerian in Marseilles (‘Fatal Journey to Marseilles – North Africans in France’), for Sunday Timesand n

  on the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (‘The Chinese Geomancer’), for a guide to Hong Kongand n

  on Lorenz, for New York Review of Books and n

  ‘It’s a Nomad Nomad Nomad World’, for Vogue

  on Mrs Gandhi (‘On the Road with Mrs Gandhi’), for Sunday Times

  ‘The Mechanics of Nomad Invasions’, for History Todayand n

  on Shamdev the Wolf Boy (‘The Quest for the Wolf Children’), for Sunday Times and n

  ‘A Tower in Tuscany’, for House & Garden and n

  on the Volga (‘Great Rivers of the World: The Volga’), for Observer magazineand n


  of Lorenz’s The Year of the Greylag Goose


  ‘Milk’and n

  ‘Rotting Fruit’and n

  ‘The Seventh Day’

  Works Proposed but never written:

  Lydia Livingstone (the Russian novel)

  The Sons of Thunder

  Under the Sun


  see under book titles: In Patagonia; Nomadic Alternative, The (unpublished); On the Black Hill; Patagonia Revisited; Songlines, The; Utz; Viceroy of Ouidah, The; What Am I Doing Here

  Chatwin, Charles (BC’s father) and n and n

  letters and postcards to

  Chatwin, Cicely (BC’s aunt)

  Chatwin (née Chanler), Elizabeth (BC’s wife)

  preface by

  start of relationship with BC

  BC proposes to

  visits Chelsea Flower Show with BC

  goes to America

  engagement announced

  wedding and honeymoon

  house-hunting, and purchase of Holwell Farm and n

  in Paris with BC for cataloguing of Helena Rubinstein collection

  visits Russia with BC

  and BC’s feelings about Sotheby’s

  communicates BC’s malaise to Leo Lerman

  Lerman’s diary entry about

  on BC’s decision to leave Sotheby’s to study archaeology

  supports BC’s decision

  on life in Edinburgh

  oversees renovations at Holwell Farm

  intends to go home for her brother’s wedding

  on BC’s relationship with Batey

  brings back silver

  purchase of Benin bronze headsand n

  loss of pearls in the post

  and new carand n

  friendship with Roger Wollcott-Behnke and n

  and BC’s disillusionment with archaeological studies

  and BC’s decision not to return to Edinburgh

  joins BC in Afghanistan

  on BC’s work on nomad book

  goes on eight-month expedition

  remains in communication with BC during her absence

  BC responds to SOS from

  and Akbar

  journey from Persia to Greece

  BC nervous about her coming to France

  and financial matters

  flies to Boston for her sister’s wedding

  business idea

  death of her father

  in South America

  and BC’s desire to buy a house abroad and n

  travels with BC through Switzerland and Austria

  and her mother’s plans for house

  visit to India

  breakdown in marriage relationshipand n

  discusses sale of Holwell Farm with BC


  does not join BC in New York

  purchase of new houseand n

  and BC’s visit to Australia

  reconciliation with BC

  further visits to India

  and BC’s visit to Mount Athos

  travel plans

  in Hong Kong and China

  visit to Kathmandu

  stays in India

  and lost post

  attends another sister’s wedding

  and Penelope Betjeman’s death

  and onset of BC’s illness

  and BC’s illness in Switzerland

  accompanies BC back to England

  and BC’s diagnosis as HIV positive

  stays at Chateau de Seillans with BC

  goes on Himalayan trek

  The Songlines is dedicated to

  commissioned to write a guideand n

  and holiday off Guadaloupe

  BC’s thoughts on his marriage to

  BC’s concerns about

  writes to Kath Strehlow about BC’s condition

  and BC’s death at Chateau de Seillans

  arranges cremation and services for BC

  brief references and n

  Letters to:

  Letters to:

  during her engagement

  in early days of marriage

  during BC’s period as archaeology student (1966-68)

  between 1969
and 1972

  between 1972 and 1974

  between 1974 and 1976

  between 1976 and 1980

  between 1980 and 1983

  between 1983 and 1985

  Chatwin, Grace (BC’s aunt)

  Chatwin, Hugh (BC’s brother)


  on BC’s childhood,

  on Brig

  BC’s childhood gifts toand n


  on Marlborough

  on BC’s description of holiday in Rome

  on BC’s lifestyle as Sotheby’s trainee

  on BC’s encouragement of his parents’ travels

  travelsand n

  on BC’s interest in archaeology

  car accident

  letter from BC after his accident

  on his mother’s telepathy


  BC writes from Norway to

  and BC’s illness

  BC’s concerns about

  on his father’s appreciation of Utz

  brief references

  Chatwin, Humphrey (BC’s uncle)and n

  Chatwin, John (BC’s cousin)and n

  Chatwin, Leslie (BC’s grandfather)and n

  Chatwin (née Turnell), Margharita

  letters and postcards to

  Chatwin, Peggy (BC’s aunt)

  Chatwin, Philip Boughton (BC’s great-uncle) and nand n

  Chaudhuri, Niradand n


  Chekhov, A.P

  Chelsea Flower Show

  Chesky Krumlov

  Chetwode, Lord

  Chilandari monasteryand n

  Abbot of


  BC writes from





  Chomsky, Noamand n

  Chora, BC writes from

  Christie, Agatha


  Christo: Wrapped Walk Ways, postcard of


  Churchill, Winstonand n

  Churchill Hospital, Oxford

  BC writes from

  Church of England


  Cirencester Park

  Clapp, Susannahand n

  letters to

  Clarke, Roger

  Clemente, Francescoand n

  Cliffords, the


  Cobra Verde (film based on BC’s novel The Viceroy of Ouidah)

  Coed Major

  Collins (publishers)



  Confrérie Jésuite Orthodoxe à Meudon

  Connoisseurand n

  Connolly, Cyriland n

  The Unquiet Grave

  Connor, Kenneth and Patricia: The Dorak Affair and n

  Conran, Jasperand n

  Conran, Shirley

  Conservative Party

  Convent of Santa Catalina, Arequipa

  Cooper, Douglasand n

  Corbett, Jimand n


  Corfu, BC writes from

  Corinth, Museum of, postcard from

  Cornwalland n

  Costakis, George

  Côte d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast



  Coward, Noeland n

  Crabbie, Mrs

  Crapanzano, Vincentand n


  BC in

  Cueva del Milodon, BC writes from

  Curro (peasant at Ronda)

  Curtin, David

  Curzon, Avriland n


  Cuthbert, Elizabeth


  Cwm, The

  BC writes from


  Czechoslovakiasee also Prague

  Dafyd Ap Gwilym

  Dahomey/Republic of Benin and n

  BC writes from

  Daily Telegraph

  Damian, Father

  Danube, River


  Dart, Raymondand n

  Darwin, Charles

  Daulatand n

  Davidson, Robynand n

  Davie, Michael

  letter to

  Davies, David

  Davis, Billand n

  Davis, Peterand n

  Delaunay, Sonia


  BC uses mailing address in

  Delos Island, postcard from

  Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of





  Dixit, Gouriand n




  BC’s entry in the Rezzoris’ visitor’s book

  BC writes from

  Dorak hoard


  BC writes from

  Dorian Greeks

  Dörpfeld, Wilhelmand n



  postcard from

  Drysdale, Maisieand n


  Ducas, Robertand n

  Dudley, Graceand n

  Duff, Johnand n

  du Garde, L: The White Sheep of the Family

  Duncan, Robertand n

  Dundas, Sir Jamesand n

  Dürer, Albrecht

  Dutton, Geoffreyand n

  Dutton, Ninette

  letters to

  Probabilitiesand n

  Dutton, Tisi (Teresa Rose)and n

  Dyer, Brigadier-General Reginaldand n

  Eales, Adrian

  Early Bird/Telstarand n

  East German border


  BC decides to read archaeology at

  BC’s years as archaeology student

  BC writes from

  BC does not return to



  postcards from

  El-Fadil el Mahdi (née Taylor), Gloria

  El-Fadil el Mahdi, Sedigand n

  El-Fadil el Mahdi, Tahir

  Elliott, Johnand n

  El Mahdi, Siddig

  Elms, Mr (builder)and n

  El Obeid, postcard from


  Enzensberger, Hans Magnusand n

  Epstein, Barbara

  Ernst, Max

  Ernst & Whinney

  Erskine, Robert

  Ertegun, Ahmetand n


  Esquire magazine

  Eugénie les Bains

  Evening Standard

  Everest, Mount

  National Park

  Eyre, Peterand n

  Faber (publishers)


  Warand n

  Fallaci, Orianaand n

  Farkas, Anne

  Farnham Museum

  Farrington, Barbara

  Fasquell, Jean-Claude

  letters to

  Fataar, Rickyand n

  Fatih Album

  Fee-Smith, Paul Denman (‘Boss’) and n

  Fergusson, William and Rosalieand n

  Fesolahi, Huchang

  Fielding, Daphne

  Fielding, Xanand n

  Figorolo Island, postcard from


  Financial Times


  Fischer, Rudind n

  Fish, Michaeland n

  Fisher, Lord

  Fishers Island

  BC writes from

  Fitzgerald, Desmondh Knight of Glyn (‘the Knight’)and nand n

  Fitzgerald, Olda (‘Madame of Glyn’)and n

  Fiva, BC writes from

  Flaubert, Gustave

  Madame Bovary

  Trois Contes

  Un Coeur Simple

  Fleming, John

  letter to


  BC’s entry in the Rezzoris’ visitor’s book

  BC writes from


  Forster, E.M: Passage to India

  Fort Lamy

  Forward, Rev. Toby

  Foster, Norman

  Foster-Melliar, Belinda, letter to

  Fox, Chloeand n

  Fox, Jamesand n

  Fox, Joeand n

  Foy, Grey

  Frampton Court


  BC’s visits to, and letters from

  brief references

  see also names of places

  Franchome, Jean

  Frazers, the

  Freyberg (née Guild), Ivry

  letters to

  Freyberg, Paul, second Baron Freyberg

  Freyberg, Valerianand n

  gifts and letters to

  Friendly, Alfredand n

  Fritillaria sphaciotica

  Fritzdorf Cupand n

  Frost, Robert

  Fry, Jeremyand n

  Furse, Rear-Admiral Paul

  Gadda, Carlo Emilio: That Awful Mess on the Via Merulanaand n

  Gahlin, Sven

  letter to




  Galtieri, General Leopoldoand n

  Gandhi, Mrs Indiraand nand n

  BC’s article on (‘On the Road with Mrs Gandhi’)

  Gannon, Bennyand n

  Garcia d’Avilas family

  Garnett, Polly and Andyand n

  Garnett, Tommy

  Gascoyne, Arthur Bamber and Christinaand n

  Gatenby, Greg

  letter to

  Gate of the Arabs

  Gathorne-Hardy, Edward (Eddie)and n

  Gauguin, Paul: Tahitian Woman and Boyand n

  Gazar Gah

  General Belgrano see Belgrano

  Genesee valley



  Geo Magazine

  Germanic nomadic cultures


  Ghalib, Raymondand n


  BC writes from

  Ghazni: Masud’s Palace


  Ghika, Barbaraand n

  Ghika, Niko

  Ghisi, Giorgio: The Melancholy of Michelangelo

  Ghor, mountains of

  Gibbs, Christopherand n

  Giles, Laurentand n


  Glenconner, Lady Elizabethand n


  Glory That Remains, The (TV series)

  Gloucester, Prince William of

  Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich

  The Government Inspector

  Gohar Shad, Mausoleum of

  Golding, Williamand n

  Golfo di Aranci, postcard from

  Gorbachev, Mikhail


  Gorky, Arshileand n


  Grand Banc, Le (house in Oppedette)

  BC writes from

  Granet, François Mariusand n

  Grant, Zalinand n


  Grass (film)


  Grasset (publisher)

  Gray, Eileenand n

  letter to


  BC’s visits to, and letters from

  brief references,

  brief 373 references,

  see also names of places

  Greene, Graham C.

  letter to

  Greenham Common

  Greenwood, Nigeland n

  Griffiths, Miss

  Gronau, Carmenand n

  Gross, Johnand n

  Gruisen, Lisa Van


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