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The Bombmaker: A Michael Thomas Thriller

Page 10

by Gavin Reese

  After ensuring he was alone and safe, Michael locked the deadbolt, threw the interior latch, and breathed a sigh of relief. After departing the Saint-Denis cathedral, he’d spent the last several hours running surveillance detection routes and giving his operational security the effort it required. Now that I know the threat I’m facing, I have to make damned sure that no one follows me. The only way to survive this assignment as a single asset is to oscillate between hypervigilant and paranoid for the next week. I can’t relax until the Holy See Express is wheels-up and taking me away from French soil, whatever the outcome of this thing is.

  Despite the relative physical safety of being secured inside his room at The Oremus, the possibility that his own organization had rigged the hotel room to surveil him made Michael uneasy. This room’s a fishbowl. I have to worry about what my target and his organization might see and dislike, and when I come back here, worry about John and his minders doing the same. Unless I get lucky, I won’t find any cameras or audio bugs before the watchers know what I’m after. The older cops back in Silver City used to talk about losing more sleep over the admin than the bad guys on the streets. I now understand what they meant.

  Michael considered his renewed fear that his anonymous superiors might again learn about his lies and deceit, and his stomach turned at the thought of those consequences coming to fruition. This sucks. Hard to trust a hierarchy that refuses to answer questions or identify themselves. Talk about blind faith.

  At the long cabinet that supported the room’s television, two rocks glasses sat next to a small coffee maker and a plastic organizer filled with coffee accoutrements. He stepped over and opened the cabinet’s left door, where he found a mini-fridge that gave up two mini-bottles of single malt scotch whisky. Michael emptied the chilled singles into a rocks glass.

  After first sipping the strong, earthy liquor, he downed the rest of the double, and it warmed his belly and soothed his soul. Michael licked the peat-infused remnants from his lips, sighed, and considered his present difficulties. There’s too many players on the field. French police, probably the military, too, maybe their national spy service. Then, there’s always the opposing force to consider, the op-for. Even uninvolved bystanders who might have inherent suspicion of white men wandering around their Muslim neighborhoods. That’s the greatest worry. The cops and agents might grab me up for a few hours or days, but they won’t sneak up in a blind spot and murder me on mere suspicion. Can't say the same for the bad guys.

  Michael set the glass down on the cabinet and decided against having another. Gotta stay sharp enough to fight, and I still have a lot of material to plow through. Returning to the primary safe in the hotel closet, Michael retrieved the inch-thick intel packet, grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and settled in at the desk for several hours of reading.

  He skipped the note from John introducing him to The Oremus and Jacques, and he instead focused on the pages that followed it. The first relevant document showed a full-page, full-color high-definition image of a Middle Eastern man in a traditional knitted skullcap and linen gown. The still image had obviously come from a video surveillance system, and it showed nothing but the man’s head and shoulders from a slightly downward angle. The target’s dark eyes gazed into the camera and looked cold and hard even in that format.

  Michael set that aside and read through the pages that followed.

  “EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The subject of this investigation calls himself ABDEL ABDULLAH ABRINI. He is a man of Middle Eastern ethnicity, stands approximately 5’10” (175 cm), weighs 145-155 pounds (68 kilos), and is thought to be one of four men who entered from Tunisia as refugees in 2010. ABRINI is estimated to be 27-32 years old, which is consistent with all four subjects. The images taken by French authorities at the time of the refugees’ entry are too poorly resolved to derive a confident identification through facial recognition. Although French officials quickly denied all four asylum applications, each potential suspect continued into France with some protective legal status and state benefits as commonly granted such persons.

  It is important to note that no person with this name is known to French authorities and has never lawfully entered, resided, or held government-issued identification from any Euro zone nation. The subject’s full name means “servant and slave to Allah, Cross Me,” and, as such, intelligence analysis indicates this is likely a pseudonym taken to pay homage to several terrorists who perpetrated the 2015-November attacks in Paris. This lack of verifiable identity further complicates and limits the extent and effectiveness of our initial research and analysis efforts.

  KNOWN BACKGROUND: Our present lack of confirmed, verified identity limits extensive research here. It is important to note that of the four potential refugee matches known to the nation of France, two have since been investigated and arrested for minor crimes, and two have likely returned to Middle Eastern nations in support of ISIS/ISIL training and fighting. The extent of their involvement and training by such organizations is unknown and must be presumed to be significant and extensive.”

  Michael re-read the last section in disbelief. They’ve surely drummed up something better than uncorroborated allegations.

  “ILLICIT METHODOLOGY: Current practices and attempted efforts are derived from French police reports and correlations. French postal inspectors learned of suspicious parcels inbound to private postal offices that originated from Chinese chemical manufacturers. By the time inspectors followed up on the first reports, the parcels and their recipient could not be identified or contacted. A proactive inspector, once aware of the potential problem, identified the shipment and intended delivery of a third suspicious parcel. Inspectors intercepted the package and determined its contents to be benign. The shipment was allowed to proceed, and the subject now known to us as ABRINI accepted its delivery. Based on the consistencies with the two previous parcels, a subsequent investigation worked to identify the recipient and his background. Authorities learned the resident lived in the apartment building at 8 Rue du Corbillon, but not the apartment in which he lived or known associates, networking, etc.

  French authorities investigated ABRINI for criminal offenses derived from terrorism and explosives manufacturing statutes, but their efforts proved too insufficient and slow to avoid the investigation’s anticipated closure due to internal strife and political correctness. Despite the uncertainty of ABRINI’s intent and actions, DICE analysts expect law enforcement to abandon the investigation without resolution.

  The extent of Abrini’s organization is unknown. Authorities have not yet established or identified his associates, if any, or his communications contacts. Our analysis is that such contacts and potential organization exist and should be expected.


  2268: Intentional homicide. The actions and intent alleged against ABRINI and any potential conspirators or accomplices constitute grave moral offenses so grievous that heaven cries out for vengeance.

  2297. Terrorism/Torture. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent to take part in and promote terror, indiscriminate injury, threats, and death are grave offenses against justice, charity, and morality. This is all contrary to the very principles of human dignity, respect for the person, and against God’s moral law.

  2302: Safeguarding Peace, Anger. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent demonstrate deliberate intent to kill, seriously wound, or murder another out of anger, which is a mortal sin gravely against the character of mankind.

  2303: Safeguarding Peace, Hatred. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent, born of hatred, contradict the moral virtue of charity, and rise to a grave sin once he wishes grave harm upon another.

  2304: Intrinsic Peace. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent degrade the further improvement of mankind, which may only be achieved through respect and peace. Although born intrinsically, peace is promoted by guarding individual property, freely exchanging ideas, protecting the individual and their communities, and loving one’s neighb
ors as fraternal brothers. Peace is achieved through consistent justice, good will, and tranquility.

  2305: Earthly Peace. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent counter the character demonstrated by our Messiah, who sacrificed and suffered for the reconciliation of all mankind. He explained, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

  2306: Pacifism. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent threaten intentional violence, suffering, and indignity on his neighbors. He is alleged to wish to visit grave physical and moral dangers, vengeance, destruction, and death upon mankind.

  2307: Avoiding War. ABRINI's alleged actions and intent counter God’s command to pray for peace. His alleged actions invite further hostility, division, and indignity between God’s children and encourage escalated warfare between nations and groups already at odds.

  2308: Self-Defense. ABRINI’s alleged actions and intent violate the self-defense allowed the individual and the nation-state when violence and injustice are visited upon them."

  “CORROBORATION EFFORTS: Division of Intelligence and Counter-Espionage analysts and research personnel have examined French police databases, documents, investigative reports, which either corroborate or are consistent with parishioner statements made to the complainant. At this moment, we require first-hand confirmation from an objective source or the target himself. Absent further, more detailed information, we have nothing but allegations and consistencies that do not yet call for absolution.”

  Michael’s growing skepticism eroded his confidence in the accuracy of the allegations and his potential for success as an individual operative. How am I supposed to accomplish something an entire specialized investigative unit couldn’t? The unanswered questions remained at the forefront of Michael’s thoughts when he continued reading.

  “CAUTIONS: ABRINI, regardless of whatever danger he may or may not pose to the public and to our operatives, resides in a neighborhood known to public officials, police authorities, and, thanks to the 2015-November Paris terror attacks, to the literate world as a haven and protected enclave of violent, literal Islam. Outsiders, however that is subjectively defined, are not welcome and likely to face intimidation, threats, assaults, or worse. The successful closure of this investigation demands significant time in that environment to definitively confirm or dispel allegations from the parishioner and their employer, the French National Police. Use all reasonable precautions and remain ever vigilant against perceived, potential, and realistic threats to yourself and those around you.

  Numerous online communications, videos, and news reports confirm the communal establishment and endorsement of a local religion police in Seine-Saint-Denis that enforces violations of sharia law and the Hadith. To date, this enforcement is thought to have been limited to harassment, physical confrontations, and minor assaults, but the existing rift between the radical, literal followers of the religion and the moderate followers of the faith is increasing the frequency and severity of the encounters. Expectations are that coordinated, premeditated strikes against moderate Muslims and their mosques are currently planned and now fast approaching.

  The successful isolation and self-segregation of that community (sharia enforcement, successful street prayers, ethnic/race-based crimes) demonstrates continued progression toward the official establishment of a local caliphate. The individuals and groups who feel responsible or called to fulfill this purpose will likely seek to protect the gains they have made toward creating permanent segregated enclaves within the greater city and nation. While assets within the Division of Intelligence and Counter-Espionage could not objectively identify a local communal authority or responsible hierarchy, coded communications and behavior among the most radical, known members in this vicinity are consistent with the establishment of an active, outward-focused social entity that proactively seeks to identify, target, and eliminate external threats to the community’s growth and intensifying isolation. Members of this neighborhood in Seine-Saint-Denis have trained and fought with ISIS/ISIL in Iraq and Syria, and several have experience with minor counterintelligence operations.

  Great, Michael thought. This really is something for the I-M-F. Shaking his head, he pressed on in search of a positive revelation.

  DEVIL’S ADVOCATE: Much of the information DICE used to corroborate the parishioner's statements originated within that party's own police agency. The potential for confirmation bias here is obvious, and the lack of direct, objective identification of the target and his actions, motives, and intent is glaring and cannot be overlooked. Despite ‘consistencies’ noted throughout this document, we must not allow ourselves to elevate that lesser status as either factual corroboration or evidence of actual wrongdoing.

  The operative(s) assigned this investigation should consider their presence in these areas a significant safety risk. DICE intel staff and risk managers believe it prudent to remain armed at all times and to avoid boxed-in streets and choke points whenever possible. Previous victims have reported to police and medical personnel their belief that Muslim attackers had been lying in wait for random victims of their chosen demographics.”

  The last section compelled Michael to chide himself again for his insufficient threat awareness. He rose from the desk, strode to the closet, and retrieved the suppressed assassin’s pistol from the hidden rifle safe. After racking the slide to chamber the first round, Michael slid the magazine out and topped it off with another round from the ammunition boxes on the safe’s internal shelf. He reinserted the magazine and slapped its bottom plate to ensure it fully seated into the pistol’s frame. There’s almost no chance that anyone followed me back here, but if they did, I can greet them with a full combat load. He dropped a second loaded mag into his left pants pocket, secured the safe and its facade, and closed the outer closet doors. Returning to the desk, he set the unholstered pistol at the back edge, and pointed it toward the solid block corner to his right. Can’t rely on luck. That shit expires without warning.

  Michael checked his watch and sighed. Gonna be dark soon. It would damn near be suicide to go stumbling around the target neighborhood at night before I’ve established a few escape routes and identified at least one safe haven. He leaned back in his chair and set the Executive Summary aside. Into the weeds and raw intel that John’s teams of anonymous ‘desk-nerds’ condensed into the Summary. Gotta be a map in here somewhere.

  The first paragraph on the following page relayed Abrini’s possible ISIS/ISIL connections and travels. If the man’s a devout, literal follower of Islam, they’ve sent me here on a kill mission. He’ll never submit to Catholic orthodoxy, and I’ll just become an assassin for John and his nameless superiors within the Vatican.


  Michael’s work phone announced that John had just sent an encrypted message. Of course. Every time you speak of the devil...

  May 6, 7:14pm

  The Oremus hotel. Paris, France.

  Michael answered John’s phone call. “Got your message.”

  “Well, bonjour to you, too, shithead.”

  “This is a kill mission.”

  John’s voice seethed through the phone. “Before you say another single goddamned word, go in the bathroom, turn on the shower and the faucet, full blast, and close the damned door behind you.”

  Michael rose, complied with John’s demands, and sat on the closed toilet lid. “What’s this about?” He pressed the phone harder against his ear to hear over the running water.

  “Hell, the place might be bugged. It’d be good tradecraft for you to assume that someone goes through your shit every time you leave a hotel room, and that it’s somebody that wants to do you harm. Always assume somebody’s listening, because they probably are, between the damned government surveillance of its own citizens and their fears about each other. Not sayin’ that’s the way it is, at least right there and now, but you’ll live a helluva lot longer if you spend the rest of your life believin’ it’s always true, even if it ain’t.”

  “Thanks for confirming my paranoia. I d
idn’t have enough worries on this one.”

  “I mistook you for being smart enough to have figured that shit out on your own. Tellin’ me I bet on the wrong horse here?”

  “No. I hoped my fears weren’t justified.”

  “I forget from time to time that y’all still gotta lot to learn.” John paused and his tone bordered on ‘apologetic.’ “If that room’s bugged, the water noise oughta keep anyone from hearing you. That’s the good news. Bad news is that most people don’t talk in the bathroom like that, so you're kinda tellin’ anyone watchin’ that ya know what the hell you’re doin’ and they’re on the right track. You’re protectin’ and confirmin’ yourself as a righteous target at the same time. Double-edged sword, like everything else you do. Now, what’s your concern?”

  Michael softened his tone to avoid antagonizing his boss. “Tell me I’m wrong, and that you haven’t sent me to assassinate a man.”

  John scoffed in his ear. “Stop with the damned drama. World leaders and politicians are assassinated, this asshole might get killed, but he ain’t never gonna have the distinct honor of being assassinated.”

  “I’m serious. I have no chance to absolve this guy of his sins, no matter what I find. A devout, literal Muslim won’t ever submit to Reconciliation and humble himself before Christ or our Catholic rituals. You should’ve turned this over to your old contacts, the C-I-A or O-G-A, or whatever acronym they’re using these days! Let them deal with it! I’ve proven my willingness to cleave a man’s soul from its earthly shell, John, but I need a chance of saving them from hell in the process! I have zero probability of success here!”


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