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Scandalous Liaison

Page 4

by Amanda Mariel

  “I want you, Lewis,” she said on a sigh.

  All thought fled his mind as his last thread of self control snapped. He scooped Grace into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  She tugged at his shirt as he removed her wrapper, dropping kisses on her as he worked. In short order, all of their clothing lay strewn about the floor. Lewis kissed the inside of her thighs, over her belly and up to her breasts before pulling back to gaze at her.

  She stared back at him with passion filled eyes. “Take me.”

  Her husky words shot straight through him and without hesitation he did as she’d asked, plunging into her warmth. She met him thrust for thrust, moaning beneath him as she took all he had. When her inner walls begin contracting, he covered her mouth with his drowning out her passionate cry as he spilled his seed into her.

  Heaven. She was pure heaven.

  Chapter 5

  Grace woke, a smile on her face as she ran her hand over Lewis’s warm chest. Their love making had been everything she’d always imagined it would be. When they’d finished, she’d curled against him, completely sated and drifted off to sleep.

  She glanced at the window. Moonlight poured through the slit in the drapes. It would be best for her to return to her room before daybreak. Reluctantly, Grace pulled her hand from Lewis’s chest and scooted off of the bed. After slipping back into her clothing, Shen turned to gaze at him.

  What she would give to remain here. To spend every night in his arms. The temptation was so great that she nearly climbed back into the bed. Pushing back her desire, she dropped a light kiss on his forehead then left the room.

  Her mind swam with questions and fantasies as she made her way back to her own room. They hadn’t had a chance to talk about what they’d done or where they would go from here. Did Lewis want a future with her? Could they make a romantic relationship between them work this time around? Her stomach fluttered at the thought.

  Perhaps she should have woken him so that they could have spoken, but he looked so comfortable and peaceful. Tomorrow, or rather later today, they would arrive at Amelia and Richard’s. They would still have opportunities for clandestine meetings—not that she cared to keep anything hidden now.

  Grace stepped into her room and closed the door behind her.

  “Your Grace. I woke to find you gone and was about to go seek help in finding you. I’m glad you returned.” Eliza approached her, curiosity lighting her gaze. “Where were you?”

  Grace relaxed into a chair. “Do sit and I will tell you everything.”

  Jasmine nudged Grace’s leg with her head and Grace scooped the cat up settling it in her lap as she grinned at Eliza. Once the woman was settled, Grace told her everything—all except the most intermit of details.

  Eliza brushed a stray curl from her cheek. “I had no idea that the two of you had a past.”

  “Not many people do.” Grace smiled. “But I have a feeling that is about to change.”

  Eliza beamed back at her. “I couldn’t be more pleased for you, Your Grace.”

  “Thank you, Eliza.” Grace smoothed her hand down Jasmine’s back. “Let us keep this between us for now,” Grace added.

  Eliza nodded. “Of course.”

  Grace checked the clock surprised to find that it was two in the morning. She’d thought it would be later than that. A yawn raked her body as she turned back to Eliza. “We should return to bed.”

  “Indeed.” Eliza stood then went to the bed and pulled back the covers. “Do you require anything before you turn in?”

  “No, but I should like for you to style my hair in the morning.”

  Eliza smiled. “It will be my honor.”

  Though Eliza served as Grace’s companion, the woman also doubled as he ladies maid from time to time. Grace did not like traveling with more people than necessary, and often left her normal ladies maid behind as a result. She climbed into the bed then glanced at Eliza. “Thank you.”

  Once Eliza extinguished the light it did not take long for Grace to slip into a deep slumber. The nights activities had left her exhausted in the best way.

  The carriage came to a stop in front of the ducal castle before the sun reached its high point for the day. Amelia, Richard, and their children had gathered on the front steps to greet them, and after a flurry of greetings and introductions Lewis and Richard retreated leaving the woman with the children.

  Now Grace sat on a blanket under the shade of a large tree watching her great nephew pick wildflowers with Eliza while Jasmine frolicked nearby. The lad had grown considerably since she’d last seen him. Transforming from an infant into a little boy.

  Grace turned to Amelia. “Reese is much like Richard was at that age.”

  Amelia grinned, cradling the new baby in her arms. “I believe it wholeheartedly. I often see his father in the way he moves and speaks.”

  “I’d wager he is a mischievous lad.”

  Amelia nodded, readjusting her hold on the baby. “He must be watched at all times. Last week when the nanny wasn’t paying attention, Reese tried to feed his lunch to one of the dogs so he could skip to desert. No-one would have been the wiser if his nanny hadn’t found the dog under the table devouring the food.” She laughed. “Of course, by then, Reese already had his pudding.”

  Laughter emanated from Grace as she glanced at Reese before winking at Amelia. “I happen to know first hand that his mother can be a handful too.”

  Amelia’s cheeks colored. “Let us hope that little Evangeline did not inherit our mischievous gene, though I fear the deck may be stacked against her.”

  Grace meet the baby’s striking blue eyes and coo’d. “Not this little angel.”

  The baby’s eyes seemed to light up as she stared back at Grace.

  “She’s perfect and shall remain that way.” Grace smiled up at Amelia. “May I hold her?”

  “Of course.” Amelia placed Evangeline into Grace’s arms.

  The baby wriggled for a moment then settled against her. How many years had it been since Grace had cradled a wee one? She searched her mind. It must have been two years prior when Reese was born. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh baby scent as she rocked the infant.

  “Thank you for agreeing to be her godmother,” Amelia said.

  Grace opened her eyes and grinned. “You needn’t thank me. It’s an honor. Though you should be warned that I intend to spoil her.”

  “I imagine that between you and Uncle Lewis she will want for nothing.” Amelia’s gaze turned curious. “Speaking of my uncle…”

  “Yes?” Grace turned her attention back to the baby, rubbing her finger over Evangeline's soft skin. She wanted to tell Amelia about the past, and present, but was not quite sure how her friend would handle the news. The last thing she wished to do at this point in time was dampen the festivities.

  “The two of you seem to get on well.” Amelia plucked a piece of grass and began twirling it in her fingers. “I thought the same when I first introduced you as well.”

  “Indeed.” Grace said, hopeful that the conversation would turn to another topic.

  Amelia stared at the blade of grass she held, but continued her line of inquiry. “I could not help but notice the way he looked at you before leaving with Richard. I think he has a fancy for you.”

  It was too much. Grace couldn’t continue acting as if nothing were afoot when Amelia had clearly caught on. Still, she had to proceed with caution. Choose her words carefully. “Would it upset you if he did?” Grace’d pulse quickened in anticipation of how Amelia would respond.

  “Not at all.” Amelia shook her head, a smile playing at her mouth. “I think the two of you would be a fabulous match.”

  “Then I have a confession.” Grace blew out a breath, ready to reveal everything. “Your uncle and I are fond of each other.”

  Amelia arched a brow and leaned closer. “Do tell.”

  “First I must have your word that you will forgive me.” Grace studied Amelia finding nothing but e
xcitement and love in her gaze as she nodded. “Very well. I actually met your uncle in my youth. He courted me during my first season.”

  Amelia gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. She quickly recovered and gave a curious look. “But you married the Duke of Abernathy.”

  “I did.” Grace pressed her lips into a tight line. “You see, I had an obligation to my family. We were destitute and titled. A very bad combination.”

  “Oh Grace.” Amelia nodded her understanding and reached for Grace’s hand. “It must have been difficult for you.”

  “Yes, at first, and again more recently. But I wouldn’t wish to change the past.” Grace went on to tell Amelia everything about her courtship with Lewis, her marriage to the duke, and more recent developments. Finally, she sighed, gazing over at Reese, Jasmine, and Eliza.

  “Do you think that you and Uncle Lewis have a future together?” Amelia asked.

  Grace returned her attention to Amelia, squinting against the shifting sunlight. “I do not know, but I wish for one.”

  “Then we shall make it happen.” Amelia stood and dusted her skirts. “Come, let us join the men.”

  Grace glanced at the sleeping baby in her arms then back to Amelia. “Not so fast, dear. I do not wish to bombard Lewis.”

  “Nonsense.” Amelia protested. “You love him and I can plainly see he’s taken with you.”

  “But we still live on different continents. He in America and me in England. He may not wish to give up all he’s built there and I’m not certain I can leave my home either.”

  Amelia huffed a breath as she dropped back onto the blanket. “You sound like I once did.”

  Grace laughed, remembering how determined Amelia had been to remain in England before she fell in love with Richard. “I suppose I do, but there is truth in what I said. Lewis and I need time to talk before anything is decided.”

  Amelia gave a knowing glance, her eyes sparkling. “Will you go too him tonight?”

  “Aunt Grace. Aunt Grace,” Reese called as he ran toward her, “I have something for you.”

  Grace looked to the boy and beamed at him with love.

  He stopped beside her and held out a bushel of pink flower’s and greenery. “Miss Eliza said this is your favorite.”

  Grace took them and inhaled their scent. “Indeed they are. Thank you, Reese.”

  “Miss Eliza said they are Maiden Pink flowers.” He looked over his shoulder at her. “Is she right?”

  “She is.” Grace laid the flowers next to her.

  Reese gave a mater of fact stare. “I like Miss Eliza.”

  “As do I,” Grace said. “She’s a good friend.”

  Without another word, Reese turned and scampered back to Eliza’s side, his small feet kicking up dirt and grass clippings along the way.

  Grace shook her head, grinning. “You are a blessed woman, Amelia.”

  “I do not want to discuss my blessings at present.” Amelia peered at Grace, her grin softening her harsh expression.

  Grace knew perfectly well that Amelia was waiting for her to reveal wether or not she would go to Lewis tonight. All the same, she pretended ignorance. “What?”

  Amelia burst into a full blown smile. “Very well. Keep your plans secret for now. Tomorrow you shall tell me everything.”

  Grace could not stop the trail of laughter that escaped her as she studied her old friend. Regardless of what happened between her and Lewis, she was grateful to be here in Scotland with Amelia, Richard, and their kids.

  Grace closed her eyes and let the soft breeze blanket her. She’d not fret over the future when the present gave her so much joy. Tonight would come soon enough.

  Chapter 6

  Lewis accepted Grace into his room with a welcoming smile before pulling her into his arms. Her heart soared being so close to him again. She’d spent the day longing for his touch as she cast him secret glances. A few times their gazes had meet and she’d blushed like a debutante, her insides heating.

  She didn’t know what the morning would bring, but in this moment she wanted him. Needed to feel him—to join with him. Her insides quivered with need as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought her lips to his in utter abandon.

  Lewis met her need with his own fierce passion, pulling her close as he slanted his mouth over hers again and again. She took greedily, her head swimming with desire as she trailed her hands down his back, and around to his muscled abdomen. Finding what she searched for, Grace formed her fingers around the bulge in his trousers. “Take me.”

  He released a husky moan, then loosened her bodice allowing her breasts to spill out. Brining his mouth to her nipples, he sucked and lathed his tongue over them until they formed tight buds. He trailed his kisses lower, dragging her gown down the length of her body until it pooled on the floor at her feet.

  Grace’s knees nearly buckled when he trailed his hand up her thighs sending shivers of pleasure straight to her core. She leaned her bottom on the table, bracing herself against his delicious assault and parted her legs in invitation.

  Lewis trailed his gaze up her body to meet her eyes. “God Grace, you’re so beautiful.”

  She bit her lower lip as she stared back at him, then wove her fingers through his thick black hair desperate for more of what he had to offer.

  Needing no further invitation, Lewis began stroking her tender bud. He expertly massaged the swollen center of her pleasure sending her body adrift in a sea of pleasure. He slipped a finger inside of her and she bucked against it needing more—writhing and moaning, she ground against him.

  “Let yourself go, Grace. I want to watch you come.” He slid another finger into her pulsing channel and massaged her clit with his thumb.

  Grace threw her head back in pure ecstasy as her release washed through her. When she opened her eyes, he was staring at her with smoldering green eyes. Their mouths joined as she tugged and pushed at his clothes until he stood before her naked.

  She slid back on the table then grasped his hips with her hands and pulled him to her, his cock sliding into her. Lewis moved in and out of her in slow torturous thrusts, one of his hands tangled in her hair and the other bracing her back.

  Grace relished the building passion between them as she ran her hands over his tightly boarded muscles. Her body desperate for more, she found his lips and slanted her mouth over his. His thrusts increased as their tongues slid over each others. Her release soon raked her body leaving her quivering and tingly as his seed spilled into her.

  Lewis gathered her against him. Stroking her hair he dropped a delicate kiss on her forehead. He held her for long moments, their bodies still joined, hearts beating together in unison.

  Swept up in the moment, Grace whispered, “Stay with me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.” He meet her gaze.

  Grace studied his heated gaze—searching. “I mean forever, not just now.”

  Lewis sighed, then stepped away separating them. “My life is in America.”

  “I know.” She bit her lower lip, emotion swamping her. “It is just as before. We are ill fated despite how we feel for one another.

  “What is it that you feel for me?” He ran his fingers through his hair, the thick strands falling haphazardly in his wake.

  She swallowed hard not sure she should allow herself to be so vulnerable but at the same time powerless to stop it. “I love you, Lewis. I always have.” She held her breath, her blood pounding in her ears as she waited for him to speak.

  “Come to America with me.” He stepped closer, his gaze holding hers.

  Her chest squeezed. He’d not returned her proclamation. What a cake she’d been to confess her heart. Fighting back tears, Grace shook her head. “I can not.”

  He retrieved his trousers and pulled them on before turning back to her with his shirt in his hand. “Then I don’t suppose there is anything left for us.” Lewis tugged his shirt on then scooped up his jacket. “I will leave you to dress.”
r />   Grace’s heart shattered at the hurt in his gaze as he pivoted to walk away, but this time she wasn’t to blame. At least not completely. And her own heart, her very soul ached. This could not be the end. She hadn’t found him just to loose him again.

  Only what choice did she have? Her throat tightened for there was nothing she could do. It mattered not that she loved him when they were from two different worlds. Neither of them willing or able to give up their home—to relocate to a foreign country.

  Tears streaming freely down her cheeks, Grace donned her gown and fled the room.

  Chapter 7

  Lewis stifled a yawn as he watched the vicar draw the sign of the cross on Evangeline’s head. Blinking, he attempted to wake himself up then focused on the baby. Her blue eyes were open wide as she stared at the vicar. Her downy brown hair matched that of her smiling mother’s.

  His heart warmed as he gazed at his niece and goddaughter. Amelia’s parents would have been so proud of their daughter. Not only had she wed a duke, but theirs was a true love match, and now they had two beautiful children as well.

  Casting a longing glance at Grace, he couldn’t help but wonder what a lifetime with her would have been like. How many children would they have had? Would their babies favor her looks or his? He conjured an image of a little girl with warm coco eyes and coppery blond hair.

  It wasn’t to be. They had lost their chance years ago and could not have it back now. He’d spent most of the previous night contemplating Grace while drinking and hitting ivory balls in the billiards room. A fact he was now sorely regretting. He should be in high spirits as he celebrated his goddaughter’s christening. Instead he couldn't keep his mind from Grace, and he was too tired to fully engage in merrymaking.

  “I now invite the parents and godparents to do the same.” The vicars voice boomed through the church.

  Amelia and Richard stepped forward and traced the cross on the baby’s forehead, then stepped aside for him and Grace to take their turn. The pair beamed at him as he stepped forward. Lewis trailed his fingertip over the babies forehead while she kicked and coo’d. Then with a smile he stepped back.


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