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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

Page 2

by Rana Drake

  "What the fuck is going on?" I demanded to nobody in particular. Nobody answered. The other guys were just waking up and starting to come to.

  I broke out in a nervous sweat as I slid my back down the wall and crouched again. This was very bad. I rested my head on my knees and felt tears coming to my eyes. This was some kind of prison cell and I was trapped in here like an animal. This was something that only happened in movies, this wasn't something that should be happening to me, a computer science major who is at the top of his class.

  I began to cry, my shoulders heaving silently. I was never going to see my family again. I was likely going to be experimented on, or killed, or used as bait for dog fights or…

  The heavy door to the cell slammed open against the wall and two large, muscle bound men wearing t-shirts each entered, dragging along behind them two more young men who had bound wrists and leashes around their necks, like dogs.

  They both started at the ground, not making eye contact with anyone else. They were shirtless, and wore jeans without shoes from what I could tell. I couldn't make out the features of their faces without my glasses. They both slunk off to the corner like abused cats and stayed there. The men took a look around the room, seemingly doing a head count, grunted, and then left, the heavy door slamming shut behind them. I heard a distinct clicking noise as the door locked itself and their footsteps grew fainter.

  "What is this place?" I finally called out. "What the fuck is going on?"

  Someone answered from the other side of the room. I think it may have been one of the newcomers.

  "You don't know where you are? You're a captured slave for a bunch of sick sex freaks. You're going to be beaten and forced to do all kinds of nasty things, and before long, you'll even start to enjoy it." The voice that spoke to me didn't sound particularly sad, or particularly anything, really. Just matter of fact, devoid of emotion.

  The thought that I had been captured as a sex slave didn't even cross my mind. I suddenly felt nauseous. Was this all a bad dream? Had someone drugged me at the game? Had that guy I was with maybe just slipped me a roofie, or some other mind altering drug, and this was all a hallucination? It had to be. I couldn't be a fucking kidnapped sex slave.

  I felt sick as I remembered the types of videos I had been watching on the porn sites. Videos where boys my age were tied up and fucked and used as furniture. Yeah, I had gotten off to those videos more than once and now I felt horribly ashamed.

  Had someone tracked my IP address and found me for watching that sick stuff? I always used a series of blockers on my browsers to prevent that sort of thing from happening. Was I somehow being punished for looking at those things? I never really wanted it to happen to me, it was just a fantasy.

  I squinted my eyes at the boys across the room wearing leashes and ran to the bucket in the corner, throwing up the meager contents of my stomach. As I was rinsing my mouth in the sink, clutching my stomach, the door opened again. I whirled around to see a dark figure standing in the doorway.

  "It's time," he growled. "Line up single file." A loud snapping noise followed his words and I noticed the rest of the guys scrambling to follow his orders. I naturally did as the others did, not wanting to draw attention to myself. If I could just blend in, maybe I could escape. Everywhere else that I went in the world, I was pretty good at being invisible. Maybe that would save me here. I fell into line. Once everyone was lined up, another order came.

  "Strip off your clothes and leave them on the floor, you'll be going to the showers now."

  Some of the guys began doing as they were told immediately, but I froze. So did the boy behind me, the one wearing the shirt from my college.

  He yelped as he was struck by something that I couldn't see, then began to strip. My heart pounding, I followed suit. As I removed my underwear, a lump formed in my throat, knowing whoever was behind me was looking at my skinny bare ass the same as I was looking at the one in front of me.

  "Let's go," the man bellowed, and another menacing figure appeared to guide the back of the line. I was cold and shivering as I was marched down a long hall and then led into a shower room. A firm, strong hand grabbed my ass cheek forcefully, enough that it would likely bruise where he had touched me. I didn't dare look behind me to see who had done it.

  Once we were in the shower room, the water turned on, blasting our naked bodies from all angles with lukewarm water. All around me were flashes of skin, naked asses and cocks, and miserable looking captives.

  "Get yourselves clean, you've got five minutes. You'll be inspected when you leave the shower room, so you better make sure those tight assholes of yours are squeaky clean or else Master Jake is going to clean you himself and I promise he won't be gentle. If any of you have your foreskin intact, that better be clean too. Our customers don't want to smell your ripe ass, they just want to fuck it. Now get to it and scrub," we were ordered, from one of the muscled men who stood at the entrance, watching us as his hand moved in the region of his crotch. I couldn't tell without my glasses but I was pretty certain he was touching himself as he watched us shower. My suspicions were confirmed when he leaned in and a warm stream of something hit my back. I turned to see him squirting his load into the shower room to hit anyone unlucky enough to be in the path of his cumming, squirting cock.

  "You better wash that off too," he laughed.

  Terrified, I let the water run over me, then turned my back toward the water and ran a hand between my cheeks, my face burning with shame. I didn't want to find out what would happen to me if I didn't obey this powerful man.



  After David had his fun tormenting the new slaves and jizzing all over every one of them that he could hit, I stepped in and put a stop to his antics. That was enough of that, they were all about to go out on the chopping block and I needed to make sure they were actually clean and none of them needed to be sedated again. I checked my watch. We were on a tight schedule this morning and I wanted to stay on track so I wouldn't have to stay here all goddamn day again.

  Plus, I always looked forward to the sales days, walking up and down the aisle where a bunch of young cocks quivered before their prospective owners. There was something sweet about the scent of their terror and arousal all mixed into one. The truth was, we only made pick-ups that we had reason to believe had latent desires for submissive behavior. It was always grossly apparent when they didn't and it was easy to weed them out, give them a drug that made them forget what had happened to them, and leave them in a gutter outside a bar somewhere, where they always assumed that they'd been drugged in the bar or something.

  I watched as they writhed under the water and David yelled at them again to wash their balls, and I smiled as they obeyed. When the minutes were up, I shut the water off and they all stood there, dripping and naked and pathetic until I threw them a wad of towels. They hit one of the guys, the chubby one that came in wearing a flannel shirt and looking like some kind of redneck lumberjack, the kind that had probably sucked a horse cock on a farm somewhere rural when he was a teen. The towels bounced off of his chubby ass and fell to the ground as the rest of the guys scrambled to grab one. They all dried themselves and wrapped their naked bodies in them gratefully.

  I pulled out the retractable whip from my back pocket. "Alright, line up!" I barked. They all did. "I'll be collecting the towels at the door, so don’t get too cozy. You'll be going out on the sales floor nude. My customers need to see what they are getting."

  I could hear a series of faint gasps passing through them. I cracked the whip close to the last ones heels and they began to walk. As they crossed the threshold into the hallway, David yanked the towels from them, leaving their naked quivering bodies gleaming under the light. I smirked. I used to get a much greater thrill out of this than I do now, but it was still somewhat amusing. Especially the little nerdy one. There was something about him that made me lick my lips, like a hungry wolf. The way he carried himself, so shy and timid, yet I could tell tha
t he was intrigued by all of this. He certainly didn't keep his eyes to himself when he was in the shower, the little perv.

  As we walked them down the hall toward the ballroom where the sale was being held, I called one of my workers whose job it was to send out the invites and usher the attendees. He picked up immediately.

  "Is everything ready down there? We're bringing them in now."

  "Yeah, boss, we're good. The guests will be arriving any minute, and I've got the cages all set up."

  "Good, I've got ten slaves total, just like we'd planned. I had to discard one from last night, but then another one came in this morning to take his place, so it's all good." I hung up, pleased that things were going according to plan for once.

  This was just a regular sale, so there wasn't as much pressure as there was for auctions. Auctions were held for more high dollar subs, mostly the ones who had been fully trained to be one hundred percent receptive to their owner's needs, many of whom were taught to please their owners without even being asked. They took a long time to train, but it was worth it for the amount of money they brought in. We had only put an untrained slave up for auction once, and that was for an actual twenty two year old virgin that Hunter himself ended up taking home. I rolled my eyes at the memory of that - the virgin who had all but turned Hunter soft for a couple months there. He was useless after he brought that one home, until he'd finally had his fill and settled down a bit.

  This was just a sale of pick-ups, though, so we wouldn't be making as much money, but we held these sales often, and they always had a more relaxed atmosphere. Our clients could either buy or rent, and so we had a lot of repeat clients who believed variety to be the spice of life and they turned over their inventory often in search of something new and exciting. We've had to make it clear that these salves definitely have submissive tendencies, but some don't know how to express it yet. We've had a few clients not know how to handle the training and have angrily returned their purchase. Nowadays, we have made it clear, and some clients even like it better that way. We usually got more of the sick freaks at these sales, as opposed to the more highly refined clientele at the auctions. I watched the nerdy guy walking down the hall in line, his head hanging low. I wondered how fast he would be sold today. Likely, he'd be one of the first to go due to his boyish looks and smooth features. Even though he wasn't a virgin, he sure looked like he could be, and there was no way he had had much of anything up there, with the awkward way that he carried himself. He was cute, but in the real world, I was certain that he wasn't exactly popular.

  When we got them to the ballroom, I was pleased to see that the cages were already set up and ready to go. David clipped collars to each of their necks without too much trouble, and we attached a chain to each of their rings that we used to lead them into their display places. Of course, most of them needed to be whipped, which was done just hard enough to not leave any marks that were too noticeable, although in a few instances, severe lashings couldn't be avoided.

  The cute little nerd, whose name I found out was Collin when I texted the driver to ask him, was the last one to go in. After he had seen the others get their behinds whipped, he went in without a fight. I could tell he wasn't a pain slut, at least not yet. The way he averted his eyes when he was looked upon though told me that his submissive nature was strong nonetheless. He was eager to please, and he certainly wasn't used to all the attention he was getting. Once I got him into his display cage, I stood in front of him and looked him up and down. His cock stuck out of a thick tuft of dark hair, and I noted how it was almost too big for his body, which wasn't big at all. I had the sudden urge to play with it, fondle him until he got hard and then tease him.

  David walked up and down the line as I ogled Collin, explaining what was expected of them. "You are all up for sale, and your buyers will be showing up any minute. Some of you may have the cute idea to make yourselves unappealing in some way, but I promise you that if you do this, you will live to hate yourself for it. Your job right now is to shut the fuck up and look pretty. You better look as appealing as possible and pray that someone buys you, because any of you that are left over are going to go into the video pool, where you'll be forced to perform the most depraved acts known to mankind for film. So, unless you would like to perform humiliating sexual acts on camera and have your pretty face in depraved sex videos that will be sold widely across the world, I'd suggest you do your best to get someone to buy you. Of course, if you'd rather be filmed while taking a twelve inch cock in your ass while another one fucks your mouth and makes you play in your own excrement, then by all means, be as revolting as possible." David laughed. He truly was a sick bastard and he loved every second of it.

  I noticed Collin squinting his eyes as he peered out. He'd been doing it since he got here, and then I remembered he'd been wearing glasses when he first came in. I went to his cage, fishing out a pair of spare contacts that I had.

  "Here," I said. "Wear these so you can see." I don't know why I gave a fuck whether he could see or not, but something about him made me want to help him.

  Until he stared at my blankly, not moving, as if I were a monster.

  I tossed them into his cage. "Or stay blind, I really don't fucking care either way," I snarled, stalking off, suddenly feeling very annoyed with myself for getting soft with a piece of property. At least David hadn't seen that little display. I vowed that it wouldn't happen again.



  I picked up the packet that was tossed into my cage with trembling hands. They were actually contacts, and they were in a sealed container. They probably wouldn't work, but I fumbled with them, hoping that they would at least do something to help me see what the hell was going on. Maybe if I could see, I could hash out a plan to escape this depraved place. When I got them into my eyes, I blinked, trying to adjust. My own prescription was much stronger, but these at least made it so I could see more than two feet in front of me, although I don't know if that was going to be a good thing or not.

  The cages that we were in were open on all sides, so I could now see the other captives. Some of them were crouched down, crying. Others seemed perfectly fine with this arrangement, and a couple were even actively doing some sort of sexual looking yoga in front of a group of men that stood outside their cage and clapped.

  I stood in the very center of my area, afraid to get too close to the edges where I could be touched through the bars, but it didn't seem that I could get out of reach no matter what I did. A group of three men approached my cage, their eyes locked on me like I was their prey. I felt myself shrinking, hoping I could just disappear, but I knew they were coming for me. They stopped, each of them circling me. One of them reached through the bars and grabbed my ass with his large, rough hand. He gave it a hard squeeze and grunted in approval.

  "Bend over and grab your ankles," one of the men said. "Let us see that hole of yours. I like my toys to be flexible."

  I noticed the man that had given me the contacts standing behind them, and when I met his gaze, he gave me a look that clearly communicated that I had better do it or a far worse fate awaited me. Slowly, I bent over.

  The three men moved behind me, and I could feel their prying eyes on my most private place. I let out a yell when, without warning, one of them shoved their dry finger about an inch into my asshole. They all laughed. "Tight," one of them said. "With a little lube, that would feel like heaven."

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, determined not to cry. Please let them leave me alone, I silently pleaded.

  Instead, they moved around to the front of my cage. "Stand up straight and get yourself hard," one of them barked. "I want to see what that little floppy thing looks like when it's proper."

  I froze, not knowing what to do. There was no way I was going to masturbate in front of all these people. I would die of shame if I had to do that. I just couldn't. I helplessly looked down, seeing my flaccid cock hanging out for all to see. I couldn't bring myself to touch it.
  "Come here," another of the men ordered. "Stand closer. I'll do it for you if you don't know how to." He turned to his companion. "I think it's cute when they've got stage fright."

  He looked at me again. "Come on. Come to daddy," he beckoned to me as if her were calling a frightened kitten. Hanging my head, I stepped forward.

  "Atta boy," he cooed, grabbing my cock and slowly starting to stroke me. To my horror and surprise, his hand felt amazing. He touched me just right, causing the blood to engorge my cock immediately against his touch. "That's it," he whispered. "Nice and hard. Look at that, boys. Not bad." They all nodded as I stood with my body pressed against the cold bars of the cage, my erection poking out and being fondled by this sicko.

  "I've got an idea," one of the men said with a devilish grin, his eyes on the young boy next to me. "I want to see how they play together."

  He looked back at the guy who put me in here, who I assumed was the boss of this place. "Hey Jake, get this one out for me. I want to see these two play together."

  "Of course," Jake answered politely. He unlocked the padlock holding the cage closed and dragged the young boy out by the leash that was around his neck. The kid looked like he couldn't be older than eighteen or so. Definitely not old enough to drink. I watched in horror as he was led closer. He reminded me of my brother, a spindly thing that no doubt got picked on throughout high school.

  "Bring him over here, I'd like to test his oral skills. I want to see the O-face on this one, too." He pointed at me, and I trembled.

  They made the younger kid get in the cage with me, leaving the door open to make enough room for both of us. They forced him to his knees and shoved me forward, using their hands to make him open his mouth, as they grabbed my cock and put it between his lips. Jake whipped him lightly on his back as they urged him to suck my cock. I felt myself getting lightheaded, partly from terror, and partly from arousal. I couldn't stop the orgasm from building, as much as I wanted to. But when the young boy tightened his lips around my cock and I was rammed into the back of his throat, I couldn't help but let a moan escape. His mouth felt good. Too good. Within minutes, I was cumming, my eyes squinted shut in humiliating pleasure, shamefully letting my jizz unload into this poor boy's mouth and drip down his chin. The men clapped, some of them adjusting their belts to make room for their raging boners that the erotic display had caused.


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