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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

Page 10

by Rana Drake

  He could tell I liked it. "I didn't know you were a nature lover," he said, rubbing my back. "Maybe we can go on a walk by the lake later."

  I blushed, slightly embarrassed for showing so much interest. He was being…romantic. And I didn't know how to respond to it.

  I stood awkwardly in the open area, then found myself blurting out, "Where is you dungeon? Are you going to show me that next?"

  I was unclear as to what the expectations were for this visit, and the confusion was triggering anxiety in me. I was now used to being led into strange homes, in undisclosed locations, and being locked up for days. Any other treatment seemed to overwhelm me. I realized I didn't exactly like the freedom. I didn't like the responsibility of making choices.

  "I don't have a dungeon in my home."

  "But I though you…?" I stuttered.

  "I am a Master, yes. But I have never had a need to have a dungeon in my home because I have never brought a sub here - willingly or otherwise. You are the first."

  My eyes widened. I didn't know how to feel- if I should be terrified or honored or flattered.

  "I don't view you as a merely a slave. I have plenty of slaves to play with at my leisure within the club. You," He stepped toward me, taking my face in his hands, "I see as a lover."

  I swallowed hard. "I want to be both," I whispered, looking into his eyes with submissiveness. I wanted him to bend me, to command me, to teach me how to please him just right.

  I held my wrists to him. "Take me. Bind me."

  He smiled, taking my hands in his and pulling a silk handkerchief from his pocket, which he used to bind my wrists.

  He then led me into the master bedroom, where I was taken in front of a grand mirror. He began to slowly strip me of my clothing. When I looked away, he corrected me.

  "No, I want you to watch yourself. I want you to get turned on at the sight of your own body. I want you to see how fucking sexy you are. I want you to see what I see."

  I watched as my clothing was taken away, until I was staring at myself, totally nude, my cock fully erect. Then Jake wrapped his warm hand around my needy cock and began to stroke, using my own leaking arousal as lubrication. I opened my mouth in a moan, leaning back against him. His body easily supported mine, and I could feel how hard he was, his obviously large cock touching my backside.

  "You're not going to cum yet, we're just getting started." He let go of me, and the absence of his strong hand on my cock was shocking at first. I wanted him back. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my waist, still standing behind me, and making me watch myself. My cock was reddened and swollen, aching for his touch again. He let his hands rest just above my pubic area, dangerously close.

  He rubbed his erection against my ass through his pants and leaned down to speak into my ear, in a deep, low growl.

  "What do you like, Collin? What gets you going? You can tell me. This is all about you. I want to see the faces you make when you're having a good time." His breath tickled my neck.

  I'd never been asked that before and I didn't know how to respond. He waited patiently. "Tell me what you want to feel," he urged me.

  "I want to feel like you own me," I whispered, barely audible. "I want to be yours. I want you to make me yours."

  He smiled, a slow, seductive grin and he placed the palm of his hand over the front of my throat. "Mine," he growled into my ear, closing his hand and putting a pressure over my Adam's apple. He placed his other hand around my waist and hoisted me up, carrying me to the bed. He sat me on the edge of it, and stood in front of me.

  "Unzip my pants," he directed me. With trembling fingers, I did, carefully, slowly.

  He pushed his pants down his hips, and pulled his cock out through his shorts. He was large, thick, and impossibly hard for me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

  "I want you to touch it. Hold it in your hands." He picked up my hand and wrapped it around his cock. He was hot and smooth and heavy, and I slowly worked him. He let his head hang down, watching me touch him, with a look of awe and lust on his face.

  "You're so good at that, Collin. But you're going to make me cum too fast." He climbed on the bed, lying down on his back.

  "Get on top of me, I want to taste you," He positioned me so that I was straddling his shoulders, my cock hanging down upon his lips.

  "Oh, no, you don't have to-"

  "I'll do what I please, and you'll like it," Jake growled, taking my cock in his mouth and sucking me hard. I groaned. I did like it. I liked it more than anything. I liked it so much I was dizzy. I couldn't bear to look down at him sucking me, until he reached up and tilted my head down, forcing me to look at what he was doing to me. I came immediately and he lapped up everything that I had.

  "Fucking delicious." He pulled me down so that I was laying on top of him and he kissed me hard, shoving his tongue into my mouth and making me taste myself on him and he fingered my ass. His rock hard cock pressed against my belly.

  "I'm going to fuck you now," He whispered, and I squeaked in acknowledgement. He flipped me over so that I was laying on my back. "I want you to watch me. I want you to see my face when I cum in your ass."

  He pushed my legs apart, licking his fingers and spreading his saliva over my hole. I was opened wide for him, ready to take him, knowing that every time anyone else had fucked me, I always thought of him.

  He pushed the tip of his cock against me, and I pushed toward him, looking into his eyes. He put his hand on my throat possessively as he pushed himself into me. My mouth fell open as he stretched me wide.

  "You're gonna make me cum so hard," he growled, pumping into me faster, holding me by the neck for leverage to show that I was his and he was going to use me for his pleasure just how he wanted to.

  He slowed down, holding my face in his hands, and kissed me as he moved in and out until his whole body tensed, and with a severe spasm, I felt a flood of his hot cum hit inside of me.

  We both moaned in unison as he came. He didn't remove himself from me once he was done. Instead, he held me tight not letting me move, until he became hard again.

  This time, he didn't hold back, and fucked me hard and fast, pounding me full force as my body shook beneath him. When he was ready, he filled me a second time, then let himself slip out. He pulled me close to him, his arm around me protectively and pulled the blanket over us to sleep.



  I rolled over and felt Collin's warm, naked body snuggled up beside me. He was sleeping peacefully, and for once, instead of dragging myself out of bed, I was happy to stay right where I was, next to a body that I was happy to share my bed with. I never brought anyone into my own bed, and I didn't think I would. All the years of being able to have whoever I wanted if I paid the price, and I had never found anyone who was worth it in the least bit until I found Collin.

  I wanted to fuck him again right now, but I held back and watched him sleep instead. He would need his rest, especially after spending last night with me. I couldn't wait to have him again. There was no way I was going in to work today, and I debated leaving my phone on silent, but decided against it.

  I was ready to face the fucking music for once and for all. Hunter was bound to call me today after I didn't show up. In all the time that we had been working together, he knew he could count on me to be there, day after day - but not this time. I also knew that he was bound to do some digging when he discovered my absence and find out that I had made a transaction with Simmons, but I didn’t give a shit about any of it anymore. I had Collin in my bed and I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

  A wave of sadness overcame me as I watched Collin sleeping. I was going to have to let him go. It was a promise that I had made to him, and it was a promise to myself, too. I'd had the chance to see who Collin really was - and he was so much more than just another cute face that would bring in millions of dollars as a slave. He was the strongest, smartest person that I had ever known and loved, and I couldn't keep him here against his will.
He had feelings for me too, I was sure of it. The way he looked at me told me all I needed to know- but he had said it himself - I was a criminal, and he wasn't going to throw his life away to be with someone like me. I wasn't worth the dirt off the bottom of his shoe if I was being honest with myself. I was going to let him go. He could go back to being who he was, and I could go back to being…well, whatever the fuck I ever was. I had a feeling that Hunter would be done with me after he found out all the gory details of what I had done - the worst of which was bringing Collin to my home and then letting him go.

  I trusted Collin, of course, but Hunter wouldn't.

  As if on cue, my phone began to ring. Of course, it was Hunter. I was only half an hour past when I was due to be in to the club, but nothing got by him, whether he was in town or on the other side of the world doing business. He saw everything. It was something I had admired about him back when I first met him but now that it was directed at me it was getting on my fucking nerves quite a bit.

  I slid out of bed so that I wouldn't wake Collin, and I picked up.

  Before I could even greet the fucker, his voice was in my ear.

  "Where the hell are you and if you try to tell me you aren't with that little nerdy kid somewhere, I'm going to know your lying to me you perverted fuck."

  "Well, good morning to you too."

  "Yeah, don't be fucking cute with me. You better tell me what the hell is going on. We don't give refunds, Jake. Do you need to be taught the rules of our little organization that you have worked for twenty years? I was sure you had them down by now. Are you getting senile?"

  "Very funny," I said, unable to get angry with him. I didn’t really care anymore, and besides, Hunter was what I would call my best friend. He had every right to be down my throat about this. I would be if I were him, too.

  "So you talked to Simmons?" I asked coolly.

  "Yeah, of course I did. Five million?" Hunter asked.

  I let out a breath. "I thought it would be good for business. He wasn't a happy customer."

  "Don’t give me that bullshit. You nearly knocked him unconscious at my casino opening. If I hadn't put a stop to it, you looked like you were going to kill hm. I know that look on you, remember? What's going on with you and that kid?"

  "Collin?" I asked. "Fine, I'll let you know. He'd never done this before. He wasn't trained, and Simmons is a sadistic fuck. He had no business handling a kid like Collin."

  "And this is different from every other pet he has purchased from us how?" Hunter wanted to know. "We've known this about him for years. Most of our customers are sociopaths, you know? And now you're suddenly upset about it? I don't buy it, Jake. Cut the shit, I don't have all day."

  He was good. "Fine, I care about the kid and I wanted him back. I didn't want to see him get hurt."

  Hunter sounded appeased. "Ok, fair enough. It's your money that you spent, but I don't want that asshole Simmons getting any ideas that he can just make simple returns whenever he complains. This club isn't known for customer service and free fucking shipping. Anyway, I'm sure you get that and I don't need to waste my breath. So if you bought him back, why aren't you at the club tending to your new little pet?"

  I took a deep breath. I might as well tell him before he finds out on his own anyway. "Because I have him here with me. In my bed."

  "At your fucking house?" Hunter exploded. "Tell me you are fucking kidding me."

  I was silent.

  "You know what a risk that is, Jake. If anything happens, I'm not backing you up in the slightest."

  "I know that," I snapped. "I didn't ask you to."

  Hunter sighed. "I understand what you're going through."

  I believed him. He had taken to a walk-in slave not long ago. "Just figure your shit out and let me know if you're coming back, or what."

  That was easier than I expected. "I will."

  "And fucking be careful. I don't give a shit if you think you're in love, you can't trust a pick-up. They're fucked up in the head and they're capable of anything now. I don't want to see you go down, Jake. Not after all these years."

  "I know."

  "But…I want to see you happy. If I deserve it, you deserve it."

  He hung up and I stared at the blank screen with disbelief. I didn't expect him to understand at all, and if this were the same Hunter from a few years ago, he wouldn't have. Maybe finding that special sub really does change everything.

  The only difference between Hunter and I was that he still had his, and I had to let mine go.

  But not yet. An insatiable urge overtook me, and I climbed back into bed with Collin, gently waking him. I needed him now.



  When I look at Jake, I don't remember how I got here in the first place. I don't see a brute savage who deals in sexual slavery, and I have to strain my brain to even bring up the memory of what happened to me out there on that sales floor of his. As horrific as it all was at the time, I felt liberated now in a way that I never had before, and that gain may not have been worth the time I spent with my short lived masters, but at least I had gained something.

  When I looked at Jake now, I saw a man that I had feelings for, and that made me more confused than anything. I had no idea what kind of future lay before me, if there was one at all. I knew Jake wasn't going to hurt me, but where did two people like us even go from here?

  I heard Jake approaching. I was sitting in his living room, looking out the grand window that offered a view of the tranquil lake.

  "Here," he said. I turned and in his outstretched hand was a cell phone. "Call whoever you want. Do whatever you need to do."

  I froze. "Don't look at me like you don't know what to do with a phone. Surely you have people that you miss. They must be worried sick about you."

  "But…I don't understand," I said, looking at the phone as if it were a rotting carcass he was offering me.

  "What don't you understand about a damn telephone? You've only been a captive for a month, you act like you don't remember what it was like to have freedom?" There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

  When I continued to hesitate, he tossed the phone into my lap. "Just do it. You don't deserve to be kept here or anywhere else against your will. You're much too smart to be cooped up with me. Go on, tell your parents you're ok. Or whoever else. I don't care." He turned and left the room, his footsteps heavy down the hall.

  I was overcome with sadness as I realized that I did miss my parents. There wasn't really anyone else that I cared about much at all, but my parents had always been there for me, and he was right, they were probably worried sick after not hearing from me for a month.

  I began to feel like a failure for letting them suffer this long. I should have tried harder to escape or to make a call when I was at the house of one of those awful men. I can't believe I was so weak as to let them just wonder what happened to me. I had wondered what happened to me, too, though.

  I stared at the phone, and finally picked it up, unsure of what I would tell my parents. Jake didn't seem to be worried at all over who I called or what I did. Did he want me to turn him in and have him sent to jail?

  I wasn't going to do that. Of course, the crimes he had committed were enough to warrant a life sentence, along with the rest of the members of that organization, but that would also mean that Jake and I would have no future. When I imagined going back to my old life without him, something didn't feel right. I knew I'd never be able to forget him, but I also knew I couldn't very well start an ongoing relationship with a criminal like him. As much love as I felt for him, the fact remained - he was a dangerous and brutal criminal. He'd just chosen me to show his soft side to, but the other side of him remained, and I didn't see him giving any of that up.

  I finally dialed the only number that I knew by heart and waited patiently as the call connected and began to ring.

  My mother's voice came through before the first ring was even through. "Hello?" She sounded nervous, expectant.
  "Mom," I said, my voice hoarse. My heart was beating fast and my palms were sweaty. "Mom, it's me."

  "Oh, Collin!" she exclaimed. "Oh my god," she began to cry. "Are you ok? Where are you?"

  "I'm ok. I'm just fine," I said calmly. "I just want you to know that. I am so sorry for not being able to get in touch with you sooner, but please don't worry about me anymore. I'm safe," I glanced around Jake's home. My captor.

  "Where are you? I'm coming to get you," she cried into the phone.

  "No, I'm fine, but there is a lot to explain. I will make sure to see you soon."

  "Should I call the police? I'm calling the police…"

  "Mom, no. That's not necessary. I'm with…my boyfriend."

  Suddenly her elation turned to anger. "You mean to tell me you fell of the face of the planet of a month because you got a boyfriend?"

  "Mom, I'm sorry, it's just…"

  Her tone softened. "I was like this in college, but I never thought you would be." She sighed. "Please come home."

  "I will. I love you."

  "I love you, too. Thanks for finally calling. When will I see you?"

  I didn't know the answer to that myself, and I hadn't been prepared to figure that out.

  "Tomorrow," I said automatically. "I'll come over tomorrow."

  "I love you, Collin."

  My heart melted at the tenderness in her voice. "I love you, too, Mom."

  I hung up and leaned back into the chair, staring upward. Jake came up behind me and put his arms around me. I knew I had to go back. Jake was right. So was my Mom. I couldn't just abandon my old life. I had to keep living, and after everything I had gone through, I was extremely lucky to be able to do so. I had no choice. Jake already knew it.

  "Aren't you afraid of me turning you in? My Mom already threatened to call the police," I told him. I had no idea what I was doing, why I was trying to provoke him.

  "No. I'm not. I trust you, Collin, like you trusted me." He shrugged.


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