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Chasing Bunny

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  The elevator doors opened and Brice took the lead as they walked to his car. He opened the door, and like the perfect gentleman stood back to allow her to climb in. She slid across the seat and Brice followed, sitting on the hem of her dress and stopping her from moving anymore.

  It was fine. She could handle this.

  The door closed and immediately, the car started to move.

  She’d never been inside a limousine before. She’d ordered plenty of them for her boss, but this was different.

  “I expect tonight to go off without a hitch.”

  “I’ll be on hand for whatever could go wrong.” She’d already organized this event so she knew everything would run without a hitch. There was no way anything could possibly go wrong. This was what made her one of the best PAs in the country. She didn’t wait for bad luck or for something to go wrong. She dealt with it swiftly and efficiently, like all matters within her life.

  She truly believed nothing in life could possibly go wrong, not when you had enough organization and providing you weren’t willing to stray from the path you’d set for yourself.

  Like Brice. He was a handsome guy, sexy as well, but he was her boss. No matter how good he smelled or even how handsome he looked in a suit, there was no way anything could ever happen between them. Her body wanted him but her mind did not.

  She wouldn’t fall for her boss, not even with him taking her to a charity ball.


  The entire limo ride, Brice hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of Bunny. Oh, he’d tried. He’d attempted to act like she didn’t affect him, like her very presence didn’t set him on edge.

  But the truth was, he felt like he was on a ledge when she was around, his heart racing, his palm sweating.

  She’d sat next to him in the car where he could smell the sweet and fresh scent of her, a combination of wildflowers, soap, and a touch of cotton candy. Those three aromas had mixed together, invaded his senses, and had been completely intoxicating.

  It was his new favorite aroma, one that had his cock harder than fucking granite.

  Even now the fucker dug against the zipper of his tux slacks, demanding to be free, anxious to know what she felt like. No doubt she’d be tight, hot, and so damn wet.

  The limo came to a stop in front of the charity event building, a flurry of activity of people entering and dressed in elegant gowns and sharp tuxedos, swarming around.

  A moment later the driver opened up the back passenger side door, extending his hand and helping Bunny out first. Brice made his way out after her, fixing his tux and sweeping his hands down the expensive material.

  He didn’t miss how some of the men glanced over at her, their gazes sweeping up and down her body.

  Brice instantly had his hand curled around her waist, pulling her close. He heard the sharp intake of breath come from her, could see out of his peripheral her glancing up at him, her eyes wide. Him touching her had been an instant reaction, a primal need, letting everyone know that she was here with him.

  They ascended the stone steps and walked into the building, the chandeliers hanging above giving an ethereal glow. The wait staff moved fluidly through the thick crowd of people, their silver platters carrying champagne flutes and others with hors d’oeuvres. The light music from a live orchestra in the next room filtered around them.

  He looked around, amazed and proud that Bunny had been the one to help organize this. She was more than just a personal assistant. She was an asset, irreplaceable even though he wanted to fire her for the simple fact that he wanted to be with her.

  But weren’t rules meant to be broken?

  He thought that over and over again as he looked down at her. He wanted to reach out and move the tendrils of her hair away, to feel how soft her skin was. The gown she wore was gorgeous, breathtaking as it accented her luscious curves, the neckline dipping down to show off her cleavage. She was nice and thick in all the right places, had a womanly body that made him want to fall to his knees and worship her.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The blood red color of the dress, coupled with her darker hair, made her look beautiful, as if she were a siren ready to tempt everyone and anyone.

  Hell, Brice was already enthralled. She was more beautiful than any other woman he’d ever seen in his life.

  He cleared his throat and straightened, knowing he needed to get his shit together. Acting this way in front of everyone was not him. He always had his shit together.

  When he was alone, preferably with Bunny, then he’d lose control. Then he’d show her all the things he wanted to do with her. Although maybe that was all wishful thinking. Maybe he needed to keep his dick in his pants and make sure his distance from Bunny stayed intact.

  Because surely getting involved with her, or even admitting how he felt, could and would be disastrous. Hell, the fact that she could deny him, turn down his advances, was almost too fucking painful to even think about. Because this wasn’t just about Brice wanting to fuck her, although that was pretty high on this damn list. This was about how much he cared for her, how over the last two years he’d watched her, obsessed about her… fallen in love with her.

  And it was those feelings, ones he’d never experienced before, never even thought he’d entertain, that scared the hell out of him.

  He’d closed off his emotions for so long, kept his distance, didn’t do relationships because he was afraid of them, because he was afraid of letting someone into his life. But with Bunny that’s all he wanted.

  Her with him.

  Them together.


  Undeniably his.


  Just like Bunny imagined, Brice was king of his domain. Everyone flocked toward him like a pack of sheep, waiting for his approval. It was rather interesting to be the woman at his side as he spoke with businessmen and associates, or even friends. She wasn’t exactly sure which ones were friends though.

  They all seemed to act exactly the same, air kissing as if it was still a thing. She could really do with some candy. Whenever she got nervous, her candy addiction struck and it always helped her to focus, or at least mock those around her inside her head.

  A passing waiter caught her attention and she reached out for a glass of champagne. She didn’t really care for alcohol but right now she wanted to hold something or else she’d fidget. The waiter didn’t stop and as she tried to gain his attention, he completely blanked her.

  Even with an expensive dress she blended into the background, it would seem.

  “Excuse me!” Brice’s voice carried and those closest to them stopped to watch him. He advanced toward the waiter. “When a lady wants a glass of champagne, you stop for her. Rudeness will not be tolerated at my event.” Brice took two glasses from the waiter before turning back to her.

  Bunny was mortified as Brice came back to her, handing her a glass.

  “You really didn’t have to do that.” She noticed people were finally looking at her as if she was a real person.

  She’d always been a real person but now Brice had put a neon sign above her head. Other than the waiter, everything else at the auction seemed to be going swimmingly. The only problem for her was that she wanted to go and check on a few things. Their little audience had left them alone and with Brice staring at her, she felt a little out of sorts.

  She wasn’t used to having his undivided attention.

  “I think it would be good if I go and make a few checks,” she said, hoping to make her escape.

  “Not happening, Bunny. You’re staying by my side all night. I know you’re more than capable of handling all this and I bet it will go off without a single problem.”

  “You have that much faith in me?” She wanted to kick herself for how shocked she sounded. Of course she knew she was good at what she did. She was the best because she always went that extra mile and her bosses over the years always appreciated it. It was just a shame that they weren’t willing to help her further her education and
position within the company.

  She loved learning and each job she delved into, she did so with the intention of being the best she could be.

  Being a PA to the owner of a company was amazing, but one day, she’d love to be able to run a division in one of the cities. She knew she was more than capable of being a great addiction to the team. Not that she didn’t mind being a PA, she loved it. But she wanted to keep on advancing. It was just how she’d been made.

  “I’ve given you a reason to think I don’t?”

  “No, of course not. I’m just … sorry. I’m not used to being on this side of things.”

  Brice leaned in close. “You look stunningly beautiful. Come, I want to dance with you.”

  He took her champagne from her and she tried to refuse. She hadn’t even taken a sip and already it was leaving her. She needed to do something but as he led her past many of the guests toward the waiting dance floor, her heart started to pound. It got even worse when he placed a hand on her hip, drawing her close.

  This was really, really close.

  He didn’t let her go and as the music kept on playing, she stared at his chest, feeling incredibly tense.

  He’s just your boss.

  “Relax, Bunny. It’s just a dance,” he said.

  “I don’t think it’s very appropriate dancing with your boss.”

  He laughed. “Do you always follow the rules?”

  “Rules are there for a reason.” She shrugged. She didn’t really care about rules. She did her job, why did she need to worry about rules? They were meant to be broken but she didn’t tell him that.

  “You’re a delight, you know that?”

  “And here I thought you were looking for any excuse to fire me. I rather like my job, you know.”

  “Oh, Bunny, you don’t have a clue, do you?”

  She frowned as she looked up at him. “What?”

  “I never wanted to fire you. You see, I’ve got a bigger problem.”

  “What kind of problem is that?” she asked.

  She had stopped dancing, concerned now. It was her job to make sure he never had any problems.

  Once again his lips were near her ear and it was getting increasingly harder not to react to his closeness. Her body liked it very much.

  “I want to bend you over my desk and fuck you, Bunny. I’ve imagined it many times.”

  As far as problems went, it was one she certainly could help him with but what the hell? Had her boss just come on to her?


  Bunny didn’t know what to say, how to even react. Had she heard Brice correctly? She glanced around, expecting everyone to stop and stare at them, to have overheard the obscene comment he’d just made.

  As it was, her face felt hot and she had no doubt that her cheeks were red. He’d caught her so off guard with his blunt comment she felt her entire body heat up.

  Her hands started shaking, her palms sweating. She clasped them behind her back to keep them still. Could he see how hard her pulse was racing at the base of her throat? It felt like her heart was about to burst through her chest.

  Licking her lips, Bunny glanced away, staring at the floor, the high-heeled shoes she wore peeking out from the long fall of her gown. And then she felt his finger under her chin, felt him lift her head up so she was forced to look at him.

  She stared into his deep blue eyes, getting lost in the color, in her emotions.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that so crudely,” he said in a deep, gruff voice.

  For a moment time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other, but then he took her hand and led her away from the crowd, down the long hallway, her heels clicking against the marble flooring. He stopped right beside a little curio cabinet, Faberge eggs illuminated by tiny lights, the crystals and colors sparkling as if tiny diamonds graced them. And they probably did.

  She turned her attention to Brice, saw he had his focus trained right on her. He kept a foot between them, maybe because he saw that she was a little on edge, a little nervous.

  The truth was, Bunny did want him. She wanted everything he had to offer. She had for the past two years since she started working for him. And when he’d said he wanted to fuck her, all she could think about was the deliciously dirty things they would do together, how he’d make her feel, how he’d get her off.

  A shiver raced over her body and she felt goosebumps pop along her arms. He lowered his gaze, no doubt noticing the reaction he caused in her.

  “Say something, anything.” His voice was pitched so low only she could hear.

  The rush of conversation just on the other side of the wall, the soft filtering of music coming through the hallway, couldn’t tune out the desire his voice caused within her.

  “You’re my boss,” she finally said. That was the only thing that would come from her. The only thing she was not too afraid to say.

  The way he stared at her, his desire so strong she felt it like fingers moving up and down her arms, had her wanting to be honest, to tell him she’d wanted him for years but had kept things completely professional because she did like her job.

  Sure, Brice could be hard on his employees, cold in demeanor, and his attitude was abrasive, but underneath all of that she’d seen a man who did have a heart, who was warm and who could love fiercely. She’d seen the latter in his work, in the passion he put forth in helping less-than-fortunate organizations.

  “Brice.” She said his name on a whisper. “You’re my boss,” she said again.

  He reached out and cupped her cheek, smoothing his thumb along her skin, causing fire to lick across her body.

  “And you’re my employee, but that doesn’t matter.” He took a step closer to her again. “I don’t care about any of that.” He dropped his gaze down to her mouth. “I only fucking care about one thing, and that’s you.” His body was pressed right to hers now, the stiff outline of his cock digging against her belly.

  A gasp of surprise and desire filled her. He was big and hard, thick and long.

  “I’ve wanted you for the last two years, baby, and because of that it’s taken some incredible self-restraint on my part to stay away, to keep myself in check.”

  She couldn’t breathe, her chest rising and falling, her heart racing.

  “The way you look, how fucking gorgeous you are, the way you work so hard, so dedicated…” He closed his eyes and groaned. “Your scent, lemon and honey, it’s a mixture that has me so damn aroused I feel like pulling my cock out during working hours and jerking off to the thought of you. I tried to stay away, I’ve tried to be professional. I’ve tried not to break my own rules.” He shook his head slowly, his focus moving from her eyes to her mouth and then back again. “But I’m done controlling myself. I’m done waiting.” He pressed his body more firmly against hers. “And the way you’re looking at me right now, the fact your lips are parted, your breathing is erratic, and your pupils are dilated, tells me that you want me too.” He leaned closer, their lips just a hairbreadth away now. “Let’s stop fighting it. Let’s just give in.”

  She couldn’t say anything, couldn’t even think clearly. He had his mouth on her neck now, his lips lightly trailing over her throat. Bunny closed her eyes and just breathed out, her head tilted to the side so he had better access.

  “Brice.” She said his name and he groaned, moving his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and curling his fingers between hers.

  “Tell me you want this and it’ll happen. No fighting, just submitting.” He said those words on a harsh whisper against her skin and she moaned.

  Could she do this? Could she be honest about what she wanted?

  Could Bunny actually be with Brice?

  And as he pulled back and she looked into his eyes, she knew what she wanted, what she had to do.

  “I want you. I what this.” She had said the words, and there was no way she could take them back.


  Finishing the auction knowing Bunny wanted him was the hardest thi
ng Brice had ever done. He’d put off telling her exactly how he felt because of him being her boss. Now there was no reason for either of them to hide. He was the boss, she his PA, and he wouldn’t tell a fucking soul, not that it was anyone’s business but their own.

  He stayed behind, thanking everyone for their donation, and making sure there were a lot of happy clients and customers. Only when the cleaning crews were working did he take Bunny by the hand, leading her out to the waiting car.

  Helping her inside, he slid in the back so he sat beside her.

  Neither of them talked as the driver took them presumably to his penthouse apartment in the city. He had thought about taking her to a hotel but that didn’t ring right for him.

  This wasn’t going to be some dirty little secret.

  Every now and then, he looked toward her, seeing her head leaning back, staring outside.

  “Tonight was a huge success,” he said.

  “I’m glad. I know your charity events mean a lot to you.”

  “And you made it work.”

  “It wasn’t exactly hard to do. You’re very specific in what you want to see. I’m more than happy to provide that.”

  The car pulled into his secured underground parking, and once parked, he climbed out of the car. Bunny had already gotten out and was looking across the vehicle at him. He approached her, taking hold of her hand, seeing how much smaller she was than him.

  He stroked his thumb back and forth over her pulse as they approached the waiting elevator.

  Time seemed to stand still as they were taken to his floor.

  Once on it, he let her go to open the door to his apartment, and the moment they stepped over the threshold, he stopped, holding back. Closing the door, he grabbed her around the waist, slamming her against it.

  After admitting what he wanted from her at the auction, holding his needs back had been a real challenge.

  “Brice?” She moaned his name and he swallowed the sounds down, growling against her lips. They were plump, kissable, and he wanted them wrapped around his length so fucking badly.


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