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Page 4

by Marie York

  He moved in me hard and deep, and I bowed into the forceful thrusts, taking every one he gave me, immediately craving the next.

  My hands squeezed his as the pleasure ballooned inside of me, expanding until it was ready to explode. My muscles contracted, tightening around him, and I threw my head back ready for the carnal scream to rip from my throat.

  His fingers pinched my nipple, sending me flying over the edge. The balloon burst, the scream tore itself free, and my body convulsed against his.

  “That’s right come for me,” he said against my ear, sending me into another wave of pure ecstasy.

  He slowed his thrusts, riding out my orgasm, and when my body rested against the mattress, he picked me up and sat on the edge of the bed. My legs wrapped around him and he nudged my chin with his nose. I tilted my head giving him access to my neck. He kissed and sucked and licked and then started to move again inside of me.

  My body trembled at the intense sensations, and even though it was almost too much to take, I rocked with him, moving my hips to the rhythm he created. Our own personal beat. My eyes fluttered shut, and I focused on the wet sleek feel of our bodies moving as one.

  “Look at me,” he said his voice rough with scorching hot passion. He gripped my face and looked deep into my eyes. “I want to watch you when you come again,” he said.

  “You’re pretty confident about that, aren’t you?” As soon as the words left my mouth, his finger dragged across my clit. He rubbed sweet, precise circles, sending my head flinging back. He took advantage catching my nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting until I felt myself racing toward the edge again.

  His breath brushed my ear as his lip pressed against the curve of my lobe. “Not pretty confident. Just confident.”

  The familiar heat swelled inside of me slowly spreading until it burst. Jaxon grabbed my face with his large, strong hands, and as the next orgasm overtook me, I forced my eyes to stay open, focusing on his beautiful dark ones and meeting his intensity with my own.

  “That’s right, baby. Come for me.”

  My muscles tightened around his length, and he rested his forehead against mine, driving into me with hard, rapid thrusts until we both shuddered and collapsed against each other.

  Chapter 6

  I had never had sex with an almost stranger before, though Jaxon wasn’t a stranger exactly, but he wasn’t all that familiar either. At least he wasn’t before I discovered every inch of his body. The thought left me both anxious for more and terribly embarrassed for being so shameless.

  I didn’t know if I should get up and leave or if I should stay. This was completely out of my comfort zone. But damn if that wasn’t the best sex I’d ever had. My body zinged with aftershocks, my breathing still hadn’t calmed, and Jaxon was still inside of me.

  He buried his head into the crook of my neck and pressed a kiss to my damp skin then pushed back, bringing me with him. He lowered himself onto the bed, resting his head against his pillow, and pulled me to his side.

  I guess I was staying.

  I traced his skin with my fingers, running them up and down the curves of his taut stomach. Remembering all those times I thought about touching them and being grateful for the chance now.

  His breathing evened out, and I glanced up to see his eyes slip shut. I laid there in his arms until sleep overtook me too.

  I had no idea how much time had gone by when my eyes popped open. I searched the dark room for a clock. Bright red numbers caught my attention of the nightstand next to the bed. It was two in the morning. Shit. I was sure Dee was looking for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried filing a missing person report by now.

  I maneuvered out of Jaxon’s hold and looked for my phone. There were boxes everywhere and the room itself bare. He was either moving out or moving in. Funny, I hadn’t noticed earlier. Then again, I was so consumed in Jaxon I was oblivious to my surroundings.

  I found my phone hanging out of my open purse on the floor by the front door. The screen flashed and I could only imagine how many messages I had.

  I tapped my phone surprised to only see two.

  The first one was from Dee.

  Dee: I saw you leave with Jax. Cole said you’re in good hands so I’m not worried. Just remember moving day tomorrow.

  Crap! I had forgot. Moving day, yet I had nowhere to go. I was homeless. The last thing I wanted was to go home to my parents. I didn’t want to face my family and tell them I made it as far as graduating college, but in the end, I failed.

  I ignored the unpleasant thought and tapped my screen.

  The next message was from Kyle. I didn’t even want to look, but curiosity drove me.

  Kyle: I really am sorry.

  The only thing I could think to write back, I already said to him right before I walked away, so I deleted the message and then his contact information. Though, he would take longer to delete from my mind, it still felt good to clear him out of my phone completely.

  I looked around Jaxon’s dark apartment and wondered how many girls he fucked on the couch and against the door. How many pussies he licked on his bed and how many tits he thoroughly devoured in his bedroom. Then I shook my head and told myself to knock it off. I knew what I was getting into when I came over here. This was one night and nothing more.

  Guys like Jaxon didn’t do relationships. Plus, I just ended one, and I wasn’t ready to set myself up for heartbreak again. There wouldn’t be another Jaxon to help me forget. Oh no. He was one of a kind. We might not have had a future, but we’d always have tonight.

  I gathered my clothes strewn around his room and pulled everything back into place. He was still sound asleep, and I watched him for a few moments, memorizing his dark hair, chiseled features and strong jaw before I slipped away.

  I knew the rules of a one-night stand didn’t include a goodbye note, but I felt the need to write one anyway. I took a pen from my purse and ripped a piece of paper out of my planner.


  Thank you for helping me to forget and giving me a night I’ll always remember.


  His keys were on the floor so I scooped them up and placed them on the kitchen counter with my note. Then I left and never looked back.

  Chapter 7

  After five hours of sleep in my own bed, I awoke for the last time in my dorm. I could still feel Jaxon’s lips on my neck, his hands on my waist and his cock inside me. A smile spread across my face as the aftershocks continued to wrack my body. I could bask all day in the memories, but it was moving day.

  I stretched my arms and sat up. I jolted back, startled at Dee sitting on the edge of my bed and staring at me like some creeper. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me,” I said.

  “I’ve only been waiting two hours for your ass to wake up.” Her black hair was pulled into a loose ponytail and it swayed when she spoke.

  “I know. I know. It’s moving day. We have to pack.”

  “I couldn’t care less about that. I want to know about your night.”

  “What about it?” I shrugged it off, but Dee knew me too well and cocked a curious eyebrow in my direction.

  “Oh, I don’t know. You left the bar with a certain hottie after your boyfriend sent you off crying.”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” I said, surprised the word didn’t sting, not even a little bit at all.

  “I know. He told me. Fucking asshole. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m beginning to think it was for the best.”

  “Would a certain tall, dark, and handsome man have anything to do with that thought process?”

  “Not exactly, but he did show me that sex is a thousand times better than I ever thought it could be.”

  Dee swatted my shoulder. “You little slut, I knew it. So it was good, huh?”

  “Better than good. It was amazing. Just thinking about it…” A tremor ran up my spine and I shook it out.

  “Wow. That’s pretty damn good. Are you going to see him again?” she asked. />
  “No. Of course not.”

  “Why not?”

  “It was a one-night stand. I went into it knowing that, and I’m okay with it. Besides, I have more important things to worry about. Like where am I going to live.”

  “You can always come with me to Michigan,” Dee said.

  I smiled. “I would love too, but we both know that’s your dream. I need to find my own.”

  “We can brainstorm while we’re packing.” She smacked me with a pillow. “Now get your ass out of bed and help me.”


  Six hours later we were all packed, and I was still homeless. Technically, we didn’t have to be out of the dorms till tomorrow, so I still had time. Not much, but some time. We got a drink and headed back to O’Malley’s.

  A small part of me hoped I’d see Jaxon again, but I pushed that thought away. No use living in a fantasy world, it would only bring disappointment my way, and that was the last thing I needed.

  The afternoon at O’Malley’s wasn’t nearly as busy as the night, so Dee and I grabbed a table in the corner and each ordered a glass of wine.

  I glanced out the window and across the street to Jaxon’s building, wondering what he was doing at that very moment. Was he over there? In the shower? Hot water and soap suds sliding down his slick skin. I swallowed at the sudden rush of heat to my core and shifted to try and dull the aching desire between my legs.

  “You’re being ridiculous,” Dee said. “Go over there and talk to him.”

  Going over there would be a colossal mistake. What Jaxon and I shared was special, and I didn’t want to ruin it by becoming a stage five clinger. We had our night, and I would be forever grateful for those few hours of mind-numbing bliss, but it was over now. “I told you. It was a one-night stand. Nothing more.”

  “Says the person who can’t stop staring out the window and jumps every time the door opens.”

  I go to argue, but she has a point. Even though I’d convinced myself that it was only a one-night stand, I’d been secretly hoping to see Jaxon again. Stupidly wishing that he’d come looking for me because one night wasn’t enough for him.

  “Do us both a favor and march your skinny little ass over to his place and just see what happens. Even if it turns into more sex, it’s totally worth it, don’t you think?”

  Dee was right. There really wasn’t a bad case scenario here. It couldn’t hurt to casually walk over and knock on his door, even if I did sneak out in the middle of the night… That didn’t matter though. What mattered was I couldn’t get him out of my damn head. I couldn’t get the feel of his lips off my body or the smell of him out of my nose. Every time I moved, I was reminded of workout we had together and I wanted more. Besides, this was the new me. The spontaneous me that lived on the wild side.

  I gulped down the rest of my wine and sprung up from the booth like a woman on a mission.

  “That’s my girl!” Dee said, and I gave her a wink before heading out the door.

  Once outside I questioned my sanity, but I let the wine do the thinking and headed straight to Jaxon’s place. I got to the door and went to knock but the door was open.

  I peered inside and my heart sunk. All the boxes were gone. Any sign of Jaxon erased. The place was completely empty. He couldn’t have moved out within the time I had left, could he?

  I let myself in and made my way to the bedroom. The bed that we just had the best sex of my life on was gone. The nightstand and clock too. I went back to the kitchen and scanned the counter. His keys and my note were also gone.

  Did he know he was leaving today? He must have; everything was packed up last night. You think he would have mentioned he was moving out. Then again, we would have had to remove our mouths from each other’s to have had that conversation…

  It’s how I knew it meant nothing to him. Because if it did, he would’ve found the time to tell me he’d be gone in less than twenty-four hours.

  Disheartened and defeated, I dragged my sorry ass back to O’Malley’s and went straight to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and fixed my lip-gloss then went back to where I’d left Dee.

  Cole had joined her at some point and the way they were facing each other, eyes zoned in, I could tell they were in a deep conversation. I debated leaving, spare myself the embarrassment of defeat, but I didn’t want to be alone.

  I slid into the booth across from Dee and Cole and forced a smile. “Hi, Cole.”

  Cole smiled back, and it was genuine and sincere. “Hey there, Lyla.”

  “So Jaxon left?” I asked because at this point, I had no dignity left.

  “Less than an hour ago. You just missed him.”

  If I would’ve walked over there when we first got to O’Malley’s would I have caught him? Would things have worked out differently? Would he have stayed? Asked me to go with him?

  Of course not. It was more fantasies I was creating in my head. He did exactly what he had planned all along because last night was nothing more than a one-night stand to him.

  I nodded and then tried not to sound as desperate as I felt. “Do you know where he’s headed?” It was silly, but I wanted to know where he would be in the world.

  Cole shrugged. “No. I don’t even think he knows. I thought he’d stay here honestly, but he said he was ready to get away again.”

  “Oh.” What was he getting away from? I wondered if I didn’t sneak out in the middle of the night if we would’ve had breakfast together. If he would have told me his plan. Maybe stayed a day or two more…

  I could never leave with no game plan. No direction. Dread weighed heavy on my shoulders when I realized as of today, I didn’t have a game plan. I had no direction. For the first time in my life, I had no idea what was next.

  “He left something for you,” Cole said, knocking me out of my mind.

  I perked up in my seat and stared at Cole waiting for him to reveal this mystery something. A reply to my note maybe. Cole reached into his pocket and pulled out a… key?

  “Jax said his place is paid for the rest of the month, so if you need a place to stay while you’re figuring things out, you can have it until the fifteenth.”

  My heart skidded to a halt, my mind a jumbled mess of confusion. “Is he serious?” I asked.

  “Jax is always serious.”

  I shook my head completely taken aback, trying to comprehend what was happening. “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not? It’s paid for,” Dee said and reached across the table, taking my hand in hers. “As of tomorrow, you’re homeless. This is rent free for a month. You won’t have to figure everything out tonight. You can have time to make the right choice. The best choice for yourself.”

  Cole pushed his glasses up his nose. “Jax wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t want you to take it.”

  My lips parted, but no words came out. Jaxon had explored my entire body the night before from head to toe, leaving no place undiscovered, yet for me, his mind was still a complete mystery. “How can I thank him?” I couldn’t just take the place without letting him know how grateful I was for the offer.

  “He’s going to call me when he gets settled. I’ll let him know.”

  “So are you going to take it?” Dee asked.

  I’d be a fool not to. “Yes,” I said, and Dee bounced in her seat before reaching across the table and hugging me.

  I might not have had a plan, but Jaxon had one for me.

  Chapter 8

  Dee and Cole helped me move my stuff into Jaxon’s old apartment and when the last box was brought in, I gave them both a hug and promised to see them off tomorrow at the airport.

  I shut the door and my hand rested on the hardwood, remembering only a night ago, being pressed against it as Jaxon ran his strong hands up my back and into my hair. I closed my eyes and recalled the feel of his lips on my skin and the way his breathing picked up when I dug my fingers into his shoulders.

  My mind was filled with him and I needed a distraction. I started unpacking
the necessities, knowing I only had a month here. No point in getting too comfortable. Whatever I didn’t need stayed in a box.

  I didn’t have a bed, so Cole gave me his, saying he wanted to buy a new one when he got to Michigan anyway. He had looked at Dee when he said it and I wondered if he was upgrading from a full to a Queen because he knew she’d be spending most nights with him. One day I would pay him back just as I would Jaxon.

  I thought about what it would be like to see him again. If I ever saw him again. Would the sexual tension that was always so strong between us still be there since we finally succumbed to it? Or would the attraction be gone. Doubtful, at least for me.

  No matter how hard I tried to keep Jaxon out of my head, he kept finding his way back in. I focused on the task at hand, opening another box and taking out my bedding.

  Luckily, the sheets I had, fit Cole’s bed. I pulled the fitted sheet into place and then the comforter. Next, I tore into the box marked kitchen. I took out the most important item—my corkscrew— and went to the kitchen to put it away.

  I opened the kitchen drawer and a white piece of paper stared back at me. I picked it up and was about to throw it out when I noticed the writing on the other side. I flipped it over surprised to see my name.


  It was a night that’ll last an eternity.


  A smile spread across my face, and so many questions popped into my mind.

  Did he really feel that way? Or did he write that in response to my note as a way to make me feel better about having a one-night stand? Was he planning on giving the note to me? Or did he leave it in the drawer, knowing I’d take his offer and eventually find the note myself?

  I had no idea, and I had no way of asking him.

  The mysterious Jaxon Reed just became more of a mystery.

  Unable to push the curiosity aside, I picked up my phone and scrolled to Jaxon’s name, grateful exchanging numbers was a requirement in class. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t call him. That I would let him move on with his life. But this note changed things. I just wanted to know where he was and that he would be okay.


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