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Page 56

by Lyn Gardner

  This was a Judy she had yet to meet, and Robin couldn’t contain her grin. “Is that so?”

  “Yes,” Judy said, lowering her face to Robin’s breast again. “That’s so.”

  Judy teased and tasted her way across Robin’s torso, leisurely taking her time as she ever so slowly made her way down her body. A kiss here, a kiss there, a kiss almost everywhere until Judy had to nudge Robin’s knees apart to continue her journey, and when Robin’s glistening womanly flesh came into view, Judy licked her lips.

  Robin spread her arms wide, reaching out across the bed for something, anything to hold onto. She grabbed at the tightly fitted sheet, hoping she could release some of the fabric, and when it loosened, Robin held on for dear life. This was a surprise. This was going to be a first, and as Robin felt Judy’s breath between her legs, Robin knew...this was going to kill her.

  There were no curls to conceal the dark pink furrows and ridges, and no clothing to hinder the aroma of need, and as Judy breathed in the exquisite fragrance, she drew her tongue through one of the crevices.

  “Oh, my God,” Robin said, arching her hips. “Oh...God.”

  Robin’s flavor was as ambrosial as it was intoxicating and Judy dined on the blend of salty and sweet, using her tongue to taste, to investigate, and to probe. She could hear Robin’s breathing growing louder as each minute passed, but a gourmet meal such as this had to be savored, and Judy was doing just that. The satiny flesh against her tongue was delicate, warm, and slick, and each nook and cranny was enjoyed. Judy sucked on the tender lips and poked into secret spots, investigating every millimeter before her as Robin writhed and moaned until there was only one thing left to be tasted.

  Judy paused just long enough to take a few quick breaths before zeroing in on something now only partially hidden for it was swollen with need. Judy tenderly pushed aside petals glazed with want and circled Robin’s clit with her tongue.

  Robin’s gasp filled the room, and bending her knees, she opened herself up to Judy. “Please. Oh,’re killing me.”

  A brief smile crossed Judy’s face before she returned to administering torturous pleasure on the woman she loved. Again and again, she traced Robin’s clit with the tip of her tongue, occasionally suckling gently against the engorged organ while Robin writhed on the bed. It wasn’t until Robin’s words turned unintelligible, and her breathing became shallow and fast, when Judy fully uncovered the swollen nub and began flicking her tongue against Robin’s clit. She gradually increased the pressure and the speed, and within seconds, Robin’s guttural moans filled the room.

  Overwhelmed by sensations deep within, Robin could do nothing but give herself to the climax Judy created. Her nectar oozed from her core as ripples of ecstasy morphed into shuddering explosions, and plunging over a crest, Robin’s soul was shattered by an orgasm stronger than any she’d ever imagined.

  Mesmerized, Judy listened to Robin’s guttural moans, enthralled as much with the sound as with the woman herself. Perspiration had soaked the strands of Robin’s hair, turning it dark, and her face glowed, heated by the flames of passion. Her torso shimmered with sweat, and her nipples had yet to calm, the erect tips rising and falling as Robin gasped for air. Love brings with it many privileges, and Judy swore at that moment, she would never, ever take any of them for granted. They were much too precious. Much, much too precious.

  Judy had no idea how much time had passed, but when she heard Robin’s breathing finally slow, Judy crawled up the bed and straddled Robin’s waist again. “Are you okay?” Judy said with a laugh.

  Robin opened her eyes. “You’re pretty pleased with yourself. Aren’t you?”

  “I’ve been thinking about doing that for a few days now, so yeah. I’m good.”

  “Are you now?”

  “More than I can put into words,” Judy whispered.

  For a long moment, they gazed into each other’s eyes until Judy saw a devilish glint appear in Robin’s. “Don’t even think about it,” Judy said, waggling her finger. “I have the upper hand here, and I plan to keep it.”

  It was true that Judy’s position gave her somewhat the advantage. Robin was, after all, pinned under her, but it did provide Robin quite the view. In the brightness of the day, Judy was even more beautiful. Brazenly exposed, her pert breasts were tipped with nipples, distended and pink, and her hour-glass waist led to hips, curved and soft. “This is new,” Robin said, raising her eyes as she ran her finger across a bit of satiny skin where once was curls.

  Judy could feel her face begin to heat. “I could lie and say it was because of the French-cut bathing suit.”

  “You could.”

  “But I won’t. I’m never going to lie to you again.”

  “So, this was for me,” Robin said, again running her finger over the smoothness.

  “Do you mind?”

  “I’ll tell you in a minute.”

  Judy knew chicanery when she saw it. Mischief danced in Robin’s eyes, and if her grin became any more lopsided, it was going to slide off her face. So intent on trying to solve the puzzle, Judy paid no attention when Robin slipped her arms through the small gap between Judy’s thighs and Robin’s waist, but a second later, she wished she had.

  Robin quickly pushed Judy upward, lifting her just enough so Robin could slide down the bed, right between Judy’s legs.

  Instantly recognizing Robin’s intent, all the air rushed from Judy’s lungs. “Oh, no.”

  A hum with diabolical intent slipped from Robin’s lips. “Oh...yes,” she whispered and breathing in Judy’s carnal bouquet, Robin sampled the copious divine dew coating Judy’s sex.

  For a moment, Judy remained rigid, keeping herself far enough away that Robin had to reach for what she wanted. The position was raw and salacious, giving a new meaning to being exposed. Judy was hovering over Robin’s face as if she was an offering, but when she felt Robin’s tongue lapping against her folds, there was nothing Judy could do but sacrifice herself to it. As she relaxed her legs, lowering herself just enough so Robin could rest her head on the bed, Judy closed her eyes...and it began.

  Judy was dripping with excitement, and Robin regaled in running her tongue through the wet folds, drinking in the heady delicacy that already was coating her cheeks. She sought out every valley, burrowing into the slippery softness to pillage its secrets and succulent flesh was tenderly nibbled along the way. At times, Robin would tease, pausing for a moment to build the anticipation before she’d start again, and then she’d plunder, drawing her tongue in long, drawn-out strokes over Judy’s puckered fissures.

  Robin’s attention to detail was sending Judy spinning out of control. No longer concerned with the bawdy and unchaste arrangement, Judy leaned forward and placed her hands on the upholstered headboard. In an unbridled and erotic invitation, she lifted her hips and opened herself even more for Robin.

  One marginal shift of position was all Robin needed to take full advantage of what Judy was offering. She nuzzled against Judy’s opening, taking great pleasure in tasting the savory juices flowing freely from Judy’s center before Robin finally probed the opening with her tongue. Judy instantly bucked against the intrusion, but with her hands on Judy’s hips, Robin held her in place, ravishing yet another part of Judy’s body in sensual abandon.

  Instincts, primal and uninhibited took over as Judy began moving against Robin’s tongue. At first, her undulations were subdued, slow slides matching the rhythm Robin had set, but before too long...slow was not enough.

  Insatiable, Robin continued to lick, suckle, and taste until she felt Judy tap her on the hand. Robin stopped instantly. Fearing she’d done something wrong, as Judy moved above her, angling away from the headboard, Robin watched in silence and then her breath caught in her throat.

  Judy’s face was flushed, and her lips were parted as she gasped for air. A shimmering hint of sweat covered her brow and upper lip, but it was what lived in the blue of her eyes that held Robin’s attention. The pale blue had darkened t
o that of the deepest sapphire, and in the facets of the gems was a wanton urgency. It wasn’t an appeal, a wordless plea to end the exquisite distress Robin had produced. It was a demand, and when Judy threaded her fingers through Robin’s hair, taking hold and pulling her face toward Judy’s center, Robin didn’t wince at the yank of her hair. She rejoiced in the privilege of loving Judy.

  Burying her face in Judy’s luscious folds, Robin was ravenous in her assault. Licking, suckling, and probing, she was unforgiving in her pursuit, and Judy soon began to grind herself against Robin’s open mouth. With both of Judy’s hands now in her hair, Robin was being guided to where Judy needed her most, and covering Judy’s clit with her mouth, Robin swept her tongue over it again and again.

  Unchecked and libertine, Judy gyrated above Robin until her shattering release was upon her. Dizzying bursts and spasms rushed through her, taking with them her breath and her sanity, and for a split-second, she stiffened against the onslaught. A moment later, Judy gave herself to the waves of splendor crashing her against the shore, riding each to the sweetest of deaths.


  “I brought you some water. You look parched,” Robin said, handing Judy a bottle.

  “That’s because you sucked me dry,” Judy said and rearranging the pillows, she relaxed against the stack.

  Robin’s eyes creased at the corners, and sitting on the bed, she folded her legs under her. “Coming out becomes you. That is...if you did come out?”

  Judy chuckled, downing half the bottle of water before she spoke. “Oh, trust me. I did.”


  “I probably lost a few members of my family, but—”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Judy shook her head. “Don’t be. The way I see it is we all have choices. They’re choosing to forget who I am. They’re choosing to forget the person they grew up with. All they’re seeing is this,” Judy said, waving her arm over the bed. “And if their minds are that limited, that parochial, then they don’t deserve me in their lives. They don’t deserve us in their lives because I will always and forever choose you. End of subject.”

  Robin’s smile lit up the room, and leaning over, she gave Judy a kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” Judy said before taking another sip of water. “By the way, where are we?”


  Judy twirled her finger in the air. “Whose place is this?”

  “Oh, it belongs to Natalia’s parents. It’s their winter home.”

  “It’s nice.”

  “Speaking of nice, how about I take you out for a nice dinner? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

  “Worked up an appetite, did you?”

  “You should know,” Robin said as she climbed off the bed. “So, you game?”

  “Yes, but we have a problem.”

  “Which is?”

  “All I have is the bathing suit. The rest of my stuff is in the rental car.”

  “Where is it?”

  “ a public parking lot about a mile from here.”

  “All right,” Robin said, and gathering up their bathing suits, she handed Judy her one-piece. “What say we take a walk down the beach, grab your things, come back, shower, and get some dinner?”

  Judy grinned as she stepped into her swimsuit. “Do you honestly think we’ll make it past the shower?”

  “No, but we can try.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  A few weeks later...

  “I think we’re going to need a bigger closet.”

  “What?” Robin said, and watching as Judy pointed to the far corner of the room, Robin looked over her shoulder at the Christmas tree in the corner. Surrounding it were the numerous gifts they had unwrapped that morning, the lids on many now inverted to reveal new clothing still nestled in red, green, and white tissue paper. “I don’t think we went crazy. Do you?”

  “Not like my brother’s house. That’s for sure.”

  “And all the clothes from your apartment are already here, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, there’s nothing left up there except for the furniture. Why?”

  Robin glanced over at tree again. “Then we should be fine,” she said, turning back around. “We have the armoire in the guest room, and we have the storage under the window seat. Plus, I’m not opposed to buying another armoire and putting it in our room. There’s plenty of space for one.”

  “There you go shopping again,” Judy mumbled into her wine glass as she brought it to her lips.

  Robin snorted. “And there’s no twelve-step program for it so you may as well get used to it.”

  Judy gave Robin a quick peck on the cheek. “I already have.”


  “Oh, I was thinking about asking Larry and Kay if they want me to leave the sofa and tables for whoever rents it next, and if it’s okay with you, I thought maybe we could use my bedroom set in Willow Bay once we redecorate it.”

  “I forget,” Robin said, narrowing her eyes. “Which one’s Willow Bay?”

  “End of the second-floor hall. Gray and purple wallpaper. Heavily painted black bed frame.”

  “Oh,” Robin said, faking a shiver. “Done deal, but we may want to snag that bookcase from your apartment. Between what you brought over and what I already have, there’s no way we have enough shelves to fit all the books.”

  “That works.”

  “And speaking of books, I’ll try not to take it too personally that you don’t have any of mine in your collection.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Judy said, putting her glass aside. “Once I found out your pen name, I bought all of them. They’re on my Kindle.”


  “Are you asking me if I liked them?”

  “Yes, and you can tell the truth. Part of being a writer is having a thick skin.”

  “I will always tell you the truth, and the truth is I only got a few pages into The Butterfly’s Sting before I had to put it down.”


  Judy giggled. “So much for having a thick skin.”

  “Well, my style isn’t for everyone.”

  “Robin, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

  “Then why put it down?”

  “Because it was right after I took the job, and I was still fighting with myself over how I felt about you. I opened that book, and I found myself smiling like a fool only a couple of pages in.”

  Robin raised an eyebrow. “Um...that book starts out rather grimly.”

  “Oh, it does, and you do gruesome really well, let me tell you, but I wasn’t smiling about the story. I was smiling because you wrote it, and I loved every word. The only problem was I didn’t want to love every word because it was just going to make me love you more, which, at the time, I didn’t want to do.”

  Robin sighed seconds before giving Judy a slow, feathery kiss. “I think that may possibly be the best review I’ve ever received.”

  “Cool,” Judy said, snuggling against Robin.

  “Speaking of cool, I could get used to this,” Robin said, and draping her arm around Judy’s shoulders, she pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her head. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Having had enough of the light whispery kisses, Judy tipped her face to Robin, but before she could accomplish her mission, a ferry horn stopped her mid-kiss. Pulling her phone from her pocket, Judy looked at the screen and got to her feet. “Um...I need to take this. Okay?”

  “Sure. Everything okay?”

  “I’ll tell you in a minute,” Judy said as she left the room.


  Twenty minutes came and went before Judy came back into the living room, slipping her phone into her pocket as she did. “Sorry. I didn’t think it would take that long.”

  “Don’t worry about it. As soon as you left the room, Gabby called, and then Declan called,” Robin said as Judy sat down next to her.

  “Am I ever going to meet Gabby?”

As a matter of fact, she asked that we hold a room for her in June. She’s going to send me the dates in an email.”

  “Well, I look forward to meeting her,” Judy said, and reaching for her wine, she took a sip. “And how’s Declan doing?”

  “He’s fine. He and Natalia wish us both a very Merry Christmas.”

  “And?” Judy said, looking out of the corner of her eye as she put her glass down.

  The glow of Robin’s face warmed the room. “He’s officially engaged.”

  “That’s great,” Judy said, her expression mirroring Robin’s. “And he’s not the only one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That was Louise on the phone.”

  “Louise? As in Pat’s wife?”

  “That’s the one. She wanted to thank me for the gifts I left with Eric and to let me know that Brett’s engaged. He called her this morning.”

  “That’s awesome, but I’m afraid to ask. How’d it go over?”

  “Actually, she sounded really happy, but she didn’t say a word about how Pat took it. I’m not even sure he knows, but...” Judy stopped and smiled. “She said they’re planning to get married this spring, and we should keep an eye out for the invitation.”


  “That’s what she said, and I’m pretty sure Louise doesn’t speak French.”

  “Well, how about that. You surprised?”

  “Not as much as when she told me she moved out of the house.”


  Judy nodded. “She said she was staying with Gayle, and she wasn’t going to lose her child over this. I think her exact words were ‘either he comes to his senses, or he’s going to lose more than just his son.’”

  “Holy crap. Good for her.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, but talk about an interesting day—right? I mean lots of couples get engaged on Christmas, but this is the first I’ve ever heard of someone separating—”


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