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Everything to Lose

Page 23

by Jade Winters

  Deflated, and his legs still in pain he bowed his head apologetically. “I messed up big time didn’t I?”

  The Fixer’s tone was reassuring. “On the contrary. You’ve done well, Warren, and I’m grateful to you. I couldn’t have done this without you. Now just do as I ask and everything will work out just fine.”

  “I swear on my life I won’t say a word about our secret.”

  “If you do, you won’t have a life left to give your word on. Remember Aaron – always remember Aaron.”

  Warren watched The Fixer retreat from the room. Why had he been such an idiot? Too impulsive. Too compulsive. Too much of a hoarder. He should have binned all the evidence. He knew it was a risk keeping everything at the flat, but he stupidly thought no one would cotton on to the fact that he was behind the murders. Hopefully, with good behaviour he wouldn’t serve that long, then he’d be back on the streets and he could pick up where he left off. He decided to take The Fixer’s advice.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Ashley couldn’t believe the day had finally come. Warren had admitted to the murders; but even after his confession she was still no closer to understanding why he had picked Nathan. Colleen had insisted Steve and Mike conduct the interview. She was banished to the side lines again. Turned out it was a good thing they stopped him when they did. He was cool to the point of cold, seemed to have no remorse and due to the random nature of how he picked his victims, it seemed that he had no intention of stopping his killing spree. She shuddered to think that Warren had access to the blood of hundreds of male patients. If Nathan hadn’t gone in for a blood test for suspected anaemia, and Jimmy hadn’t gone to the hospital because of his nose bleeds, none of this would have happened. She only hoped that the hospital was reviewing their security after his abuse of power.

  She squeezed her mum and dad’s hands who stood on either side of her. “There he is,” she said her voiced choked with emotion.

  Walking out with only a clear plastic bag in his hand, Nathan stepped through the caged entrance. At first he walked; unsure of himself and his freedom, but the further away from the guards and the gate he got the quicker his pace became, until he was running to his waiting family. The four of them held onto each other, sobs and laughter intermingling.

  As they released each other and headed towards the car, Nathan pulled Ashley’s hand, slowing her down until that they were walking a good few steps behind their parents.

  “Sis,” his eyes welled with tears, “I would never have got through this without you.”

  “And my life would never have been the same if you weren’t on the outside to share it with me, so I’d say we were about even, don’t you?”

  Nathan pulled her into his arms. “Thank you, Ashley. They are the lamest, most useless words in the world for what I feel, but thank you.”

  She squeezed him tightly. The sound of running feet coming up from behind them alerted her. Instinctively, she released herself from Nathan’s embrace and spun around. Jimmy was breathless as he came to a stop in front of them.

  “I’m glad I didn’t miss you,” he said panting, trying to catch his breath. He eyed her shyly. “Detective, I wanna thank you. I was rude a couple of times but you came through like you said you would. You got me out of there, jus’ like you said you’d do, but you also made me trust that coppers and the system do work for people like me. You’re alright, Detective.”

  Ashley smiled. “I’m glad to hear it, Jimmy. Believe it or not we really aren’t the bad guys.”

  He held out his hand to shake hers. “Yeah, I know that now.” He lowered his eyes briefly. “And I wanna say I really am right sorry about hitting you.”

  “You hit my sister!” Nathan said aghast.

  Jimmy looked to Nathan. “Ah mate, I don’t go round hitting women, normally like, if that’s what you think. I was scared and I wanted to get away from her. She scared the shit outa me, she did!”

  Ashley looped her arm through Nathan’s. “It’s all water under the bridge now, Jimmy. Just stay out of trouble.”

  Jimmy turned and started to walk away. “You changed my life, I mean it. I’m not jus’ saying that, Detective. I have a plan for my life now. You never know. I might be protecting you soon. I’m gonna try enlisting in the army.”

  Ashley could see this big guy doing well on the right side of the law. “Whatever you decide to do, Jimmy, I hope it works out well for you.”

  “Cheers, and thanks again,” he said as he trotted off towards a car that had stopped for him.

  “Do you think it’s too early for a beer, Sis?”

  Ashley laughed. “Never, and um, Nathan, I have to tell you. I don’t think your boss likes me very much.”

  Nathan looked at her puzzled. “And why ever not?”

  Ashley looked at him sheepishly. “Wait until you get a beer down you and then I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Chapter Sixty

  The ebullient mood was still in full swing as they entered Ashley’s house. Despite asking her mother to keep the celebrations small it seemed as if she had invited everyone Nathan knew. Seeing the delighted look on Nathan’s face when he saw all of his friends, soon banished any fear she had that he wouldn’t be up to seeing people straight away.

  “Someone’s been cleaning,” Ashley whispered to Tasha. She smiled as she watched Nathan take centre stage to tell the guests about his prison ordeal.

  “It was about time as well. The place looked like a tornado had gone through it!” Tasha replied. “Do you want a beer?”

  Ashley turned to face Tasha. “I’d love nothing more,” she said giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

  Tasha smiled. “Really? A beer more than –”

  Ashley laughed. “We can hardly do that in front of my parents and all these guests.”

  “Hmmm, you wormed your way out of that one quickly enough. Maybe you should have been a lawyer instead of a police officer.” Tasha started towards the kitchen then glanced back. “Oh, by the way, I found an envelope down the back of the table. It’s been there a while by the amount of dust on it. I put it on the side, there,” she said pointing to the side table next to the sofa.

  Ashley grabbed the envelope and tore it open. Her laughter soon faded when she looked inside.

  “Oh my God!” she whispered.

  “Ashley, are you okay?” Tasha asked as she came back into the room with a beer.

  Ashley could barely nod her head. It suddenly felt as if someone had sucked all the air out of the room. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall. In her hands was all the evidence Alexis would need to unmask the biggest police cover up in the history of Essex Police.

  Ashley grabbed her coat and quickly turned to Tasha. “I’ll explain it all to you when I get home, I promise. Find Dale and tell him to meet me at Alexis’ flat in an hour.”

  “Wait! What? Who’s Alexis?”

  “He’ll know who I’m talking about. Please, just do it now.” She gave Tasha a quick kiss and headed to the front door.

  “Where are you going now?”

  “To finally give someone good news!”

  It took less than twenty minutes to reach her destination. Ashley stood looking down at the grave stone of Nicola Coleman. She dusted off the leaves that had fallen onto the grassy mound, and took off the wilted flowers she had put there the week before. Since Nicola’s burial, every week without fail, Ashley brought fresh flowers to her grave, as well as a heart full of guilt. Today she stood tall in the knowledge that she’d kept her promise. The promise Ashley had made to the little girl as she’d held her lifeless body in her arms. Finally, Nicola would receive the justice she so rightly deserved.

  She kissed the headstone. See you next week Nicola. Sweet dreams until then.

  Ashley walked back to her car feeling a weight lifted from her shoulders. She jumped in and patted the envelope lying on the seat beside her. As she drove through the tall trees that lined the road leading out of the cemetery, the sun broke th
rough the clouds and shone brightly, making the air shimmer in the golden light. I see you, Nicola, I see you.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Ashley was asleep, dreaming wonderful scenarios which were rudely interrupted by the incessant ringing of her phone. She groaned, not wanting to leave the happy place of her dream world. She looked at the screen and saw the caller was Dale.

  “If you’re calling to tell me we’ve got a new case and I’ve got to come in, I’m going to hang up right now.”

  “No, get your lazy arse out of bed and turn the news on.”

  Ashley was immediately alert. “Why what’s happened?”

  Tasha stirred beside her as Ashley pushed the covers away and sat up.

  “Just go and do it and then call me back. Now!”

  The line went dead.

  “What’s the matter?” Tasha asked.

  “I don’t know yet. It was Dale. He said I should watch the news.”

  Tasha slipped out of the bed. “Come on then. I bet it’s about Nathan’s release.” She pulled Ashley out of bed and they went downstairs together. They both sat eagerly at the edge of the sofa as the TV came to life. Tasha found the news channel and turned the volume up.

  The newscasters face was serious. “Colleen Rees, a DCI with Essex Police was arrested today for her role in an alleged sexual abuse cover-up. The allegations relate to the children’s home in which murder victim, Nicola Coleman, used to live. DCI Rees was released on police bail pending further enquiries.”

  The next footage was of Colleen wearing large sunglasses as she left the station. Ashley could feel her lips curl up in disgust. It sickened her to think that she had worked with the woman for so many years and had never once suspected what was behind her mask. Colleen had fooled so many people. It was strange in a funny kind of way – if it hadn’t have been for Aaron, Colleen would have got away with covering for paedophiles, in all walks of life. The anger grew within her. To think that at a time when Colleen could have perhaps prevented Nicola Coleman’s death, she had participated in keeping the true information about the young girl’s killer quiet. At least one child’s death was on her hands, and Ashley wondered just how many abused children out there would have to live with their traumatic experiences because of that woman. It turned her stomach in disgust and she could not watch any more.

  Ashley switched off the TV. As far as she was concerned Colleen was dead to her. When her case went to court she hoped the presiding judge threw the book at her.

  Tasha slid her arm around Ashley’s waist. “Are you okay?”

  Ashley nodded. “I am, now the truth is out. At least we’ve shown the general public that we out the rotten apples. It should give the public a better impression of the police.”

  All this time she had thought Ripley was the bad guy. It just went to show her how wrong she could be sometimes. When she took the information to him after visiting Alexis, he acted swiftly. When she saw him next she would make an extra effort to be nice to him. She smiled to herself. He wasn’t a bad sort after all. Just a difficult man doing a difficult job. The two did not always go together smoothly, but that did not make him a bad man. Ashley chuckled to herself as she took Tasha’s hand and they retraced the steps to their bedroom. I’m sure I don’t have to go back to sleep to make that dream come alive again.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  The Fixer leaned back against the seat, glancing up as a small knock sounded at the door.

  “Looks like everything went to plan,” the visitor said as he closed the door behind him and took a seat.

  “Yes, it did.” The Fixer opened the desk drawer, withdrew a bottle of whisky and poured two glasses.

  “But how did you know Aaron was going to send all the information he had on you to Ashley?”

  The phone on the desk began to ring. The Fixer held up a finger. “One moment. The press have been calling non-stop.” The Fixer picked up the phone. “DCS Ripley speaking.”

  He listened for a few seconds before responding. “Of course it’s a shock and there will be a rigorous investigation. Heads will roll. This sort of thing does not happen on my watch at any level. We root out crime, even if it is within our own ranks. That’s why you can always trust the police.” He shot the person on the other side of the desk a sardonic grin. “What was that? Oh, yes, I will be more than happy to give you a live interview. Call me in the morning and we can arrange a time.”

  Ripley hung up. “Right, now, Steve, where were we? Oh yes Aaron’s pathetic last attempt at salvation. You know what they say in the business – it’s all about who you know. And I know everyone and anyone who’s important or useful. I got a call from Aaron’s solicitor to let me know about his secret little envelope destined for McCoy. Yes, I could have just destroyed it, but I thought naming Colleen instead of myself was genius. She had been getting way above her station. Interfering and questioning my every order.”

  “But Ashley’s reputation wasn’t harmed. She proved her brother and Jimmy’s innocence.”

  “Yes. That charade was just a means to an end. I doubt the evidence would have stood up under scrutiny in court.”

  “So what was the point?”

  “I needed McCoy distracted. She was so caught up in the drama with her brother that she failed to see the tsunami coming right at her. DS McCoy is the weapon of her own destruction.” He threw a file towards Steve.

  Steve opened it and inside there were a dozen or more photographs of Ashley and Alexis. Some taken in a leafy forest and others showed the two women inside a bar, looking at documents together.

  “Copies of these have already been leaked to several news outlets. Ashley will have fallen from hero to snitch within a couple of hours. Nobody likes a whistle blower, Steve – especially in the police service.”

  “But how did you know she would become a snitch?”

  “Who do you think leaked ‘information’ to the press in the first place, Steve? Obviously I did it through a third party, but I was careful to point the reporter in the direction of McCoy. I knew her need for justice would be too strong to resist.”

  “Very clever. Is there anything you want me to do?”

  “No it’s all taken care of. I knew when I brought you on board I was doing the right thing. You have conducted yourself in an exemplary fashion.”

  “I’m glad to know I haven’t let you down,” he said before leaving the room.

  Ripley took a mouthful of whisky and dialled a number on his mobile. When it was answered a smile crossed his face. He hadn’t spoken to Esther Campbell’s father in a long time.

  “Mr Campbell,” he said cheerfully. “As promised, it’s all sorted. Ashley McCoy will no longer be a thorn in our side. Make sure you catch the ten o’clock news and watch how easily the mighty do fall from grace.” He disconnected the call and leaned back in his chair, swirling the golden liquid around in his glass. Life was good and his future was as golden as the whisky he was sipping.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two
br />   Chapter Thirty Three

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty- Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty- Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Chapter Fifty- Eight

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Chapter Sixty

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Chapter Sixty-Two




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