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The Elemental Diaries - Complete Series

Page 96

by Andrea Lamoureux

  I smiled at her. “Good day, beautiful. I have come to speak with your mistress. Is she here?”

  Without answering, the girl with two long black braids disappeared back into the house.

  I waited, pulling my long hair over one shoulder to fiddle with it.

  Light footsteps came closer as the fearless woman I so admired sauntered up to the door muttering to herself, “It’s too early for clients to call.” She stopped, her golden cat-like eyes dragging up from my leather boots to the whips strapped to my hips before settling on my amused expression.

  I gave her a wicked grin. “Are you ready to rid your island of its cruel ruler?”

  She tapped her chin with one of her long fingernails, studying the hilts of the blades poking up from behind my shoulders. Her full lips tugged up. “I’ll go fetch my best weapons.”


  I heaved myself over the edge of the cliff I’d hoped not to see so soon again, the magic vine I’d used as a rope vanishing. The raft I’d had to build waited for me at the bottom. Chel’s power made getting to the island, Salais, much easier. But she needed to avenge her father’s spirit, and Zephyra had a kingdom to help rule. That left me in charge of the scepter. We dared not hold onto the magical item longer than necessary. Kailasa had made it clear she would hunt us down if it wasn’t returned. I wouldn’t risk the life of the others, or the life of my family.

  Family. It was strange to think I had some back in Terra. King Corbin had informed me after the war that Queen Nicola had survived. She’d given birth to a baby boy since. My cousin. I still hadn’t told my king the truth. I wasn’t sure I ever would. The woman I loved knew my secret, and that was good enough for me. I’d treat the new prince like a brother, take him under my wing. Maybe when he became king and had children of his own, I’d tell him. Or maybe not. Time would tell.

  A splatter of water hit my nose. Thunder rolled across the cloudy sky. I hurried along the thick carpet of green grass. The light sprinkle turned into a downpour. My hair and clothes were drenched when I found the opening of the dragon’s cave.

  I lengthened my strides in a hurry to have this over with. My footsteps reverberated off the sides of the curving walls of rock. The light from the sun diminished, so I dug out the flint and steel and tapered candle I’d brought. I clamped my teeth together as I worked. I held my breath, deep in concentration, knocking the two pieces together to create a spark within my small tin of charred wood. Success smelled like smoke. I pressed the wick to the tin and exhaled as it took flame.

  I slid the contents back into the sack I carried over my shoulder and continued down into the pit at the center of the cave. My hand hovered near the hilt of my sword strapped beside the scepter. I would heed Chel’s warning not to threaten Kailasa, but my survival instinct wanted to rear its head.

  Speckles of blue light glimmered from the stone walls and ceiling as I rounded the last bend. I gazed around at the fascinating sight the glow worms created within the dragon’s home. I blew out the candle and slowed my steps, nearing the end of the path. A sleeping dragon would be optimal. I would set the magical item down and be on my way. Easy.

  A low rumble had my gaze snapping forward. Kailasa’s long tail swished across the ground, sending tiny pebbles through the air. Two golden eyes fixed on me. So much for getting in and out unnoticed.

  I produced the silver and crystal scepter, raising it high for her to see. “I am returning the scepter to you.”

  Her triangular head dipped, tendrils of smoke escaping her nostrils. “Careful, mortal. You shouldn’t sneak up on a dragon.”

  “I only hoped not to disturb you.” My voice sounded tiny, pathetic.

  Kailasa’s leathery lips parted, showing off her giant, sword-sharp teeth. I almost dropped the scepter, my hands shaking uncontrollably. But she must have been attempting to smile because she said, “I am pleased. I would’ve hated to have to leave my home to hunt you elementals down.” She stretched out her silvery wings and yawned, her ivory teeth snapping together. “I’m too tired to fly around the world burning down everything in my path. Make no mistake, I would have done it. I am only grateful you were smart enough to bring back what doesn’t belong to you.”

  I bent to place the item at my feet.

  “Not there! Return it to the spot the fire elemental stole it from.”

  Keeping my eyes on her, I straightened and tip-toed to the slab of rock, Zephyra had snatched it from, all the while too aware of the fact that Kailasa could choose to scorch me at any moment. I carefully placed it down and hurried away.

  The enormous dragon lowered herself and curled up like a cat with a deep sigh. “Do not disturb me again. I will eat the next person who enters my cave.”

  She didn’t need to tell me twice. I didn’t bother re-lighting the candle. I sprinted back up through the cave, feeling my way along once the glow worms’ light faded.

  The rain outside had stopped, the bright sky welcoming me back. Safe from Celestia’s beast, I bent forward and laughed like a maniac. I did it. I’d fulfilled my promise to the others. I would return to Terra and wait for Chel to return from Gwon. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life peacefully by her side.


  Millions of shining stars surrounded me as I floated through the universe. Light had washed away the blood that had coated me from head to toe. I knew one thing for certain. I am dead.

  But it didn’t matter. We had won. Vesirus no longer existed in the world I’d left behind.

  I knew the other elementals’ spirits had returned to their bodies the moment they’d left me, their power, which had kept me alive until the end, going with them. Nothing else mattered.

  I felt no pain, no fear… no sadness. I could’ve drifted through those stars for the rest of eternity.

  I sensed something or someone reaching for me. I focused on the new warm energy. It seemed familiar somehow. I searched my knowledge. Where my humanity had once limited it, I now found it an endless ocean I could dive into. Ramiel. It was he who reached for me. I remembered I loved him. I trusted him. My light went with him.

  The stars led me to a world more spectacular. Colours I’d never known in my life danced around us as peace and love enveloped me. I could see forever, every tiny detail of this incredible world.

  I looked upon the face of the elemental guardian. He smiled; his eyes full of warmth. He looked different in spirit form, but I’d know that smile anywhere. The air magic no longer lived within me. He was no longer responsible for me, but our spirits were still one. The connection hadn’t disappeared with my magic.

  A goddess with hair as pale as moonlight and eyes like twin suns appeared. Celestia. Pure love emanated from her. She spoke to us, though not in any language known to humans. We understood her perfectly.

  “Ramiel,” she began. “You broke my rule not to interfere in the mortal realm.”

  “Yes,” he confirmed without fear.

  “You shall be punished for your rebellion.”

  Once, I would’ve argued he’d done the right thing. I would’ve felt anger at the goddess for not understanding. But I knew it would be all right. Darkness did not exist in her realm. So, we waited for her to continue.

  “You shall be a guardian of my elements no longer. Instead, you shall spend eternity in my realm with the rest of the spirits who have passed into the light.” Her voice washed over my spirit like a cleansing sea.

  “Thank you,” Ramiel answered.

  And though the goddess disappeared with his understanding, I sensed her presence stayed with us. She would always be with us.

  Ramiel pressed his hand to my cheek and claimed my mouth. I felt his touch more now than I did when I was alive. I sank into the kiss, passion erupting along every thread of my spiritual being. We’d exist together forever. His punishment our reward. His broad arms encircled me. I pressed myself against him, our spirits combining as though they’d always been one, created from the same spark.

  He ende
d the kiss and gently took my hand in his. “Come. Let’s go reunite you with your mother.”

  The End

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  A Message from the Author

  I hope you enjoyed The Elemental Diaries – Complete Series. As an independent author I rely heavily on reviews. I love to hear what readers think about my stories. Even if you leave me a sentence about your favourite part, I’d be forever grateful.

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  Also By Andrea B Lamoureux

  The Elemental Diaries Series






  His Mortal Demoness Series

  Tatter Fall (Coming Soon)


  Elemental Diaries Side Stories*

  The Mark of Motish

  *Available for free to newsletter subscribers or for purchase on most ebook retailers. Visit to find out more info.


  So many people have helped with this series. It has been a dream come true to see it out there in the world.

  My husband, Corey, thank you for all of your support. From cooking while I write to being the first to read and critique my stories, you make this journey easier.

  Thank you Mom and Kevin for always believing in me and helping me in every way you can. I am so lucky to have such an amazing family.

  To everyone who helped me produce The Elemental Diaries; Yvonne, Tami, Kristine, Michelle, thank you for your hard work and creativity. I’ve enjoyed every moment of seeing this series come alive.

  My team of alpha and beta readers; Sarah, Jenn, Ramona, Christianmichael, this series wouldn’t have been the same without you. I appreciate the time you took out of your lives to read my books while they were still rough drafts.

  To my advanced review team, I am so grateful you decided to read the books in this series and let everyone know your thoughts.

  Thank you to all of the other authors out there who have inspired me. Kate Sparkes, you answered a want-to-be-author’s questions. I was thrilled to talk with someone who’s written such captivating stories. You helped me choose this crazy path I’m now on. Jacqueline Carey, Anne Bishop, C.J Archer, Robin Lafevers, all of your books have brought me so much joy. I probably wouldn’t have started writing if I never learned how much fun reading can be.

  To all of my friends and family, I am glad you are in my life.

  All of my readers, I can’t thank you enough for taking a chance with my books. Every time you review or recommend them you make this author’s heart shine brighter. It is for all of you that I share these character’s stories.

  About the Author

  Andrea lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband and two cats. As an only child she had to be creative growing up to keep herself occupied. Reading and writing have always been two of her favourite activities. She got her artistic side from her mother and her persistence from her father. She’s always been a fan of fantasy themes and even dresses up in corsets sometimes.

  Apart from reading and writing, she enjoys listening to her favourite music and horseback riding. She always tries to keep herself busy because she’s a free spirit who gets restless easily.

  If you’d like to find out when her next books are coming out you can find her online at




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