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Page 14

by Carl Stubblefield

Gus’ heart fell another dip, just like he’d been on a roller-coaster or in transport turbulence.

  “Not so good lately,” he admitted.

  “That’s the last thing—and I promise I’ll leave off the lectures, although it’s kind of the same thing. I don’t know how the quantum server assesses us, but that personality is just what you need right now to progress the most. Its main directive is to help you evolve in every way. You may not understand it or even like it. But take advantage of your Nth. Make a game out of finding what exact flaw that personality can help you overcome.

  “I can tell you this: life has a funny way of giving you more chances of learning important lessons if you kick the opportunity down the road. Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have learned what I should and moved on rather than face the same challenge over and over, but ultimately the choice is up to you if you want to do the same.”

  “Were you like a psychiatrist or something before you were a super?” Gus joked.

  “I’m a healer at my core. Sometimes the body is only a small part of what makes a person ill. We would think someone taking poison on a regular basis would be an idiot, but we do it all the time with poisonous thoughts and habits. I sense that in you. I’ll admit I’ve done the same, and I know how it’s held me back. Don’t let it do the same to you.

  “I don’t know why you’re at odds with your father, but he probably was doing the best he could with the resources he had. I shudder to think if everyone judged me on my behavior on my worst days. We always tend to do that, don’t we? Judge others on their behavior and ourselves on our intentions. Don’t make that same mistake. You have more, so be more.” BoJack pointed a cable arm at the lake that had yawned into view beyond the trees. Gus lifted his pensive eyes and saw the lake for himself, his mood brightening.

  “We’re almost there!”

  Gus had been so lost in contemplation that he hadn’t realized how far they had been traveling. BoJack lowered himself to the water’s edge and made a boat out of a few planes of ether. Two cables extended underwater, making an outboard motor and rudder and they were off across the water.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Get Back

  As Gus sped along the surface of the water, he could see the Crew on the other side of the lake. One must have seen him because they all turned and started to wave. It was a relief to see as many there as he did, probably everyone had made it, he counted and found eleven others. All present and accounted for.

  His heart began to fill with excitement at meeting everyone again, and the chance to really get to know them this time around. He still felt awkward as hell, but he was just going to push through it.

  The Crew started to cheer as they got close and then BoJack executed a deft maneuver where he let his momentum carry him as he slowly dissolved the sides of his ether boat, fading to a semblance of a surfboard, until he was skidding to the shore on just his heels. The effect was expertly executed; it had to be something he had practiced before. He stepped effortlessly onto the bank and was met by high fives and shoulder claps.

  He landed and grinned as he watched his new friend’s warm welcome. Gus was almost knocked over as he was grabbed suddenly from behind. He stiffened from the unexpected assault.

  “We were so worried about you guys! I’m so glad you are alright!” a perky voice chirped in his ear, the heat and proximity sending a slight tingle down his spine. He recognized the voice as Harmony’s at about the same time she jumped on his back in a tight bear hug. He instinctively grabbed her legs as she wrapped them around him, squeezing him tight. The silky feeling of the fishnets along her supple legs caused him to flush at the closeness.

  The scent of some fruity perfume wafted to Gus’ nose as she rested her head on his shoulder, her blonde ringlets bouncing as she squeezed even tighter. Gus stiffened some more, albeit in a different way than before, as he realized what was pressing against his back with the embrace.

  At that moment, he realized another big disadvantage of the spandex-like suits but fortunately with a little hybrid-Nth assistance, things were sorted and mischief was managed. Gus gulped and thanked his luck stat that he was facing mostly toward the lake during the encounter.

  Releasing her softly, she slid to the ground gracefully. She was so light! Without thinking anything amiss, she loped over and gave BoJack a big hug as well.

  Taking a deep breath and shuddering, Gus looked to the side and saw Aurora watching him with interest. He nodded in acknowledgement and she shook her head with a wry smile, turning back to organizing a pack she had salvaged from the transport.

  The rest of the Crew heartily welcomed Gus, with Darik using both his hands to shake with Gus. This time Gus leaned into the reunion, hugging back with as much gusto as he received, happy to be back with everyone once again. Even Jet did a flourish, welcoming Gus back to the group.

  He turned and there was a brief pause as his father had his outstretched hand. Instead of going for the stilted handshake, Gus pulled his father close, clapping him on the back as they embraced.

  As he pulled away, Tempest cleared his throat and nodded to his son. “Good to see you again.” He looked deep into Gus’ eyes and held on to his shoulder, as if he didn’t want the contact to end. At last he turned to Yuki.

  “Yuki, have you worked out exactly where we are? We’ve been discussing our plan to get out of here, but all of it hinges on knowing our exact location.”

  “Yes, sure. I mean, sir.” She slid her belt off and unzipped a panel, sliding her laptop out. She screwed up her mouth as she tried to orient herself in different directions to get a signal. Then typed a bit, moving and talking to herself. “Um, can I get a little boost here, Seneschal?”

  The woman nodded, moving to stand beside Yuki. Putting a hand on her shoulder, a tiny sparkle could be seen twinkling around her hand at the point of contact. She reached her other hand skyward, a thin white stream extending from her index finger, disappearing into the dense clouds above.

  “Oh yeah, thank you, girlfriend!” Yuki cheered, shoulders bobbing as she typed, as if she was dancing to some music only she could hear. Her jaws moved in time as she chewed some gum, a wide grin spreading on her face. With a flourish, she hit a final key and information flooded everyone’s displays. Exact longitude and latitude, as well as extensive maps overlaid the Crew’s mini-maps.

  “Everyone ready?” Darik asked.

  Gus looked at the others with confusion.

  “Just follow our lead, sport,” Yuki said, popping a fresh piece of gum in her mouth.

  Darik whistled and winked at Yuki. He then clapped and rubbed his hands together, breathing in and out quickly as if hyperventilating for a deep-water dive. He then extended one hand in front of him, rotating it in circles, his back hand wobbling by his ear as if he were trying to help himself hear something faint. Air hissed as he slowly exhaled and waved his hands, minute beads of sweat peppering his forehead. As the extended hand widened its arc, Gus could see that he somehow was stabilizing a portal with the back hand as if balancing a spinning dish.

  Through teeth grit in concentration, he growled, “I think that’s big enough, lasses, go for it. I dunna know how long I can hold it!”

  Aurora and Harmony dove through the spinning disk and Darik fell backward onto his butt, puffing out the last of his stored air as they disappeared from view.

  He laid back on the sparse grass and weeds panting. “I’m tapped. Whoo! That took more out of me than I expected.”

  “Now what?” Gus asked no one in particular.

  “Now… we wait,” Tempest said, sitting next to Darik on the ground. “Since we have some time, why don’t you fill us in on your adventures?”

  So BoJack began, asking Gus his opinion on the details. For the first time, he felt like he was part of the team as they laughed and discussed BoJack’s predicament when the transport was initially attacked. However, BoJack didn’t talk about his mentoring of Gus at all, so he kept that detail to himself.
r />   Less than an hour later, the girls showed up with a large van-like transport. It was much smaller than their ship but everyone managed to pack inside. They stowed anything worth salvaging in the back and Aurora took off.

  “We’re in luck. We found a portal super close, so we can head back to the manor,” Harmony squealed in her peppy voice.

  “Rory is going to be pissed about the transport though.”

  “That wasn’t our fault. Not really…” Tempest began.

  “Doesn’t matter. Those ships are like his children, he’s super protective of them regardless,” Aurora admitted.

  “Well, a problem for another time then.” He then turned to Gus. “I’m glad you made it out, that will make all of this much easier than if we had to travel all the way back to the island. You have the portal codes?”

  “I do, I think?” Gus replied, not certain at all.

  Nick came to his rescue. “The portal codes are keyed to me and therefore you. Just get us to a station, and I can initiate a one-way jump and ensure the coordinates are erased after we all are through.”

  “Okay, I just checked and we’re good as long as we find a station, apparently,” Gus announced to the group.

  “Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy,” Harmony sang. “There’s a station right by where we rented this beast.”

  The trip was only about twenty minutes, but even with the fan at full blast, the press of bodies made the short trip less than desirable. The “just-been-camping” smell that had permeated Gus’ outfit became extremely apparent in the confined space. He had barely even noticed the extent of the fire’s effect while outside.

  Finally, they arrived and everyone spilled out, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically. Strictly speaking, they had filled the van beyond capacity and at least a third were wearing no safety restraints as they made the trip. A cold wind greeted them and Harmony strode forth purposefully, waving everyone to follow as she clutched her arms in front of her. As Gus was about to leave, he heard Aurora sigh audibly.

  “You want me to stay and help you return the rental?”

  “No, they’ll need you at the station for setting up the portal. But thanks for thinking of me.” She cast an irritated glare at the others.

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I’m fine—go. We’re all tired. The sooner we get back, the better.” Aurora waved him on as she grabbed her things to go, fishing some paperwork out of the glove compartment.

  Gus jogged to catch up with the others and the group made their way to an unmarked, plain building that looked like a small storage area for grounds-keeping supplies. Seneschal waved her wrist in front of a small key-card panel and the door opened with a *hiss*.

  Beyond was an escalator that led underground. As the group filed in, the warm air inside quickly dispersed the chill they were feeling. Stepping off the escalator, Gus took in the station with a little awe. There was no one else here and their steps and voices echoed on the slate tiles in the large domed room. A huge circular ring stood free standing at the center of the room, with the inner edge of the ring flush with the floor as if it had been cemented there.

  “You’re up!” Darik said, clapping Gus on the back.

  Gus stepped forward tentatively as Nick showed some coordinates and codes on his display. There was an eldritch glow that skated along the inner surface of the ring as it began to power up. When it had circled around to touch itself, there was an audible pop and Gus felt his ears click at the sudden change in pressure. He worked his jaw and tugged his earlobe to relieve the feeling.

  Without any more fanfare, the others began to move into the portal. Gus stood there in wonder, walking to the other side where he could see a slight haze, but the Crew was not visible at all from this vantage. He peeked back and forth, unnerved by the strange effect.

  “First time using a portal?” someone asked and Gus was brought back to the moment.

  Looking up, he saw Harmony there, a little closer than his usual bubble of comfort dictated.

  “You always remember your first time.” She winked and sauntered through the portal.

  Gus stood there shell-shocked while the other supers eagerly entered the portal. All except for Grimdark. He seemed to be psyching himself up, as if he were going to jump into a cold pool to do morning laps. With balled fists, he marched through, leaving Gus there by himself. Then he waited there for Aurora to arrive, since he didn’t know if he had to be on this side of the portal to keep it active or not. Five minutes later, she jogged down the escalator.

  “Thanks for waiting, Gus. I appreciate it,” she said warmly as she went through the event horizon. Gus stepped through, longing for his own bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I Got No Time

  Gus shivered as he stepped through the portal. There was a slight resistance and he felt a brief pins-and-needles sensation spread over his face and envelop his body as he pushed through the plane of the portal. After enough pressure, he slipped through the gateway and the sensation passed before becoming painful, leaving him feeling itchy all over. The trip was instantaneous and Gus observed he wasn’t the only one fidgeting and scratching. Gus had to squint at the change in light from the dark subway-like confines of the station to near-blinding brightness.

  “I hate portals!” Grimdark muttered as Gus stepped through the shimmering doorway. He was fidgeting with the belts and buckles on his outfit, making sure everything was as it should be.

  “I like the tinglies it gives me in the stomach, myself,” Darik said, laughing at Grimdark’s discomfort, since he was usually so stoic and unflappable.

  The portal room had white tile and a large circular window opening directly onto the beach from a different angle than Gus was accustomed to seeing. He walked to the edge of the room and soaked in the sun, enjoying being warm for the first time in a while. The briny scent of the ocean wafted in and Gus sighed. Harmony apparently had the same idea as him, and she had opened a door and was marching determinedly onto the sand.

  “Good, everyone’s back. Why don’t we unwind for a bit and meet for a post mission debriefing and plan what’s next? Sound good?” Tempest asked.

  There were mutters of general assent and the Crew began to disperse.

  Gus filed onto the elevator and made it to his room.

  Sighing as he looked at the plush bed, Gus slipped out of his dingy suit. As he did, he saw the hybrid-Nth peel away from the outer surface of it. They hovered like a cloud of gnats and then reattached to his bare skin. After settling, they shimmered and became translucent, mimicking his skin tone. Areas where there was ground in dirt began to slough off like water on a newly waxed transport.

  He went and stood in front of the mirror and wondered if his Nth could manage the banalities of personal hygiene. As if in response, he felt a tickle and a thin layer of gunk fell away from his skin, clipped fingernails, along with his ungroomed facial hair fluttering to the bathroom tile. Clumps of his unkempt hair also slid off his shoulders like hot butter on a skillet.

  He stepped away from the disgusting pile around him and a small orb the size of a tangerine rolled out of a tiny recess as a tile slid open. Like on the beach, the little ball rolled over the ‘sheddings,’ spiraling inward until it had sucked up everything and retreated back into the wall.

  Flipping weird!

  Gus changed into the other suit, noticing the process reverse as he pulled on the jumpsuit. It wasn’t as relaxing as a shower, but nice to know he wouldn’t get funky if he was on a long mission.

  He opened the large glass window and stepped out onto the balcony. Sitting down, he turned to face the sun and closed his eyes. Even through his eyelids, he could feel its brightness. He searched for the feeling again, when he had crafted and formed ether constructs in the forest. He tried attuneing himself to the ether around him.

  “Do you want my assistance?” Nick asked.

  By his tone, Gus could tell he expected to be shut down abruptly.

  “Have I really been
that irritable and rude?”

  “Yes. A full vessel can carry no water. You have been dismissive and prideful. Utterly unteachable,” Nick replied in a huff.

  For some reason, the rebuke didn’t immediately make Gus get defensive. Reflecting, he had been out of sorts and grouchy for no good reason. Maybe it was the headaches.

  “I’m sorry for how I’ve acted, but I think I’m feeling more centered now. Even though the headache is building again, I think it was really affecting my mood. What do you have for me?”

  “If I am to teach you, I expect you to listen and apply the exercises I give to you. Without bargaining, without negotiation. Are you able to agree to that?”

  “But, why—”

  “And without doubt and questioning. Normally, we are not able to discuss what changes in this phase of levels, but since BoJack has already given you this information, it is not giving you an unfair advantage to suggest it anymore. He is correct though; to optimize your growth, you should capitalize on certain behaviors and skill growth right now, and if done recklessly you can lose any benefits and stifle future growth. In assessing your current path, you have not had a level of focus necessary to streamline your development. I wish to help you with this. But it will be grueling and painful. In the end, you will be much more capable, and is this not what you want? Better control and personal power?”

  Gus had to close his mouth that had dropped open. Is that what he wanted? Needed right now? He tried to find something that he wanted more, but he did feel like if he could get a better handle on his abilities and his emotions, then he could be much more like the ideal self that he had always envisioned himself to be.

  “Yeah. I mean yes… I’m putty in your hands. What should I be doing?”

  There was a pause, as if Nick was assessing his sincerity, but he must have passed muster because he continued with a softer tone. “Are you familiar with a Zen koan?”


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