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Page 13

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  These guys aren’t even second string? she thought. Too late she realized the sacrifice tactic. With her Blade buried in the Blade’s chest, a second Blade came up behind the first and stabbed through him. She wasn’t run through because they wielded short swords. The sword penetrated her right side, and she drew back in pain.

  “Shit, that move was just low.” she said.

  She blurred, anger and fear fueling her. She punched the Blade that stabbed her in the throat, killing him, while deflecting another strike from the third Blade. Pulling a knife from her thigh sheath, she turned 180 degrees driving it into his neck burying it to the hilt. That’s when the floor began to tilt and she stumbled back.

  “You bitches use poison? What the hell?” she said as she steadied herself against the wall.

  The fourth Blade seeing the opportunity jumped at her, slicing upwards. She deflected the blow just barely and blurred placing her hand on his chest. Or at least that was her plan. The poison had thrown off her timing so instead of his chest, she stumbled and grabbed his arm instead. She destroyed the muscles in his arm, rendering it useless. He dropped his sword and was about to attack when she ran her sword through his abdomen several times.

  She fell to the floor, her vision cloudy. She crawled to the dojo door and sat roughly against the wall, it was really more of a controlled fall. She used her foot and managed to get the door open, she had to warn Lea.

  “Lea, their swords are covered in poison!” she yelled.

  Her speech was beginning to slur and the floor began to sway under her. Lea didn’t appear to acknowledge her, but she was certain she heard. She was tired all of a sudden. It seemed like a great moment to rest, to just sit here and catch her breath. She put her head back and closed her eyes.

  Lea heard Kei and filed the information away – Don’t get cut. She saw Kei fall, saw the blood and realized she would probably be dead soon. She filed that as well – kill them fast, help Kei. She advanced on the Blades and blurred.

  The first Blade came at her, a diagonal strike designed to cut from clavicle to abdomen. She parried and sliced horizontally behind her, catching the Blade there by surprise and spilling his intestines. Continuing the circle but descending, she removed the second attacker’s leg at the thigh. As he fell, she removed his head. She immediately ducked under a slash at her head and removed the arm of the third Blade. As the fourth Blade lunged, she parried the thrust and using her second blade, slit his throat.

  The lead Blade looked nervous but stepped forward. Lea ran towards him, blades trailing behind her, at the last second before what appeared to be impact; she slid to the left and sliced through the lead Blade. He fell slowly to the floor, his torso separated from his legs.

  “What is the antidote?” she asked him.

  She didn’t dare get closer than arm’s length because his nails or even saliva could contain the poison.

  “I can make this death swift or leave you here to die, slowly. It’s up to you,” she said impassively.

  With a blood stained finger, he drew a character on the floor then looked at her pleadingly.

  With one last stroke, she ended his pain and his life. She ran to where Kei was, hoping she had the antidote in reach.

  John wanted to ask why, but knew it was pointless. This was a foot soldier not a general. He took orders, carried them out and didn’t ask questions. No, John would have to find the one responsible for giving the orders, when they met, and they would, John would ask him why. For now he had to survive this fight.

  John, unlike the Sensei, did not possess the ability to dodge indefinitely. He held a short sword, grabbed from one of the dead Blades. If there was poison on it, he couldn’t see it. The sword was light in his hand; he preferred a katana or even his gun but had neither at hand, so this would have to do.

  “I promise you a swift death, if you surrender now. I think it’s the most honorable thing you could do,” said the lead Blade.

  John didn’t respond. Instead he swung the short sword several times getting a feel for its heft.

  “I can’t promise you the same,” said John as he stepped closer to his opponent.

  Most fights are ugly, inelegant affairs. John learned this truth early on in his training. The other thing he learned is most violent encounters only last several seconds to a few minutes at most. It’s not a very long time, strictly speaking, unless of course you are on the receiving end of the violence. Then it seems to take forever as time stretches out, pulls up a chair and lounges, watching you fight for your life.

  When a fight involved weapons, the ugly and inelegant parts are usually accompanied by copious amounts of bodily fluids, primarily blood. John couldn’t take a chance and get cut even if Masami could heal him. He doubted he would be around long enough to receive the healing.

  Without warning, the lead Blade blurred to John’s right side, slashing at his arm. Only his training saved him as he managed to get his sword up in time to deflect the slash. John realized his disadvantage, the lead Blade only needed to cut him deep enough for the toxin on his sword to enter John’s bloodstream. John however did not have that luxury, he was sure they would be immune or at least resistant to the poison used on their blades. The fact that the Blade could blur only reinforced the idea that someone was training people in this skill. This complicated matters only because John wanted answers and it was impossible to get answers from corpses.

  It meant John couldn’t kill this Blade, at least not immediately and this would shape how he would have to fight. Even though the Blade could blur, he wasn’t proficient at it. Like a child learning to walk, he was uncertain and unbalanced. John could use that to his advantage. The Blade stepped back after his initial strike. John could see the surprise in his eyes; he didn’t expect to have to use more than one strike.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” asked John. “It’s quite impressive.”

  The Blade only grunted. John knew he was feeling the effects of the blur. Until you trained extensively, blurring was the equivalent of a hundred yard dash in a half a second, with the same effects.

  “Right now I’m guessing you’re feeling a bit winded maybe even dizzy. Your heart is racing and in a few moments your body will catch up with what you just did and heat up.” said John.

  The Blade wiped a hand across his brow.

  “This will cause you to sweat, a lot.”

  John remembered the feelings well, the exhaustion, the relentless training to condition his body. It took him close to ten years before he could blur without the side effects being too pronounced.

  John blurred. Fast enough to strike and shatter bone, not fast enough to kill in one blow. Using the pommel of his sword, he shattered the Blade’s right collarbone, rendering the arm useless. The Blade took a step back with a sharp intake of breath being the only indicator he was feeling pain. Not even a grimace crossed his face. The Blade switched the sword to his left hand. John understood it must have been their training that allowed them to deal with the pain.

  “Who trained you?” asked John.

  “Why is that relevant? It will not change the outcome,” said the Blade.

  “I would like to know who taught you the ability you are wielding so poorly,” said John.

  The Blade narrowed his eyes.

  “In addition, he sent you out before you were ready. It’s like giving a three year old a gun. More likely to shoot itself than anyone else, if he even knows how to pull the trigger,” said John.

  The Blade blurred to John’s left. John expected the move, even as he knew it would fail. It was a blurring slash designed to cut while in motion. A devastating attack if it connected. John shifted away and brought his hand down on the Blade’s forearm shattering bone in the process. The Blade dropped his sword, pain etched on his face. Apparently he had reached his pain threshold.

  “One more time, who trained you?” said John.

  “I will die with my honor intact,” he said as he bit the inside of his cheek, releasi
ng a neurotoxin that immediately shut down his respiratory system, forcing him to fall back and suffocate.

  “What a twisted sense of honor.” said John as the Blade died on the floor. John walked over to Masami and Himara after making sure the Blade was dead.

  “How is he?” said John.

  The Sensei’s wound was looking better, but he was still pale.

  “He will live, but it will be sometime before he will be whole. Only his training saved him.” said Masami.

  Himara Sensei opened his eyes, his breathing still ragged.

  “My training and your skill, you were not supposed to save an old man. Why did you do it?” said Himara.

  “What is he talking about, what does he mean?” said John.

  Masami was about to answer when Lea came running in.

  “I need your help, now.” she said pointing at Masami as she ran off. Himara nodded and Masami stood and ran after her.

  Chapter Forty Five

  “What did you mean; she wasn’t supposed to save you? Why not?” said John.

  Himara opened his eyes briefly before answering.

  “It is our way,” he said slowly, each word an effort.

  “Knowing one skill makes one formidable; learning more than one is prohibited and is a death sentence. Outside of clan heads there are no exceptions to this; it is the way it has been since the beginning.” said Himara.

  John could understand the logic, and it was similar to what Jiro Sensei had alluded to. He didn’t know about the death sentence.

  “Does this put Masami in danger, if she helped you and wasn’t supposed to?” said John.

  “She will be in danger only if we alert the proper authorities regarding this. Which as I see it, don’t need to be informed about such a trivial matter.”

  John agreed.

  “If this one ability rule has always been in place, how did you learn more than one?” said John.

  “My Sensei did not believe in this rule as you call it. He believed it made us weak and fractured the clan. He wasn’t the only one who felt this way and so secretly he arranged for me to receive instruction from another Sensei. He swore me to secrecy and I knew my life was forfeit if I ever revealed my other abilities.” said Himara.

  “When the rules chafe, they are usually broken.” said John.

  The Sensei nodded.

  “I wanted to speak to you because someone is using an ability to murder others.” said John.

  “And you thought I may have taught this person, I understand. You did not expect to hear your Sensei’s name as a possibility and yet it is possible.” said Himara.

  John nodded.

  “It is possible the young woman we have here may be of some assistance. Her name is Kei.” said Himara.

  “Where is this Kei?” said John.

  “She is usually in the living quarters but with this attack, I’m certain she is fighting somewhere.” said the Sensei as he grew pensive.

  “I need to speak to her.” said John.

  “My daughter would know her exact location.”

  John nodded and stood up to find Lea.

  ” Will you be OK?” said John.

  “I’m old and tired but I still have a few years ahead of me. Go.” he said, waving his hand. “Find Lea and she will assist you. I will be fine.”

  John propped up the Sensei making him as comfortable as possible.

  “I’ll be back soon.” said John.

  “I will be right here.” said Himara.

  John left the room and headed towards the living quarters. The Sensei didn’t tell him that Masami couldn’t stop the spread of the poison long term; all she could do was delay the inevitable. He had lost too much blood. He had lived a full life and had few, if any, regrets. Moving over to the table where he kept writing materials, he began to write a letter. After a few minutes, he folded and addressed it. He slowly sat back and leaned against a wall. He could feel the toxin in his system.

  After catching his breath, he went over to his resting area and lay down and closed his eyes for the last time.

  John found Lea in the hallway that connected the living quarters to the dojo proper. Kei was on the floor with Masami over her. He looked at Lea who slowly shook her head.

  “Masami is she -?” said John.

  “Not dead, no, but it doesn’t look good. This toxin is something I have never encountered. It is difficult to fight. Usually if I’m familiar with a toxin, it makes it easier to deal with and stop.” said Masami.

  Her brow glistened with sweat and John could see the strain on her face. He walked a little closer to Lea.

  “Is that Kei?” he asked.

  Lea nodded. “She was very skilled but she was cut.”

  She let the words hang in the air. John knew the rest; Kei slowly came around and began stirring. For a moment, her gaze was unfocused and then she recognized Lea. She looked at the faces and knew it was bad.

  “How long?” she asked.

  Masami hung her head.

  “I’m sorry the poison is just too strong.” said Masami.

  Tears flowed down Masami’s face.

  Kei asked again softly. “How long, how long do I have?”

  “Maybe an hour, before your body shuts down – I’m sorry,” said Masami.

  Kei’s eyes began to water.

  “This isn’t exactly how I pictured my life ending, but I guess sometimes we don’t get to choose huh?”

  John walked over to where Kei sat on the floor now.

  “My name is John, I’m really sorry about this. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Give me a few more years?” Kei half joked as she fought back tears of her own.

  The look on John’s face answered her question. She turned away to hide her face.

  “No, I guess not,” Kei said as she laughed bitterly. She turned to John then, an intensity igniting her eyes.

  “Yeah, there is something you can do for me, John is it?”

  John nodded not trusting his voice to speak.

  “You find out who sent them and you kill him. Can you do that for me?” said Kei.

  “I promise on my life. I will make sure those responsible pay for this.” said John.

  Kei smiled then, a sad smile. “Thank you.”

  John could see that she was getting weaker.

  “Can I ask you one more thing?” John said as he sat beside her.

  ‘Yeah, sure, it’s not like I’m going anywhere.” said Kei.

  “Lea tells me you are very skilled – that you can blur. Is that true?”

  “Guess I wasn’t skilled enough. Yes I can blur - funny that’s what my Sensei called it too.”

  “Can you tell me his name?” asked John.

  “I never said him - that’s so typical.” said Kei.

  “I apologize; it’s just that it is a very rare skill. I was not aware any female Sensei had this skill,” said John.

  “It’s ok,” said Kei as she began to cough. The coughing lasted about thirty seconds before she was able to regain her breath.

  “Can you tell me her name?” said John.

  “Sure as far as I know she was the only Sensei who knew the ability. She told me her Sensei had been killed. Her name, my Sensei’s name is Rukio.”

  How could Rukio still be alive? John needed to make sure.

  “Are you certain?” asked John.

  “Yes, I’m certain. Are you kidding me, really?” said Kei.

  “I’m sorry Kei. It’s just that I knew a Rukio long ago but she was killed.” said John still in disbelief.

  “Yeah I’m sorry too. Can I speak to Lea a moment?” said Kei.

  “Of course.” said John.

  John beckoned to Lea, who was speaking quietly with Masami. Lea came right over and held Kei’s hand.

  “I’m so sorry Kei.” she said as she caressed Kei’s forehead.

  Lea could feel Kei was burning up. Her body was trying to fight the poison and losing. Kei looked at Lea.

; “Thank you, thank you for everything.” said Kei.

  Lea shushed her. “It was my honor,” said Lea. John left her side and joined Masami. He didn’t want to intrude on what felt like an intimate moment. Besides he was still shell shocked as he shared with Masami what Kei had told him.

  “I saw her die, Masami.” said John.

  “You saw an explosion and assumed she died in it. That is not the same thing.” said Masami quietly.

  John remained silent. He knew she was right. The bigger question lay before him. Why fake her death, what purpose did it serve? Whose purpose did it serve?

  Lea silently joined John and Masami.

  “She’s gone.” said Lea.

  John and Masami remained silent.

  “She was a good fighter, a strong warrior. That is how we will remember her.” said Lea.

  John nodded as he went over to where Kei lay. He picked up her body and walked to the dojo. John caught Terrence’s eyes and shook his head. Terrence pointed to a corner of the dojo where they were putting the bodies of the deceased.

  John walked over to the far corner of the dojo and gently placed Kei on the floor. He was given a sheet to cover her body. As he did so, he looked around the dojo. John realized that if he didn’t end this, more people would die. He had to find Rukio; she had the answers he needed.

  Mikaela walked up to the car. The earpiece in her left ear chirped to life.

  “I have eyes on you.” said Helen. “Perimeter is clear.”

  Mikaela didn’t like the idea of being bait, since the bait usually ended up dead. This was only marginally more acceptable because Helen had a Barrett M107 and was focused on her position. She knew that eventually someone would show up at the car.

  “I’ve got movement. Check your six.” said Helen.

  Mikaela turned just in time to see Helen transform the head of the Blade into a red mist. The round was so powerful it continued through the Blade and punched a hole in the car. She saw the short sword in his hand and realized his intent.


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