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Immortal Rage

Page 32

by Jax Garren

Her legs wrapped around his waist, and he carried her to the bed. Slowly, oh so slowly, she slid down his body. He dug his hands into her hair, reveling in the way each soft strand felt against his fingers. Her cheek brushed his as her lips moved to his ear, and she whispered, her voice throaty and lovely and making every bit of him tingle, “And I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised what I can do with mine. Sometimes practice really does make perfect.”

  He moaned at the image that conjured. But something was wrong. She’d pulled away. He opened his eyes—he hadn’t realized he’d closed them—and found her watching him with widened eyes, her tongue just touching her top lip.

  Oh, she’d mentioned her past. And unlike all the bold fuck-you proclamations of the past, this time she was letting herself be vulnerable enough to care what he thought. He cupped her jaw and looked her in the eye with unwavering focus. “Emma, I love you—all of you. I love you for your past, that you survived and made tough choices and learned and flourished. I love the woman you are now, with your steady calm and your sense of humor and your willingness to keep trying no matter what. I love all of you.”

  Her smile seemed fragile in its honest warmth, without a trace of bravado. But it was real, and it was for him. “I love you too, Javi, for what you’ve accomplished in the past and what you’re doing now. But I gotta admit, I think what I love best about us is what we’re going to become. And I’m going to enjoy every moment of that journey with you.”

  Before he could come up with something kind to say in return, she shoved him onto the bed and put her hands on him. And then words didn’t matter anymore because, together, they were enough.

  * * *

  Hi! Jax here. I hope you enjoyed Immortal Rage. If so, I’d really appreciate a review! Good reviews help authors sell books so we can keep writing.

  Want to join my mailing list and receive two free novellas, including Immortal Redeemed (Sofia and Alex’s story)? Click here.

  The next novel in the Austin Immortals, Immortal Fire, will tell the demon summoner Elvira’s story with a special crossover from my Godstones series. Also coming for the 2019 holidays, check out the novella Her Christmas Elf, a sweet, feel-good read set in the same world as the Austin Immortals.

  Vampire Lineage

  Queen Modron (muh-DRONE)

  - Silures (modern Wales); turned in 32CE at age 16

  Note: The queen’s fledglings are numbered by their turning order. For example, Modron turned three vampires between Winnie (2) and Cash (6), but since they aren’t mentioned in the book, I didn’t clutter up the list with them.

  1. Alaric (ALL-uh-rick)

  - Visigoth (modern Spain); 445CE at age 29

  - Unknown number of fledglings

  Four generations later…

  Joseph Crackin

  - Mexico (modern-day Texas), 1834CE at age 37

  Fledglings include:

  Emmaline Granger

  - Republic of Texas, 1837CE at age 22

  1 fledgling:

  Javier Reyes

  - Austin, Texas, about a week ago, at age 28

  2. Galswinth “Winnie” (GAL-swinth)

  - Visigoth (Spain); 447CE at age 18

  - married to Nikolai Vyhovsky

  Fledglings include:

  Nikolai “Kolyan” Vyhovsky (NICK-oh-lie COAL-yun vee-HOV-skee)

  - Cossack (Ukraine); 1659CE at age 30

  - Nikolai is claimed as a fledgling of Modron, though he was actually turned by Winnie… against Modron’s wishes. That’s a story for another day, though.

  6. Cassius “Cash” Geirson (CASH-us GARE-sun)

  - Norseman (Norway); 863CE at age 26 (uncertain)

  No fledglings

  11. Demetrios Tzykandyles (not seen in the book)

  - Greece, 1347CE at age 39

  Fledglings include:

  Ramón Triquell (rah-MOAN TREE-kill)

  - Republic of Florence (Italy), 1490CE at age 32

  - Not a member of CoVIn

  Fledglings include:

  Charles Travert

  - France, 1732CE at age 35

  No fledglings

  Also by Jax Garren

  Austin Immortals Series

  Immortal Longing (Vince Pagano and Charlie Travert)

  Immortal Redeemed (Alex Moreau and Sofia Velasquez) a between the books novella

  Immortal Rage (Javier Reyes and Emma Wharton)

  Immortal Fire (Elvira and ?) Coming spring/summer 2020

  Immortal Warrior (Cash Geirson and ?) Coming fall 2020

  More to come!

  Romancing the Fae

  Her Christmas Elf (November 2019)

  To Catch a Siren (February 2020)

  Godstones Series

  Found Magic

  Death Magic

  Owl’s Cry (novella)

  Sung Magic (coming January 2020)

  Old Magic (coming winter 2020)

  New Magic (coming spring 2020)

  Tales of the Underlight

  How Beauty Met the Beast

  How Beauty Saved the Beast

  How Beauty Loved the Beast




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