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Under the Sheets

Page 2

by Jamie Knight

  I laugh at myself when I realize I have been walking in circles outside the office for 20 minutes. My lunch is almost over.

  I hurry back inside to the break room, where I quickly buy a bag of chips and a soda. I eat them as fast as I can before going back to my desk to work. Mark's office is empty, so I assume he's out to lunch as well.

  I'm a little disappointed but I just shrug a little and tell myself to pay attention. I remind myself of my resolution. I need to work as hard as I can to make it happen. I look around my desk at what needs to be done.

  Now that the travel arrangements have been made, I can concentrate on the normal office work. It's a lot of typing and filing, as several cases have been completed and their paperwork needs to be put away. This kind of work involves details, so I'm thankfully distracted from any further thoughts about Mark for the rest of the day.

  By the time it's five o’clock in the evening, I'm finishing up with the last case. I'm proud of myself for having stayed focused for so long. Not only that, I knocked out all my work for the day.

  I switch off my computer and grab my purse. My excitement returns as I realize I can go home and pack for my trip. I'm so excited that I hurry out of the office without bothering to see if my boss already left.

  "That's okay. I'll see him tomorrow," I remind myself as I get in my car and drive off.

  I'm in such a happy mood as I make my way home, just knowing that good things are coming to me at work… as long as I can resist the urge to flirt with my boss too much!

  Chapter 4


  I know it must be five o’clock because I can hear everyone leaving the office. I would like to watch Lisa walk out - I can’t resist staring at that plump ass of hers as it leaves - but I have way too many things to get done in way too short an amount of time.

  I look over the copies of our travel arrangements. She had organized them into a file and left them on my desk. That was very sweet of her, not to mention professional.

  It's becoming increasingly obvious that there is no one more suited to work with me on the Ozark project than her. I wonder if she realizes what a huge opportunity this could be for both of our careers?

  I finish reading through her file and stick it in my briefcase. Then I sigh and stretch before pacing around the office some more. Looking at the planner on my desk makes me want to groan.

  The day was busier than usual. I feel worn out and exhausted. And I have another grueling day tomorrow.

  There’s going to be a long and tedious meeting. I hate those. They take up so much of the day and half the time I feel like we never really accomplish anything with them anyways. Still, it's not something I can get out of, so I'm stuck with it no matter what.

  I gather my things from the office and leave for the gym. Exercise usually helps me clear my mind, which I really need after today. Sometimes I don't know how I am able to make it through days like this. Working out is my only break or release from the stresses of the office world.

  Everyone has their own thing, and this is mine. I can't wait to get in there and take out all this anxiety and frustration I’m feeling right now. There are still several things left to follow up on later. Not to mention the pile of work left to do to prepare for tomorrow's meeting.

  Looks like I'll have a busy night at the home office as well.

  I walk from our offices to the gym located on one of the other floors in the building. It's empty because everyone has gone home for the day, and I’m glad for that. I like to have my peace and quiet while I work out, especially after dealing with a lot of people all day.

  I change into my workout gear and play my music as loud as I can. No one is around for me to bother being quiet for. I get through about 30 minutes of my normal routine, but I have to stop.

  I don't know what's wrong with me, but something about this feels off. Like my mind is somewhere else right now. I shouldn't be acting that way, but I am.

  I'm pissed that instead of relaxing or thinking about work, I’m still thinking about traveling with Lisa. I remind myself that I can't get involved with her, but I think these feelings that I have are too strong to fight.

  I wish they weren't, because I don't want to get into trouble or make any mistakes where she is concerned. I also don't want anything to happen to her, either. That would be a huge disaster.

  I hope I can convince myself not to try anything, but I know it's going to be impossible. When I want something, I go after it. But that's not always a good quality to have under some circumstances, including this one. I hate being this obsessive.

  I turn off my music in frustration and stomp moodily to the showers. If I don't do something about this, I won't be able to think clearly.

  I let the warm steamy water wash over me. It's not good enough. I take my hard cock in my hand and start to stroke it.

  I imagine Lisa naked in my bed. We are sharing a room in the hotel. I can see her curvy ass and the pink folds of her pussy.

  She spreads her legs for me and lets me admire her entire gorgeous body. Then she gets down on her knees and starts to suck me off. I play with her nipples while she tongues the head of my cock and then lets her mouth travel the entire length of my shaft.

  Then I think of putting it all the way down her throat. Her innocent eyes would be looking up at me as I fucked her mouth.

  I wish she was here right now. I'd love to see her beautiful curves as I touch myself. I cum on my hands as I imagine shooting it down her throat.

  I wash up and quickly leave the building. The whole ride home I brood about how I was unable to stop myself from touching myself in the shower and thinking about Lisa even after admonishing myself for it.

  She's my employee, I should know better. I know how important the Ozark project is to us and the company. I don't have time to be fooling around like this.

  I don't understand why I can't stop myself from doing it, though. These thoughts and impulses that I keep having about her are forbidden, yet they keep happening. What is wrong with me?

  I usually have a lot more self-control that I’ve been showing. I can't possibly be having romantic feelings. I don't do romance, especially not when it involves business or money. That's just senseless.

  I continue arguing with myself about it the whole ride home. By the time I reach my house, I'm more tired than before. I need to shut out everything.

  I decide to just call it a night. I can wake up at dawn to prepare for the meeting. I walk upstairs to my room and collapse on the bed. Then I stare at my wall for a while before my eyes close and I pass out.

  My alarm rings early the next day, and sunrise finds me showered and sipping coffee in my office.

  I'm not really a breakfast person. I go over key notes that need to be brought up at the meeting and prepare possible responses for anticipated questions.

  I glance at my watch and realize it's time to get ready and head into the office. As I leave, I'm proud of myself for having kept my thoughts so pure all morning.

  I wonder if that will change when I see Lisa at the office. I hope not. Staying productive has helped me get a lot of work done before the workday has even started.

  As the boss, I need to maintain this level of professionalism to keep my reputation and image sharp. It would be a shame to lose that edge.

  I wouldn't want anything to happen to Lisa, either. I'm shocked that I find myself caring about bad things befalling someone else. I don't think I have ever done anything like that before. Usually I’m too busy thinking about myself, as sad as that is to admit.

  But there is something about Lisa that is changing me into both a worse and a better man. I just hope the better man can take over and save me -- and her -- from wherever these thoughts and desires might lead.

  Chapter 5


  I'm so excited throughout the whole drive home. I can't stop thinking about Chicago. This is a huge opportunity in more ways than one.

  I feel a little overwhelmed as I realize that
there are a number of things I need to get done to prepare myself for traveling. I park my car and hurry inside my apartment.

  Once I get there, Cocoa, my cocker spaniel, barks excitedly from her bed in the corner of the living room. She always brightens up my day, and today is no exception to that general rule, even though I’m a bit sad I’ll have to be apart from her for a little while.

  "Hey, girl!" I greet her happily.

  I put my purse and other stuff down on the counter. Then I scratch her ears softly. She wags her tail. I smile, then walk to my bedroom as she follows along behind me, wagging her tail excitedly.

  I change into my most comfortable pajamas to start packing my suitcase. This is going to be a long but fun process. Probably because I'm so excited about everything.

  I pull the suitcase out of my closet and start examining all the clothes hanging in there. I wish I had a better selection to choose from.

  Cocoa wanders into the room and lays on the floor watching me. I hold each outfit up in front of the mirror on the back of the door and shake my head yes or no at them.

  The ones I say ‘yes’ to, I set on the bed by the suitcase. I'll fold and pack them later.

  I know I shouldn't be so excited about this trip, but I can't help it. There is a small part of me that is hoping for more compliments on my appearance. That's why I'm taking so much time going through my wardrobe.

  I wish I had time to buy new clothes for the trip. But I barely had time to arrange for my sometimes dog walker, sometimes dog sitter, to come by and take Cocoa for me. I guess some priorities trump shopping.

  After sorting through everything, I put the ‘no’ pile of clothes back into the closet. I fold the other things so that they fit neatly into my suitcase. Then I duck into the bathroom and grab a few toiletries, like my toothbrush and shampoo.

  I close my suitcase and move it to the edge of the bed. With the packing completed, I go to my desk in the corner of the room. I turn on my computer and print out all the documents I'll need for the trip. Schedules, reservation information and such. I put them neatly in my carry-on, so I won’t lose them. Then I hang it over the back of my desk chair.

  Cocoa barks to get my attention. I look at the clock on my desk. I realize she is getting antsy because it's almost time for her walk.

  "Come on, girl," I coo, walking out of the room.

  She barks and follows me back to the living room. I grab her leash and sit on the couch to wait for the dog sitter to show up. I need to talk with her about the trip and everything, before she takes Cocoa for her walk.

  When she finally shows up, I make sure to let her know what’s going on. Cocoa barks happily about going outside. I know she will be taken care of while I am gone. I bid the dog walker goodnight as she leaves with Cocoa.

  After that, I help myself to a quick snack before I decide to go to sleep early. I'm going to need to be well-rested for work and the upcoming trip.

  As I get into bed, I realize I have been unable to stop myself from feeling giddy about the trip and about living in close quarters with Mark. Being alone with him in a strange environment? It's like one of my fantasies is coming true.

  I'll get to spend so much time with him, as well as hopefully see him in something other than a suit. Maybe he'll show off more of his body. Ooh, I like the sound of that idea.

  I can't stop myself from getting aroused. My hand slips under the covers and between my legs. I imagine that it's his fingers touching me. That he’s waking me up in the hotel room by playing with me. I would love the way that felt.

  I grind my mound against my hands. I wish so bad that it was him. I imagine how strong his body would feel as he pushed against me.

  I wonder if he would take my virginity if I asked him?

  I would love to lose it to someone as handsome as him. It would be like living in a movie, or a dream. I picture him doing just that. His muscled chest above me, as he thrusts in and out of me. Him exploring me for the first time. I cry out as I cum all over my hands.

  I wash up, then get back into bed. I feel more excited about what’s next, but also a little lonely and tired. It's difficult when you have feelings for someone, and you can't do anything about them.

  I know that being alone with him on this trip will be one of the toughest things that I have ever had to go through because of what I'm feeling right now. And I don’t even know if he feels this way about me too. If it would be a struggle for him to be alone on a trip with me and not do anything, or if it’s just business as usual for him.

  I sigh when I realize I am overthinking it. I need to just relax and sleep. This is just work, after all. Probably the biggest work-related project of either of our careers.

  Nothing can happen to jeopardize this, especially not anything that involves me following my silly thoughts and fantasies.

  I know that Mark would feel the same way since he is the boss. I would hate to be put in that position and risk losing such a high-paying place in the company.

  I fall asleep as I think about the praise I will receive if I do a good job. That could open a lot of doors for me career-wise and doing my utmost would be a smart move to make on my part.

  No matter how attracted I am to Mark, my job and financial success is more important, especially now in this world when so many are losing their jobs.

  I need to do everything I can to hang onto mine.

  Times are too scary to be without it.

  Chapter 6


  I can't believe we are finally on the plane. I'm so excited. I'm actually surprising myself with the depth of my feelings. I didn’t think I had it in me to feel this way about a woman.

  I turn around in my seat to look at the other passengers on the plane. I usually fly first-class, so this is nothing new to me. What is puzzling to me is why I am so excited.

  Is it because I am involved in something big?

  Or because I am flying alone with Lisa?

  I glance over at her.

  She has her headphones in and is relaxing to music. Her eyes are closed so I watch her for a few seconds. It's funny, being this close to her.

  For the first time in my life, I feel a little awkward. I'm usually so smooth around women. I don't know what's happening to me.

  What’s fucking gotten into me?

  I look away before she can open her eyes and catch me staring at her.

  When we arrive at the airport, she shows me all our important travel documents in her bag. I never noticed before, but she is always so organized and thoughtful. I have noticed, however, how hot she is, especially now, when she's wearing a low-cut blouse, short skirt and heels.

  I don’t think I have ever been this turned on or wanted to have sex with someone this badly. I don't know what has come over me. I can't let these feelings interfere with work, but I want her so bad it’s killing me. I don't know what to do.

  I look over at her again and resign myself to the fact that I just won't be able to stop myself. I want her and nothing I can do will change that. As I sit back in my seat and start to relax, I wonder how I can make this happen between us.

  Obviously, this trip presents the perfect opportunity, and I just have to casually bring the subject up to her. We have the meeting coming up, so we will need to discuss the project. There will be a lot of celebratory congratulations going around.

  I start to smile as it dawns on me that I can use that situation to my advantage. I plan it out in my head. After the meeting we can relax with dinner, maybe a few drinks. That should put us both in the mood and let us get swept up in our emotions.

  Lisa moves in her seat. I stare at her again. She appears to have fallen asleep with her headphones on. I can’t help but smile at how innocent she looks. I wish I could reach over and touch her now, but I must keep my lust under control until after the meeting.

  I tell myself that it is definitely going to be worth the wait. I watch her lips open slightly in her sleep. I have to look away so that I don't get even more tu
rned on than I already am.

  I open my briefcase and read all the notes and everything that we prepared for the big meeting. Lisa did a surprisingly great job of helping me. I need to be sure to mention that to corporate. She deserves some praise for all the effort she’s put in. The quality of her work is impressive; we are going to take everyone by surprise tomorrow. I think that’s what we are both hoping for.

  This would make an impressive mark on both of our careers. I think it's more than that, though - being here with her I get to live out one of my fantasies.

  If I’m being honest, I have to admit I have been thinking about her ever since she started working for me. I didn't notice her at first, but as time wore on, I started gravitating towards these little things about her. I don’t know how it’s only just hit me that subconsciously I have been paying attention to her all along.

  I usually don't take this much interest in any one woman. I prefer to play the field. It's easier to get through life without any attachments or baggage. That's actually pretty common in the business world. We want everything to run smoothly, including the personal aspects of our lives. I wonder what my friends would say if they knew I was thinking like this about a woman.

  I've never shown the slightest interest in wanting to settle down or get involved in a serious relationship. That's never been my style, so why am I starting to now? What's so special about this woman that is making me change things about myself?

  Maybe it’s the shape of her body, the color of her eyes. As she got more comfortable around the office her style of clothing changed. It's not inappropriate, but she definitely accentuates her full voluptuous figure now.

  I can’t believe I had actually made a few casual remarks about some of the outfits she has worn. But I couldn't help myself, because she looked so damned good that I had to say something. My comments clearly caught her off-guard, but I don't think she could tell that there was anything more behind them.


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