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Caleb (The Harlow Brothers Book 3)

Page 4

by Brie Paisley

  So, we decide to book a hotel room.

  We share a taxi on the way there, and my stomach is in knots, as we arrive. Normally, going to a hotel with a hot guy means one thing.


  But tonight, that’s the last thing from my mind. Okay, it might have crossed my mind one time. Maybe twice. Okay, three times, but it isn’t happening. Getting out of the taxi behind Caleb, I follow him to the lobby. It’s a cheap hotel on the north side of town, but it’s close enough that our taxi ride wasn’t high. He quickly books us a room for one night, and I quietly follow him again.

  As we reach our destination, I grab his wrist, stopping him. “Wait, Caleb.” Concern flashes in his brown eyes, and I know I have his attention. “I think we need to set some ground rules.” Having rules is a good thing, since it’ll help keep me in check. It’ll remind me that he’s completely and utterly off limits.

  He frowns, as if he’s confused, but recovers quickly. “Ground rules. Alright. I can agree to that.”

  “Okay.” Dropping his hand, I ignore the disappointment on his face. Is he upset I dropped his hand? Pushing down that thought, I say, “First things first. When we’re in there,” I say, as I point to our hotel door. “Nothing happens.” At his confused gaze, I quickly add, “Sexually, that is. No sex or anythin’ like that. We are comin’ here to hangout. As friends.” God, that last part makes me want to cringe.

  “Okay. Friends it is then.” He claims, but I feel as if there’s more he wants to say. When he doesn’t, I motion for him to unlock the door. He opens it wide enough for me to walk inside first, and I’m a bit surprised the room doesn’t look worse than I thought. There are two twin beds, a TV, a long dresser in front of a huge wall mirror, and a bathroom towards the back of the room. Turning around, as Caleb turns on the small table side lamps, I lean against the dresser. “While I’m thinkin’ about it,” he begins, as he sits down on one of the twin beds. “Mama is throwin’ me a sort of welcome home slash graduation party this weekend. Wanna come?”

  I’m shocked for a moment, but quickly pull it together. “I would love to, but I have to work the late shift this weekend.” It’s a lie, and I hate lying to him, but I can’t show my face at the Harlow’s ever again.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Shit. Seeing and hearing his disappointment, I try to explain, “Okay, see here’s the thing. You know Carter and I were tight?” With his nod, I continue, “We sort of had a fallin’ out, so I haven’t been around much. I don’t want things to be weird, so I think we should, you know, hangout just us and leave it between just us.”

  “Like a secret friendship, you mean?”

  I don’t know if he knows what really happened between Carter and I, and honestly, I don’t want to ask. So, instead of asking and clarifying what I mean, I say, “Yeah. That’s it exactly.”

  It only takes him a second to answer me. “Alright. What should we do now, secret pal?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I take a seat on one of the beds. “I don’t know.” Letting out a laugh, I add, “We should’ve planned this better.”

  Caleb smirks, as he sits down beside me. Reminding myself of our rules, I tell my heart to stop pounding in my chest. I also will my stomach to stop feeling as if it’s taking a dive, when he turns to me. “How about we play twenty-one questions?”

  “Okay. Can I start?” With his nod, I ask, “What’s your favorite band?”

  “Alright,” he says, while pushing up his glasses on his nose. “Startin’ off with the hard ones, huh?” Shaking my head, I try not to smile, but I fail miserably. He’s just so freaking handsome, when he jokes, or when he gazes at me with his brown eyes. Remember the rules! As he seems to think over the first question, I repeat our ground rules over and over again, like it’s my new mantra.

  But when he glances at me again, and our gazes lock, I already know these damn rules aren’t going to help me keep myself in line. He’s just too … everything. When we met up at the airport, how was I to know this connection, and this immediate attraction would be so hard to fight against? As Caleb finally answers me, I really don’t hear what he says. I know I should be listening, but all I can focus on are his lips.

  Fuck, I’m in deep shit here.

  Today has been the best.

  I have a strong relationship forming with Bethany, I got to meet Caden’s girl, Savannah, and I also watched my oldest brother propose to the love of his life. Normally, I would shy away, when Mama throws us a party, but since it was for me, I couldn’t exactly do that. Not to mention, Caden would’ve dragged me out, kicking and screaming, if I’d even tried.

  But I’m glad I didn’t resort to my old ways.

  Seeing the love in Carter’s eyes, as he asked Shelby to marry him, was something out of this world. For the longest time, Carter wasn’t the carefree guy he is now, but from what I’ve learned, he’s been the older version of himself, since Shelby came back into his life.

  Being away from home, had its disadvantages. Never the less, I’ve picked up on a lot without asking too many questions. I would have to say the biggest surprise is finding out Caden has it bad for his new girl. He wouldn’t stop talking about Savannah, when everyone was helping me set up my room in the basement last week. I find it interesting to see him acting this way, because he’s usually such a manwhore.

  And then, the strangest thing happened today. Caden asked me to use my set of skills to find out some information for him. It’s not a huge secret that I can use the dark web to my advantage, but it’s not something I do on a regular basis. I agreed reluctantly to help, because he seemed to really need this information, and Caden doesn’t ask me for help much. I’m not sure how I feel about him asking me to keep this hush, hush either. It feels wrong to lie, and I have a bad feeling about it.

  But he’s my brother, and I’ll do anything for the shit head.

  Placing the fake identity in my bag, I send a quick text to Bethany, and then head back upstairs. Knowing everyone has gone to meet up at Carter and Shelby’s home, I kiss Mama goodbye, telling her and Dad not to wait up.

  Just as I’m walking out the door, Bethany texts me back.

  Bet: Don’t forget. Tomorrow. Usual spot, just us.

  She has no idea how much I’m looking forward to that.

  Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I shut the truck door, walking towards the hotel room Bethany booked for us. This has been our thing lately, and while I wish she would be more open about our friendship, I understand her need for space. I’ve always been the loner out of my family, so I can’t fault her for wanting us to stay a secret.

  Honestly, I would do anything just to spend time with her. Since I’m still working up the courage to tell her how I really feel, what we’re doing now makes me one happy man.

  Opening the door, I grin, seeing she has already taken up residence on the bed, laptop in hand. If she only knew, what I think about seeing her, just hanging out like that. Most girls that I knew at MIT were always either too proper, or just too … not my type.

  Then again, Bethany has been the one for me for a very long time.

  “What’s the plan tonight?” She asks, as I unzip my bag.

  Pulling out the information Caden gave me yesterday, I turn around. “You’ll never guess what Caden asked me to do.” Her eyes light up, and she moves her laptop off her bare legs. Oh, fuck. I told myself, on the drive here, that I wouldn’t do this, but I can’t seem to help myself. Those tan legs call to me. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. My hand twitches, wishing I could walk over to her, place a hand on her calf, and then slowly slide it up. I know her skin would be like fine silk. It would be like—


  Shaking my head, I quickly pull my head out of my ass. “So, he’s seein’ this girl, and Savannah is her name. Anyway,” I say, giving her my back, hiding the flush on my face, and the hard on I’m starting to show. Grabbing my laptop, I place it down on the table. “I guess she’s adopted, and she’s here, tryin’ to
find her birth mom.”

  “What’s that got to do with you?” She asks, interest apparent in her voice.

  “Apparently, the documents Savannah has to find her mother are fake.”

  Before I realize it, Bethany is standing right beside me. “You’re shittin’ me. So, birth mom wanted to keep the adoption a secret.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I say, hoping she doesn’t hear how breathless I am.

  “I’m guessin’ Caden isn’t askin’ for a simple favor?”

  “You would be correct again. I need to find out who made the fake documents. But if I can’t …” Pausing for a moment, I suck in a deep breath, seeing the excitement in her eyes that make my heart begin to race. “He asked me to hack into the adoption agencies in Florida, and possibly, the hospitals, too.”

  She nods, and then completes what I was going to say. “You’re thinkin’ there is a record of her birth somewhere.”

  “If I can find the records of her birth—”

  “You can find out who her mother is. Even if she used a fake name, you can still follow the paper trail. Everyone leaves a trail behind.”

  Pushing my glasses up on the bridge of my nose, I grin, thinking this girl gets me, unlike anyone else. Glancing at her, I swallow hard, wishing I had the courage to lean down and take those plump lips for my own. “Hey, Bet?”

  My heart thumps loudly in my ears, as I will myself to be a fucking man, and take what I want from her. “Yeah?” She asks, and I swear I hear a hitch in her voice.

  Sucking in a breath, I barely move an inch, when I see her lick her lips, as she glances to mine. Fuck, I want to kiss her, until we’re both panting and wanting more. “Want to help?” I ask instead, and then mentally kick myself. God, I’m such a fucking pussy.

  “Yeah. Sure,” she answers, and I wonder if that’s disappointment in her amber eyes, as she glances away from me. “Just tell me where you want me.” Her eyes widen, as she realizes what she just said, and I let out a small laugh. “I mean … What I meant was, just tell me what you want me to do. On this project that is.” Unable to help myself, I laugh, thankful the tension in the room is back to normal. Giving her a rundown of the plan I have, she goes to sit back down on the bed. “Anythin’ else good happen at your party?”

  “Actually, yeah. Carter proposed to Shelby.”

  “Oh, really?” Hearing the strange tone in her voice, I glance over to her. “I mean, that’s great. I’m sure they’re super happy.”

  Not thinking anything else about her statement, I take a spot beside her. Tonight, instead of twin beds, the hotel gave us a queen. I’m not upset at all about this either. I crave being close to Bethany any chance I can, but yet, being near her makes my heart beat like a drum, and my palms start to sweat.

  This is why I can’t tell her how I feel.

  I’m not even confident enough with my own emotions, staying in my head. How in the hell am I ever going to admit how much I care for her, if I can’t even be near her without freaking the fuck out?

  The next morning I wake up with a purpose.

  I’ve decided I need a little help in the lady department, and the only thing I know to do to remedy that, is to talk to my brothers. Well, one brother in particular. I’m in desperate need of help and advice, and I know Clark will give me something to go on. I would ask Caden, but the last thing I need is for him to bust my balls for being a shy, geek. Cason, well, Cas isn’t really into the ladies. At least, not that I’ve seen. I could also ask Carter as well, but knowing that he and Bethany had a bit of a falling out, it might make things weird. Even if I don’t know the full story of what happened, something is telling me to stick with my first choice.

  Rolling out of bed, I quickly put on my glasses and find some clothes. Once I finish getting ready for the day, I make my way upstairs for our family breakfast. No matter how old we’ve gotten, Mama always cooks breakfast for us. Even when I was off at MIT, I know the tradition stuck around. So, it doesn’t surprise me to see Carter, Shelby, Cason, Clark, and Caden, sitting around the huge kitchen table. To be honest, I’m more surprised Caden’s girl isn’t here, but I’m sure she’ll be added to our bunch sooner or later.

  Taking my seat by Clark, I quickly fix my plate, before all the good biscuits are gone. One would think my brothers are hungry savages, when it comes to food.

  “Oops baby, what’s crackin’?”

  Clenching my jaw, I remind myself to let it go. “Caden,” Mama warns.

  “What? Why am I always gettin’ in trouble?”

  “Because you don’t know when to shut up,” Cason answers.

  “I just want to know what’s goin’ on with my baby bro. Somethin’ wrong with that?”

  Everyone chooses to ignore Caden, because this is just another typical day with him. “I decided to apply for some out of state jobs,” I claim, and everyone stops mid chew, staring at me. “What?”

  “That’s great, honey,” Mama praises, but I don’t miss the sadness in her voice.

  “It’s just applyin’ for now. I’m still lookin’ for somethin’ in town, but there’s not many jobs here for my degree.”

  “You could always start up your own gig,” Carter suggests.

  “I can help with the numbers,” Shelby adds.

  Since she’s an accountant, she would be amazing with helping me. I’ve thought about it too, but I don’t have the financial support to start from the ground up. Nodding, I duck my head, not liking the fact that the whole family is staring at me. “I’m still lookin’. Nothin’ for sure yet.”

  “Either way,” Mama starts. “We’re very proud of you, Caleb.” Seeing Dad’s nod as well, I feel a bit better about telling them I’ve had no choice, but to look elsewhere for work. As much as I love my family, I have to find my place in the world, too. Carter has his law degree, Cas has his gym, Caden has his badge, and Clark has the military.

  Me? I’ve got nothing, but a fancy degree with a lot of smarts.

  After my not so happy news, everyone goes back to eating, and once we’re finished, my brothers and I clean up the kitchen, as Dad supervises. Shelby and Mama sit in the living room, going over wedding stuff. Needless to say, Mama is very happy to plan a big wedding. I don’t think I’ve seen her so happy to plan out an event before, and that’s saying something, because Mama loves to throw parties.

  Once we’re finished cleaning up, Cason and Caden announce they’re heading out. Carter and Dad walk with them towards the door, after they’ve said goodbye to us, and before Clark gets a chance to duck out, I make my way over to him by the kitchen counter. “Hey, Clark?” With his eyebrow raised, I ask, “Can I talk to you down in my room?”

  “What’s up, kid?”

  Trying not to get irritated at being called a kid, I whisper, “I just want to ask you about a few … private things.”

  Feeling my face flush, I know I’m beet red. Clark smirks, and I hope he gets what I’m saying, but not really saying. “Alright. Lead the way.”

  Quickly making sure Mama, Dad, Carter, and Shelby are still in deep with wedding planning, I head down into the basement. Clark follows close behind, and I have to remind myself to keep my nerves in line. Fuck, why is sex so nerve racking? Why can’t I be more like Caden? Or hell, even like Carter? Both were smooth with the ladies from what I remember, especially Caden. Even when I was still in high school, he always had a different lady on his arm. I have a feeling Savannah is going to change all that, if she hasn’t already.

  Once we’re down in my room, Clark takes a seat on the futon by the far wall, and I begin to pace, as my nerves crank up. “Did you do somethin’ illegal?”

  “What? No, Clark.”

  “Alright. So, what gives? You’re actin’ like someone is gonna get you and bite you on the ass.”

  Rolling my eyes, I wish my brothers understood me better. Yes, I’m the nerd with the smarts, but underneath all that, I’m just a simple, shy guy, who needs time to get shit out right. “I’m not in any kind of trouble.�
� He stays silent, as I get my thoughts in order, and I want to thank him for it, but instead of thanking him, I blurt out, “I need to know how to talk to a girl. Well, woman. A girl I like, I mean.”

  “Didn’t Mama or Dad already have the talk with you?” He says, air quoting around the talk.

  “Yeah, they did, Clark. But that isn’t what I meant. I know the mechanics of … sex.” Pushing out a breath, I run a hand through my hair, as I use the other to push up my glasses. “I just need some … help, ya know? Like how to talk to her, or how to be … I don’t know smoother or more romantic?”

  Clark chuckles, and I shake my head, thinking this was a mistake. Maybe, I should’ve Googled how to talk to girls or Youtubed it. “I want to ask you somethin’, but I don’t want you to get upset, when I do.” Frowning, I stop pacing and stare at my brother. “Are you a virgin?”

  Going with my first instinct, I blurt out, “What? No. Why would you ask?” But when Clark just blankly stares at me, I admit, “Okay, fine. Yes, I’m a virgin. Happy now?”

  God, this is beyond embarrassing. My whole body feels hot, and I already know I’m blushing, like a girl. “Don’t be embarrassed. We’ve all been through the awkward stage,” he explains, like it’s supposed to make me feel better.

  “I’m sure you lost your virginity well before your twenties,” I deadpan.

  “True, but then again, I’ve heard it’s more special, when you wait for the one, or some shit like that.” Standing still, I stare at him, like he’s grown two heads. He holds up his hands, saying, “I know, I know. Could be a bunch of bullshit, but then again, it could all be true.” Resting my hands on my hips, I sigh deeply, wishing I didn’t have to ask these sort of things. My pride wouldn’t have already left the building, if I’d only had some sort of experience. “I get you’re shy,” Clark continues. “I know you’ve always put your brain before your cock,” he says, smiling, as I turn red. Again. “The thing is, Caleb. That’s what makes you special. You’re smart as hell, so don’t let that deter you from goin’ after the girl you want. If you want her, tell her. Honesty, in my opinion, is the only way to go about it.”


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