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Caleb (The Harlow Brothers Book 3)

Page 8

by Brie Paisley

  Caleb makes me want to tear down all my walls that protect my fragile heart.

  He might be the only one I would ever trust enough to do that with.

  Hearing the door chime, I sigh, giving my drawing one last glance, before turning to the customer. Not looking towards the counter, I ask, “What can I do for you?”

  “Do you have any openings for a matching tattoo for us?”

  Lifting my gaze, I stop where I am. “Uh, yeah. I’m the only one here, so I can help y’all out.” I quickly drop my gaze down, acting like I have something to do at the front counter, as Shelby stares at me. I’m assuming the other woman with her is Savannah. Now, that they are side by side, I can see the resemblance. “Do either of you know what you want to get?” I hope I sound cool and professional, because my heart is going to beat right the hell out of my chest. Having no choice, I glance back up, seeing Shelby pull out her phone, as Savannah explains what they want to get. This is too weird, seeing her here, knowing I fucked up so bad.

  Fate has to be one cruel bitch to do this to me.

  After getting a general idea of what they want, I tell them to give me a bit to draw up something for them. They opt to hangout in the waiting area, as I work. Quickly getting to it, I grab everything I need to sketch out their matching tattoos. They want a simple flower, with the stem flowing into words. It seems easy enough, but I feel the pressure building, knowing I need to do a good job. Not only is my ex best friends fiancé here, I feel as if I owe this to her. Yeah, it’s not that big of a deal, and I need to do so much more to make it up to them both, but this I can do with ease. Hopefully.

  Confident in my work, I stand, letting them know I’m finished. Showing them the simple, yet elegant drawing, I hold my breath, as I wait for them to tell me what they think. To my surprise, Shelby says, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Savvy?”

  Letting out a sigh, I nod, as Savannah agrees. After they finish up the necessary paperwork, I say, “Okay, great. So, y’all can come around the counter, and I’ll get both of you set up in the green room.” As they nod, I wait for them to walk around the counter, and then I lead them to the vacant room. Pushing open the door, I turn on the lights, and then start setting up the ink machine. I use this room mainly because I don’t feel comfortable using Theo’s room. Plus, I’m hoping this will be my room officially one day. It already has everything I like and use, when I’m able to tattoo. Once I have everything set up the way I like, I turn around to say, “Whoever wants to go first, can hop up on the table.” Grabbing my phone, I hook it up to the Bluetooth, getting my favorite playlist going. I like having music play during a session, as it helps me focus. After putting on some black gloves, Savannah decides to go first. After she gets comfortable, I ask, “Where would you like it?”

  “My foot is good,” she answers, and I grab the solution to clean her skin off.

  Once I place the blue layout of the tattoo how she wants it on her foot, “Like a Stone” by Audioslave plays, as I get in a good position to start tattooing. Tattoo machine in hand, I hover just over the line, before asking, “Ready?” With her nod, I start. Since neither of them said what colors they preferred, I decide to do a watercolor effect.

  As I work, Savannah and Shelby talk amongst themselves. Every few moments, I wipe the ink off, making sure I’m doing what I need to be. I also catch some of their conversation, and my heart aches, as I learn how well the wedding planning is coming along. I hear all about how excited everyone is, and how ready Shelby and Carter are to tie the knot. I hope my face isn’t showing how much it hurts to know I can’t be a part of that. Not because I want Carter. No, I’m pretty sure that ship has long sailed.

  I just want to be there for my friend. Well, ex friend I should say.

  Pushing these depressing thoughts out of my mind, I let the music playing fill my mind instead. It doesn’t take long at all for me to get the first tattoo finished, and once I’m done, I lean back, admiring my work. Wiping off the extra ink, I ask, “What do you think?”

  “It’s amazing. I love it. Thank you so much.” Not knowing what to say, I nod. After putting some ointment on her foot, I wrap it up. Once that’s finished, I clean up, and repeat the process on Shelby.

  Again, I do exactly as I did with Savannah, only I will my nerves to settle. Maybe, it’s because I know she most likely hates my guts, but I can’t seem to focus and blank my mind, like I did with Savannah. Maybe, it’s because I have so much to atone for. Whatever the reason, it takes me a bit longer to finish Shelby’s tattoo. I’m grateful that neither one of them tried very hard to start a conversation with me. I wouldn’t have a clue on what to say anyway.

  Finally finishing Shelby’s tattoo, Savannah announces she needs to pee. Telling her where to go, I get the aftercare started. Once I wrap up Shelby’s tattoo, I roll back my chair and start to clean up again. Knowing her and I are alone, I try to work up the courage to say something. Hearing her get off the table, I quickly turn around. “I’m sorry,” I blurt loudly.

  She stops, staring right at me, as if she’s waiting for something. Taking my chance, I lower my voice, as I say, “I’m truly sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you or Carter.” Dropping my gaze, I utter, “I don’t want you to forgive me, because I don’t deserve it. I just wanted you to know that I am sorry for bein’ such a bitch. Neither one of you deserved that, and I know there’s nothin’ I can do to fix it. I just … I’m sorry.” Not knowing what else to say, I glance up, hoping she at least knows I am regretful. She may never accept my apology, but at least I know I offered it, and I know I’ve tried to fix things.

  “Thank you,” she says, and then gets off the table to grab her purse. “How much do we owe you?”

  “Your money is no good here.” As she starts to protest, I hold up a hand to stop her. “It’s the least I can do. I owe you a lot more than a free tattoo, but I doubt I’ll ever get a chance to, so your tattoo is free. Think of it as an engagement present or somethin’.”

  “I don’t feel right about not payin’ you.”

  Shrugging, I state, “It’s really alright.” Hearing the door chime again with someone walking in, I stand, knowing I have to go back up front. Stopping once I’m at the door, I turn back towards Shelby. “I’m really happy for you and Carter. Y’all are perfect for one another, and I know your weddin’ will be absolutely gorgeous.” With her small smile, I turn, making my way to the guy, waiting at the counter.

  Shelby may not believe me, when I say I’m sorry about all that I’ve done, but maybe one day, she’ll forgive me. Maybe, after the wedding. Maybe, after they have kids. Or maybe, I’ll always be the one that almost cost my best friend the love of his life.

  One week later

  Parking my truck in the driveway, I quickly jump out, making my way towards the door. Excited nerves fill me, as I ring the doorbell, hoping Bethany answers fast. I have a nice little afternoon planned, and I can’t wait to see her. This week has been a bit of a change for us, since she’s been pulling double shifts at the shop. So, I hope she likes the surprise I have planned.

  When the front door finally opens, I’m a bit surprised to actually see Bethany’s mom. “Oh, hey there. Can I help you?”

  Okay, this is weird. I met Carol once before, but it was a while back, so maybe, she doesn’t remember? “I’m Caleb Harlow, ma’am. I’m here to see Bethany.”

  Feeling out of place, she nods, glancing at her phone, as she says, “Oh sure, sure. I think she’s here. You’re welcome to go upstairs and see.” Wow, is all I can think, because she has no idea, if Bethany is even home or not. “I have to run. Dan is waitin’ for me.” Stepping out of the way, I shake my head, thinking what a bitch. It’s obvious all she’s worried about is her boyfriend. Now, I understand why Bethany doesn’t talk about her much.

  Walking inside, I shut the door behind me, and then make my way up to Bethany’s room. I take the stairs two at a time, because I’ve missed my girl for one. Another reason is because I’m ready
to take her to the lake. Stopping as I reach her room, I instantly see her, sitting on her bed, sketch pad in hand. For a while, all I can do is watch her, as she draws. Using the door frame, as my prop, I cross my arms, taking in the sight of her. She’s unbelievably beautiful. Her long, blonde hair has streaks of purple today, and it’s piled on the top of her head. Her eyebrows are drawn in close, as if she’s in deep thought, and my heart pounds, seeing her wearing one of the muscle shirts I left over here last week. Seeing the colorful tattoo on her arm, it reminds me to take my time with her other tattoos later. With my tongue, that is. My need for her is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, but it doesn’t surprise me, like it did before.

  The more I’m around her, the stronger my need grows, and I highly doubt that’ll ever change.

  Smirking, as she chews on the end of her pencil, I walk into her room. “Hey, Bet.”

  Her gaze immediately jerks up, and her smile literally makes my heart skip a beat. Damn. That right there is what every man should be after in his life, and now that I’ve experienced it, I want it again. I want to see her smile like that for the rest of my life. “Caleb, what are you doin’ here? I thought we were meetin’ up later tonight?”

  “I couldn’t wait that long,” I confess.

  She grins, as she looks away. “I missed you, too,” she says softly.

  Fuck, that feels amazing to hear. Ever since I admitted how I felt, Bethany has been acting differently, when things get to real between us. So, hearing she missed me, makes me one happy man. “Good. Now, grab your swim suit, because I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise?” She asks, curiosity laced in her voice. “What kind of surprise?”

  Rolling my eyes, I deadpan, “If I told you, then it wouldn’t be much of a surprise. Come on. We’re losing daylight.”

  “Alright, alright,” she says, as she gets off the bed, walking over to her dresser. Once she has her bathing suit, she asks, “Do I need to bring anythin’ else?”

  Grabbing her hand, I bring it to my lips. “Nope. I’ve got everythin’ else covered. All I need is you, Bet.” She blushes, and shows me that smile I crave to see every second of the day. After she changes quickly in the bathroom, I take her hand once more. Feeling as if I’m on cloud nine, I lead her out of her house.

  I can’t wait to get to the lake and spend the rest of the night with her.

  “You did all this, just for me?”

  Glancing up at Bethany, I wave at her, tempting her to join me on the blanket. Once she sits beside me, I pull her in close. “It’s not much, but I figured a change in scenery would be good. Plus, it’s nice out, and I wanted to do somethin’ … romantic for you.” Sure, cheeseburger happy meals might not be very romantic, but hey, I tried. I never said I was good at this kind of stuff.

  “It’s just … you didn’t have to do any of this.”

  “Hey.” Using my fingers, I tilt her head, making her look at me. “You know there isn’t anythin’ I wouldn’t do for you, right? You name it, and I’m on it. No questions asked.”

  “I know,” she says with a sigh, and I get the feeling she has more to say. Giving her a moment, I just hold her gaze, hoping she knows she can tell me anything. “I have a really hard time trustin’ people. Or openin’ up to them. I want to be different with you, Caleb. And I’m tryin’ really hard, but it’s just … I just don’t get why you want to do these sweet and nice things for me.”

  She tries to break our gaze, but I hold firm, as I claim, “You know exactly why I want to do all this and more for you. I don’t know why you can’t trust or open up easily, but I want you to know, you can trust me. I’m always goin’ to be here, even if you decide you don’t want me around.” Cupping her cheek, I say, “Let yourself accept this, Bet.”

  Her voice sounds breathless, as she says, “I want to. I really do, but I’m scared. I’m terrified you’re goin’ to wake up one day, and realize that I’m not the girl you want. I’m scared to death of lettin’ myself fall in love with you, because if I don’t let you in, then you won’t hurt me.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” I start, leaning back, so I can fully see her. Holding up my right hand, I hold up my pinkie finger. “I pinkie promise that you can always count on me, Bethany. I swear I’ll never hurt you or leave you. I promise to love you with all that I am, and fuck, even more than that. I swear that if you let me in, I’ll treat your heart with so much care, that you’ll never have to worry about it again.” Wiggling my pinkie, I ask, “What do you say, Bet?”

  Waiting for her to decide on what to do, seems to take forever. The longer we sit here, with my damn hand up, the more I worry that I’ve blown it. I worry that I’ve gone and scared her off, and it’ll take a miracle to get her back. Relief rushes through me, as she raises her hand, taking her pinkie, and wraps it around mine. “I trust you, Caleb.”

  Letting out a rush of air, I smile widely. “Good. This is good.” Pulling her against me once more, I say, “How about we eat these cheeseburgers now.” She laughs, leaning over to grab us our happy meals. We eat in silence for a bit, just enjoying the afternoon together. Usually, it’s hot this time of the year. Mid-summer is always the hottest time here, but there are rare times, like today, that the heat chills down. Taking the last bite of my cheeseburger, I think about how Bethany’s mom just up and left earlier. It makes me curious, if that’s why Bethany doesn’t open up to anyone. “Can I ask you somethin’, Bet?”

  “Of course. You can ask me anythin’.”

  A sudden urge to know everything there is to know about her comes over me, but I tell myself to tread carefully. “When I came by your house to pick you up, I saw your mom.”

  She sighs, as she says, “Let me guess. She didn’t know who you were, and she left like the house was on fire?”

  “Uh, yeah. She did actually. Does she do that a lot? I mean, shit, she didn’t even know if you were there or not.”

  “That’s nothin’ new,” she says, and I frown, hearing the sadness in her voice. “My mom changed after my dad cheated on her. She just … she was never the same. For a while, I thought she was just depressed, or just really upset. For a long time, she was just a ghost in the house, and then after the divorce was final, she did a complete one-eighty. All of a sudden, she has men lined up left and right to take her out to dinner or taking her out of town. Her newest boy toy likes to take her to Vegas a lot. I mean,” she stops, and I hold her tighter, hoping my comfort is enough to keep her going. “My mom and I used to be so close, and then everythin’ just changed. I want to blame it all on my dad, but I really can’t. Yeah, he’s up and gone and replaced me with a pretty new family, but she’s just as bad. So, not only is my mom so selfish she doesn’t even care about me, but my dad just forgot I even exist.”

  “I’m sorry, Bet. I wish there was more I could say to make things better. I wish your family wasn’t such assholes, too.” If I could, I would take all her pain and sadness away. I would do anything to make her not feel like she doesn’t have anyone in her corner.

  Letting her go, as she leans up, my chest clenches, as she wipes her cheek. “It’s pathetic I still care. I’m so used to being alone in that house, so I’m not sure why I’m gettin’ so upset about it.”

  “You wish they were there for you,” I utter softly.

  A few moments pass, and just when I think she’s done opening up, she says, “Yeah. I do wish they were there for me, like your family. I remember the day Carter introduced me to everyone. I’m pretty sure it was Thanksgiving. That was so hard for me, because that was the first year neither one of my parents wanted to do anything with me. Mom made plans and didn’t bother to tell me goodbye, and Dad just ignored my phone calls completely. So, when I started coming over to hang out with Carter, Caden, and Cason, I thought,” her voice breaks, and I reach over, pulling her to me.

  “You can still have that, Bethany. You can still be a part of my family, with me.”

  She shakes her head against my chest, as sh
e claims, “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Gazing down at her, I start to argue that point, but instead, she gets up. “I say we go for a swim,” she declares, taking off my shirt I gave her. With wide eyes, I swallow hard, seeing her standing in front of me in a bikini. “What do you say, Caleb? Wanna go swimmin’?” Her short shorts come off next, and for the life of me, I can’t remember what the hell we were just talking about.

  My mouth suddenly waters, wanting a taste of her, but before I can utter a single word, she grins widely, and then runs, jumping right into the lake. “Well, that’s one way to end a conversation,” I say to myself. Shaking my head, as Bethany pops up from under the water, I stand, and then take off my shirt.

  “Come on in! The water feels great,” she yells. Kicking off my flip flops, I take my glasses off, laying them down on my shirt. Once they’re off, I have to squint to see, but it beats losing my only pair in the lake. Walking over to the dock, I make my way to the end. Sitting down, I let my feet hang in the water. “What are you doin? Afraid to get wet?” Smirking, I gaze at the beautiful woman, swimming in front of me. She’s like a sea goddess, and I can’t seem to glance away. She holds me captive, completely unaware of how strong of a hold she has on me. “Are you just goin’ to sit there and stare at me all day, or are you goin’ to join me?”

  Lost in my thoughts, her question doesn’t fully register, until she splashes me in the face. Wiping off the water, I declare, “Oh, now you’re gonna get it.” Before she can swim away, I jump up and dive in. Coming up quickly for air, I hear her squeal, as she tries to get away. Grabbing her by the leg, I pull her to me. We’re both laughing, as she tries to escape my grasp, but my hold is strong.

  I’ll never let her go.

  Finally, she gives up and wraps her arms around my neck, as those long legs grip me around my waist. It feels amazing having her so close, and I have to will my cock to go down. It’s hard to control myself around her. “Hey, you.”


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